Letter 3

Letters To Oppa

As Min Hee found out the next day, Suho giving her his phone number had been the worst thing he could have possibly done.  When she got to school, there was a group of girls waiting by the entrance for her.  She tried to avoid them, but they grabbed her by the back of her collar and steered her towards the open  field.  They told Min Hee's bag and dumped everything out of it.  She hoped that nothing broke in that drop or she would just be out of luck.  One snatched her phone out of the pile and handed it to who Min Hee thought the ring leader.  "You think that you can just be with our oppa.  Do you think that we'd let that happen Minnie?"  She sneered and Min Hee cringed.  The name had sounded like honey yesterday while Suho was saying it, but when the girl said it the name stung like venom.  She looked down and thought, 'You would have treated me worse if I had turned him down.'  When she glanced up the girl was copying the number to her phone.  Min Hee had already thought of that and changed his number in there, he was actually under Ginger.  Min Hee glanced towards the front of the school and saw that a group had gathered a little ways away to watch.  Suddenly, she heard a shattering noise.  She back to the girls as they dropped the pieces of her phone on the ground at her feet.  They all had this sadistic smile on their face.  One of them stepped forwards and made a swift kick at Min Hee's gut.  She curled up in a ball and covered her head with her arms, as they started to beat her.


When the girls were all satisfied they walked into the building, taking the group that had been watching with them.  A few of the kids glanced back at her, but didn't stop to help or make sure that she was alright.  Min Hee whispered, "s."  That was a bad idea, she started coughing and when she brought her hand away there was blood on it.  She painfully sat up and grabbed a piece of the glass from her phone to see if it was her lip bleeding or if it was something more sever.  The glass slipped a little in her hand, making a small slit.  Min Hee watched the blood trickle from the spot and the voices that she had worked so hard to ignore everyday echoed in her head.  'Why don't you just die?  The society just looses it's weak links.  Go kill yourself !  Why are you even here?  Do you think we'd really let that happen?  A dumb like you has to be beaten right?'  They wouldn't stop and her arm itched so bad.  It was just waiting for the contact.  Min Hee held on to that little voice of reason... until her father's voice sounded in her head, 'If you don't do this now it'll hurt more later.'  That was it, one second she  was just sitting there waging her battles and the next she had made a vicious cut across her already skin.  She watched the blood trickle down her arm until it almost got to the hem of her shirt.  She it up before it could taint the fabric.  She crawled over to her stuff with some difficulty, and pulled out a bandana  She wrapped it carefully and tightly around her wrist, then grabbed her sweatshirt and put it on so you couldn't see her make shift bandage.  She tucked the rest of her stuff in her bag and limped to class.


Mrs.  Choi's class was about half way over when Min Hee hobbled in.  The woman gave no notice to her as she slowly made her way to her seat.  She looked down at it and found another note.  She glanced at DongHo then sat down.  When she open it, all it said was 'Are you okay?'.  She shook her head and made it look as if she was really paying attention to the pointless stuff Mrs. Choi was tell them.  The class ended and she gathered up her stuff and attempted to get out the door as quickly as she could.  But, in her condition, it wasn't that fast and DongHo had caught up to her.  "Hey, you never called me." She glared at him and snapped, "Well that might be because my phone is in a crumpled pile in the grass."  He offered to carry her stuff, but she pulled away, saying that she didn't trust people with her crud, particularly today, when her stuff had been brutally treated.  Min Hee ignored him as she walked to her next class and sat down.


The rest of her day went fairly peacefully compared to what had happened that morning.  Mr. Park tried to get her to tell him what happened, but she refused, knowing that he would make a big deal about it.  She some how made it through all of her classes with only side long sneers at her and her last class teacher gave her all of her make up work, but that wouldn't be a problem.  It took her about a half an hour longer to get home, but she got there and pulled her stuff out of her bag.  The most damage outside her phone was a long scratch along the outside of her laptop, but everything worked just fine.  Min Hee finally decided that she was going to look i the mirror.  She had kind of avoided it all day and now that she was alone, she could deal with stuff properly.  She walked into the bathroom and was happy to see that it was just a black eye and a split lip.  She then ventured to undress and see the real damage.  There was a good basketball sized welt on her thigh and some other deep blue bruises on her back.  By far the worst was the set of three golf ball sized ones on the insides of her legs, because her legs would bump together and it would shoot pain through her entire body.  Min Hee decided that it was probably a good idea to take a shower.


