The talk

I want you! NO, Not you!

I was out of the bathroom before you could even count to a hundred. I rushed to Junhyung who had his hand on the alarm clock.

"What are you doing?"

He looked up, shocked to see me in front of him. "When do you get here? Are you sure you had a bath?"

"What are you doing touching my stuff?

"You mean this?" he held out the alarm clock.


"I see you're still paranoid seeing people touching your stuff."

"I'm not paranoid!"

"You need to solve your issue." he stated as he flopped down on my bed.

"Aish.. Say whatever you want. I don't care." I muttered as I snatched the alarm clock from his hand. I placed the clock back to it's original place.

"So how's your brother? Have you forgive him yet?" he asked absentmindedly as he fiddled with my remote control. He switched on the television.

"Didn't I tell you not to mention him anymore? He doesn't exist in my life anymore!" I snapped at him, making him surprised.

"Woah! Calm down. I'm just asking. You should forgive him soon. Do you know how many times he begged me to beg you to forgive him?" he warily glanced at me.

I sighed. "Why should I forgive him when he choose to leave me 5 years ago?"

"At least he came back and made an attempt to contact you. That what it counts right? I know you miss him." he softened.

I bit my lip as I rubbed my temples. My brother got scouted on the streets one day after he sang a song for me to amuse me while waiting for our parents to buy something for us to eat. He mentioned the incident to my parents and they got into a huge argument.  A few days later, he disappeared from the house without us knowing that he had accepted the stranger's offer to be a trainee in JYPE. That idiot only attempted to contact me after four freaking years and did not even begged for forgiveness to my parents who were worried sick after he disappeared.

"You're too stubborn. At least listen to his explanation first. He had a good reason for doing so." Junhyung sighed as he patted my head.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning so you better be ready by then." He jumped off the bed and walked himself out of the house. "See you tomorrow Eunjung! Remember what I had said. Give him a second chance to make it up to you for all these years."

"I'll think about it," I sighed. "See you tomorrow Junhyung." I frowned slightly as I gave him a little wave.

He nodded as he drove away in his car.

I closed the door and went to my bed. I sighed softly as I thought what Junhyung had said. Maybe what he said was true. I pondered over the issue as I laid on my bed. Should I forgive him?

I kept thinking about it until I fell asleep.



Okay! I'm back!! So what do you think of this chapter? I mentioned Eunjung's brother. To tell you the truth, I haven't decide who Eunjung's brother will be which is why I didn't mention his name in the forewords. Double post today!!

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OMG..!!! Jiyong..!! Where is Eunjung supposed to put all of your things..?! my poor Seungri... but at least he's with Hyunseung!!! I wanna see HyunRi trouble.>!!!!!!!!!!
seems like only jiyong will be living there. and for one dude 8 bags.. well beast did bring all their stuff. LOL. poor junnie. but at the same time i'm loving my jiyong
@rialove & @joeybelle & PRcessVIP

Thank you for commenting so far! :D
To say that it's going to be chaotic is an understatement.Haha
Read on if you want to know whether Bigbang will be living together with the rest of them. :)
I hope you like the chapter! Lol
OMG.! I really hope Bigbang is also there.! Imagine having Seungri and Hyunseung in one house again!!!
joeybelle #5
:D Update soon <3
nope never. can i. and this is really going to be chaotic.
@joeybelle- updated! I'm glad that you like my story ^^ *gives you cookies* Keep on reading okay? Hehehe :)

@SHINeeSHINee- Living with CUTE & HOT guys can lead to major nosebleeding!*faints* Lol! They're too hot to handle. Hahaha! I'm happy that you love my update. I hope you love the next update too <3

@dvyuee- The boys living with Eunjung only screams out the word CHAOS!O.O Lol! Can't imagine living with these guys in a 8 room house. Can you? HAHAHA ^^

@leeminhyun13- HEHEHE! So would I~ That would be heaven! *starts daydreaming* I hope you like the next chapter! ^^

@PRcessVIP- Awwww! Thank you for loving this fic! *smiles wide* Living with loads of boys always meant Trouble. *starts singing to Troublemaker* Lol!
joeybelle #8
Whoa. Update soon <3
gosh.! I want all the Bigbang members in that house,too.! That would be..... TROUBLE.! Hahahaha.. But who cares.?! It's gonna be fun for sure.!
like seriously. more people in the house now too? 2pm and b2st needs to move out. and jiyong NO! you cannot move in. her house is already crowded enough.