Oooops! Didn't Get That Memo....

Letters To Oppa

The next morning went just as anyone could expect.  Chanyeol and Minhee were still in bed when the rest of Exo woke.  Baekhyun was the first to notice that his room mate was missing.  He quickly woke Suho frantically whispering, "Chanyeol is gone."  Suho jumped out of his bed and ran around the house in his pajamas.  He yelled continuously until a sleepy Chanyeol and Minhee walked out of the girl's room.  The boy rubbed his eyes and Suho was soon punching him in the gut.  Chanyeol bent over and clutched his stomach.  "What the hell?" He coughed out.  Suho tossed his arm over Minhee's shoulder and moved her away from the pained boy. "Just because there is a girl in the house doesn't mean that you have to big bad wolf her the first night she is here.  I mean, I could expect this out of Kai, but I am disappointed in you Chanyeol." He tsked.  "I didn't even touch her."  Chanyeol grunted, now leaning against the wall.  Kai came out of God knows where and knocked Suho on the head.  "I am not that bad!"  He yelled and Suho glared at him, "Do you really want to bet?"  A door opened towards the beginning of the hall, and a angry looking Kris stepped out.  He let his gaze fall over the group, "Must you all be so noisy in the morning?  I finally have a day off and you insist on making the biggest commotion you can!"  Everyone stopped what they were doing ad turned in different directions to disperse.  Minhee watched and laughed at their obedience to the other leader.  He turned to her, "Do you think that you're not included in the noise?"  She smirked, "I don't know them.  They just showed up and kid napped me."  He gave her one of those looks that said 'You're really arguing with me about this?'  Minhee shrunk back from the leader before skipping off towards the living room.

Lay was sitting on the couch with a guitar in his hand.  Next to him was Chen, who was singing some random song that they were going to play at a interview later.  Suho and Baekhyun were sitting in front of them on the floor, listening intently.  Chanyeol was with Xuimin, Kyungsoo and Luhan in the kitchen, making breakfast.  From what Minhee had heard from them, Sehun, Tao and Kris were still sleeping, while Kai was in the shower.  Minhee sat down on the bench and glanced over the books.  After verifying that there was nothing there that she would really want to read, she went back to her room and picked up her computer.  She flicked through her pictures to see if there was anything that she was particularly wanting to edit.  Soon she stumbled upon the picture of the little kids that she had taken almost a month ago.  She sighed, not quite believing that so much had happened.  It had felt like a lifetime ago that she had sat down in her desk like normal.  The words of her classmates seemed more meaning less now than they had before.  Speaking of classes, she shot a few e-mails to her teachers to see what she needed to do for make up work.

Minhee went back to the picture of the kids.  She smiled and decided that when she was back in her own house that she was going to get it printed and hang it up.  She quickly did the little bit of editing the picture needed and saved it.  She looked through her computer a little more before sighing.  There was nothing to do.  Minhee glanced towards the clock, 11 o'clock.  Just then she had this sinking urge to go take pictures.  She grabbed her bag with her cameras and opened her door.  There stood Kyungsoo with an outstretched arm.  The girl smiled at him, "Can I help you?"  He bit his lip, "I was just wondering if you would like to join us.  We're playing monopoly."  Minhee shook her head, "Sorry, but I need to go out and take some pictures."  He nodded, and let her lead the way back down the hall towards the door.  She waved at everybody as she walked out the door.

When Minhee got outside she quickly took a look around.  Not quite sure where would be a good place to start, she stopped a random guy as he was walking into the building.  "Um, is there a good place around here for taking pictures?"  She asked and looked him over.  The boy had medium length hair, but also had extensions that were pulled back into a pony tail.  He paused and puffed out his cheeks in thought.  Minhee had to stop herself from giggling at how much of a two year old he looked like.  "Uh, there is a park two blocks that direction.  I know the cherry blossoms aren't in bloom, but the park itself is nice."  He point right before smiling and opening the door to the building.  The girl bowed and called "Thank you" before running off towards the park.

