Missing Messages

Letters To Oppa

Chanyeol had decided that he was going to stay again and called the guys.  'Oddly' all of the rest of the guys had something going on that they couldn't come and stay too.  He smelled something fishy going on, but didn't mind the alone time with Minhee.  Speaking of the girl, she was acting weird after their little talk.  He could tell that she had something big to say, but he didn't want to force it out of her.  He walked into the kitchen, where she was making some ramen for them, "The rest of the guys have stuff going on tonight.  So they can't come."  She nodded and set the pot on the table, taking the lid for herself.  Chanyeol pouted, "But, I want the lid."  She pulled it towards herself, "Yeah right!  Like I'd give you the lid."  He smirked and stepped towards her, "But, I want the lid."  She took a step back and smiled, "And I want to have a window right now because it's kind of chilly."  Chanyeol stopped and thought about this as Minhee started eating.  "Yah, Pabo!  You need to eat something."  The boy nodded and picked up a set of Chopsticks.  He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, snagging some noodles off of her lid.  She turned her head and scoffed, "Yah!! What are you doing?"  He shrugged, "You were complaining about it being cold and I wanted the lid, so this was the next best thing."  Minhee leaned back into him, "I', only doing this because you're warm."


After their dinner Minhee frowned, "I want ice-cream.  What about you?"  Chanyeol nodded and flopped on the couch.  The girl sighed, "Well I'm going to run down to the corner store.  Why don't you stay here you look tired."  He groaned into the couch.  She took that as a yes, and put on her coat and shoes.  Feeling tired herself, she decided to take the elevator.  She stepped in and pressed the button for the lobby before leaning against the smooth glass surface.  The feeling of Chanyeol at her back was still running through her head.  The way his toned arms would flex and tense around her as he reached for ramen, the way he'd lean his head forward next to her face to take a bite.  She shook her head, to rid herself of the thoughts as the doors opened for someone else.  


Minhee opened her eyes to watch three girls walk in.  They glared at her and she raised an eyebrow, slightly recognizing them.  Two of them placed themselves on either side of her while the last faced her from the closed doors.  Minhee tried her best to hide herself from their gaze, without any success.  The front girl walked towards her and pulled her face up by her chin.  "Lee Minhee, it's about time that you left by yourself."  She pronounced Minhee's name, making sure that the girl caught that they knew everything about her.  Minhee stiffened and slowly patted her pocket to find her phone.  Her eyes widened when she remembered leaving it on the floor where her and Chanyeol were laying.  She mentally cursed herself and glanced up at the numbers waiting for the lobby.  The girl in front of her smirked, "Do you think that you are going to get out of here that easy?"  The bell dinged for the lobby, but the girl on the left stepped forward and hit the close door button and the top floor.  Minhee's breathing hitched and she bit her lip, "What do you want?"  The front girl smirked, "Now that 's the spirit.  And, our request is really simple."  She paused and the girl on the right smiled, "Disappear."  The one on the left smirked and held out a key, "We even set a place up just for you."  Minhee shrugged away from her.


The front girl smirked as the doors opened and the other two pushed Minhee out.  They grabbed a hold of both of her arms and  lead her into an apartment.  She tried to struggle away from them with no luck.  They shoved her into a room and closed the door behind her.  She could hear the soft click of the door locking and the laughs of the girls.  A tear made it's way down her face as the thought of never seeing anybody again.  Not Exo, not Mr. Park, not her co-workers, not Mia and Dongho, not Mrs. Lee.

Not Chanyeol.




Chanyeol glanced up at the clock.  Minhee had been gone for almost half an hour.  He frowned and pulled out his phone to call her.  He smiled down at the number and pressed the dial number.  He waited for a second until he heard something from the floor.  He glanced over towards the noise and his eyes widened as he watched Minhee's phone buzzed around in a circle on the hardwood.  He picked it up and answered it, "Why hello there Chanyeol, I am also back with our ice-cream, I hope you like chocolate because that it all they had."  He leaned into his own phone, "Yes Minhee that's perfectly fine with me.  Chocolate is my favorite anyways.  Come home soon, love you."  He dropped both phones and covered his mouth at the last line, not totally believing what he had said.  He hit the end button on both of them and stuck them in his pocket.  Grabbing his coat and shoes he stepped out into the hall.  He glanced towards the elevator and then turned back to the stairs to head that way.


Chanyeol stopped down in the lobby and asked one of the guys down there if he had seen Minhee.  The guy had shaken his head and Chanyeol groaned and walked out the door.  He looked both ways before running across the street and down to the corner store.  He opened the door and used his height advantage to look over the shelves for the girl.  She wasn't there and he turned to the clerk.  "Uh, have you seen a little red haired girl?  Blue shirt and skinny jeans?  Had a white bow in her hair around a ponytail?  Should have been buying ice-cream?"  The clerk shook his head, "Nobody's even bought ice-cream tonight."  Chanyeol ran his hand through his hair and pulled her phone out of his pocket, whispering, "Where did you go Minhee?"

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So I can't get hyperlinking to work anymore and it is irritating!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!