XV: Tutoring

The Grim Reaper

Author's POV:

“That is deep sh*t. Take back what you said!” Kai grabbed the doctor by the collar and shoved him against the wall. With Kai’s outrage, it was quite impressing that the doctor managed to stay calm.

Luhan, on the other hand, fell to his knees. His eyes can’t be diverted from the floor. He was too confounded to process any movement at all.

The doctor offered to break the news outside the room to keep the patient from hearing. And probably, he had the intuition this would happen.

Kai’s grip started to loosen. He his fist on the wall as hot, angry tears started rolling down his cheeks. “Take it back…” He whispered in a strained voice.


“I’m begging you.” He choked out the words between his sobs. Like Luhan, he began to fall on his knees. In a moment, he stood up and balanced himself. He then strode away, wiping his tears with the back of his arm.

“I’m sorry…” The doctor sighed in grief. If only he had the ticket to lie, he would. If only lying would solve this problem. he would. He started to depart when Luhan called his attention.

“Is there…is there  any way? To…to at least extend her life?” Luhan was back on his feet. He held the doctor’s shoulder with his right.

“I’m…I cannot guarantee you any-“

“IS THERE ANYWAY FOR HER TO LIVE?!” Luhan couldn’t help the adrenaline and the burst of emotions. He couldn’t take a “no” . No, not at this time.

“She could undergo an operation. But you should put in mind that this is stage 3. It may or may not be successful. The stakes are hi-“

“Then an operation it is.”



I woke up feeling someone holding securely to my hand. The sun light seems to be seeping through the windows too as I felt its heat on my face. Slowly, I opened my eyes and turned my head to my right to see a fast asleep Luhan sitting on a stool beside my bed.

My heart immediately softened at the sight. I reached out to touch his soft, blonde hair under my palm. I then traced the lines on his face and ran my finger on the bridge of his cute nose.

Suddenly, he caught my naughty hand in his and flashed me a charming smile. “Aren’t you being too erted? Huh, Raeminnie?” he asked in a husky, accusing voice.

Blood immediately rushed to my cheeks and I reflexively took my hand from his and sued it to cover my flushed face. I am soooooooo embarrassed. Like, OTL.

Getting caught by your crush watching him sleep is very typical in dramas. And I can’t get over the fact that the feeling when you experience it real life.

“I-I didn’t mean to wake you up. G-go back to sleep.” I stuttered embarrassingly. Aish Han Raemin. You stupid, stupid, girl.

I heard Luhan chuckle heartily. Boy, is he enjoying the scene.

“Aigoo. You’re so cute. “

I blushed harder at his compliment. GAHHHH. XI LUHAN YOU ADORABLE DEER. Right at this moment, nothing could replace my happiness. My Luhan is back.

After 3 days, I was finally discharged from the Hospital. Everything felt normal except for the fact that Luhan and Kai became more protective than ever. I felt like a new born baby with the way they’re treating me.

Luhan insisted on me, staying home for a few more days but I wouldn’t comply. I’m fine now. Well…I think so. I still haven’t forgotten what the doctor was supposed to say. They took the conversation out of the room so I wasn’t able to hear it.

What a bummer.

Anyway, I was itching to ask either Luhan or Kai but it felt as if some part of me wasn’t ready for it.

I am back in going to school and you bet it’s pretty hard to catch up with my long absence. There were a few new lessons that I would have to ask a classmate to tutor me on.

“GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Ri Rin rushed to me at the doorway as soon as she saw my figure. She crushed me into a bear hug so tight I could barely breathe.

“WOMAN! OH MY GOD I MISS YOU SO MUCH YOU IDIOT.” Kayla joined the crushing hug and we made such a ruckus in front of the classroom.

“So, how did it feel being carried by Oh Sehun?” Ri Rin intrigued as soon as we I got to take my seat. I shot her a weird look and rolled my eyes at her.

“You are such a charmer. Gull, lend me one of your boys. Any of Kai or Luhan would do.” Kayla said as she elbowed my side.

“Definitely not Luhan.” I said in disagreement as I shook my head.

“That leaves me with Kai, then. Ohoho~” Kayla chuckled happily as she sat next to me.

“Aw, come on, they’re not like clothes that you can borrow or whatsoever.” I said disgustingly and took out the stuffs I need for the first subject.

“Whatever you say~” Ri Rin said and sat on the other side of my seat.

Lunch came so fast I didn’t even realize that morning has passed. I went with Ri Rin and Kayla to the library as they agreed to tutor me on the lessons I missed.

As we pick out our table on the library, I noticed someone I didn’t want to see. Right across the room, Oh Sehun is leaning against the wall with a book on his right hand. It’s as if he used it as props. He didn’t read it. Not once did he glance on it.

His eyes were on me. From the moment I sat on the chair. His stone expression was so creepy that even if I’m not looking at it, I can feel shivers running down my spine and the hair on my arms standing up.

“Ya, Raemin ~ Yah.”

“Earth to Raemin?”

My friends caught my attention.

