Letter 7

Letters To Oppa

Minhee sat in class the next day.  Nothing particularly bad had happened after she had sent mail to Chanyeol like she had been expecting.  DongHo had told her that he was going to be a little late in getting to lunch and that she should just start eating without him.  It wasn't like she had particularly cared whether he came or not, but she was happy that he cared enough to tell her when stuff came up.  She sat under the bare cherry tree and wondered what it would look like in the spring when it bloomed.  As she was staring at the branches there came a sound from the door that led out there.  Minhee froze and watched as a DongHo walked out with a girl gripping to his arms.  She looked about the same age as them, but had this air of pure curiosity around her.  She smiled when she saw Minhee and ran over to squat down in from of her.  "Min Min!  You grew!"  The girl squeaked and hugged her.  Minhee glanced up at DongHo and back down to the girl.  "Who is this?" She asked him and his eyes widened.  The girl pulled back with a defeated look on her face, "You don't remember Mia, Min Min?"  Minhee's eyes grew, "You're Mia?"  The girl nodded, "Yes!  Min Min is Mia's best friend!  Mia's been looking for Min Min since Min Min left Mia.  Why'd Min Min leave?"  

DongHo sat down next to the two girls, "Minhee this is Mia my twin sister.  You two used to be best friends."  Minhee shook her head, "I don't remember ever knowing anybody named Mia.  Sorry."  He bit his lip, "That's cause you lost your memory after leaving that place."  Mia was running around the small area like a five year old.  Minhee raised an eyebrow, "What place?"  DongHo sighed and scratched the back of his neck, "I think it's best if I stop talking now.  I'm sorry for using you, but Mia has been asking me for years if she could see Min Min again.  And then I finally found you and you were so hurt and it was hard to even get close to you.  And then I felt bad for letting things happen to you when you are my sister's best friend, but I do have a little bit of reputation to uphold."  Minhee stood up.  "What are you talking about?  I don't know any Mia's and I don't know what you are talking about that place?  What place?"  She yelled and Mia came over and lightly placed her hands on Minhee's arm.  "Min Min's mad.  Don't be mad Min Min.  Mia is okay.  They didn't hurt Mia again.  Did they hurt Min Min?  Min Min has owies.  Did they give Min Min owies?"  Minhee softened at these words.  She felt as if she had heard them many times before, but she didn't know from where.  She was confused beyond belief and sighed, "Could you please just leave me to try and figure out what is going on.  Please."  Mia let go of Minhee's arm and quickly went over and pulled on DongHo.  "Brother.  Go.  Min Min is trying to think."  DongHo stood up and followed Mia out of the area.

Minhee sat back down under the cherry tree and tried to remember a Mia.  Then it dawned on her and she whispered, "Mrs. Lee knows who she is."  It didn't take Minhee long to make it to Mrs. Lee's house and be let in.  She made her way into the living room where Mrs. Lee was sitting with the boy from the other day.  Minhee paid no mind to him as she went and stood right in front of the woman.  "Who is Mia?"  She demanded.  Mrs. Lee's eyes widened before relaxing, "Could we not talk about this right now?  I am kind of in the middle of a conversation with my nephew."  Minhee held her ground, "No, we need to talk about this right now.  A girl named Mia showed up today with her brother.  They told me that I was Min Min and Mia's best friend in some place.  And that after I left I lost my memory.  This can not wait."  The boy stood up, "Um.  I'll be in the other room if you need me."  Mrs. Lee nodded then motioned for Minhee to sit down.  The girl watched as the boy left before beginning again.  "Who is Mia?"  Mrs. Lee leaned back, "If she was calling you Min Min and had a twin brother, then it probably was Mia.  She used to be your best friend years ago."  She paused, "Do you remember how your dad died?"  Minhee shifted awkwardly, "I remember there being a fire and me having to talk to the police for a long time, but that's it."  Mrs. Lee sighed, "Well then that's as much as I can tell you.  You are going to have to figure out the rest by yourself.  I am sorry."

Mrs. Lee called for her nephew and pointed Minhee towards the door, "I am not helping you with the rest, but I will tell you to go and look into a little bit more about your dad's death."  The boy came back in just as Minhee was about to leave.  She turned to him, "You're aunt is the nicest person that I have ever met, but some days she can be a demon.  Love her well."  He chuckled and Minhee's heart skipped a beat before bowing to everyone, "Well I must go investigate a fire that happen 9 years ago.  Farewell."  She walked out the doors and debated going back to school, but decided that she was just going to go back home.

