Breakfast anyone?

I want you! NO, Not you!

Eunjung's POV

I groaned when I heard my alarm clock went off. I blindly switched off the alarm and went back to my bed. A few more minutes of sleep won't hurt. I'm still so freaking tired! It's as if I didn't even slept last night.


I jolted awake when the door banged open. Junhyung stood beside my bed and softly muttering to me to wake me up, "You're awake so get up.'

I groaned as I covered myself with the blanket. I stayed still, hoping that he would take the hint and go away.

"That's not going to work and you know it. Come on. We'll be late for school later if you continue to be like this. I've still got 8 more kids to wake up." Junhyung gently shook me. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake-" He continued shaking me.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and sat on the bed. "Fine MUM." I grumbled as I emphasized on the word Mum.

"Yah! Are you calling me your mum?" He pouted as he looked at me. "All I did was to wake you up so that you won't be late for school later and you didn't even appreciate it. After all I-" he continued to nag as I zoned out. He sure talks a lot.

"Yah! Are you even listening to me?" I looked up to him and slowly smiled. Junhyung shook his head slowly and sighed. "Never mind. Go and wash yourself. I'll be back to check on you so don't get back to sleep." he firmly said before leaving the room.

I collapsed back to my bed when he's gone.

He popped his head into the room. "I mean it."

"Fine!" I stretched myself before getting up from the bed. I wonder where he got the energy to get up so early in the morning.


Junhyung's POV

Damn these brats! I'm not saying that Eunjung was a brat. She's usually like that. I just wished she was sleeping when I walked into the room so that I can stare at her face. She looked like an angel when she sleeps. I just love the way her face was always so peaceful as she fell deep into slumber. That was the only way I could stare and admire her beauty without anyone disturbing me. Anyway, why couldn't they just woke up without resisting? We would be late for school if these brats continue behaving like this.

"Gikwang! Hyunseung! Get up now." I kicked their beds.

Gikwang immediately woke up like a good boy. He stretched himself before getting out of the bed. I ruffled his hair affectionately. "Freshen up and I'll make breakfast for you later."

"Yes hyung," he hoarsely said as he dragged his feet to the bathroom.

Well, at least someone listened to me. 1 down, 7 more to go!

"Yah! Wake up!" I roughly shook the person under the covers.

He groaned before mumbling incoherently. "Junnie, how could you treat me like this?"

What? I was only trying to wake him up. "If you have woken up when I tried to wake you up earlier, I wouldn't have to shake you too hard. So please get up now okay hyung?" I said as I gritted through my teeth.

"Okay, okay. Make some pancakes for me for breakfast." Hyunseung rose from under those covers, with his eyes still closed. He scratched his hair, making it more disheveled. 

"I'm planning on making it after waking the rest of the people. So please wake up and wake the others in the room while you're at it or no breakfast." I threatened.

"Fine. You can go now," he was still talking to me with his eyes closed.

I rolled my eyes. He's going to go back to sleep again after I went out. He always does. I sighed. It's time I gave up.


Eunjung's POV

How do I describe breakfast? It was chaotic. Living with 12 people was enough to drive someone crazy. At least that's what Junhyung said.

"Junhyung, Chansung ate almost everything you cooked for us. Can you make more pancakes for us?" Junsu asked as he glared at the maknae who was still unaware of the glares he was getting from everyone on the table and the err.. floor. There was simply not enough room for everyone to eat on the table so it's the first time, first served basis. I'm just lucky enough to get a seat.

"Eunjung, are those pancakes enough for you?" Junhyung ignored Junsu and turned his attention to me. Lately, Junhyung was paying more attention to me and it's embarrassing when he tend to do that when a lot of people were watching. But I felt happy when he did that. Even a simple stare from him managed to turned me red in the face. I can't deny that he was getting more and more good looking as time goes by.

