Letters Etched On Polycarbon Plastic

Letters To Oppa

The next morning was an interesting one.  Minhee had to go back to her old appartments to return the key that she had left the house with.  She awkwardly made her way to the front desk.  "Uh, hi.  I was living in room 333, and I am here to return the key that I had."  She said softly and the clerk glanced up.  He looked her over and smiled, "You were the one who disappearred right?"  Minhee bit her lip and nodded as she set the key on the desk.  "Some guys came and got your stuff and now have it."  He said as he took her key and placed in a file drawer under his desk.  She nodded, "Yeah, I am now living with them, but thanks for letting me know."  The man pulled out a disk from inside the drawer he had put the key in, "Oh and this was found inside your door under your drop box after they cleaned it out, along with this note."  Minhee raised an eyebrow as she looked over the familiar clearish purple case.  She took it from his and flipped it over in her hands to see the letters HD writen on it.  Looking closer, she could also the multitude of thin cracks coving the entire disk.  Minhee opened up the case and ran her finger over the shattered disk.  Glancing cautiously at the note that the man had set on the counter, she reached for it and flicked it open.


'Looks like little miss Minhee has more ghosts in her closet than an haunted house.  I can't imagine what would happen if one of these were to slip out some how.  I expect you'll be hearing again from us soon.  SIncerely, M.D.S.'


Minhee shivered slightly before looking around her, keeping an eye out for suspicious people.  When she saw none she turned back to the desk worker, "Thank you."  He nodded and waved her off.  Minhee was oddly nervous about the trip home.  She was slightly jumpy at the lightest brush of her shoulder, and kept peering around making sure that noone was following her.  When the sight of Exo's appartments came into veiw, she finally relaxed a little, but still scanned the crowd.  Not even when she was making her way up the stairs did she completely let her guard down.  Quickly, she ran over to the door and knocked, hoping that they were still there.  Minhee didn't have a key and Exo-K had schedules that they needed to be going to, while M had already left on a plane for Beijing earlier that morning.


Much to her relief Baekhyun opened the door with a smile.  "I was wondering if you were going to make it back in time."  He said.  Minhee nodded slightly, but her brain wasn't paying attention, instead she was more worried about the broken hard drive in her bag and the almost threatening letter that came with it.  Chanyeol was sitting in kitchen and smiled at her as she walked past.  Minhee ignored it and went directly to her room.  Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow, "Did you guys get in a fight?"  The rapper shook his head, "No, I don't know what's wrong."  He stood up and headed towards the girl's room.  Knocking he called through the door, "Minhee are you alright?"  He slowly pushed the door open to reveal a pacing Minhee.  She was biting her lips and didn't notice his enterance.  


Chanyeol grabbed her arm and turned her so she was facing his, "What is wrong?"  "It's nothing really.  I was just thinking that I forgot something at DoHoon's house.  I think I left my shoes there."  She lied.  The boy was not taking the bait  and rested his forehead on her's, "What is wrong?  I highly doubt that you would get ths worried over a pair of shoes, maybe if it was your camera, but not shoes."  "They were my favorite shoes."  She replied questioningly.  Chanyeol shook his head, "Close but no cigar, how about the truth."  Minhee glanced around, with her eyes finally settling on the clock.  "Oh look at the time, don't you have to be leaving now?"  She asked pointing to it.  As if fate were on her side Suho yelled from outside, "Chanyeol let's go or we're going to be late!"  The boy stared into her eyes, "This conversation is not over."  "Hurry!"  Suho called again.  Chanyeol planted a peck on Minhee's lips before leaving her.


Minhee sighed when she heard the front door slam behind the group of boys.  Turning towards her bed, she was glad that Chanyeol hadn't noticed the CD and paper.  She picked them both up and put them away in her camera bag.  Looking around her room, she became overly aware of the window and walked over to it.  Examining it, it didnt look like it opened and what she could tell it had two panes on it.  This made her feel a little bit better, but she double checked all of the windows in the house just incase.  Luckily from what she could tell there weren't any balconies on the bulding, so she didn't have to completely worry about that.


Sitting down on the couch, Minhee just let the stillness of the house take over her.  She had almost completely forgotten what it felt like to be quiet and alone.  Living with twelve boys there was never a truely quiet moment.  Even in the night, it sounded like a jungle full of warthogs with all of the snoring.  Minhee felt peaceful here in the silence and was honestly missing it for while.  Just as quickly as the still was settled, it was broken with the ringing of the girl's cell phone.  "God dammit!  Can't you people leave me alone for a little while!"  She yelled as she ran through her house to her room.  


She pulled her phone out of her bag to have Chanyeol's number scroll across her screen.  She raised an eyebrow before bringing the phone toher ear, "Yes?"  "I forgot to say this before I left but I love you." Chanyeol said from the other end of the line.  Minhee flushed red and whispered back, "I love you too."  There was a silence between the two, where they ust listened to the other breath before Minhee spoke up, "Did you call just for that?"  She could hear him chuckle on the other end of the line and it sent shivers down her spine.  The good kind that made her body hot in the places where Chanyeol had touched, not like the shivers she had earlier where she felt suffocated.  


"Yeah, pretty much.  I figured I needed to since I left you alone and we all know that recently leaving you alone means that something bad is going to happen."  He teased.  The girl's jaw dropped open, "Park Chanyeol you did not just tell me that I was trouble by myself!  And  for your information I never had these problems until you came along."  He laughed, "Sure, try to blame me."  Minhee grumbled in frustation.  Chanyeol sighed, "Well I've got to go.  They are calling me for something.  I'll see you when I get home.  I love you."  She smirked into the phone, "I kinda sorta love you too, when you're not being mean.  I guess I'll see ya when you get home."  Despite the content of the words, there was a fond tone about them.  They hung up and Minhee glanced towards her window, "I'll be here when you get home."

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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!