Missing Letters

Letters To Oppa

The next morning was interesting.  Minhee had gotten up early and cooked breakfast, but then locked herself in her room, saying that she had to get packed and ready.  At about noon she emerged and approached the group of guys sitting in the living room.  She had her suitcase in hand and the bag with her laptop and such over her shoulder.  "Um, I am leaving now, it was nice meeting you guys and I hope to see you again."  She awkwardly bowed, trying to not drop anything.  Chanyeol stood and snatched the suitcase.  Before she could protest, he opened the door and started walking out.  Minhee turned back to the boy as they smiled at her.  Kai spoke up, "Come back any time, it was fun having you around."  She nodded and head out.  The two stood awkwardly at the elevator and looked everywhere but each other.  Chanyeol still wasn't sure if he wanted Minhee out of his sights yet.  On the other hand, Minhee was still trying to come to terms that the boy next to her was way out of her league.


They avoided talking all the way to Minhee's apartment.  She quietly entered in her code and then turned to Chanyeol, holding out her hand for her bag. Chanyeol just pushed past her into the house and carried the bag into her room.  She sighed and began to follow him.  But, froze when she caught a glimpse of something in her kitchen.  She stepped into the room and bit her lip.  The far wall had red spray paint on it reading, "Dear , Go kill yourself.  Our oppas don't want you, so you better stay away from them.  If you don't stop talking to them then we'll make sure you can't talk to them."  There was a knife sticking out of the wall at the end of the message.  All of the cabinets were open and Minhee's dishes were shattered across the room.  On every surface was more insults.  .  .  .  She bent down and picked up the handle to her favorite batman mug.


Minhee could hear Chanyeol returning from her bed room and stood back up.  She sighed and went back to the door to put her shoes back on and grab a broom.  Chanyeol stood in shock and stared at her kitchen.  She threw his shoes at him, "Could you call the repair man before you leave and tell him that I can't do it today."  He nodded as he slid on his shoes and snatched the broom from Minhee's hand and replaced it with his phone.  She raised an eyebrow at him, "Uh, why are you giving this to me?"  Chanyeol started sweeping, "So you can call the repair man and also tell Exo to come help and tell them what color paint to pick up."  Minhee shook her head, "No you need to leave.  I can do this by myself."  He turned to her, "Can't you just accept my help?  You're kitchen was torn apart one piece at a time and you are more worried about getting me out of your house."  She leveled her gaze with his angry one, "Are you that thick to not understand the message on the god damn wall?  They are obviously watching the house and you can't be here."


Chanyeol dropped the broom and grabbed his phone out of Minhee's hand and left the house.  She stared at the door for a minute before dropping to her knees and crying.



Chanyeol stormed through the dorm and into his room.  The rest of the boys exchanged glances with each other before all settling on Baekhyun.  The boy groaned and stood up, "Alright."  He quietly opened the door to find Chanyeol sulking in his bed.  Baekhyun sighed and sat down in front of the rapper, "What happened?"  Chanyeol smacked his hand against the wall, "They got into her house again and wrecked her kitchen and even threatened her.  And she had the nerve to tell me to get out and that I couldn't be there."  Baekhyun's eyes widened, "So you just left her alone in house."  Chanyeol nodded and Baekhyun continued, "After she has just been threatened by someone who obviously has it out for her and obviously knows how to get into her house and can easily do it?"  Chanyeol jumped up, "."  Baekhyun lead the way through the house calling, "Everybody come on, we're going taking a trip to Minhee's house."  Exo was soon out the door and to the van.


Baekhyun explained the situation to everyone as they drove.  After arriving at Minhee's building they took the stairs.  Chanyeol entered in her code and hoped that nothing had happened to Minhee during his absence.  The door clicked and he pushed it open.  Minhee was sitting up against the wall across from the kitchen with her head buried in her arms.  Tao stepped in and lightly rested his hand on her shoulder.  He head shot up and Exo could see the fright in her eyes.  They softened when Tao smiled.  He bent over and picked her up off the ground and took her into her bedroom.  The house was silent except for the echoes of Tao's footsteps.  He came back after a minute and leaned into Chanyeol's ear, "Go talk to her."  The rapped nodded and did as he was told.  He stopped before he turned into her room and pointed at the kitchen, "Could you guys possibly help clean that up?"  They nodded and Chanyeol weakly smiled before going into Minhee's room.


Minhee was still curled in a ball, just now she was leaning against her headboard.  Chanyeol stood in the door way, not quite sure how to comfort her.  Suddenly he had an idea, "Do have a guitar somewhere around here?"  She nodded, "Behind the couch."  He quickly ran out and pulled out the acoustic.  When he returned Minhee was still trying to wipe tears from her eyes.  He sat down and made sure the guitar was in tune.  He strummed a few times before clearing his throat and beginning the song.


Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes,

But it's love that keeps fueling me,

Fueling me.


Pretty little lady,

With your swollen eyes,

Would you show them to me?

I know I'm not that perfect,

But you stay a while,

Maybe then you will see.


Miles away I can still feel you lay,

your head down on my embrace

My embrace.

Far away.



Pretty little lady,

With your swollen eyes,

Would you show them to me?

I know I'm not that perfect,

But you stay a while,

Maybe then you will see.


Don't give up Baby,

I know that it's shaky,

Just let love consume us,

Consume us.



Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes,

But it's love that keeps fueling me,

Fueling me to love you.


Miles away I can still feel you lay,

your head down on my embrace.

Be not afraid,

To love me.



Pretty little lady,

With your swollen eyes,

Would you show them to me?

I know I'm not that perfect,

But you stay a while,

Maybe then you will see.


Chanyeol glanced up at Minhee as he finished the last line.  There was a hint of a smile playing at her lips, "That was beautiful.  Who's it by?"  He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and whispered, "I wrote it the other night."  Minhee's eyes widened, "You're ting me.  It was totally Austin Carlile or like Ed Sheeran.  I don't believe you."  Chanyeol sighed, "Can we not compare my song to people I don't know, it makes me wonder if you are complimenting me or insulting me."  The girl leaned forward and cupped his cheeks, pulling them just enough so her was looking her in the eyes.  "That was probably one of the biggest compliments that I could ever give."  She whispered and resisted the urge to pull his face a little closer to kiss him.


Minhee may have been fighting the urge, but Chanyeol gave in and tilted forward to press their lips together softly.  The girl was shocked at first, but closed her eyes and relished it.  The contact may have been short, but it was enough to sent both of their hearts racing and sparks flying.  They pulled away and looked everywhere else but each other.  Minhee blew out a stream of air, "Uh, thanks.  For everything."  Chanyeol smiled before sighing, "Minhee, I-"  He was interrupted by Sehun opening the door, "Hyung, we have the glass cleaned up, but the spray paint isn't coming off."  The rapper had an expression of complete annoyance on and Minhee giggled, "If you grab my coat from the closet there we can go pick out some new paint."  As she pulled on the coat Sehun had given her she leaned over to Chanyeol's ear and whispered, "Tell me later, okay?"






The song is When You Can't Sleep At Night by Of Mice and Men, I personally love the song!!

Anyways, I am sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I hope this makes up for it ^^

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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!