Chapter 9

By the Life of my Enemy

~Jaejoong POV~


My brain was still trying to register everything that happened. One, I nearly died. Well, that’s one of the risks of being an agent. Two, I was rescued. Who rescued me? No ing idea. Three, I was now living in my enemy’s mansion for a reason I didn’t know. Four, Junsu was here as well and Yoochun was trying to hit on him. Five, I saw Heechul again and now he has some kind of boy toy. Typical.

“You know, when you think really hard it smells like bacon.” I turned to see Yunho standing in the doorway and smirking at me.

“What do you want?” I snapped, but my voice didn’t sound as angry as I wanted it to.

“Just to make some things clear.”

I gave him a sarcastic smile. “Ah. So you finally decided to tell my why the I’m here.”

“Yeah… no.” Yunho sat down on the bed next to me.

I scooted away. “Get off.”

“Heechul wanted me to explain something to you.”

“What?” I was a bit more interested in this conversation now.

“You seem to be thinking that Geng is just another toy for him,” Yunho started and looked me straight in the eye. I nodded and he continued, “That is not the case. Heechul and Hangeng are in a relationship. A real relationship. With love and all that .”

I gaped at him. “The Kim Heechul is in an actual relationship? Did Hell freeze over or something? Can pigs fly? Or is this just a dream? Did you put me on some kind of drug or something, or–”

“Stop babbling about nonsense,” Yunho snapped angrily. “Heechul just wanted me to tell you this so that you won’t, and I quote, ‘go after the incredibly y beast.’ And just for your information, agent, you won’t be leaving this house any time soon. You’re much too valuable.”

For some reason I had the feeling that there was something else behind his words, but like hell I’d ever ask him about his personal life. “I sort of suspected as much,” I said coldly. “Now leave.”

When he left, I had to admit that I felt very lonely.


~Yoochun POV~


That tard. That . That… I had at least 500 more swear words in my vocabulary for him. How dare he just walk around and boss me around and do whatever the hell he wants to do? And that stupid thing he said about Junsu and me. I kissed Junsu. He kissed me back. So he must feel some kind of attraction for me, right? I mean, if some guy you don’t like kisses you, you’d push him away or something.

“Yoochun?” Junsu called out from his room.

“How did you know it was me?”

He chuckled a bit in that dolphin voice of his. “I’m an agent. And you were talking to yourself.”

“Did you hear me?” I asked in shock. If he did, I’m screwed.

“I heard, but I didn’t understand what you were saying. Why? Were you talking about me?”

“What? No, not exactly… sort of… I’ll just come in.” Without waiting for an answer, I unlocked his door and went inside. To be honest, I was surprised that he hadn’t tried to escape, but when I asked him he just shrugged and argued that the house is very well monitored, so he wouldn’t get far.

Junsu was sitting on his bed, reading a book. He looked up. “You were talking to yourself about me?”

“Well, yeah, kinda.” I awkwardly scratched my neck.


“Not important.” He pouted at my remark and I couldn’t help but smile. “I was just thinking about… you know, the kiss.”

His pout disappeared. “Oh,” he said softly. “I have been thinking about that too. Why did you kiss me? First you said you wanted to ask me something, but then you decided that talking won’t help, and then…” he trailed off.

“I was just confused by a bunch of things. But I sorted them out, so don’t worry.”

“I wasn’t worried. Just curious.” Junsu motioned me to sit beside him, and I did. “What were you confused about?”

“Feelings and ,” I answered, trying not to sound hurt by the fact that he didn’t worry about me.

He cocked his head. “What feelings? Love?”

“Well…” I was definitely blushing by now. Get your together, Yoochun! I yelled mentally.

“So love.” Junsu nodded with a satisfied expression. “Who is she?”


“He? You’re gay?” he wanted to know.

“Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but… the guy who I’m in love with… is you.”



Woohoo! I updated twice in... three days *cough* okay, not a huge achievement, but considering the stress I have with school and stuff, it's definitely an achievement.

And being the evil person I am I decided to leave you with a cliffhanger! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! *chokes from evil laugh*

But Chun... why so blunt? You could've really given the poor guy some time to adjust to you being gay and all... but no, you just had to shower him with information, right? :P

Not too much YunJae in this chappie, but I promise they'll soon realize their feelings for each other! But I have the feeling YooSu should come first...

Also, do you think I should rate this story? I'm kinda new...

Please comment ^^ I love you guys \(^o^)/

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Correction: it won't. AFF is being mean.


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karinokta #1
Chapter 33: The story is good, I like it when you make prequel for each couple. Love love, thanks authornim :D
Chapter 21: while i'm reading this chapter where Jaejoong confess to Yunho and Yunho rejected his confession...i'm listening to Jaejae "I'll Protect You"...and then Yunho's last line is..he knew Jaejoong is the one ho fell in the cliff and save him that that is not a's like the song is perfect for this chapter..:D
Chapter 33: Omg this was so beautiful ^-^ At first when I begin to read it I thought it was going to fast with love and stuff, but after a little time it was going great! :D I am really happy with all the pairing you wrote about :) Thank you for this! :D
Chapter 34: opening yet sweet ending....thx a lot author-nim... (^ ^)
i read this beautiful story before making an account and that i do i have to say i loved it :)
Chapter 10: yoochun's confession aaaa.... lol
Chapter 7: yoosu couple is born yiiipiiiiieee
/throws conffeti(?)/
OMG NICE. may i have the pdf file for this pls?
Chapter 34: it is cool
Chapter 34: go for it nutella ^-^