Letters Lost In Transit

Letters To Oppa

The next day Chen wouldn't meet Minhee's gaze.  She did apologize for not knowing who they were.  It wasn't that she didn't like them or anything, she just didn't listen to much music, and she didn't particularly want a face to the letters.  Xiumin noticed the distance between the two, "Hey, what's up with you guys today?  Did something happen after I left yesterday?"  Tao, who had been standing there, glanced back and forth between the two.  "She didn't know who SHINee or Exo was.  She referred to us as an oil spill.  Of course I am going to be irritated." Chen snapped.  Xuimin and Tao gaped at the girl.  She shrugged, "So.  Isn't it better for me to now nothing about you, than to come in with ideas about who you are?"  Xuimin nodded, "I guess.  But, really?  Did you have to totally ignore us?"  She shrugged, "Did I really have to seek you out?  I mean really?  Can't there just be us normal people who don't worship your feet?"  Kai popped his head in the room, "Nope, everybody has to know who we are."  Minhee rolled her eyes, "Well you're not conceited or anything are you?"  Kai smirked, "That's definitely not me.  Hey, I was wondering if you want to go with us Koreans to a photo shoot we have today?"  The girl's eye lightened up, "Absolutely my favorite conceited dancer!"


Minhee followed Exo-K into the large building they were having their photo shoot in.  She bowed to the people that she needed to, and the boys left to go get ready.  Not that she minded.  She took the chance to wonder around the set and check out all the stuff they were using.  She really hadn't been at a major production big studio.  The closest she had gotten was the day with Suho.  Suddenly, there was a hand on her shoulder.  She turned to find a young man smiling at her.  Her eyes widened.  "Kim Jaehoon."  She sputtered out.  He chuckled, "Just like the boys had said.  A cute little girl who was more interested in the equipment than anything else here.  Anything catching your eye?"  Minhee nodded, "Yeah, the lights you have are dimmer than most studios and your camera more compact.  But, it is hooked up to a touch screen computer.  Do you do your editing right here or is the touch screen just for the sake of a touch screen?"  Jaehoon laughed, "You know, most people aren't that observant.  Yes I do my edits here and my lights are dimmer because the flash on my camera is brighter.  Do you want to play with it a little bit after the boys get out?  I could let you take a few shots."  The girl's eye twinkled in excitement.


The boys came out in their outfits.

Minhee's jaw hit the ground....



"Omo!  What ever happened to the dorky guys that argued about whether or not I was going to cook dinner for them?!?!  Because I'm pretty sure that you hot bastards are not them."  The group blushed.  Except Kai, he smirked and went to hug the girl, "It really is us Minhee.  See."  Minhee pulled herself away before he could get his arms around her.  "Kim Jongin!  Do not touch me while you are half !"  He pouted, "But noona..."  "Don't you but noona me!  I don't your whatever touching me.  I mean yes it's attractive.  BUT, Along with that comes with people that have practically drooled all over it and I don't want their theoretical hormonal ual ooze all over me!"  The boys gaped.  Chanyeol took a step towards her and she pointed a finger at him, "No!  You and your hair can stay over there.  The window repair guy said he would be over tomorrow.  SO, just stay over there and tonight won't be so tantalizing.  Please."


Jaehoon snickered, "Well lets get started."  Exo-K followed his directions for a while.  Minhee spent her time trying to pay attention to the way the production team worked, but it was pretty much a hopeless effort when six unearthly hot guys were the subject of the shoot.  Finally he turned to her, "Minhee, do you want to take pictures?"  She smiled and took the out held camera.  Her whole attitude about the way the guys were changed when she held up the camera.  Jaehoon was impressed at the way she could go from being set off by the boys into being able to take in every little aspect that she had chastised earlier.  Minhee only took about 20 frames, but when they went through them later they were some of the better shoots.  Jaehoon wasn't sure if it was the girl's skills or if it was the guys trying to show off for her.  Granted, the later would have had to happen fast because she told them she was walking home and left right after she handed back the camera.


Jaehoon stopped Baekhyun to talk to him, "So what exactly is the relationship between you guys and Minhee?"  The boy smiled, "Well you see she was Chanyeol's dad's student and a friend of his aunt's daughter.  They started messaging back and forth for a while and then she tried to commit suicide.  So, we got to meet her at the hospital.  Then after she got out a couple of days ago, they found out that someone had broke into her house, and Chanyeol wasn't comfortable with her staying there so she is staying in our guest room until, I guess, tomorrow when the repair guy fixes her window."  Jaehoon nodded, "Take good care of her and make sure that her talent stays around.  I haven't seen passion like that in a long time."  Baekhyun nodded and sprinted to catch up with the boys who were now walking out the door.


Minhee got home four hours after Exo-K.  They were worried because she passed by them and all of their inquiries and went straight to her room.  She still was a little shocked about the guys' transformation and knew why they were popular.  She just wasn't sure if she was ready to let someone who's face is going to end up on some billboard behind her camera and into her personal feelings.  She was slightly regretting the sleepless ramble to Chanyeol the other night and wasn't totally sure why she had told him anything.  Never the less fell asleep with him in her bed, or let him sleep there too.


Suddenly the door opened revealing the devil himself, as if he had some weird way of knowing whenever she was thinking about him.  He quietly closed the door and ignored her glare as he sat on her bed.  He glanced up and gave her a feeble smile, "I know you aren't in any mood to see me but I just wanted to let you know that the picture that they ended up deciding was the best was one of yours."  He started to stand but was stopped by Minhee's soft grasp onto his shirt hem.  She bit her lip trying to think of how to word what she wanted to say.  "Oppa, what do you think of murderers?"  Chanyeol raised an eyebrow, not really expecting this topic, "Well, it depends on why they were killing the other people.  If they were doing it just to kill people then it's bad and I think that they should die too.  But, I think if they are trying to protect themselves or other people from the person they have killed then they are alright.  Why?"  Minhee opened , but then closed it after realizing what she was going to say.  "Nothing, I was just thinking about my mom." She lied and hoped that he didn't notice.


After Chanyeol had left Minhee he made his way into his own room.  He glanced over at his guitar and picked it up.  He had this song itching at the back or his head for the past few days and he really needed to get it out.  He sat down on his bed and started writing.

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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!