Letter 9

Letters To Oppa

Minhee stood outside of the police station.  It had been a week since her lovely day out.  After searching high and low for the cause of the fire, she had come up empty handed.  Finally she had resolved to go to the police and ask about it.  It was her parents, and she had been involved, so it was her right to know.  Right?  She waited in a slick leather chair that she kept slipping out of.  She tugged nervously on the bottom of her skit that she had gotten from Lucky, until her name was called by a stern looking man.  She walked over to him and bowed, "Hello.  I'm Minhee."  He slightly bowed back, "Officer Kim.  You're looking to read a report right?"  She nodded and he lead her through a maze of cubical.  They ended up in a back room full of filing cabinets.  He motioned for her to sit in a chair as he typed something into his computer.  He walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a file, before returning to his seat.  Officer Kim opened it up and flicked through it, before leaning back and sighing.  "Are you sure that you want to know?" He asked, and his eyed spoke of caution.  Minhee nodded and he slid it across the desk to her.  She scanned through it and her eyes gradually grew in size.  The events of the night all started flooding in and she regretted opening the file.






She had locked the door to her dad's bedroom.....







She had started the fire......







She had killed her father.........



It all came back to her in full color and she dropped the file to the ground.  Officer Kim jumped up, waiting for her to do something irrational.  They had already warned him about Lee Minhee and he carefully walked around to pick up the papers scattered around her feet.  Minhee reached down to pick them up and set them down on his desk.  She stood and whispered a feeble, "Thank you." before sprinting out the building.

Minhee didn't stop until she was back home and in the false safety of her home.  All the way home there she had felt a thousand eyes on her and thought that everyone that she had passed knew what she had done.  Her dad's voice came as a roar in her head yelling at her about how worthless. With the flood gates to her past opened she sat on the hard wood floor and remembered everything.


~Flashbacks~ (Each paragraph is a separate one)


Minhee was five and blew bubbles as her mother cooked in the kitchen.  One bubble landed on her nose and she giggled, "Mommy!  Look!"  Her mom turned and smiled brightly, "You are so silly Min Min."  As quick as the smile came, it went.  The door had opened and Minhee's dad had come over and yanked the bottle of bubbles out of her hand, before pouring them out, mostly on Minhee.  He had been out again, sniffing that white stuff, that she knew now was meth.  And, this was just the beginning to one of his violent rages.  Her mother turned and ran to comfort the young Minhee, but was stopped by her father grabbing a hold of her hair and yanking... hard.  Her mom screamed and her dad chuckled and pulled a switch from his pocket.  He smirked at his daughter and held out the knife, "Min Min, why don't you come make a mark on your mommy?  So that way she can remember you forever and ever."  Minhee shook her head and backed up away from him.  Her mother was crying and he gave her a swift to quieten her.  He turned back to Minhee. "If you don't do this now it'll hurt more later," He stated bluntly and she just backed up to the door and shook her head more.  He shrugged and slashed at her mother's neck, silencing her permanently.  Minhee froze for a split second before opening the door and sprinting out of the building.



Five years later she still loathed her father for killing her mother.  Somehow he got away with it and pushed the blame to somebody else, leaving her still in his care.  Minhee spent most of her time out and about, where she leaned to take care of herself.  On the anniversary there was a block party and everybody went out to carry on the festivities.  Well, almost everyone.  Minhee and her father were the only two left in the building.  Minhee was preparing her plan, while her father was going away in his room with his precious drugs.  She had snuck that morning and stolen the key to the room and was now quietly turning the key in the lock.  After she heard the faint click she ran into the kitchen and pulled out all of her father's alcohol.  She splashed some on the door and around the ground, listening for signs that she had been found out.  After she was satisfied with her work she pulled out a book of matches.  She shakily lit one and used it to light the others.  "Good night father dearest.  I'll see you in hell."  She whispered to herself as she tossed the book at the door and ran.  When she got to the door out of their flat, she turned to listen to her father scream and smirked, before she left and made her way out to the party.



Minhee had been found out, but she didn't mind as they fastened her in the straight jacket and rushed her off to a mental hospital.  She felt as if everything had been put in balance.  She had killed the killer of her mother, and was now being punished by solitude.  After a year of being in an isolation room, they decided that she was sane enough to be out in a main room.  It wasn't that much better than the room that she had been in, except for the fact the there were more girls her age with other problems.  That was were she met Mia, who had the bed next to her.  Mia never seemed like she should be in a loony bin, but she didn't seem like she would be able to totally fit in with society.  Minhee and the doctors often fought about stuff and she would end up in trouble and had to spend a week back in the other room.



After two years of being in the hospital, Mrs. Lee showed up out of the blue one day.  She came in with a little boy she introduced as her nephew.  Minhee looked him over and said her first words to anyone besides Mia in a long time, "You have big ears."  The boy had welled up on tears and the next time Mrs. Lee came back he wasn't with her.  Minhee curiously asked, "Where is the crybaby?"  She had gotten scolded for that and told that the boy's ears were his weak spot.  Like her's was her dad.  Mrs. Lee had brought with her an old camera and gave it to Minhee.  "This was your mother's.  She had let me use it the day that she passed, and I thought you would like it."  Minhee smiled and took a picture of Mrs. Lee, "Thank you. Mrs. Lee.  I love it."


~End of Flashbacks~

Minhee shakily walked into her room and opened the trunk.  She gingerly pulled out the old camera and set it down next to her bed.  She had been released from the hospital when she was fifteen, and this was her only physical possession.  There was the little bit of money that her dad had left, that was probably meant for his next hit.  She had moved in with Mrs. Lee for a couple of months until she had found a job and a place to live.  Mrs. Lee had also been pushy about Minhee going to school, where she seemed to never fit in.

Minhee couldn't believe that she had forgotten all of this.  The words of a doctor that she had met not all that long ago rang in her ears, "The mind is a marvelous thing.  It can only see what we want it to see, and hide everything else.  Amazing isn't it Minhee."  She had wondered what he was talking about and it finally made sense.

Minhee walked over to her lap top and teared up as she sent an e-mail to Chanyeol.  "Dear Oppa-"


Chanyeol was excited for today's message.  Minhee had told him yesterday that she was going to go to the police today and ask to see the file.  They were at dinner when he finally got it.  He smiled happily and open it up.


Dear Oppa,

I went to the police station today and they showed me the file.  I know that you might want to know, but I think I might take this secret with me to the grave.  Anyways I think this may be my last letter to you, now that I understand my past.  I hope that you live a long and great life.


Good bye,


P.S. Thank you for being there.  It helped a ton.


Chanyeol's smiled faded and he got a bad feeling coming from the message.  He ran out of the restaurant, leaving Exo wondering, and called his aunt.  It seemed like forever before she answered.  He didn't wait for her to say anything before saying, "Something is wrong with Minhee."

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!