Letter 5

Letters To Oppa

When Minhee woke up she got ready for work.  She had the day off from school and was heading to work.  When she got there the doors were about to open and she barely had time to get her apron and notepad before people started coming in.  The owner gave her a weird look and  pointed towards his face.  Minhee rolled her eyes and punched the air.  The owner got the idea and smirked and gave her a thumbs up.  Minhee chuckled and went to a table with a six guys that had just sat down.  She smiled, "Hello.  Can I start you with something to drink?"  They ordered and she scribbled it all down on her notepad.  'Two cokes, one chai tea, one coffee and two bubble teas.'  She turned to go get them and she could hear them whisper back and forth.  "What do you think happened to her?"  One of them asked and another replied back, "I think she got in a fight."  She turned to watch a black haired one shake his head, "She looks to weak to be fighting, I think it was an abusive boyfriend."  Minhee finished getting the drinks and walked back, still listening to their theories.  She shook her head when she got to the end of the table.  They still hadn't noticed that she was back until she said, "I think she's being bullied really badly at school and doesn't need people to guess how she got her bruises."  They all froze and nervously turned to her.  Minhee didn't particularly mind and just set their stuff down as if she hadn't heard anything then tilted her head,"Are you guys ready to order food or do you still need some time?"  They nodded and she went to go pour some coffee for an old man in the corner.


Exo-M sat in the little cafe trying to figure out what they were going to eat.  They didn't want to upset their waitress.  She looked like she was having a tough time.  Tao even said that she looked like she was used to having people wonder about how she got her bruises.  When she came back Luhan and Xuimin were still arguing on what the eldest should order.  "Come on.  You have to!  How can Baozi not order baozi?  It just wouldn't be right if you ordered anything else."  The deer like boy pleaded, but Xuimin was having none of this.  "Are you trying to make me sound like a cannibal?  I swear if I eat anymore of those steam buns I am going to become one."  Luhan laughed, "Perfect cause you already are one."  Their waitress chuckled, "What would you like Baozi?"  He glared at her, but it melted away when he saw the beautiful smile that played on her lips.  "Um, uh, I would like Kimchi Pancakes."  The girl nodded and scribbled it down.  She took the rest of their orders then smirked at Luhan, "No baozi for you?"  He shook his head, "I'm not eating Xuimin!  That would be so bad!"  She chuckled and then left them to be.  Kris nudged the eldest and spoke in Chinese, "Don't look too love sick there bud.  You do have fans to think about and from the way she just acted I don't think she knows who we are."  The group watched as she went around the place serving people and being friendly.  Lay leaned back in his chair, "I don't know why anybody would want to bully that.  I mean look at how sweet and laid back she is."  "I think it's deeper than that." Chen said and noticed how she would jump every time the bell would signal someone new coming into the store.

Finally she brought their food over and carefully set it down in front of each of them.  The bell dinged, and she flinched, but turned and smiled.  "Welc..."  She trailed off and her smile faded.  The guys turned and looked at the couple of girls that walked in.  Tao noticed the look of pure fear on the waitress' face and watched the girls at the door walk closer to her.  "Hey !  What are you doing here?  The red light district is that way."  One of them said and point downtown.  The tension in the little restaurant was high, until the waitress took off her apron and handed it to the cook that had just come out of the kitchen.  She walked past the girls and left.  The girls giggled in victory and made their way to a booth, not noticing the glares they had on them.  Tao about had enough when listening to the girls talk about how horrible the girl was and started to stand up, only to be stopped by Kris.  The leader then calmly stood and walked over and sat down next to the girls.

"Hey, why did you guys call her a ?" he asked and flashed them a smile.  They swooned a bit before the one that had yelled at her spoke up, "Well I heard that the other day she had a private photo shoot with Suho oppa and then he gave her his number.  That's why she has all those bruises, because some of the other girls gave her a lesson.  But I was sick that day and was itching to give her one of my own."  The other two girls nodded.  Kris thought about this before asking, "Was she bullied before that?"  One of them snickered, "Only like everyday."  This struck him as odd, "Why?"  The last girl leaned forward, "She is weird and a half, but she is the only person in the entire school that got a full ride scholarship.  Apparently she had some amazing pictures that she took, and  typically when people get scholarships they put it up somewhere, but her's never showed up.  It makes the rest of us normal students wonder what kind of pictures were taken and where they went and how much time she spent showing them off, if you know what I mean."  Kris shrugged, "Doesn't mean that you have to bully her just because she is better than you."  The girls' mouths dropped open and he stood up, "I hope you know that es like you aren't attractive at all."  Kris went back to Exo-M's table and started eating again.  When they were done, they went to pay for their food, only to find that somebody had already done it for them.  The others didn't notice, but Chen could see a reddish ponytail in the kitchen and could faintly hear the laughter of a girl from back there.