“Sorry.” I muttered and diverted my eyes back to their notes and textbook. “We at tutoring.” Ri Rin said and closed her textbook.

“I think you should just ask someone else to tutor you. Sorry, can’t help you much.” Kayla pouted and rested her head on the table with a deflated aura.

“No, no. It was okay. At least I was able to understand the concept. I’ll just have to read the textbook and I’ll be fine. Thank you, really.” I assured them with a smile.

“Uh, don’t even thank us. We weren’t any help.” Ri Rin grunted.

“I’m hungry~ should we eat lunch?” Kayla suggested as she stretched her arms.

“Yep. I’m starving.” Ri RIn agreed and stood from her seat. “You coming?” Kayla asked as she observed I didn’t lift my from the chair.

“Nah. I’ll stay just for a little bit more.”

“Mmkay. Just be sure to eat something. If you don’t, I swear I’ll shove food in your mouth even in the middle of class.” Ri Rin taunted.

With a little convincing, I managed to persuade them.

At the moment they walked out of the library, I immediately stood from my seat, heading to Sehun. And it’s as if he was just waiting for that moment too. We met half way as I glared at him.

“What do you want, Oh Sehun?” I asked with gritted teeth.

“A simple thank you would do, for me saving you.” He said in a tone as cold as his face.

I scoffed at his remark and crossed my arms in front of my chest. “Yah. Die dreaming. Wacko.”

“I see…your friends weren’t any help in tutoring you.” He said, changing the topic.

“That’s none of your business.” I sneered and went back to the table to pile up my things and go grab a food for myself.

“How about…I tutor you?”

My math textbook fell out of my hand and landed on the floor with a thud. I can’t seem to process what he just asked of me. I turned to him with a completely stupefied face.

“You? Tutoring me? Are you joking right now because I-“

“7 o’clock then. I’ll just come by your house.”

With that, he left me alone in the library—dumbfounded. He didn’t even gave me the chance to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.Last time he spat at how he hate me and now, he volunteered on tutoring me? How unpredictable could that kid be?



“How are we supposed to tell her that?” Kai asked, his head was in between his palms. He was obviously still not over the fact that Raemin has brain cancer.

“I don’t know…I’ll just…We’ll find the right time.” I muttered with a sigh. And when it’s the right time, it would be the worst feeling ever to break it out on her.

“I just hope that the surgery will go well. Uh. I don’t know what to do anymore. Why, on all people, does it have to happen on her? “ Kai hung his arms on the railings at the rooftop and stared far, far away.

“Hasn’t she had enough of life? She has lost her parents. And now she’s going to die herself?”

I grabbed Kai by the collar and looked him straight in the eye with raging eyes.” She is not going to die. You hear me? She isn’t. I’m never going to let that happen.” 




Here's an update fufufu :3

I don't really know what to say. 

I can't say " i hope you enjoy reading"

When the OC was discovered to have a brain cancer :|

Anyway, I really want to thank you guys for all the support you give.

I love you all. Like oh my gosh. When someone says "I love this story."

I fele like I'm in heaven. Thank you really.

I love you all :3

'til the next update~



and something my friend found XD

tao is taking over my bias list. damn variety and radio shows. ;u;

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update jsy
- from 2015
Chapter 25: Omg that was intense... Like KaiLu teaming up against Sehun
No my babies don't fight ;;
I guess I'll have to agree with Sehun. Raemin deserves to know.
It would be really unfair if she dies without knowing why--
The "You have to choose" part really reminds of something.
Suho - SMENT
Sehun - Kris
Raemin - Yifan's health
Odl I'm being delulu halp me ;AAAAA;
/chokes on my own spit/
XOexoOX #3
Chapter 9: Hii. Nice story. I would appreciate it if you read my first new story. I just started two days ago. Thanks
Chapter 24: I don't hate you. c:
Hate is a strong word.
How about I loathe you? XDDDD
How dare you kill me omf my feels pls. ;A;
Thank you for updating bby <3
anggita #6
Chapter 2: Hi im new subscriber^^
Chapter 21: Wehh:D nicee story:) T^T luhan hitted sehun:c
Chapter 21: Nothing happened you yehet creature! Now look what happened! ;A; Don't fight bbys Raemin says no.
P.S. I need a haircut soon. TTuTT
Chapter 20: That's it. You added fuel to my already raging feels. ;A; ASHJKSHKFGHSKJHFKJHSEJKHSEHYUIFYSUHVJSBDGNSBNGBSBRGJBRKJGKJ
Chapter 19: ASDFGHJKL lol "My bump in the head is nothing compared to your blue-patched eye."

"Oh your changing." Sehun with his stoned face expression.

I can't even with you dongsaeng... XDDDDDDD This is like the funniest update I have ever read in my entire life. Sehun should really learn how to blush when he sees a girl changing clothes. What a ert. Pft.


Thank you for updating this Faye!!! Saranghaeyo~ P.S. yes I'm watching EXOST and everytime I watch, Sehun has a new expression in trend. I'm sometimes wondering why I even stan the dork. :DDD And you don't know how happy I am that this comment is too long.