Chapter 2

By the Life of my Enemy

Jaejoong was discussing something with Changmin and Junsu, when the door opened. The three men turned around to look at the visitor. It was Kangin. Changmin started grinning, Jaejoong elbowed him in the side and Junsu was just confused by his friend (well, more like frenemy), and cousin.

“Leeteuk hyung asked me to show you some of the information he showed Jaejoong before.” Youngwoon nodded at Jae and projected a document on the white wall. “As you probably know, the culprits who are responsible for the man’s death are lead by none other than Jung Yunho. He is a very dangerous man, right, Jaejoong?”

The agent nodded. “I’ve had encounters with him before. I don’t want to repeat that experience, but I’m afraid there’s no other way.”

“Indeed. He is–”

A voice from the computer cut him off. “Hello, Jaejoong, Junsu, Youngwoon, guy who I don’t know.” The document on the wall disappeared. Jaejoong glared at the man who now appeared in its place.

“How the hell did you get into here?” Junsu yelled.

“Oh, you know, hire a few hackers, threaten to kill them if they don’t listen to you, the usual.” Yunho smirked and continued, “Anyway. You guys are on to us (oh dear Lordy Lord save us!) and because I’m awesome I decided to give you a clue in order to help you capture me! Here’s the clue: warehouse.” With that the screen went blank.

Changmin stared at the other three agents. “Who… the hell… was that?”

That was Jung Yunho.” Kangin sighed. “Damn. He sure knows how to make a scene…”

“Why did he give us a hint?”

“Because he’s an , Min,” Jaejoong replied. “He likes to give hints that sometimes help and sometimes make everything more confusing. You never know if he’s telling the truth or not.”

“Usually when dealing with bad guys it’s always better if you don’t trust anything that they say. But Yunho… that’s what makes him so dangerous. You think he’s lying, but he ends up telling the truth. You think he’s telling the truth – he’s lying,” Junsu explained. “Be careful around him.”

“I’ll tell Leeteuk hyung about what he said.” Kangin closed his laptop and stood up.

Changmin suddenly grinned. “That’s all you’re going to do?”

“What? W-why are you asking that?”

“Just curious, that’s all.”

As soon as the oldest was out of the room, Jaejoong smacked Min on the head. “That’s not exactly what I meant with ‘be discreet’.”


“I don’t want to see your pathetic face ever again! Get out before I kill you!” Yunho shouted. The man who was kneeling in front of him hastily stood up and ran out of the room. Yunho leaned back in his large, black office chair and sighed.

“He won’t be back.”

“I hope so, Yoochun, I really hope so.” He turned his head to face the man he was talking to. Yoochun was his right hand, but no one knew that he was more than that. He was also Jung Yunho’s best friend – and that could really save his life one day.

The younger man smiled. “Good job at disturbing those agent freaks today, hyung.”

“I enjoyed it a lot. Now we’ll just have to see if they manage to understand what I meant with warehouse.”

“That one agent… Kim Youngwoon.” Yoochun searched some video files on his laptop.

Yunho raised an eyebrow. “What about him?”

“I’ve found a video you might like.” The younger man grinned evilly.


Jaejoong yawned as he parked his car in front of his house. It was 2:00 AM in the morning already and he had to wake up in six hours. He locked his car and made sure the alarm was on, then he took out his keys and opened the door to his small house.

After gulping down a sandwich he had bought on his way here, he went to the door and the burglar alarm. You may think it’s paranoid, but he was on a dangerous mission and he didn’t feel like being murdered in his sleep.


~ Flashback ~


Jaejoong is sitting in a dark forest, leaning against a tree tiredly. Yunho is standing in front of him.

“This never happened,” the older man hissed.

“I have to repay you now, don’t I?” Jae closed his eyes. “That’s the way it goes, right?”

“How the hell are you going to do that?”

The agent looked straight at Yunho. “I’ll abort the mission.”


~ Flashback end ~


Jaejoong sighed. He remembered every detail of that night. How he had stumbled through the forest on the mountain blindly. He was wounded and slipped, causing him to slide to the end of a steep cliff. Jae had been sure that he would die, but Yunho had saved him. The latter had thought the person had been one of his men, maybe his -kisser Yoochun.

Muttering to himself, Jaejoong turned off the lights and snuggled under his covers. He wanted to focus on something calming now. Not the current case, and especially not that night. But the latter was ingrained in his memory. Yunho probably forgot about it already, after all he didn’t want anyone to know. But Jae remembered everything. Everything. Even the things that were completely irrelevant. How the moonlight reflected in Yunho’s eyes. The soft skin of his hand as he grabbed onto Jaejoong’s arm and prevented him from falling.

Shut up, brain. I hate that guy. He pulled him over to the dark side. That ing bastard.

He fell asleep dreaming of his friend being pulled into the forest while Yunho looked at him with moonlight in his eyes.


Yunho pulled out his gun calmly and started shooting. The target moved from side to side and back and forth, but Yunho had no problems whatsoever. Just as he was about to shoot the last time, a hand knocked the head of the target off.

Yunho grinned. “I could’ve shot you, Hangeng.”

 “I doubt it,” the Chinese man replied. He was known for his incredible reflexes and for being a real master of martial arts.

“How’s the princess doing?” Princess was the nickname for Hangeng’s love interest.

“I’m not thinking of going back, if that’s what you want to know.” A slim figure walked up to Hangeng and snuggled against him.

“Don’t worry, baby, no one doubts your loyalty,” Geng murmured into the person’s hair.

Yunho coughed. “I really don’t want to interrupt you guys, but Yoochun found something that might interest you. You know Park Jungsoo, right?”

“Of course we do. We’re his enemies, remember?”

“Well…” Yunho smirked. “It looks like we’re in the midst of creating scandals.”



I made this chapter a bit longer than the other one ^^ hope you like it.

I won't be able to update daily (as you may have noticed), but I'll try to update as often as I can.

So now Jaejoong and Yunho have met. But who is that mysterious friend? Who is Hangeng's lover? What is the scandal that Yunho is talking about (okay, that one might be pretty easy)?

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Thank you!
Correction: it won't. AFF is being mean.


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karinokta #1
Chapter 33: The story is good, I like it when you make prequel for each couple. Love love, thanks authornim :D
Chapter 21: while i'm reading this chapter where Jaejoong confess to Yunho and Yunho rejected his confession...i'm listening to Jaejae "I'll Protect You"...and then Yunho's last line is..he knew Jaejoong is the one ho fell in the cliff and save him that that is not a's like the song is perfect for this chapter..:D
Chapter 33: Omg this was so beautiful ^-^ At first when I begin to read it I thought it was going to fast with love and stuff, but after a little time it was going great! :D I am really happy with all the pairing you wrote about :) Thank you for this! :D
Chapter 34: opening yet sweet ending....thx a lot author-nim... (^ ^)
i read this beautiful story before making an account and that i do i have to say i loved it :)
Chapter 10: yoochun's confession aaaa.... lol
Chapter 7: yoosu couple is born yiiipiiiiieee
/throws conffeti(?)/
OMG NICE. may i have the pdf file for this pls?
Chapter 34: it is cool
Chapter 34: go for it nutella ^-^