Your Guardian Angel

Eunmi's pov



what had happened to her, she doesn't look fierce anymore, her eyes were really puffy like she had cried so much

"Yah, Kim Eunmi, what are doing to her?"

"get off her!" then Sulli pushed me away

"hey, I didn't do anything to her, I, I just see her crying and I was just--"

"what now? trying to look innocent. you know that you are the reason why she is crying and now you want to look that you are a good person, trying to comfort her"  I didn't respond to Sulli, I really haven't done anything.

"are you happy now?" I looked at Jieun confusedly, she stopped hushing Soojung, and walked nearer to me. "Seeing her in that condition? Are you happy now!"

"Jieun~ah" Soojung said, she's now standing and looking at me, " stop that, if oppa really likes her, the--," she was not yet finished with what she is saying but she break into tears again, 

" Soojung-ah!" Sulli ran to her, but Soojung abruptly stand and ran away. Sulli ran after her. I looked at Jieun, who was still in front of me.

"Are you satisfied now? You just ruin a good relationship." then she went and follow the two.

"what had just happened? me ruining a relationship? did she mean that, Soojung and Zelo are?" .... I felt my chest tightening, I can hardly breath, and  felt tears flowing down from my eyes.


when I finally get my strength back, I went home and go directly towards my room, luckily my parents were not in the house. I didn't want to cry cause it's bad for me, but tears just kept flowing. 

the morning after, i still go to school even though I am not feeling well. I don't want to think of anything anymore. 

" Eunmi-shi!" I was startled when somebody called me, I turned around and see Soojung. Aish of all people, why her?

" waeyo?" 

"can we talk for a while?" I look into her and see that she's sad, she's not angry, maybe she wont hurt me, maybe she just wanted to talk so I go with her. We go to a place where there are no students.

I wait for what will she said, actually, I expect her to shout  at me, but

"Eunmi-shi," she grabbed my hands, I look into her, " me get back Zelo oppa." 

I was puzzled, what is this now

"you see us fight yesterday didn't you?"

ow shoot, she sees me yesterday, i just nodded

" I really wanted to yell at you that time, but I know that oppa will just get angrier at me so I stop myself, then when you saw me crying, I see you worrying, and i thought that you were really a kind person. I'm sorry if I hurt you the first time we met. I was just like that. But now, I'm begging you please, I cant live without oppa..."

"okay, i see that you were really hurt, but i really didn't understand anything. can you please explain? Are you and Zelo in a --?

"relationship? yes. were dating. Secretly."


"yeah, it just started a few weeks ago, I'm really his fan, and I was the happiest girl when he ask me out, we didn't announce it till now cause, I'm afraid that many students will try to bully me" wait I thought she was the bully here?

"I know, I am not a good student , and maybe you heard that I'm a bully, but, I just fought back. and besides, their fangirls was a huge number, what if they attack me all together, i cant fight them back."

"but I'm not a bully. I wont attack you, but why are telling me to help you ? i mean what this had to do with me?" 

"I know that we fight because of me, i easilly got jealous of someone. And having seen you always near him makes me really jealous. And that was what we fought about, you."

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"talk to him, he gets mad at me from being jealous on his good friend. He wouldnt talk to me, I just want to say sorry. can you please tell him to talk to me?"

"you want me tell him that? " she nodded

"yeah, and maybe I'm going overboard but can you stay away from him, I know its hard, but just keep a distance."

this girl, I can tell zelo to talk to her, but staying away from zelo?! .

"please" her eyes says she's really sincere. Aish, I dont want to ignore Zelo, but seeing Soojung in that state, I can't think of what to do, she's still begging me. "please" even though its hard and I really don't want to do it, I just nodded to her.

I was surprised when she hugged me.

"thank you!"

"i hope you two clear things out" I just said


Soojung pov


"please" I give my best to act pitiful and I get what  I wanted, she nodded. I hugged her.

"Thank you!" 

"i hope you two clear things out" she said

yes. we will clear things up, and you are the first that i'm going to clear off away from oppa... i smiled an evil smile. tsk. this girl girl is so damn innocent, so kind, ugh its irritating. 

I let go and she goes to her class now.


at lunch I was surprised when Zelo oppa called me

"Soojung!" anger was plastered on his face, 

"ne, oppa?" I cutely replied

"what the hell did you say now to Eunmi?"  

"what did she tell you"

"that you want to talk, can you please stop bothering her!"

"I already told you, I would stop bothering her, if you date me. or you want her to get hurt?"

he really is mad. geez what did she see on that nerd to be like this for her. I smirked , even he's really mad, he can't hurt me for there are many students that can see. 

"soojung, you know that i can't date you."

"is that your answer? Do you see Eunmi now?did you just look at her smile carefully before you came here, cause that may be the last time you see her smiling."

after that I walked away. 



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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!