Chapter 13

By the Life of my Enemy

~Heechul POV~


I rested my head on my boyfriend’s shoulder as we watched the movie, eating popcorn, cuddling, and just having some time to rest. Hangeng gently pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

“You’re really too beautiful to be a guy,” he whispered, putting an arm around me.

“I know,” I sighed happily. But then the calmness was gone as I shot up and started yelling and cussing at the characters on the screen, screaming things like “Don’t go in there, you ing idiot!” and “It’s behind you, can’t you see? ARE YOU MOTHERING BLIND IT’S RIGHT THERE YOU– and you’re dead. Nice.”

Geng chuckled. “I doubt they’re listening to you.”

“If they were listening to me, they wouldn’t be dead, injured, or scarred for life.” I flipped my hair dramatically. “And no one ignores the Kim Heechul.”

“Unless they’re suicidal.”

“Exactly.” I plopped back down on the couch.



“Are you happy that Jaejoong is here?” Hangeng asked gently, knowing how sensitive I was with the topic of my ex-colleagues.

“I… I guess, yeah. I’m really glad to see him again. And I think that Yunho is the right person for my Jae, so it’s good that they spend time together.”

He raised an eyebrow. “My Jae?”

“Are you jealous?” I cocked my head and looked at him, unblinking.

“Not unless you start ignoring me for him,” my boyfriend replied. “And if you should do that, then, well, let’s just say you’d be spending lonely nights with your hand.”

I stared at him intensively. “That’s… evil.”

“Yeah, I’ve been spending too much time with you, your evil attitude is slowly affecting me.”

“Yah!” I hit him on the arm, but he just laughed. I pouted and crossed my arms. “Hannie~”

“What do you want?”

“I want you~” I purred and crawled over to him.

“Movie first, later,” he said without looking at me. Once again, I pouted.


~Yoochun POV~


It hurt. It hurt so damn much that I could hardly sleep at night. Didn’t everyone always say that love is beautiful and makes you happy? They could’ve really included the side effects such as self-loathing, heartache, and lying awake while staring at the ceiling, wishing it had been different.

Wishing the one you loved hadn’t sent you away after your confession.

I knew that it was unexpected and foolish. He probably wasn’t gay, and he thought that I hated him, no wonder he reacted like that. I hadn’t seen him ever since that night. He was now allowed to walk around the mansion as he pleased, and I could never find him. He’s probably avoiding me.

I thought I heard him speak with Krystal and Amber before, but when I came to join them, he was gone. Where the hell are you? Why won’t you just talk to me? I slumped down on my bed in defeat. I should just accept the fact that he would never love me and that we weren’t supposed to even just be friends. It would be hard for me, but I promised myself to not get work and feelings confused. Besides, if it just hurt, it wasn’t worth it. Or was it? I didn’t know anymore.

Sighing, I decided to go to Yunho and talk to him about this. On my way, I passed Hangeng’s bedroom. I wished I hadn’t, because the moans were impossible to be ignored. Shivering, I continued walking, wondering how the Chinese man managed to put up with that diva.

Yunho was still awake and listened to every word of my rant calmly.


~Junsu POV~


Sometimes I regretted telling him to leave that night. He was probably heartbroken now, and I just couldn’t bring myself to face him, in fear of upsetting him even more. My hands unconsciously wandered to my lips, remembering the kiss. It had felt wrong, yet right at the same time. Did I like him back? Or did I just hope I liked him back so that his feelings wouldn’t be hurt? In despair, I walked to Jaejoong hyung’s room and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”


“Come in.”

I opened the door and closed it firmly behind me. Jaejoong sat on his bed, smiling at me.

I breathed in and out before talking to him, getting straight to the point. “I think I might be falling for Yoochun.”

Jaejoong blinked a couple of times. “Oh. My. God. Once Krystal and Amber find out, you will never be left alone until you confess… so are you going to confess?”

“Once you confess to Yunho.”

“No!” he yelled.

“Why not?” I yelled back. He seemed surprised that I raised my voice.

“Yeah, why not?” We turned around to see Amber leaning in the doorway in her usual hip-hop outfit. She smirked. “In case you were wondering, Yunho seems to like you too… he’s just better at hiding it.”

I gave my cousin a soft smack on the arm. “See? Go and confess!”

“Not now,” Amber said, shaking her head. “You’d have to pass HanChul’s room, and they’re very… noisy, if you know what I mean.”

“Oh god,” Jaejoong sighed.

“Yes, exactly."

I started laughing at my cousin’s shocked expression. Amber grinned at us, before leaving, probably to find Krystal. The two were completely inseparable; how they managed Krystal being gone for a long time every two months was impossible for anyone else to understand. And yet, there was never a moment where anyone dared to doubt their loyalty towards one another. Sometimes I wondered if I’d ever have a relationship like that. If Yoochun and I would be able to be like them, trusting and loving each other… I turned towards Jaejoong. “Hyung… you can’t confess to Yunho today, but promise me to do it before the end of this week.”

“BUT I CAN’T LOVE HIM!” Jae screamed so loudly that I was sure someone heard. A second later he fell on the ground, wrapping his arms around his legs. “He’s my enemy,” he whispered softly. “I shouldn’t be here. I have to get out of here and help Leeteuk hyung and the others put him in prison where he belongs. You know what he did, how many people he killed. He’s a horrible person.”


~3rd POV~


Junsu gave his cousin a gentle hug, repeating “it’s okay” over and over again, like a mantra. Little did the two men know about the tall man standing outside their room, listening to their conversation. A silent tear slipped down his cheek as he turned around and left.



And... Chapter 13 is here! Finally Junsu admitted his feelings *dances happily*

But Jae and Su made someone cry (not on purpose, of course)... who is he?

I know the HanChul scene wasn't really necessary, but I love them too much ^^

Random fact: I watch movies the same way Heechul does - yelling at the characters, getting frustrated when they don't listen to me and end up dying...

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Yunho oppa!!! Keep staying strong, Cassies will always support you ^^ Saranghae~

(I wanted to add a picture, but my phone wouldn't let me T_T)

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Correction: it won't. AFF is being mean.


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karinokta #1
Chapter 33: The story is good, I like it when you make prequel for each couple. Love love, thanks authornim :D
Chapter 21: while i'm reading this chapter where Jaejoong confess to Yunho and Yunho rejected his confession...i'm listening to Jaejae "I'll Protect You"...and then Yunho's last line is..he knew Jaejoong is the one ho fell in the cliff and save him that that is not a's like the song is perfect for this chapter..:D
Chapter 33: Omg this was so beautiful ^-^ At first when I begin to read it I thought it was going to fast with love and stuff, but after a little time it was going great! :D I am really happy with all the pairing you wrote about :) Thank you for this! :D
Chapter 34: opening yet sweet ending....thx a lot author-nim... (^ ^)
i read this beautiful story before making an account and that i do i have to say i loved it :)
Chapter 10: yoochun's confession aaaa.... lol
Chapter 7: yoosu couple is born yiiipiiiiieee
/throws conffeti(?)/
OMG NICE. may i have the pdf file for this pls?
Chapter 34: it is cool
Chapter 34: go for it nutella ^-^