His "Manager"

Gotcha Number

(A/N: because they still have each others’ phones, C is “GaemGyu” and Kyu is “C_89”)

( Double Update this is the second chp)


GaemGyu: oh hey your dad texted, he’s asking if you can stop by the house soon because he wants to give you something

C_89: did you reply?

GaemGyu: I checked your schedule and I saw that you’re free for lunch tomorrow

C_89: so you always check my schedule now?

GaemGyu: so you want me to lie to your dad? I’m not that mean

C_89: since you have my schedule, can you make adjustments in yours so we can just meet?

GaemGyu: don’t you think I already did that? Your free time is when I have work and the other way around

C_89: ugh! Oh speaking of parents, your mom called. I told her you were out with your boyfriend

GaemGyu: you what?!?!

C_89: relax, she didn’t sound mad. She just asked if I was your boyfriend then I laughed endlessly ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

GaemGyu: liar Kyu! My mom can’t speak Korean!

C_89: yeah she spoke in English. I may not be good but I still tried, you should be thanking me!

GaemGyu: for lying to my mom about me?!

C_89: you’re welcome ㅋㅋㅋ


It’s been a month already and the 2 still haven’t found time to meet. It was really weird that after all that time, neither of them could spare 30 minutes to meet. Well it was mostly Kyu who was busy since Super Junior-M was having a comeback soon and they had to prepare.


C_89: what’s my schedule on Thursday?

GaemGyu: why are you asking me? Am I your manager?

C_89: because I get giddy whenever I see your messages. Because you have my phone, genius!

GaemGyu: you really are as evil as you are on TV

C_89: you just noticed it now?


Kyu was slowly getting used to texting C often. At the beginning he just texted her to check his messages and his schedules but lately he just liked texting her for no apparent reason, he just made up some excuses.


GaemGyu: can you check how many instagram followers I have now?

C_89: 왜 (why)?

GaemGyu: I haven’t checked in over a month and I want to see if I gained some


Kyu did as he was told and reported back to C right away. At the moment, he was at SM in a meeting. He was really bored just waiting for the other members to show up for practice. Miraculously he was the first one to arrive because he was usually the one who was always late.


C_89: you have like 700 now

GaemGyu: oh good. No one unfollowed me

C_89: why would they follow you anyway? All your pictures are just pictures of food and 동해 형 (Donghae hyung)

GaemGyu: it’s none of your business that’s why!

C_89: by the way, this guy keeps on texting you on Kakao

GaemGyu: what guy?

C_89: 현웅 (Hyun Woong)?

GaemGyu: and did you tell him anything?

C_89: I said to stop texting because you have a boyfriend

GaemGyu: why did you do that?!?!

C_89: because he was annoying! He kept on saying good night and good morning

GaemGyu: it’s not like he was saying that to you!


Kyu was having fun teasing C that he didn’t notice that the other members were already in the room. He just sat in a corner and had the phone in his hands. The members noticed him and were confused because for starters he was early and that he was smiling like an idiot when he’s usually be all serious when he’s playing games.


C_89: he was ugly too so what’s your problem?

GaemGyu: why are you causing problems?

C_89: because I’m “evil” as you’ve said. Oh I have to go, I have practice now

GaemGyu: say hi to 동해 오빠 (Donghae oppa) for me ㅋㅋㅋ

C_89: no.


Another week has passed and the 2 still kept up the nonsense texting thing. They frequently texted each other lately and D was noticing it. She and C found a really cheap apartment to rent because staying at the hostel was getting expensive. D was busy with school while C was busy with work so they only got to hang out on weekends.


D: so how’s Kyu doing? I mean what’s his schedule today?

C: SJ-M recording then he has an interview this afternoon

D: wow you’re like his manager already, you know everything

C: he texts me all the time asking for his schedule so I kinda got used to it

D: I’m still finding it hard to believe that you can talk to him casually now

C: me too. At first I was nervous but lately he’s been initiating the conversation so it got comfortable


The 2 were at Mouse Rabbit again, enjoying their drinks. The phone suddenly lit up again C checked to see who it was.


Changmin: hey! 윤호 형 (Yunho hyung) and I are going to get some drinks later, wanna come?


D: is that? ….Changmin? Changmin of TVXQ?

C: well he said Yunho so I’m guessing it’s him too…what should I say?

D: text Kyu first and ask him

C: I have a better idea


C rarely initiated the texts with Kyu because even though she would a lot, he was still Kyuhyun of Super Junior and she was still a fan. She checked his schedule but unfortunately Kyu’s recording was going to last him until late at night. She replied to Changmin saying that he was busy.


SM: you still have her phone? How are you surviving without yours? Why don’t you just get a new one?

Kyuhyun suddenly realized it. He could just get a new phone and have the service on his old number discontinued. But that would mean cutting C out of his life completely. He was getting used to having her as his “personal manager” and his “teasing buddy”.

KH: no, I’ll just wait for my phone. That phone has got too many memories on it

SM: but it’s been over a month, maybe she threw it away already

KH: no, she’d never do that

SM: and you know this because……?

KH: I just do okay??


C_89: you still have my phone right?

GaemGyu: what kind of stupid question is that? Of course I still have your phone

C_89: just checking. So what’s my schedule tomorrow? ㅋㅋㅋ

GaemGyu: you have to attend at least 1 class at Kyunghee! Then you have Radio Star after that

C_89: thanks manager ^^

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Chapter 33: I feel sorry for 4 of them.. but to b honest Kyu do really need to do that??? n on the other who wouldn't fall for Lee Donghae..
MikaKelly #2
Chapter 32: I feel sorry for kyu. But he needs to give up on C. Donghae and C mutually liked each other first.
Chapter 32: Kyuhyun, what r u doing??? or WHAT THE HELL ARE U THINKING!?
Chapter 31: This getting kinda 이상하게....
Chapter 29: Awww poor Kyu Donghae why did you have to steal her?!?!
Chapter 29: Awww I am feeling so sad for kyuhyun *crying*
MikaKelly #7
Chapter 28: Looking forward to the next chapter. I really want to find out what happens.
Chapter 27: Author~nim can D b with Kyu?? Kyu pls give up already C is with Donghae already.
MikaKelly #9
Chapter 26: D should be with Kyu and keep Donghae with C.
Chapter 26: I know Donghae don't wanna ruin his friendship with Kyu plus he doesn't C too. now he doesn't know wat to do...
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