I smiled shyly as I said, "You gave me more than enough pancakes Junnie." I pointed at the 4 pancakes on my plate. "But have you eaten?" I took a bite of those heavenly pancakes. It was so delicious that I swear he could be a chef instead of being a singer. But that's his dream. Oh well..

"Yah! Are you ignoring me?" Junsu shouted.

"I'm going to eat but these BRATS-" he stressed on the word brats. "-kept asking me to make more pancakes for them. They even stole my pancakes." he complained to me before turning to the others. "There's no more flour and eggs so make your own breakfast if you're hungry. I'm not your maid." he pouted as he sat beside me.

I laughed. "Here. Have some of mine." I said as I held out a spoon to him.

"I'm not a brat!" Wooyoung whined.

"Whatever." Junhyung rolled his eyes. "Thanks. Only you care about me," he opened his mouth, urging me to feed him.

"Hey, no PDA in the kitchen." Taecyeon oppa voiced out.

"Yeah! No mushy stuff when I'm eating. I'm losing my appetite." Doojoon pretended to vomit.

"Just get out of here Doojoon," he muttered quietly as he opened his mouth once more to let me feed him. I looked at him in amusement.

"Can Junhyung get more obvious?" Yoseob snickered loudly.

"What's obvious?" I asked.

He looked shocked but quickly recovered. He grinned as he glanced at Junhyung. "Junhyung lik-" he was interrupted when a panicked Junhyung shove the rest of my pancakes into Yoseob's mouth. With his eyes wide opened, that poor guy was clutching his throat, choking.

I stared at him, surprised. "Junhyung!"

The others scrambled to Yoseob to help him took out the soggy pancakes from his mouth as Junhyung looked at me, feigning innocence. "What?"

"Oh nothing!" I sighed as I looked away.



Hello!! I'm sorry for the late update. I've been so busy lately that I had no time to even go to the net. Sad life :(
But on the other hand, I'm so happy to receive some more comments from my fellow readers and new subscribers. I feel so motivated to write. Hehehe ^^
So thank you!! I love you!! *throw kisses*

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OMG..!!! Jiyong..!! Where is Eunjung supposed to put all of your things..?! my poor Seungri... but at least he's with Hyunseung!!! I wanna see HyunRi trouble.>!!!!!!!!!!
seems like only jiyong will be living there. and for one dude 8 bags.. well beast did bring all their stuff. LOL. poor junnie. but at the same time i'm loving my jiyong
@rialove & @joeybelle & PRcessVIP

Thank you for commenting so far! :D
To say that it's going to be chaotic is an understatement.Haha
Read on if you want to know whether Bigbang will be living together with the rest of them. :)
I hope you like the chapter! Lol
OMG.! I really hope Bigbang is also there.! Imagine having Seungri and Hyunseung in one house again!!!
joeybelle #5
:D Update soon <3
nope never. can i. and this is really going to be chaotic.
@joeybelle- updated! I'm glad that you like my story ^^ *gives you cookies* Keep on reading okay? Hehehe :)

@SHINeeSHINee- Living with CUTE & HOT guys can lead to major nosebleeding!*faints* Lol! They're too hot to handle. Hahaha! I'm happy that you love my update. I hope you love the next update too <3

@dvyuee- The boys living with Eunjung only screams out the word CHAOS!O.O Lol! Can't imagine living with these guys in a 8 room house. Can you? HAHAHA ^^

@leeminhyun13- HEHEHE! So would I~ That would be heaven! *starts daydreaming* I hope you like the next chapter! ^^

@PRcessVIP- Awwww! Thank you for loving this fic! *smiles wide* Living with loads of boys always meant Trouble. *starts singing to Troublemaker* Lol!
joeybelle #8
Whoa. Update soon <3
gosh.! I want all the Bigbang members in that house,too.! That would be..... TROUBLE.! Hahahaha.. But who cares.?! It's gonna be fun for sure.!
like seriously. more people in the house now too? 2pm and b2st needs to move out. and jiyong NO! you cannot move in. her house is already crowded enough.