Let me move in with you!

I want you! NO, Not you!

I looked at him questionably.


I raised my eyebrow at the boys who were playing a game together in the living room.

"Ohh them." He looked away from me.

"Yes, please explain." I folded my arms as I waited for him to begin explaining.

"Umm.. about that."



Taecyeon pov

I was packing my clothes into my suitcases when the door burst open.

"Hyung, I heard that you're moving out!" I frowned. Where did he heard this from? I did not even tell anyone yet and I'm planning to leave in secret. "Don't leave me here alone!" Wooyoung wailed loudly as he made his usual ang ang face. (Exactly like this but without the white powder on his face. Haha XD)


"Stop making those faces Wooyoung-ah or you're face will freeze like that one day. Where did-" My words were cut-off as Junsu came barging into the room.

"You're leaving me alone with these boys? Are you crazy? They will drive me through the wall! I need you by my side to take care of these kids. I need to survive! Let me move in with you." Junsu hyung shook my arm furiously, waiting for my response.

I rolled my eyes at my hyung. He was over- reacting as usual. "I don't think-" I was interrupted by him again.

"Exactly! You don't think!" He raised both of his hands in frustration. "You don't think about me! So either let me move in with you or you don't move out at all!" He glared at me, daring me to make a decision.

I gulped as I looked away. He looked scary when he glared at me.

I was glad when I saw Nickhun walked into the room. I'll do anything to avoid telling my decision to Junsu hyung.

"Hey Nickhun!" I greeted him cheerfully.

He looked at me with those sad eyes. "Hey Taec! What's this I heard? You're moving out?" He stared at my bags of clothing.


"But why? I thought we were best friends! You told me you love living here and nothing will make you move out of this house. So what's wrong now?"

"My sister, Eunjung, needed me to protect her from these wolves in her house-" Nickhun's eyes widened. "So as an awesome brother, I decided to stay with her until their house is ready." I explained before I got interrupted again.

"Taecyeon hyung! Taecyeon hyung! I heard you're moving in with Eunjung. Can I move in with you?" Junho bounced into the room with those giant balls. I wonder where he got those from. Chansung soon joined him, bouncing in the room while eating a banana. "Hyung, can I move in with you too?" Chansung asked as he tried to use aegyo on me.

I tore my eyes away from Chansung. It's too painful to even watch.

I inhale some air slowly, realizing that the boys were waiting for me to answer their questions. I closed my eyes for a moment before I made my decision.


"They kept insisting until I'm forced to give in. There's no way you cannot give in those kids." He smiled affectionately as he glanced at them.

I blinked. That sounded too surreal. I don't think I can imagine Chansung doing aegyo. "O..kay? So oppa, where do you think you and the boys will sleep?"

"In the rooms of course. You don't want to see us sprawling out in the living room, do you? I'm sure Beast can afford to share some of those huge beds." he said nonchalantly as if it was the most obvious solution ever.

I sighed. This is impossible! "Never mind, let's just eat our dinner. Beast will be back in two hours time. Do talk to them before moving into the rooms." He followed me into the kitchen, whistling.

"You cook?" he asked with one of his eyebrow raised.

I nodded. "Yeah. Is there anything wrong with me cooking?"

"Yea...Noo.. I just remembered that time when you destroyed your cooking set umma and appa bought for us. So what did you cook?" 

I lifted the lid of the pot as I proudly announced. "Presenting my very own special recipe Ddokbukki!" 

"Hmm.. smells good!" he inhale the sweet smell of ddokbukki."

"I know right?" I chuckled as I held out a spoon for him to taste. "How does it taste like?"

He took a bite from the spoon and paused for a while to taste it. "Not bad. It's too spicy but still edible," he put out two thumbs up.

"Great! Let's eat then. Call the others for me?" I grabbed the bowls and utensils and put them on the dining table.

"Sure thing." He went to the living room and shouted out, "Time to eat kids!"

The next thing I know was a huge stampede of boys( or elephants?) rushing into the dining room.

They sat on the chairs and eagerly looked at the food.

"What's for dinner?" Junsu asked me before he got interrupted by Chansung.

"Ddokbukki? Let's eat!" He spoon out some food into his bowl.

Soon, a rush of complaint followed by before the rest of the boys follows suit.

Oh shoot! I should have taken some first before they came. They better leave some for me!

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OMG..!!! Jiyong..!! Where is Eunjung supposed to put all of your things..?! my poor Seungri... but at least he's with Hyunseung!!! I wanna see HyunRi trouble.>!!!!!!!!!!
seems like only jiyong will be living there. and for one dude 8 bags.. well beast did bring all their stuff. LOL. poor junnie. but at the same time i'm loving my jiyong
@rialove & @joeybelle & PRcessVIP

Thank you for commenting so far! :D
To say that it's going to be chaotic is an understatement.Haha
Read on if you want to know whether Bigbang will be living together with the rest of them. :)
I hope you like the chapter! Lol
OMG.! I really hope Bigbang is also there.! Imagine having Seungri and Hyunseung in one house again!!!
joeybelle #5
:D Update soon <3
nope never. can i. and this is really going to be chaotic.
@joeybelle- updated! I'm glad that you like my story ^^ *gives you cookies* Keep on reading okay? Hehehe :)

@SHINeeSHINee- Living with CUTE & HOT guys can lead to major nosebleeding!*faints* Lol! They're too hot to handle. Hahaha! I'm happy that you love my update. I hope you love the next update too <3

@dvyuee- The boys living with Eunjung only screams out the word CHAOS!O.O Lol! Can't imagine living with these guys in a 8 room house. Can you? HAHAHA ^^

@leeminhyun13- HEHEHE! So would I~ That would be heaven! *starts daydreaming* I hope you like the next chapter! ^^

@PRcessVIP- Awwww! Thank you for loving this fic! *smiles wide* Living with loads of boys always meant Trouble. *starts singing to Troublemaker* Lol!
joeybelle #8
Whoa. Update soon <3
gosh.! I want all the Bigbang members in that house,too.! That would be..... TROUBLE.! Hahahaha.. But who cares.?! It's gonna be fun for sure.!
like seriously. more people in the house now too? 2pm and b2st needs to move out. and jiyong NO! you cannot move in. her house is already crowded enough.