Learning More Than Letters

Letters To Oppa

Chanyeol told Dongho about Minhee sending him e-mail for the past couple of weeks and about how she was looking into the past.  Dongho bit his lip, "I should have helped.  Maybe then she wouldn't be in there."  Chanyeol shrugged, "What did your sister mean by Min Min is waiting?  What is she waiting for?"  The other boy adverted his gaze to the window, "Minhee is a unique person.  She was in the mental hospital, not because she wasn't able to function in society, but because she was able to live in it with her own sense of justice.  Adults were scared of her, honestly I was scared of her the first time I met her, until I saw how she treated Mia.  I can't tell you why, otherwise I'll get in trouble.  But, if I were you and it seems like you really care for her, don't let her push you away.  I mean, it took Mia three months to get her to talk to her, and from what I can tell you and your aunt were the only other people that she had ever talked to.  I knew her for three years before she even began to say hello to me.  My advice is avoid stepping on her toes as much as possible and take advantage of her weaknesses to flattery and tteok."  Chanyeol blew out a stream of air, "Why won't anyone tell me why she was there?"  Dongho's eyes returned to the boy and he smirked, "Because we want to make sure that the people that know won' t leave her for it."  Chanyeol nodded and watched as Mia and Mrs. Lee walked out.  

Mia was jumping about happily and ran over to her brother.  "Min Min remembers Mia!  Mia is happy and told Min Min, Min Min can't die because Min Min is Mia's best friend."  Dongho smiled, "Is Min Min okay?"  Mia nodded before getting a panicked look on her face, "Oh no, Mia forgot to tell Min Min Mia found a song that sounds like Min Min.  Mia wants to sing it for Min Min."  Chanyeol caught a wince on the boy's face before the smile.  "Why don't we save that song until after Min Min is all better."  He said while standing up and turning towards the door.  Mia stopped and pouted, "Brother said brother would go see Min Min too."  She sat down on the spot where Dongho had been and Chanyeol sighed, "I'll go back there with you."  The two boys slowly made their way back to the room.  

Dongho opened the door and slid in with Chanyeol following.  Minhee was once again awake and she glanced at the two of them.  Chanyeol raised an eyebrow, "Weren't that tired?"  Minhee rolled her eyes, "Do you know how hard it is to sleep when Mia is in here.  She's like that dumb tomagotchi pet that I got when I was 9 and I turned it on and took care of it, and then it wouldn't shut up."  Despite the harsh words there was a fondness about them and a faint smile was playing at her lips.  She glanced up at Dongho, "She's grown up in these past four years.  She doesn't stutter as much and it seems like it doesn't take her as long to get out what she is thinking."  He nodded, "They released her two years ago after they figured out that it was just her speech and actions that was underdeveloped, and that she can actually function fairly well.  She's living with me and is working at a nursing home."  Minhee smiled, "It took them a while.  I told them that for four years.  And what do they do?  Release the crazy before her."  Dongho frowned, "Minhee, I swear!  I've had enough of you calling yourself crazy!"  Chanyeol nodded and watched as the girls eyes wandered the window.  She watched the leaves fall, "Tis a fitting season for my life to fall apart."  Chanyeol was tired of her talk and changed the subject, "What does 1231 stand for?"  She glanced back over at him, "My birthday."  He couldn't help but shiver at the hollowness of her eyes and the lack of enthusiasm in her voice.  Most kids would be so excited about the date, but she seemed to care less.

Finally after a few minutes of awkward silence the boys left.  Minhee let out a sigh and went back to looking out the window at the falling leaves.  "Why do you people want to be around me."  She mumbled to herself before going back to sleep.

Chanyeol and Dongho had come out into the waiting room.  Mia was sitting with Mrs. Lee and talking to her energetically.  "Mia.  It's time to go, say good bye."  Mia smiled, "Bye bye Mrs. Lee.  Bye Bye giant!  Take care of Mia's Min Min."  She waved as she walked out the doors with her brother.  Chanyeol sighed, "I think it is about time to go home.  I am tired."

