The End of the Letters

Letters To Oppa

Chanyeol and Mrs. Lee pulled up in from of Minhee's building.  His aunt went towards the elevator, but he remembered Minhee's comment about it being slow as death.  He wasn't willing to test that, especially if what he thought was going on was really happening.  Before he got to the stairs his aunt called, "Her room is 333.  Her pass code is 1231."  He nodded and sprint up to the third and found the door.  He quickly entered in the code and the door opened.  He looked around, trying to figure out where she might be.  He ran from room to room, looking for her, until he found the bathroom.  He carefully opened the door.

Minhee was laying in the bath tub with the outfit that Lucky had given her on.  There were various pill bottles scattered about the floor and a glass of what smelled like sake was spilled on the floor beneath her hand.  Chanyeol rushed over to and checked for any vital signs.

They were there...

But they were faint....

And fading fast...

His aunt walked in and screamed.  He turned to her eyes pleading, "Call 119!  Quickly!  Tell them she is dying!"  She did as she was told and Chanyeol turned his attention back to the girl in the tub.  He reached in and picked her up bridal style, getting himself soaking wet.  Coordi noonas are going to be mad at him... Oh well.  He walked out of the bathroom with Minhee in his arms and his aunt followed him out into the hall.  Still talking on the phone.  When they got to the elevator he sighed, nervous about whether she would make it or not.  The doors opened, revealing a few kids inside.  One of them snickered a little as she walked out to let Chanyeol have the whole thing.  The others followed her and didn't bat an eye about the dripping and dying girl in his arms.  His aunt stepped in and pressed the lobby button.  It seemed to take days to get down and when the doors opened in front of them, the ambulance had just arrived.  Chanyeol ran as fast as he could with Minhee.  The paramedics met him half way with a stretcher and he set her down.  They let both Chanyeol and Mrs. Lee ride with her to the hospital.  When they pulled up in front of it, Minhee was rushed in for emergency treatment, while Chanyeol and his aunt had to stay back to fill out paperwork and talk to doctors and police.  It all passed in a blur.

Chanyeol didn't relax, even a little, until his parents walked in the door.  Both with panicked expressions.  He ran over to his dad and buried his face in his father's chest, like he had so many times before for comfort.  Mr. Park wrapped his arms around his son's body and whispered, "It'll be alright."  Chanyeol wanted to believe those words, but his dad hadn't seen Minhee with all of the tube and wires attached to her.  He hadn't seen her with the oxygen mask on and had to listen as the heart monitor got fainter with every passing minute.  His mom came over ad hugged him too before being broken up by a doctor's voice, "Anybody here for Lee Minhee."  The Parks along with Mrs. Lee stepped forward.  The doctor glanced at them, "Are any of you her guardians?"  Mrs. Lee stepped forward, "Both of her parents died when she was young and her family disowned her.  We're the closes that your going to get."  He nodded, "Well, it looks like she over dosed on medication, and mixed it with alcohol.  When she came in, she was in critical condition and right now, she is only slightly better off.  We are trying to filter it out of her system and have gotten a large portion out, but it will be a matter of at least a couple days before she will wake up.  There is a chance that she won't wake at all, but that's up to her.  Are there any questions?"  Chanyeol's dad cleared his throat, "When will she be allowed to have visitors?"  "It'll be three days at least if everything goes well."  They all nodded and the doctor when back to working on her.

They sat in the waiting room in silence until Chanyeol remembered that he had left his band mates with no rhyme or reason.  He called Suho who was none to pleased about his sudden disappearance.  He listened to his lecture quietly before saying, "Minhee is in the hospital.  She tried to ki... kill herself."  His voice cracked and Suho was silent.  "Where are you?"  He asked after recovering from the shock.  Chanyeol told them which hospital and the leader said that they would be there as soon as they could.

Exo came barreling in the door and glanced around the room until they found Chanyeol sitting with his family in a empty corner.  They made their way over and each took their turns hugging everyone of them.  Suho got to business quickly after everyone had sat down, "So how is she?"  Mr. Park spoke, "They are working on her still.  She ODed on drugs and they are taking time to flush it out her system."  Kai bit his lip and asked the question that everyone had tip toed around, "Why'd she do it?"  The Parks shrugged, while Mrs. Lee sighed, "I think I know why, but I don't think it is my place to tell you."  Chanyeol looked up at his aunt, "Does it have anything to do with her going to the police station today to find out about her dad's death."  His parents' eyes widened and they looked over at the woman.  Mr. Park stuttered, "S-she didn't, did she?"  She nodded and he looked like he had seen a ghost.


