Letter 1

Letters To Oppa

Min Hee sat down for lunch under the cherry tree behind the theater of the university.  She pulled out her self-made lunch of rice balls and nibbled at them.  Every time she would hear a sound she would jump and sit still for a moment before cautiously bring the food back to .  She had only been in school for a month and it seemed that everybody hated her.  This morning her indoor shoes had gone missing, and she missed her first class trying to find them.  They ended up being in a toilet in the second floor girls room.  Min Hee opted to wear just her socks around the school, until she could get home and wash them.  Then the class afterward the boy next to her spilled the film fixer all over her and stained her clothes.  And then while she was gone trying to dry herself off, someone cut her film into pieces.  Luckily, Min Hee was used to this and had already put the roll of film onto her laptop.


Min Hee looked down at the time and was surprised that it was already almost time for her next class and if she didn't run she would be late again.  She shoved the remainder of the rice ball into and sprinted off to her next class.  As she stepped in Mr. Park glanced up at her and smiled.  She smirked back.  In her short time that she had been at school, he had been the only person to even try to be nice to her.  He was her lighting techniques teacher, but he had also taken the time to sit down and talk to her and help her with various things that the other teachers just ignored.  Today they were working using the natural lighting and headed outside to the park.  Min Hee dropped to the back of the group and walked next to Mr. Park.  He chuckled, "You seem happy today."  She smirked back, "I much prefer taking pictures outside."  "Why?" He asked, that was the thing with Mr. Park, you couldn't tell him that you liked or didn't like something, you had to have a reason why you liked it.  Min Hee thought for a second before starting, "Because you don't have to deal with people like you do in a studio.  I can just take a picture without them knowing, and it will probably turn out better than anything I take in there.  Or, I can avoid people altogether and do stuff with the surroundings."  He frowned at her, but she ignored it and stopped to put away her digital camera to pull out her old school film one.  She turned to the field next to them and snapped a picture of a boy and a girl goofing around together in the grass.


Min Hee watched the two for a little while longer, before putting that camera back and digging through her bag to find her Polaroid one.  Mr. Park gave her a questioning look, but she motioned for him to go catch up with the rest of the class, which was a little ways away.  She walked out into the grass and the kids looked at her skeptically.  She squatted down and pointed towards her camera.  They smiled and ran over to her.  "Do you want to take our picture Unni?" The girl asked and Min Hee nodded at them.  "Yep, but here's what's going to happen.  This is a magic camera that when I take the picture, a piece of paper will come out of this hole right here and the picture will magically show up on the paper.  So we're going to have to take two pictures so you can each have a piece of the magic paper."  The kids gasped and looked at each other before the boy hugged the girl.  "Noona, take a picture one like this!"  He said and they both smiled brightly.  Min Hee pulled the camera up and snapped the picture.  The print came out the bottom and she handed it to the two and told them to wave it around a little bit.  As the boy shook it, the girl came up and whispered in Min Hee's ear, "Unni, if I kiss him can you take a picture of it?"  Min Hee smirked and brought the camera up to take the picture.  The little girl giggled and stood next to the boy.  She leaned in and planted a kiss on the boy's cheek.  Min Hee took the picture just as the boy's eye's widened and a small smile played at his lips.  The girl pulled away and ran over to Min Hee, who quickly handed the girl the paper.  The boy came over and tried to see what it was, but the girl quickly ran off with it shouting, "Thank you Unni!"


Min Hee stood up and jogged back to where Mr. Park still stood.  She turned to see the class two blocks ahead.  "You're going to loose your class."  She said and he snapped out of whatever trance he was in and  started sprinting after them.  She chuckled and jogged after them.  When she caught up to the class everybody was just beginning to disperse.  Mr. Park came back and walked with her.  "Why do you have three different cameras in your bag?"  He asked motioning it.  Min Hee shrugged, "I guess I always carry them around with me because they each have different purpose.  I mean, they take pictures differently and have a different feel about them.  That film picture is going to come out with a slightly more rustic look to it and it's going to feel older and people will react to it in a more sentimental way, while the Polaroids I gave them, is something that will be a memento of their childhood together.  Where as if I had just taken it with the digital, the kids wouldn't have anything to go home with and show their parents of the great time they had today."  


