Chapter 7

By the Life of my Enemy

Jaejoong knew what was coming. The Chinese man had carelessly pushed him into the wild stream, knowing that there was no escape whatsoever.

The sound of the water was increasing – a waterfall. That was really the last thing Jae needed right now. But maybe it was better that way. Because of him, Junsu was captured and Hyukjae nearly died. He lost against Yunho. He was absolutely worthless.

“I’m ready,” he whispered with the last breath he took. Jaejoong closed his eyes and waited for the end.

Water rushing.


A voice.

“Kim Jaejoong!”

More water.

No air.

“Try to swim!”



Yunho paced around in his room. He kept on staring in the phone in his hand. Ring, dammit! he yelled in his head. He wasn’t aware of the fact that a certain friend of his was standing in his door way.

“Yunho hyung! Snap out of it!” Yoochun closed the door behind him as he stepped into the room.

“What? Why does everyone always interrupt me when I’m thinking?”

“I accept your offer.”

Yunho raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Offer?”

“Yup.” Yoochun smirked. “You said no in the room where Junsu is currently kept in because you have to use it for other people too. So now I accept your offer of giving Junsu and me a different room.”

What?” Yunho exclaimed. “What did you do to the poor guy? Wait, don’t say it, I don’t want to hear anything about your life.”

“I didn’t do anything bad, I just kissed him.”

“And then you left?”

“Well… yeah.”

Yunho facepalmed. “You’re an idiot, Chun. You don’t even know if he likes you, and if he does he might just think you’re playing with him. Until I have confirmation from both of you that you are together, there will be no ual interactions between the two of you.”


“No .”


The smell of hot soup woke Jaejoong up. He looked around, surprised that he was still alive. Or was this heaven? It sure looked like it. The room was twice as wide as the one in Jae’s apartment, with a bed, a desk, a couch, an office chair, a computer, and a large bookshelf. One of the walls was purely made of glass, showing a beautiful view of the forest, the river, and… the waterfall. Jaejoong knew he was supposed to be dead. But someone had been kind enough to save him, bring him to this place and give him soup. He was contemplating on whether or not to consume it, but then his stomach grumbled and forced him to eat. Jaejoong figured that if whoever gave him this wanted him dead they would’ve left him in the river.

“Is this a dream?” he muttered to himself as he grabbed his spoon and started eating the soup.

20 minutes later he was still alive and lying comfortably, looking out the window. A knock on his door startled him.

“Jaejoong ssi?” a girl’s voice asked. Without waiting for a reply, she opened the door. She was a pretty young woman wearing a maid’s uniform and carrying a tray with water and a pill.

“Your medicine.” She gave him a friendly smile and put the pill into the water.

Jaejoong was slightly suspicious. “Drink it first.”


He sighed. “Just take a sip.”

She blinked at him, shrugged and drank. “Satisfied?” The maid handed him the medicine and made sure he drank all of it.

“Thank you,” he said calmly.

When she left, Jaejoong closed his eyes and leaned back. Why did that girl have a huge scar on her hand? She had done her best to cover it, but he was a top agent and noticed these things quickly.

Once again, his thoughts were interrupted. “Well, well, well.” The voice sent shivers down the man’s spine. “Are you planning to drown again, agent?”


~Jaejoong POV~

This… no. I silently prayed for someone to wake me up and tell me it was only a dream, but nothing happened. With the best poker face I could master, I turned my head over to look at my enemy’s dark eyes.

He laughed. “Surprised?”

“What am I doing here?” I expected my voice to be as calm and emotionless as with the maid, but in that moment a sharp pain rose in my chest and I could hardly breathe.

“You should thank me for saving your little agent again,” Yunho chuckled.

“What’s so damn funny?” I slowly started getting angry.

“It’s just… you are a top agent and yet here you are, injured, in a guest room in your enemy’s mansion. Also, considering what my dear friend Hangeng told me today, your reaction to seeing me should’ve been different.”

I was confused by his words, but decided it was smarter to ask him about something else. “Where is Junsu?”

“You mean the guy who’s probably either clueless to what is happening or completely aware of it and somewhat being kind of evil? He should be around somewhere, but as long as he’s not ruining everything I don’t care that much. He’s not a huge threat, you know.”

“Then why is he here?”

Suddenly Yunho pushed my shoulders down onto the bed and hovered above me, sitting on the mattress right beside me. “Ever heard of the word… bait?” he whispered hoarsely into my ear. I felt myself getting goose bumps and mentally scolded my body for not being able to stay calm.

“Get off,” I eventually managed to say. To my surprise, he did.

“You’ll be receiving more medicine later. Be a good boy and drink it all up, okay? You’re no use when you’re injured or sick.”



Aww, Yunho... you're such an extreme er... forbidding YooSu to have ... *shakes head*

Jaejoong is alive! But I really couldn't have killed him, you know. Now he just has to confess to Yunho (though he sort of told Geng who told Yunho, so it was an indirect confession) and then... well... yeah.

So far no one has applied for writing for me... I promise you I'll give you some, but if I have to write it, it'll probably be really horrible...

Comments = very happy Dorothea ^^ (I'm a comment , okay?)

Thanks to all my dear subbies and commentors and also to my silent readers... I'd appreciate your comments though.

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Correction: it won't. AFF is being mean.


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karinokta #1
Chapter 33: The story is good, I like it when you make prequel for each couple. Love love, thanks authornim :D
Chapter 21: while i'm reading this chapter where Jaejoong confess to Yunho and Yunho rejected his confession...i'm listening to Jaejae "I'll Protect You"...and then Yunho's last line is..he knew Jaejoong is the one ho fell in the cliff and save him that that is not a's like the song is perfect for this chapter..:D
Chapter 33: Omg this was so beautiful ^-^ At first when I begin to read it I thought it was going to fast with love and stuff, but after a little time it was going great! :D I am really happy with all the pairing you wrote about :) Thank you for this! :D
Chapter 34: opening yet sweet ending....thx a lot author-nim... (^ ^)
i read this beautiful story before making an account and that i do i have to say i loved it :)
Chapter 10: yoochun's confession aaaa.... lol
Chapter 7: yoosu couple is born yiiipiiiiieee
/throws conffeti(?)/
OMG NICE. may i have the pdf file for this pls?
Chapter 34: it is cool
Chapter 34: go for it nutella ^-^