X: Tension

The Grim Reaper




I don’t know what’s happening. All I know was that I am cradled around Sehun’s arms. With a swift movement, I was held close to his chest and I felt my heart beating unusually faster than the normal.


 I felt his hand sneaking to my nape and that’s when I realized what he might actually be scheming. My eyes widened in alarm for he was dangerously few centimetres away from my lips.


That’s when consciousness hit me.


"Yah! W-what...mmmpphhhrhh."


Too late. I closed my eyes, unprepared for what is to come. I felt something soft and smooth covering my entire mouth. And then I felt a really painful hit on my forehead that made me flinch and wail in protest.


 I opened my eyes to see Sehun’s hand over my lips. He was smirking at me and flicked my forehead again.


This guy is going way overboard!


“Yah! I swear if you do that again, you’ll be begging to dig your own grave!” I tried so hard to say but something else came out due to his fingers that were muffling my voice.




He quieted me with a glare and poked my nose with his index finger.


“One. I want you to buy me a bubble tea every single day without a fail.”


He poked another finger on my forehead and started speaking again.


“Two. If you’re going to pull a prank, make sure that you pull it on me and not on others.”


“And three, I.Hate.You.Too.”


With that, he released me from his grasp. I breathed air like it was my first encounter with it. Sehun gave me one last smirk before he strode out of the room.


“Aishhh!!!! I HATE YOU MORE OH SEHUN!!!!” I burst in anger and ruffled my hair in irritation.  Then slumped on my seat and slammed my fists on the table with a loud ‘thump’.


It was then that I noticed everybody in my class was looking at me—including our homeroom teacher whom I never saw enter the room.


I cussed in my mind and slapped myself mentally in embarrassment. My cheeks were now flushed in red and I felt droplets of sweat starting to form on my forehead.


“Raemin ssi, is everything okay, do you need time or am I free to talk in front now?” The teacher timidly asked which appeared to be shamefully sarcastic for me.


A few snickers and murmurs were heard which made me flush more than I already was.


“I-I’m sorry seonsaengnim. Please continue.” I stuttered with my head hung low.


My eyes are completely focused on my wooden desk because I honestly don’t want to face anybody right now. Especially Luhan whose eyes were on me too.


He witnessed the whole scene and I saw his face contort in confusion as well as Kai’s. From my peripheral vision, Luhan was now writing something on his notebook.


He was a chair away from my right and it wasn’t really hard to monitor his expressions. For a second, I thought he had sadness painted on his face. But I thought that was crazy.


Ughhh I’m going crazy. Eottokeeeee??




Three classes has passed and time flew by so fast that I almost didn’t hear the bell that signalled it was lunch time. Tables and chairs clattered as the students stood up in hurry of finding a table in the school cafeteria.


I remained still and motionless on my seat until I rested my head on my desk and decided to skip lunch instead. I don’t want to face the questioning faces of my friends especially Luhan’s. He would think I have a relationship with Sehun by now.


As much as I would like to clear things up, I don’t have the guts to say it because I might blurt out from my mouth that I like Luhan that’s why I’m clarifying things.


I grunted when my stomach growled and churned. I patted it in a comforting way and heaved a sigh. My mind went in a rage when I remembered the reason that’s behind all these consequences.


Every single thing was Sehun’s fault and it all roots from him. He was like this stubborn zit that I can’t get rid of how much I try or whatever method I use.


The more I press on him, or the more I try to get my revenge, the more I experience annoyingly irritating things that I certainly don’t want to go through with.


“Hey, aren’t you going to eat?” I heard Kayla’s familiar voice. Eventually, I heard her pull the chair next to mine.


“I don’t want to.” I grumbled and buried my face deeper in my arms.


“You don’t want to?” She sounded appalled.


“Yah, Ireona. Your prince Luhan is waiting worriedly at the cafeteria!” Kayla tried prying my arms away from the desk and pulled me to get up.


“He’s worried?” I asked in a small voice.


“Duh, he is! So get your lazy off that seat now and run to your prince charming. I’m losing time with you.” Kayla continued on pestering me and pulling my arm.


“Why would he be worried?” I pushed. I didn’t know that Luhan would care a lot for me like this. I mean, it’s touching and it send a tingling sensation in my tummy and the corners of my lips are starting to pull up.


“He’s worried that you’ll get ulcer for skipping one meal.” Kayla rolled her eyes.


“For all I know you just want to sit on the same table with Kai.” I and finally stood up from my seat. I was convinced that I really want to see Luhan’s face more than anything else.


“That’s so out of the topic. “ She rolled her eyes again and hooked her arm together with mine.



When we arrived at the cafeteria, I almost knocked my head with my fist. With my two eyes, I saw all the EXO members that gathered around our table.


I was so dumb for not remembering that. I immediately my heels but it was too late. Kai saw me and came sprinting to my side. He smiled at Kayla whom I saw blush and cover her face with her hair.


“Lulu is so worried on the matter of you not eating lunch. I told him you had enough fat stored up. In fact, you had a lot to burn.” Kai teased and ruffled my hair.


I then slapped his shoulders really hard. I ignored Kai’s wail and searched for Luhan. He was sitting on our usual table and when he met eyes with mine, he smiled warmly at me.


The gesture melted my insides and sent butterflies to flutter around my stomach. Luhan patted the seat next to me and I also saw a tray with chocolate milk and pudding on the table.


My stomach grumbled again at the sight of food. I had to clutch it to prevent it from growling agan.


Shyly, slowly, I sat beside Luhan with my palms on my lap.