~One Week Later~

Chanyeol's father called him, "She's awake" was all he heard before he had hung up and was half way out the door.  When he got to the hospital his parents were there with his aunt.  The doctor let his dad and his aunt go in first.  Chanyeol sat in the waiting area with his mother holding his hand.  The two came out after about ten minutes.  The vibe they gave off was one of fright, but they were obviously more relaxed.  Chanyeol's mother wasn't ready to see Minhee yet, so he went back by himself.  He poked his head in the room to find a pale tired looking girl.  

Chanyeol walked over and smiled, "Hi Minhee. I'm-"  "You have big ears."  She cut him off with a quiet voice and watched him as he frowned and shook his head so they were hidden under his hair.  He felt her gaze on him and glanced up at her.  She tilted her head to the side, "Do you not remember me?"  He was confused and imitated her head tilting, trying to think back.  Minhee sighed, "I guess not.  You had only came to visit me once and I said that and you cried.  I guess it was also like a little over eight years ago.  I'm sorry for not recognizing you again.  My memory was worse than I thought."  Chanyeol still didn't understand, "Wait you've met me before?"  She feebly nodded, "Yeah, you visited me when I was in the mental hospital.  I'm sorry I don't remember your name."  Chanyeol bit his lip, it was the moment of truth and he felt like it was the wrong time.  As he looked down at the girl in the bed with her lifeless eyes, he finally decided it was now or never, "I'm Park Chanyeol."  

Her eyes sparked to life before sputtering out again.  "Why did you come for me?  You must already know what I am?"  He was confused again, "What do you mean what you are?  I know you are Lee Minhee, my dad's student and my aunt's best friend's daughter.  I know that you get bullied a lot, but I don't know why anyone would do that.  I know you work in a little cafe and that you are great at not just taking pictures, but getting pictures taken of you.  I don't know what you think you are, but whatever it is it isn't that bad that you needed to do t-this."  He stumbled out the last word, not quite sure how she would take reminders of her late night adventure.  Minhee just let out a shallow breath and closed her eyes.  Chanyeol waited for her to react, but was only answered with her breathing steadying out to a slow sleepy pace.

Chanyeol emerged from the room and turned to his aunt, "She's the girl from the hospital you took me to when I was twelve."  His aunt stiffened before nodding.  He glanced down at his feet, "Why was she there?"  She sighed, "That is her place to tell you.  Granted now that she knows, she probably wouldn't want to touch you with a ten foot pole, just so you would be safe from her."  Chanyeol was once again confused, what could this little girl that looked too weak to even talk above a whisper do to harm him?  He wasn't sure and he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

"Uh, we are here to see Lee Minhee.  Could you tell us which room she is in?"  Chanyeol heard from across the room and turned to see a girl and boy at the counter talking to the receptionist.  The girl had long brown hair pulled into a pair of messy pigtails and a dress on.  She twirled around in circles childishly, while the boy talked.  He had a pair of jeans and a striped shirt on.  His hair was a little lighter than the girls, but you could tell that they were related.  The lady behind the counter had just told them the room number when Chanyeol walked towards them.

Chanyeol stopped them before they headed back into the maze of halls.  The boy raised an eyebrow, "Um, can I help you?"  "Who are you and how do you know Minhee?"  Chanyeol asked and the girl turned to him.  "Min Min is Mia's best friend.  Giant isn't going to take Min Min away, is giant?"  Her child like speech took Chanyeol by shock.  He shook his head, "No I am just trying to make sure that people that would hurt her don't get in."  This made the girl laugh, "Hurt Min Min?  Min Min has bruises but Min Min isn't hurt.  Min Min is waiting."  The boy gave the girl a look, like she had said too much before turning back to Chanyeol.  "Sorry about Mia.  My sister has never totally been around up stairs, if you know what I mean.  I'm Dongho, we were just here to visit her since she has evidently figured stuff out."

Chanyeol's aunt walked over and Mia turned to her, "Mrs. Lee!  It is nice to see Mrs. Lee.  Mia is going to see Min Min.  Is Mrs. Lee going to see Min Min too?"  Mrs. Lee smiled, "Dongho, I will take Mia in to see her.  Don't get carried away telling him too much about Minhee's life.  She would murder you."  The way that the boy stiffened, made Chanyeol wonder just how idle of a threat it was.  Dongho nodded and walked with Chanyeol over to a bench.  He sighed, "So what do you know?"






I guess I should include pictures of Mia and Dongho since they are going to be a large part of the story....





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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!