When Chanyeol entered the dorms, he was greeted by all of Exo shooting questions at him faster than he could process.  Finally Suho cleared his throat, "Hey lets give him some space and time to think.  You're not going to get any answers if he can't answer them."  The boys quieted down and Baekhyun was the first to speak, "Is she awake?"  The whole group held there breath in anticipation and let out a sigh of relief when Chanyeol nodded.  Tao was the next to say something, "Did she say anything about why she did it?"  The room was tense again as Chanyeol shook his head. "It has something to do with her dad, but nobody will tell me anything.  My aunt won't tell me, Dongho just said that she had her own sense of justice and it scared people, Mia said that she was waiting for something, but nothing made sense."  Chen looked confused, "Wait who are Dongho and Mia?"  Chanyeol had forgot that they didn't know everything that he did.  "Mia is Minhee's best friend from when they were in a mental hospital together.  And Dongho is Mia's twin brother."  Kai laughed, "So you like a loony?  I swear every time you start talking about her she just gets better and better.  Soon there isn't going to be anything that we can't tease you about with her."  The taller shot him a glare before continuing, "And don't ask me why she was there, I don't know."  He put his hands up in the air and shifted his way through the group to his room.

Chanyeol laid on his bed and read through the messages that he had got from Minhee.  They all seemed so bright, despite the horrible topics they were talking about.  It was the exact opposite of the girl that he encountered in the hospital.  The one there seemed to relish the thought of death, while the one that sent the messages was so full of energy and life, and appreciated the little things.  He groaned and glanced at his clock.  It was only seven at night, but he wasn't sure what to do.  The door opened and Suho walked in.  He flashed a soft smile before sitting down at the end of Chanyeol's bed.  "How are you?"  Suho asked as he kept a close eye on his younger.  Chanyeol sighed, "I don't know.  I still haven't gotten the image of her in the bath tub out of my head.  It was scary and I didn't know what to do.  And then to see her today and her not look any more life like than then makes me nervous."  He bit his lip. thinking about all that had happened.  Finally he stood and showed a small smile, "I think that I am going to go to her house."  Suho hopped up, "I'll come too.  We don't need you to disappear on us again."

They made their way up Minhee's apartment.  Chanyeol entered in her code and let the door swing open.  A draft hit their skin and Chanyeol remembered that she didn't have a kitchen window.  He found the room and glanced to where the window had once been.  Now there was a rock with a piece of paper on it.   Curiosity got the better of him and he glanced at the writing on it.  'DIE'  He shivered and looked away from it, hoping that it would go away.  He walked through the house, carefully this time, taking everything in.  Suho called from a room and Chanyeol followed it to find a camera sitting next to an old album on a bed.  "What?"  He asked the leader who pointed to the stuff.  Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders, "She is a photographer, it doesn't surprise that she had a camera and an album."  Suho sighed, "No look at them.  They are both cover in dust, like she had just pulled them out."  Chanyeol looked closer and thanked the heavens that Suho was a neat freak and noticed little things like that.  

Chanyeol slowly picked up the book and opened it up to the first page.  There was a picture of a woman who looked like an older version of Minhee.  He raised an eyebrow at it and Suho glanced over his shoulder, "Must be her mother."  They flicked through some more pages, finding pictures of Mrs. Lee and Mia and Dongho and Minhee.  There were many that they had no idea who they could have been.  But, all of the pictures tended to seem happy, but said at the same time.  Like they had been taken at a fleeting joyful moment in a harsh place.  After turning to the last of the pictures Suho spoke again, "There were no pictures of her dad."  Chanyeol nodded, "I noticed that too."  

He flipped through a few of the remaining pages, until a couple of news paper clippings fell out.  He picked them up and looked them over.  There were four different papers, the first two were from 14 years ago and had the murder of Minhee's mother on them.  Around her mom's picture was a red crayon heart.  The other was about the man convicted of it and in that same red crayon it said wrong on it.  The boys exchanged glances and looked at the other two pages that were from about 9 years ago.  The first was a picture of a building burning down, and the article that went with it.  While the other was the obituary of her father.  His picture had devil horns, and his eyes poked out with a pen.  Across the article it said 'Rest well in Hell'.  Chanyeol felt a shiver run down his spine as he looked at the pages.  They were yellowed and appeared old enough to be from when the things actually happened.  He bit his lip before speaking, "What if she was actually right and they did get the wrong guy for the death of her mother?"

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!