Minhee laid down on her couch and closed he eyes.  She tried to remember, but everything was coming out in chunks that made no sense to her.  A large room with lots of beds, locking a door, and a man with a sadistic smile.  She was frustrated and walked over to her lap top and began typing, "Dear Oppa..."


Chanyeol went and visited his aunt again.  It seems that his whole family knew about the girl that his dad had been telling him about for years, because she started talking about her.  "Chanyeol.  You know that girl that your father tells you about?"  He nodded and she continued, "Lets say you know her very well, and somebody went to hurt her again.  Would you go save her?"  He bit his lip, "I would do all that I could."  She nodded, "That is good, because I think she will need you sooner than expected."  His aunt leaned forward in her chair and somebody was let into her house.  Soon the girl from the other day was standing in front of his aunt.  "Who is Mia?"  The girl asked, and Chanyeol felt as if he had heard the name before.  He tried to remember where from as the two argued.  "This can not wait!"  He heard the franticness in the girl's voice, and thought it better that she get her answers ASAP.  Chanyeol stood up, "Um.  I'll be in the other room if you need me."  His aunt nodded and as he walked out he could feel the girl's weary gaze on him all the way out the door.

Chanyeol went into the kitchen and glanced over at the tteok that he had made a few days ago.  He smirked and thought of Minhee and her saying that she liked it.  He leaned back against the counter and thought about what his aunt had said.  "Why would she need my help so soon?"  He asked himself and heard his aunt calling for him.  He sighed and walked back into the living room.  The girl was just about to leave.  She bowed then turned to Chanyeol, "You're aunt is the nicest person that I have ever met, but some days she can be a demon.  Love her well."  He chuckled, knowing that and fully agreeing with it.  He glanced back up at the girl as a bright smile was beginning to play at her lips, "Well I must go investigate a fire that happened 9 years ago.  Farewell."  Chanyeol watched her leave before sitting back down.

His aunt eyed him before speaking, "That girl is going to be important to you."  Chanyeol turned to her, "Who is she?"  She smirked, "That is Lee MinHee.  The daughter of my best friend and the girl that you have been hearing about for years."  His eyes widened and he jumped up from his chair and ran out the doors, but she was already gone.  He sighed and went back into the living room where his aunt was waiting.  "You could have told me when she was still here!  Or ever last week when I saw her!"  She sat forward, "Do you think that she is ready to have that person that she is telling stuff about herself suddenly walk into her life.  There is a reason that she hasn't referenced anything to you being in Exo."  He raised an eyebrow, not quite following.  She sighed, "She doesn't want a face to go with the Chanyeol that she has been talking to.  She doesn't want to believe that there is someone on the other end of these e-mails that could actually care, because she has learned not to trust faces."  Chanyeol sat back down and ran his hands through his hair.  His phone buzzed in his pocket and he glanced up at his aunt, "I should probably get going."  He stood and headed for the doors.  "Chanyeol, don't tell her that you know who she is.  Please." His aunt pleaded and he nodded before leaving.

As Chanyeol walked down the street he opened up his e-mail to find a message from Minhee.

Dear Oppa,

That guy that I was telling you about brought his twin sister with him to lunch.  They claimed that I used to be her best friend when I was some place and that my memories had been lost.  At first I didn't believe them, until I started to think about it.  I do have a bunch of my memory that is really blurred and I'm not quite sure what happened for a big chunk.  Plus the girl's name was Mia.  I went to go talk to Mrs. Lee, because she seems to be the only one that knows anything about anything and she told me that Mia was my friend and that I was some place for a while, but she wouldn't tell me more.  (That may have been cause her nephew was there again and I was interrupting them)  Any ways she told me to look into my father's death, but that was 9 years ago and I don't know how I would do that.  Never the less how it would help me figure out where I was.  When I got home I tried to remember things from those fuzzy times, and nothing seemed to make sense.  I mean it is my life you would think that these things wouldn't confuse me... but they did and now I am trying to figure out where I might have been where I was locking a door or in a room full of beds or with some old man that gave me the heeby geebies.



P.S. Can I just tell you all that I find and if you make some connection could you e-mail me.  I really am lost, even though it is my own past.

Chanyeol smiled and whispered to himself, "Park Chanyeol at your service."

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!