Your Guardian Angel

Eunmi's pov


Lunch break

We just finished eating our lunch and were just sitting at a bench near the field eating icecream, I'm sad but eating sweets makes me calm down and relaxed, it's my stress reliever, who doesn't anyway? 

"yah, isn't that Zelo?" Hyuna unnie said, just hearing his name makes my heart pound, I slowly lift my head and face the direction where unnie is looking, yes it's definitely Zelo with --

"why is she with Naeun?" Jiyeon asked.

Naeun? they are laughing and I can see that Zelo is happy, argh, and seeing him like this hurts, I don't know why. Maybe because I'm jealous? yeah, I admit I'm jealous. He is with some girl and laughing, I can't even make him laugh now, I feel like I always burden him, Aish why am I feeling this way?

"Since when he gets close to other girls?"-Suzy

"Eunmi, why is he with Naeun?" -Jiyeon


"yah! Kim Eunmi! your ice cream already melts!" -Suzy

"uh-huh?" I didn't notice that they were talking to me, I look at the ice cream in my hand and it's already melts and fall to my skirt " ah, aish, my skirt!" I didn't notice it because I was looking at Zelo and Naeun. 

"Let's go to the washroom" and off we go



at the garden


I'm still with my friends watching them practice. they are really great, I'm sure that they will win this year. tomorrow is the day that they have been praparing for so long. Since B.A.P is the champion last year, they can't join the competition again, they will just hand down the title to the winner,  but they will have a speacial performance at the contest. B.A.P, aish why am I thinking of them, thinking of them just lead me to thinking of Zelo aish. I have nothing to do here that's why I kept on thinking of him.

"Unnie!, I will buy Soda, do you want something too?" I asked them

"Soda is fine with me!" -Hyuna 

"me too!"- Suzy

"I want an orange juice!"- Jiyeon

"arasso!" then I go to the cafeteria, while going there I busied myself looking at the decorations of different class and also some booths that I have passed by, when I get our drinks, I was walking at the hallways when I noticed that my shoe lace got loose. I sit by a nearby bench and fix it. Suddenly someone sat beside me, I am looking down so I can't see his face, but I can feel my heart beating fast, could it be--? I slowly turn to my side and saw Zelo. my eyes widened and I just stared at him 

He's looking at me, smiling? " Hello,," then he waves his hand infront of my face, making me realize that I was still staring his handsome face. 

"uh, h-hello" I said then sit properly

there's an awkward silence between us, 

"how-- how have you been?" he started

"fine" I simply answered

"that's good to hear"

"hmm, how about you? fine also?"

"uh, I guess... not" he answered.

tss liar, you're happy with Naeun, aish, I should just forget about what he said last time, he surely doesn't like me, it's just one of his nonsense reason. I'm so stupid to believe it. He jsut said that because he can't think of anything else.

"about what I said last--" 

"you're still not doing well?" I asked, talking about his parents, I didn't let him finish because I know what will he say, I know that he will just tell me that his confession last time, if you may call it like that, is not true and just a mistake, he will say sorry for saying that, he will tell me that he really didn't like me. I know that he will say that, but I don't want to listen, I don't want to hear those words from him. It hurts to know that and it hurts more if he will say it.

"huh? uh ah I understand now."  I look at him, " everything, I know now"

"ah, I'm glad to hear that, it's good that you've talked to them" I said

"I didn't talked to them,.. Someone explained everything to me"  someone? who can be that someone?

" Mianhae" he said. why am I nervous when he will say sorry

"for what?"

"I didn't listen to you, I didn't personally talked to them, I just learned everything from someone. But I think it's better this way, I really can't have myself to talk to them personally. When I face them, all I can feel is anger. "

"that's fine, what matters now is that you can start  again"

he shook his head " I don't know, it's different now, I don't hate them now, I hate myself now. I think I don't deserve to be their son. After all, they were just thinking of me but I continue to hate them. "

"it's alright, they also lack, it's just fine to feel mad at them before"

"Mianhae" he paused " I should not be here in front of you, I feel that I have wasted the chance you have given me"  I look at him, I can see it in his eyes, the same thing i saw when I saved him 8 years ago.  " my sister gave me her heart, she gave me a second chance in life, but what did I do? I try to drown myself, then you save me , it's now actually my 3rd chance but I still wasted it, my parents, they were always there for me, I'm just the the one who ignore them!" slowly his tears started to fall 

"Zelo-yah." I look at him and smile, it's a real smile, even if my heart is hurt because of him, I'm still happy that finally, he have realized all that. " It's not too late. You can show them you're love now, you still have a chance to be their son. and remember, this may be your last chance so don't waste it. You're lucky you have a fourth chance, unlike me. So do it right this time! arasso?" 

"Eunmi, ne, I will"






"Eunmi-ah, actually about what I said--" Aish, he's tryng to say it again

"ah-I got to go now and give this drinks to them" I said then quickly stand up and started to walk


"yah, KIM EUNMI!" he shouted making me to stop, I'am not facing him

"I really want to say--"

"CHOI JUNHONG!" I also shouted, I really can't manage to hear him say those words, I slowly turn around and face him

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I said smiling

he smiled back

"may I ask something?" 

"hmm" he nod

"who's that someone? that old you everthing?




"ZELO-YAH!" we both turn when someone called him







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Chapter 40: The ending is so sweet and the words are just so wise and comforting. I am gonna read this again later. Thank you for the amazing fic. Author nim jjang!
valerie_millenia #2
Chapter 40: This is a amazing fanfic
And I think he's lucky to be able to encounter with his guardian angel (:
sandraaguerreo #3
Chapter 40: i'm so late. mianhae. ;c i love this stry please create more. ;D
Chapter 40: so cute!! i love it !! :D
AhriXOX #5
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
AhriXOX #6
Chapter 1: I really want to read this but I can't read the font >.< darn it
ChoiPiLoZe #7
Chapter 40: awww!!! ♡♡♡
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 40: Ahhh! Amazing story! I really loved it! great job author!!! :)
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 39: What Happened?!!! Update SOON!!