Chapter 20

By the Life of my Enemy

“Jae, we need to talk.” Leeteuk gestured to the chair in front of his desk.

“About what?” the agent asked as he sat down.

“That enemy crush of yours. I had a discussion with Yoochun and found out some very interesting facts.”

Jaejoong cocked his head. “What did you find out?”

“First, I remember that Junsu told me how uncomfortable you were once you admitted that you were in love. You said because Yunho was your enemy and the boss of a mafia organization, you couldn’t love him because of all the horrible things he did. Well that’s exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Yunho isn’t the boss. He isn’t the ultimate bad guy. He’s a puppet.”

“What?” Jaejoong gasped. This was too much for his brain to comprehend. “Why did he lie about it?”

“The boss is someone named Lee Sooman, called SM. He raised Yoochun after he ran away from home. Hangeng and Yunho joined SM after a while. Yunho appealed to SM with his leadership skills, and therefore became the most important chess figure in Sooman’s game.” Leeteuk took a short break before continuing. “I hope you know why I’m telling you this. We were wrong the entire time. It’s not Yunho we should be after… it’s SM.” Leeteuk’s eyes were sad as he gazed at the shocked man.

“I was wrong the whole time…” Is that why he acted so weird after Junsu and I talked? Did he hear us?




“I shouldn’t be here. I have to get out of here and help Leeteuk hyung and the others put him in prison where he belongs. You know what he did, how many people he killed. He’s a horrible person.”


~Flashback end~


“I… at his mansion I said some things about him being a horrible person. I think he heard.”

Leeteuk stood up and put a shoulder on the younger man’s shoulder. “It’s alright, Jae.”




“Yunho… can I talk to you about something?”

“If you want to tell me what an I am, then don’t, I already know,” he said sharply. His tone surprised me.

“I wasn’t going to–”

“Look, I’ve got stuff to do. Try not to fall down the stairs again.” Yunho turned and walked up the stairs, not looking back once.


~Flashback end~


“But what if he hates me because of that? I didn’t know, though, of course I’d have these thoughts,” Jaejoong rambled. He looked at the older with pleading eyes. “I want to apologize, but I don’t think he’d listen. Can you help me.”

“Anything for you, Jae. Don’t tell Kangin I said that though.”


~Yunho POV~


Why did it have to be like this? I had been pacing up and down the small room for about 15 minutes now, but my brain was still as much of a mess as before. Jaejoong was in love with me. Or at least he liked me a lot. This was bad, really, really bad. It was dangerous. With these simple words, he managed to bring down a barrier I built to keep myself safe, but most importantly to keep him safe.

“!” I yelled randomly. My right hand searched the pocket of my pants until it found the crumpled paper. I didn’t have to look at it to know what it said.

Yunho. My friend, my son, my most trusted ally. Please understand my request.

I did understand. I knew why he told me to forget and move on. But I also knew that he didn’t know how painful it would be – or maybe he knew and decided it was worth it.

This agent is getting dangerous. I don’t mean that he’s close to uncovering the secret, but I mean that he is distracting you. He’s causing you to question your loyalty, or at least he will soon.

Back then I argued. I tried to explain that I would never quit. “You took me in when I had no one,” I had said, “and I am thankful for that. I will never disappoint you or give up.”

I know that you may not agree with me, but I know how powerful these dangerous feelings of yours are. They could get you killed.

It was like I told Jaejoong yesterday. A sad smile spread across my face as I remembered our conversation.




“Everyone always says they're afraid of death, but they aren't. They're afraid of dying painfully and slowly. And they're afraid of not being missed or remembered. And of not having done everything they wanted."

"Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Did you do everything you wanted?"



"I screwed up big time."



~Flashback end~


“Because even after everything that happened and after everything SM told me, I’m still in love with you,” I whispered and sank to my knees. The note slipped out of my pocket and onto the floor so that I could clearly see the last few lines.

If you continue this, Yunho, if you don’t forget about your love for this man, it won’t be pretty. You could maybe get away with it, but he can’t. I could have him killed.




I feel really bad for making him the bad guy, though... he's not even the CEO of SME anymore... and Yoochun actually said he's nice...

So yeah.


*Sings "I'll make a man out of you" from Mulan*

... yeah.

I love you, Pancakes!

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Correction: it won't. AFF is being mean.


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karinokta #1
Chapter 33: The story is good, I like it when you make prequel for each couple. Love love, thanks authornim :D
Chapter 21: while i'm reading this chapter where Jaejoong confess to Yunho and Yunho rejected his confession...i'm listening to Jaejae "I'll Protect You"...and then Yunho's last line is..he knew Jaejoong is the one ho fell in the cliff and save him that that is not a's like the song is perfect for this chapter..:D
Chapter 33: Omg this was so beautiful ^-^ At first when I begin to read it I thought it was going to fast with love and stuff, but after a little time it was going great! :D I am really happy with all the pairing you wrote about :) Thank you for this! :D
Chapter 34: opening yet sweet ending....thx a lot author-nim... (^ ^)
i read this beautiful story before making an account and that i do i have to say i loved it :)
Chapter 10: yoochun's confession aaaa.... lol
Chapter 7: yoosu couple is born yiiipiiiiieee
/throws conffeti(?)/
OMG NICE. may i have the pdf file for this pls?
Chapter 34: it is cool
Chapter 34: go for it nutella ^-^