Letters in the Wind

Letters To Oppa

After two weeks in the hospital Minhee was finally released.  The rest of the Exo members had come and visited her.  She had been particularly surprised to find that the group of guys that had been at the cafe were friends of Chanyeol's.  Her manager and the cook had also come and visit.  There were a few people that came, more out of guilt than anything else, but Minhee got the picture.  You would think after years of taking them that she would be able to see that her circle of people that cared for her was bigger than she thought.

As celebration, everybody went to a room that the guys had rented out at the SM Building.  Minhee protested about going, but they were soon exhausted by Mia's constant pushing.  It was on the one condition that Minhee got to dress herself.  And dress herself she did in a Batman shirt and jeans.  She walked in with Mia into the building and was surprised to find a fairly good sized group already there.  Lucky had showed up and was chatting with Chanyeol until he saw Minhee.  "Minhee!"  He called and she smiled a little, "Hey lucky, fancy seeing you here."  Lucky nodded his head, "They don't call me Lucky for nothing, hun,  I have friends in high places you know."  Mia patted her on the back, "Min Min, Mia is going to set up for the song.  Mia will talk to Min Min later."  Minhee nodded and watched as her friend ran off to set up her stuff.  Lucky coughed,  returning her attention to him, "Sorry, I'm a little out of it."  He shrugged, "I would be out of it too."  She gave him a questioning look before realizing what he was talking about.  "Oh yeah, that."  She let her gaze wander around the room, until resting on the chairs on the far side.  She quietly slipped away from the group and sat down in one of them.

The celebration went fairly well and most everyone had come and talked to her.  Finally Mia stood up on the stage, and Minhee sat up in her chair.  She knew about how good Mia's voice was.  Mia leaned into the mic, "Is this on?"  Her voice resonated throughout the room and everyone turned their gaze to her.  Mia smiled, "Yep.  Uh, Hi, Mia will be performing a song called Kiss It Better for Min Min.  Mia hopes Min Min will like it."  She shuffled around before beginning.


He sits in his cell, and he lays on his bed.

 Covers his head, and closes his eyes.

 He sees a smoking gun and the coward he ran

And in his arms is the bleeding love of his life.


And she cries

Kiss it all better, I'm not ready to go.

It's not your fault love you didn't know,

You didn't know


Her hands are so cold and he kisses her face,

And says everything will be alright

He noticed the gun and his rage grew inside

He said I'll avenge my lover tonight.



And she cries

Kiss it all better, I'm not ready to go.

It's not your fault love you didn't know,

You didn't know


Now he sits behind prison bars

Twenty five to life and she's not in his arms

He couldn't bring her back with a bullet to the heart

of the back of a man that tore his world apart.


He was only a memory

All it is is a memory hey hey

He cries, Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me.

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with me.

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with me.

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with me.


Kiss it all better, I'm not ready to go

It's not your fault love, you didn't know

You didn't know

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with me

Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me

Stay with me until I fall asleep stay with me

Stay with me until I fall asleep..

Stay with...


The people in the room clapped for Mia, but they failed to  notice Minhee running out of the room with tears streaming down her face.  She hadn't noticed them until Mia had stopped.  Minhee went to the roof top and looked out over Seoul.  She knew that it was a matter of time before they noticed she was gone and found her, and she savored the little bit of free time she had.  She leaned over the fence, judging how far a fall it was before her fear of heights kicked in, and she pulled back away from the edge.  Her vertigo started to set in and she sat down on the cold cement.  

About ten minutes later Chanyeol broke out of the doors with a panicked look.  He relaxed a little when he saw the small figure on the ground.  He went and squatted down next to her, "Are you okay?"  Minhee shrugged and he took a seat so he could watch her face as they talked.  "Are you sure? You look like you've been crying."  She wiped at her face, trying to get rid of the evidence.  Chanyeol asked her a few more times if she was okay, before groaning in defeat.  Little did he know that if he had asked her one more time, that she probably would have spilt out her heart to him.  But, fate is cruel and he left her with her thoughts all tied up in confusing knots.

Chanyeol came back not long afterward with a glass of water.  Minhee nodded her head in thanks and took a sip.  "So tell me about that photo album that was on your bed."  He said and she was puzzled as to what he was talking about.  "What album?"  He sighed, "It was one with Dongho and Mia and Mrs. Lee and some other people in it."  She slowly remembered the book and laid back onto the ground so she was facing the sky.  "You really are persistent aren't you.  That book is the pictures I took in the hospital.  Don't touch them again."

The door to the roof opened again and Dongho waltzed out.  "Hey Minhee, are you alright?"  She sighed, "Yeah I'm fine.  That song just."  She trailed off and let her gaze move across the clouds.  Dongho nodded and gave a slight wave to Chanyeol.  "I'm sorry, I didn't know she was singing that one."  Chanyeol eyed the two as they looked everywhere but each other.  After a few minutes of a tense silence Minhee sighed "It's alright, she did a great job." She said softly.  Minhee stood and walked back into the building.

The boys went back down to the room, and Minhee wasn't there.  They shared a concerned glance before going outside together.  The girl was just getting on the bus and they followed her.  She sat down and her eyes glazed over as she looked out the window.  She didn't notice the boys and watched the streets pass.  When it was close to her building, she exited, still in her trance.  Mindlessly, she made her way up the stairs and to her apartment.  Before entering her code in, she glided her hand over the wooden surface of the door.  She opened it and walked in, neglecting to close it.  The boys looked at each other and then took a step into the room.  They watched as Minhee went about straightening things up in a dream like state.  She had put a pot of tea on the stove to warm up, she had started some laundry, and now she held a large pile of papers.  She turned and looked directly at the two boys.  "If you are going to stand there close the door.  I don't want everybody in the whole place mad at me because I froze them out."  They stiffened, and Chanyeol did as she asked.

Minhee set the pile of papers on the table and motioned for the boys to come in.  She pulled out three mugs and poured everyone some tea.  "Do you treat all of your intruders like this?"  Dongho grumbled.  Minhee shook her head, "Your not an intruder, unless you're like my rock friend over here and come intruder window."  Neither of them caught the joke and she cradled her face in her hands, "Oh god, please tell me that II don't have to explain this.  Intruder window, like in through the window."  They chuckled awkwardly and mentally slapped themselves for not getting it.

Minhee sighed, "Well anyways, since you guys are here and are obviously guys, so you should obviously know how to fold paper airplanes.  You can help me."  She nodded towards the large stack of papers, "That is every paper that I have received this year with insults on them.  What we are doing is making lots of paper airplanes and throwing them out what used to be my kitchen window."  The nodded and Chanyeol picked one up, 'A like you is only good to my '  He cringed as he folded it.  Minhee snatched it out of his hand and wrote on the side of it 'Letters to Minhee'  Dongho raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"  The girl just carried on with writing it on the outside of each of the airplanes, "I figured that someone ought to know what has been happening to me.  I honestly hope that someone who wrote one of these finds it and thinks back on what they did.  I mean it's not going to be long before they are all talking about my attempt, it only seems fitting that they would be reminded that they had a part in it.  Dongho stopped folding, "Do not revert back to that Minhee.  You are better than that."  Chanyeol glanced between the two as she nodded.  She picked up one of the airplanes and tossed it out, "Let's let her rage for today, before I imprison her back in my mind."

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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!