After she got out she was running a towel through her hair and sat down at her computer.  She opened up her e-mail and stared at the address for Park Chanyeol.  'Do I tell him what happened today?  What if he does read my stuff, would he be worried?'  She glanced down at her wrist and decided that today would be her dirty little secret and that she'd just tell him everything was fine.  "New bad habits I guess."  She whispered and typed "Dear Oppa..."



Chanyeol had been waiting for mail all day.  He constantly was checking his phone and fiddling around with it.  Right now they were sitting at the dinner table and Suho was talking about the photo shoot that he had yesterday at his old school, by some girl named Minnie.  Chanyeol wasn't particularly interested, except when his dad would come up in the conversation.  Speak of the devil he just got a message from him.  'Yeol- Could you please talk to Min Hee if you can?  Something bad happened today and when she got to class she was hurt really bad.'  That made the boy bite his lip, he knew that something had felt off the whole day.  Baekhyun snagged his phone out of his hands and read the message.  "Has she told you what happened?"  He asked and Chanyeol shook his head.  "I haven't gotten anything from her today."  He whispered and Kai watched the two intently.  "Are you guys talking about that girl you've been talking to?"  He asked across the table, making the other three look at them.  Baekhyun nodded, "She apparently was hurt really bad today, but Yeol's dad doesn't know what happened and was hoping she'd tell him about it."  "Do you think she would tell you?" D.O. asked and Chanyeol shrugged.  "She's told me all the things that happened to her in the past two days, so I would think so, but then again if she was really hurt that bad that my dad is worried, I don't think that she would tell some random kid what happened."  The group nodded and he open up his e-mail again.


It was there.  Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun then around at the rest of the group whose eyes were still on him.  "Got it."  He whispered then read it out loud, knowing there was no use hiding it from the rest of the guys.

"Dear Oppa,  Yesterday I got to do a legitimate photo shoot with a person who wasn't mean to me.  Actually they kind of were nice and according to them my new name is Minnie.  I'm quite fond of it actually he's the first person to get me a legitimate nickname that wasn't for erted used or containing the word .  It was nice."  The group turned to Suho and Chanyeol's eyes widened, "Minnie is Min Hee?"  Suho put his hands in the air, "I didn't know that any of you guys knew her.  Anyways now I'm really concerned so please continue."  Chanyeol found where he was and started again, "And then afterwards he exchanged phone numbers with me, well it really wasn't an exchange, it was more he snagged my phone and did crap with it.  But, I guess that was all for nothing because it was broken this morning.  But anyways, that guy that gave me his number yesterday tried to talk to me today and was having issues cause I hadn't called him.  I didn't have the heart to tell him that I wasn't planning on calling him and my broken phone was a great excuse.  But other than that I had a pretty good day.  I went to all my classes and people just made bad remarks and I came home in pretty clean clothes.  Nobody even cut my film!  It was a good day.  Sincerely Min Hee."


The group sat in silence.  "She didn't say anything about getting hurt."  D.O. whispered, finally daring to break to silence.  Sehun leaned back, "She didn't say a lot of things."  They turned to him and he shrugged, "Did you guys not catch that she didn't say who it was that she exchanged numbers with or how her phone got broken.  I mean judging from the rest of the message she's a walking target and to get a guy like Suho who takes her phone and gives her his number.  Doesn't that seem like a good reason for some crazy fan to break her phone?  And wouldn't it be easier to take her phone when your in a group and then while your at it beat her up at the same time?  Suho did say that she referred to herself as the school punching bag, so it wouldn't seem out of line.  And if she got beat up pretty bad in the morning and looked like she was in pain walking around the school, nobody is going to make any big moves around her, because they still have enough pride to nod make passes at an injured person."  Kai raised an eyebrow, "Didn't know you were Sherlock Holms."  Sehun smirked, "Nah.  I've just spent too much time around my retard cousin who's in a gang.  They're really simple minded and easy to figure out.  It's this Min Hee girl that is a little bit harder to read.  I mean, if I hadn't just listen to Suho's story and then her referencing the name Minnie I don't think any of us would have figured it out.  But, I feel as if there is a little bit more to the story than just her getting beat up."  Kai turned back to Chanyeol, "I told you yesterday that you should message her.  So now is the time."  The rest of the group nodded and he bit his lip nervously, "Alright."

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!