Mr. Park nodded, "Have I ever told you about why lighting is my favorite part of taking pictures?"  Min Hee shook her head and he began, "Well I have a son.  He's about a year older than you.  His name is Chanyeol, in the music business as a rapper."  The girl gasped dramatically and brought her hand up to , "Does that mean that you can rap?"  He stopped and smiled sarcastically, "Hardy Har Har.  No I can't, but can I finish my story?  So, ever since he was young Chanyeol has always had the most awkward smiling face that I have ever seen."  Min Hee interrupted him again, "I don't think it's nice to say something like that about your son."  He rolled his eyes, "Well if you'd let me finish it wouldn't sound so mean.  Anyways, he has an awkward smile, where his eye twitches and he honestly looks like he's on drugs, but it's bright.  It's always been bright, even on film, bright.  It made all the other pictures that I had taken look dull and boring.  So I worked hard at making all of my picture shine as bright as Chanyeol's smile."  Min Hee smirked, "Lighting is the only thing that really brings you feel like you are with him all the time."  Mr. Park nodded, "You remind me of him.  I mean, you don't smile often, but when you do you shine.  And I know that you aren't going to tell me about your problems, but if you really need to you can send stuff to Chanyeol.  I think you both need somebody that you can trust right now, so here is his e-mail.  I think you'd open up to him more than you would to me and vise versa."  Min Hee looked at the paper and smiled, "I get the feeling this is more for him than me."  Mr. Park nodded, "A little bit, but I am worried about you too.  I know that the teachers have seen what has been going on and they've been ignoring it.  I don't know how it got to this level but I'm working on it."


The rest of the day went worse than the first half.  Min Hee's desk and supplies had ended up in the small pond they had at the school.  She spend a good hour wading through it trying to find everything, and most of it was now unusable.  Then as she struggled to get the rest of her stuff in the classroom, a water balloon filled with paint fell on her head and splattered everywhere.  Min Hee had enough for the day and skipped her last two classes to go home.  It took her about half an hour to get all of the red paint out of her hair.  She groaned and flicked on her laptop.  While it booted up she pulled the paper out of her now red and black leather jacket.  She stared at it intently, wondering if he would be of any help.  "He's like a little Mr. Park, it's worth a shot."  Min Hee sat down and began typing "Dear Oppa..."



Chanyeol scanned through his fan mail for the day and sorted them out.  "Crazy, Crazy, Thankful, Nice, Normal, Crazy, Crazy."  He stopped on one and Baekhyun glanced at him, "What's this one about?"  The tall boy shrugged and read it out loud, "Dear Oppa.  I know that you are getting lots of fan mail, at least that's what your dad tells me, but I just need a place to vent what is happening to me.  I don't particularly care if you delete my mail or reply or not.  I just need an out let from all the that is happening to me.  I mean, right now I should be in my color studies class, but instead I am sitting here typing an e-mail to a stranger, while waiting for my clothes to be clean of all the paint/fixer/toilet/pond water.  This has just been a great day hasn't it? Well anyways I should probably go see if I can get the paint off of my jacket, otherwise I'm going to be freezing tonight on the way to work.  Sincerely Min Hee."  Baekhyun frowned, "I don't know what that would be considered.  And it sounds like you'll be getting more from her, so why don't you make a new folder for her."  Chanyeol nodded and titled the folder PROBLEMS.  Baekhyun turned to him, "Are you going to send her mail back?  She sounds interesting."  The boy on the computer shook his head, "She said I didn't mind if I didn't reply and either way I could be doing other things like replying to the people who are actually expecting something from me.

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 39: This is sooooooooooo good!!! Urghhhhh you have no idea how much I enjoy this fanfic >_<
Damn*t i don't read OC's BUT that description is just too interesting i HAVE to read it now. T^T lol (its a compliment lol)
Chapter 39: you're back ohmy you have no idea how happy i am with the update :'D
Chapter 32: And to add on, your humour is no joke, really. It takes a higher degree of knowledge and vocabulary to write humour words. I really take my hats off you.
Chapter 32: Mind if I make friends with you, authornim? Well, I might know how you feel since I'm an introvert. I came upon your story, not to lie, I was having problems with my life. This story gave me motivation to carry on. And allowed me to see that, sometimes, after being too strong for a long time, we ought to break down at the most little things and problems that befall on us. Thank you Kailey for writing this so much. I haven't reading finish, but just stopping by to comment as I saw what you wrote in this chapter. I'm back to continue reading it, cheers!
Chapter 38: omg pls pls just do it !!!
Chapter 38: I totally would buy that book!
Chapter 38: Woah good good I would be really interested if you had a book published hehe
Chapter 18: UGH I CANT I CANT I CANT...
Chapter 38: Yes please!!!!!