The boy had been right the park was beautiful and Minhee snapped a picture of a pathway that lead into it.  The leaves were just beginning to fall and she was happy that she had picked today to go out.  She took pictures for a good two hours before her stomach growled.  She clutched it and looked around.  There was a small cafe on the other side of the street and she walked over to it.  Inside, there weren't very many people.  Minhee ordered and took a seat in the corner, next to the window.  She munched happily on her muffin and took sips of her hot chocolate.  Her eyes glaze over as she watched out the window.  Minhee thought about how her mom used to make her hot chocolate after she was done playing out in the snow.  Minhee would come into the house to the soft aroma of chocolate with a slight hint of milk floating around, and she would run into the kitchen and burnt her tongue on the first gulp every time.  She was brought out of her thoughts as a worker scrubbed the window in front of her.  She finished up her food and left for home.

When she entered the house there was a bunch of noise coming from the living room.  Minhee ignored it, so she could go to her room and put her stuff away.  After everything was properly cleaned up, she finally went out to see what the noise was in the living room.  Kris and Chanyeol were conveniently standing in the doorway, making it impossible to see what was going on.  There was music and ever so often she heard a soft thump.  Being impatient, Minhee grabbed a hold of Chanyeol's shoulders and pulled herself up and him down, so she could see what was happening.  Chanyeol glanced back at her and pulled her in front of him.  In the middle of the living room was Kai and Lay dancing with the guy from earlier.  They moved smoothly to the beat, hardly making a sound on the hard wood floor.  Minhee glanced around at the guys packed into the small room.  The song then changed to a slow one and the three stopped.  They looked tired and Kris moved into the kitchen to get them water.

The one from earlier noticed Minhee and walked over.  "How did your pictures turnout?" he asked and the other boys raised their eyebrows.  The girl smirked, "They turned out really good.  Do you want to see them?"  He nodded and followed her into her room.  As she reached for her computer she spoke, "I'm Minhee.  What is your name?"  He smiled, "You're joking right?"  She shook her head and slid the memory card from her digital camera into the computer, "Am I supposed to know who you are?"  He sighed, "I guess not.  It's just surprising that you're a teenage girl in Korea and don't know who I am.  Anyways, my name is Taemin.  But you can call me Minnie."  "Alright Taemin-ssi, here are the pictures."  Taemin scowled at her, "I said you could call me Minnie."  Minhee stared blankly back, "That is what the girls at my school called me just before beating me up.  I am not calling you Minnie."

The two flipped through the pictures, with Taemin commenting on how amazing her pictures were, while Minhee was dismissing them, pointing out flaws that she was needing to fix.  As they were finishing up Xuimin Chen walked in, "Hey Tae, Minho and Key are here, wondering if you are going back to your place?"  The boy nodded and waved to the girl as he walked out, "See ya later Minhee!  I hope to see you soon, preferably behind a professional camera."  Chan glanced back at her and she asked the question that had been bugging her, "Who is he?"  Chen's eye were the size of plates, "Who is Taemin?"  She nodded.  Chen sighed and closed the door.  "Taemin is the Maknae of the group SHINee."  Minhee tilted her head, "Shiny?  Like ooh shiny, shiny, or am I really off the mark."  He nodded, "SHINee. S-H-I-N-e-e, they are a five guy boy band.  They are Jonghyun, Key, Minho, Onew and Taemin.  And they are kind of big."  The girl sat there processing the information before turning back to Chen, "Then why do know them?"  Chen had to try so hard not to pound his head against the wall, "We are in the same company."  "Oh, and you guys are like Exxon or something like an oil spill like that?"  If the guys hadn't become so attacked to Minhee he probably would have "accidentally" choked her.  But, Chen knew what was coming if he tried to hurt her, and it wasn't worth it.  He sighed, "We are Exo."  She snapped her fingers, "That's it!  I even had the right oil spill!"

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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!