“Eat up, I don’t like you missing any meal okay? You have to take care of yourself.” Luhan scooped the pudding with a spoon and held it near my mouth.


Is he trying to spoon feed me????


Omo Omo Omo!!!!! >////<


I took a bite of the pudding and chewed on it slowly, letting the substance melt in my mouth.


“Masiseo?” Luhan asked and handed me the carton of milk.


I nodded shyly and drank the milk. Luhan sure new of my favorites. And eating these immediately perked me up and comforted me from the embarrassing moments I had a while ago.


Seeing his actions, I don’t think he minded at all what Sehun did to me. I was grateful that it didn’t send off any misunderstanding. However, on the other side, I also felt sad that he didn’t defend me or snatched me out of Sehun’s arms and protected me with his instead.


“Hyung, are you two dating?” Baekhyun eyed the two of us with chopsticks on his hands. All the other EXO members who were busy kidding around, eating, or chatting turned their attention to Luhan and I.


Both of us flushed red in embarrassment.


Luhan rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously. “A-ani…We’re good friends.” Luhan denied.


The words felt like acid poured all over my heart. It would have been heaven if we were together. It was so painful hearing those words from the person that you’ve loved secretly for some time now.


What’s worse is that even though I like him, I can’t confess to him. I’m afraid to ruin our friendship. The last thing I want is Luhan staying away from me or being awkward with me. I wouldn’t bear seeing that.


“Look what we have here… our maknae is sulking again.” Chanyeol was eyeing Sehun who was stomping towards the table. His hair was dishevelled and two buttons of his dress shirt were missing so his collar bones and a bit of his chest was exposed.


I don’t know why that sight made me blush. Maybe it was the anger that’s building up that made my face flush. The more I saw his face, the more flashbacks and hateful moments replayed on my mind. So, I took my gaze away from him and focused on my pudding instead.


Sehun sat directly opposite my seat which was really uncomfortable. He slumped on the seat like he was exhausted and grumbled things.


“I guess the reaping didn’t go well.” D.O. murmured and nibbled on his apple.


“Reaping? What reaping?”  Rin, who was chatting with her new obsession, Baekhyun asked D.O.


I saw Chanyeol shot D.O. a look which made D.O. hunch his shoulders before Chanyeol grinned at Rin. “D.O.’s always out of his mind. Don’t mind him.”


“Ahhh. I want a bubble tea.” Lay said with a sigh and turned to Kris.


“Ge, I want a bubble tea too.” Tao pouted at Kris who was reading a self-improvement book which I find very odd.


“Well, I want a bun!” Xiumin chided in.


At the sound of the word bubble tea, I immediately concluded that I was in trouble.  The table jerked when the person in front of me leaned over to me.


“Reminds me, you are going to treat me bubble tea after class. You know the consequences.” Sehun murmured with a taunting voice.


He then placed to fingers in front of his eyes then pointed it to me.


“I don’t want to.” I said stubbornly and glared at him.


“You are going to do what I want. You have to pay me back, remember?” Sehun insisted.


“Why does Raemin have to treat you bubble tea?” Luhan asked with a cocked brow.


“Because I said so.” Sehun replied with a hmph and crossed his arms in front of his chest.


“Stop ordering her around, Sehun. Not just because you’re older than her, you could already make her do what you want.” Luhan stood up and Sehun also did.


They exchanged dagger-like stares that brought silence to the table. You could tell that the tension was stiff and not something to joke about. It was something personal…


But why were they fighting over such a small matter?



I may not be replying to the comments

but it does give me the spirit and will to write.

Thank you readers! I love you all! <3




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update jsy
- from 2015
Chapter 25: Omg that was intense... Like KaiLu teaming up against Sehun
No my babies don't fight ;;
I guess I'll have to agree with Sehun. Raemin deserves to know.
It would be really unfair if she dies without knowing why--
The "You have to choose" part really reminds of something.
Suho - SMENT
Sehun - Kris
Raemin - Yifan's health
Odl I'm being delulu halp me ;AAAAA;
/chokes on my own spit/
XOexoOX #3
Chapter 9: Hii. Nice story. I would appreciate it if you read my first new story. I just started two days ago. Thanks
Chapter 24: I don't hate you. c:
Hate is a strong word.
How about I loathe you? XDDDD
How dare you kill me omf my feels pls. ;A;
Thank you for updating bby <3
anggita #6
Chapter 2: Hi im new subscriber^^
Chapter 21: Wehh:D nicee story:) T^T luhan hitted sehun:c
Chapter 21: Nothing happened you yehet creature! Now look what happened! ;A; Don't fight bbys Raemin says no.
P.S. I need a haircut soon. TTuTT
Chapter 20: That's it. You added fuel to my already raging feels. ;A; ASHJKSHKFGHSKJHFKJHSEJKHSEHYUIFYSUHVJSBDGNSBNGBSBRGJBRKJGKJ
Chapter 19: ASDFGHJKL lol "My bump in the head is nothing compared to your blue-patched eye."

"Oh your changing." Sehun with his stoned face expression.

I can't even with you dongsaeng... XDDDDDDD This is like the funniest update I have ever read in my entire life. Sehun should really learn how to blush when he sees a girl changing clothes. What a ert. Pft.


Thank you for updating this Faye!!! Saranghaeyo~ P.S. yes I'm watching EXOST and everytime I watch, Sehun has a new expression in trend. I'm sometimes wondering why I even stan the dork. :DDD And you don't know how happy I am that this comment is too long.