Minhee was pleased with the guys she had served and paid for their food.  It was the least she could do after they had gotten mad on her part.  After the girls had left she went out and worked some more before going back home.  When she opened the door something seemed off.  She walk into her kitchen to find her window shattered.  There was a large rock in the middle of her floor with a paper wrapped around it.  She picked it up, and read the paper 'DIE'.  "How the hell hell did they get a ing rock into a third floor window.  Nevertheless the right one."  She grumbled and started to pick up the pieces of glass.  The sheen of the edges whispered dark things at her, until she finally stopped and headed towards her computer to sent Chanyeol a message.  She sat down and started "Dear Oppa,"


Chanyeol was sitting in the living room when Exo-M walked in.  They looked  pleased but slightly disturbed.  "What's wrong with you guys?" He asked and Kris frowned, "There was this girl today that we met.  She looked like she had been roughed up pretty bad."  Chen nodded, " Ya then some other girls came in and started picking on her, apparently she is like the target of everybody at where ever she goes because they don't know how she got a full ride there."  Suho walked in and Xuimin pointed at him, "And it seems your the root of all of her troubles."  The Korean leader was confused until it clicked in Chanyeol's head, "Wait.  You mean that you met a girl that got in some trouble because of Suho giving her number?  What did she look like?"  Luhan shrugged, "Red hair, skinny, like almost anorexic skinny, but cute.  She had a big black eye and some bruises from what we could see.  Said they were from being bullied."  Chanyeol turned to Suho waiting for his answer.  "Doesn't smile often, but when she does it takes your breath away?"  The rest of the boys nodded and Chanyeol looked down at the floor.  "Why does everybody get to see her but me?" he whined.

Suddenly his phone buzzed and he grinned down at it, whispering, "But I'm the only one she sends mail to."  Suho knew that grin and sat down next to him and read over his shoulder.

Dear Oppa,

I hate people so much!  Today I was at work and these stupid girls came and made a giant fuss.  I mean really?  It's a restaurant so I left and snuck in the back door.  But, there was this group of guys that just might help out with my faith in humanity.  One of them went of and was talking to the girls and when he was done they were practically crying.  It felt so good so I paid for their food. (>//<)  It was the least I could do after they stood up for me.  But, then when I got home there was a rock on my kitchen floor along with what used to be my window.  I was cleaning it up, but I had to stop because I was so irritated.  I mean, How the hell do you get a rock up into a third story window? O.o

Anyways yesterday I went to visit Mrs. Lee.  She is a nice woman that used to be my mother's best friend.  She's now the only person that I have ever really told about anything.  She understands when I don't want to talk about something like a bruised face and acts like it is perfectly normal.  I guess that is what I love about her, but she keeps asking me about this Mia chick.  I don't know who she is but I get this sinking feeling she's important.  Then as I was leaving this boy was coming in.  I don't remember how they were related but he was stunning.  I would eat anything that he made...  Granted that might just be my love for tteok speaking. >.<.

Well I should probably pick up the rest of the glass before I forget about it and step on it in the morning.  That would just be a great reward for what bastard did it.




Chanyeol laughed a bit and looked at the guys from China.  "That girl that you met today says that you have restored her faith in humanity."  They all gave him confused looks and pointed to his phone, "I've been e-mailing with her for a little bit.  Well, more like she tells me what is wrong and I don't know what to do about them."  Tao nodded, "Well maybe that's all that she needs, someone to talk to who won't judge her."  The rest of the group nodded and Chanyeol looked over the mail again, and grinned.


MinHee went back to her kitchen without the voices clouding her mind.  She quickly picked up the glass before they would come out again.  Before she went to bed she set the rock in the shattered window.  It was her reminder that she didn't have a safe place to go to.  Not now, not ever.

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!