
I want you! NO, Not you!

I burped out loud as I waited for them to finish eating.

"You guys ate way too much. Remind me not to treat you again." I stared at the stack of bowls, piling up on our table.

"Aww.. Come on, we didn't eat that much. We only ate around 3 bowls each." Yoseob pointed out as he continued eating.

"3 bowls is not that much?" I cried in disbelief.

"Not really. We usually eat around 4-5 bowls if we are really, really hungry." Junhyung said thoughtfully.

"How could you eat so much and not get fat? Do you have a black hole in your stomach?" I asked, curious.

"I don't know. There is a thing called EXERCISE." Dojoon said sarcastically.

"Hey, no need to get all sarcastic on me."

"Ahjumma! Another bowl please!" Dongwoon shouted out to the lady who was cleaning the table.

She simply nodded before going to the kitchen to get another bowl of rice. 

.....For a maknae, he sure eat a lot.

"Here it is." She passed the bowl to Dongwoon who immediately began to wolf it down.

I shook my head. "What a healthy appetite."

I sighed as I watched them eat. When will they stop eating? Thank goodness there is no school tomorrow. It's already past 12 midnight.

"Why don't you eat more?" Gikwang put some meat to my empty bowl.

"I'm too full. You don't want me to turn fat do you?" I rubbed my bloated stomach.

"Ani, but you need to eat more. You're still too thin." He pinched my flabby arm.

"And I'm planning to stay that way." I declared stubbornly.

"Girls.. All they do is diet." Hyunseung muttered.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Anyway, don't you think you will attract the attention of your fans if you wear the same glasses and mustaches?"


"Nope." They said in unsion.

I sighed. 6 weird looking guys wearing 'disguises' in front of me and I'm surprised that none of their fans saw them yet. I looked around the restaurant. Then again, this place is full of middle-age people.

"Alright, let's go! We're done eating." Junhyung announced as he stood up.

"But I-" Dongwoon started.

Junhyung gave him 'the glare' and he stopped. 

"Let's get out of here! I'm too full to eat anymore." Gikwang said as he slowly rose from his seat.

"I'll pay for the food then. I'll be back in a sec." I made my way to the counter.

A tired woman wearily smiled at me. 

I smiled back as I said. "I would like to pay for table 7."

She nodded as she counted the total amount. "That would be 205,000 won."

"Tw-two hundred and five thousand won?" I stuttered in disbelief.

She nodded again. 

I looked through my wallet. I don't have enough cash with me! I bit my lips.

"Do you take card?" I asked anxiously.


I hesitatingly handed her the card and signed. "I'm doomed." I muttered.

My parents are going to kill me for sure.

I forced a smile and bowed before getting out of the restaurant. Lesson learnt, I'm not going to treat them again especially Dongwoon.

The rest of the guys were goofing off as usual. I pouted.

"I'm back." I announced loudly to get their attention.

They smiled at me and nodded to each other.

I kicked the rock on the pavement. I bet they were happy that I paid for the meal instead of them. Imagine paying 205,000 won for 20 bowls of rice and meat! 

"Gomawo Eunjung-ah!"

I mean that was just too expensive! Thank goodness they did not opted to eat more expensive food like what Hyunseung suggested.


"Hmm?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Thank you for treating us!"

"Oh.. Your welcome." I replied.

Okay, at least they were grateful. Maybe, just maybe I will treat them again.

"So where should we go hyung?" Hyunseung asked.

"Home of course! We have schedule tomorrow morning, remember!" Dojoon answered loudly.

"But hyung.. I still want to have fun!" Yoseob made a puppy face.

Dojoon looked away from him. "It's not going to work Seobie. We have to get some sleep."


"No buts! Let's go home now."

I watched Dojoon in amazement. How did he managed to not give in to that face? No wonder he was the leader.

Junhyung turned to me. "Do you mind sleeping over to our house? We do not have enough gas to drop you home."

I shook my head. "That's okay, I'll take the train home."

"It's not safe for females to go home alone. Just sleep over to our house!" Gikwang persuaded me..

"Yeah, it will be fun!" Yoseob joined in.

"I agree with Gikwang hyung!" Dongwoon piped in.

"Alright, alright!" I gave in.

They cheered as we made our way to the car.

"WE ARE HAVING A SLEEP OVER~!!" Dongwoon and Yoseob sang.

"How can these two be so energetic?" Junhyung mumbled.

"I don't know and I don't care. All I want is my beauty sleep." Hyunseung yawned.




We arrived at their house half an hour later. I throw myself on the couch and closed my eyes. I was about to drift off to my dreamland when I felt someone nudged me.

"Change into this before sleeping. I already set your 'bed'." Junhyung said gently as he handed me some clothes.

I nodded in weariness and trudged my way to the bathroom. I slowly changed into the clothes he gave me and made my way to the living room. 7 set of futon were sprawled around the living room. The others were not here yet. I yawned as I lied down to my pink Hello Kitty futon.  I closed my eyes and went into a deep slumber.




Helloo!! I'm back!!

Sorry I didn't update this story last week due to the upcoming test, projects and so on.

I will be busy for a while.

I will update often once my school break starts.

I hope this long chapter makes up for it ^^

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OMG..!!! Jiyong..!! Where is Eunjung supposed to put all of your things..?! my poor Seungri... but at least he's with Hyunseung!!! I wanna see HyunRi trouble.>!!!!!!!!!!
seems like only jiyong will be living there. and for one dude 8 bags.. well beast did bring all their stuff. LOL. poor junnie. but at the same time i'm loving my jiyong
@rialove & @joeybelle & PRcessVIP

Thank you for commenting so far! :D
To say that it's going to be chaotic is an understatement.Haha
Read on if you want to know whether Bigbang will be living together with the rest of them. :)
I hope you like the chapter! Lol
OMG.! I really hope Bigbang is also there.! Imagine having Seungri and Hyunseung in one house again!!!
joeybelle #5
:D Update soon <3
nope never. can i. and this is really going to be chaotic.
@joeybelle- updated! I'm glad that you like my story ^^ *gives you cookies* Keep on reading okay? Hehehe :)

@SHINeeSHINee- Living with CUTE & HOT guys can lead to major nosebleeding!*faints* Lol! They're too hot to handle. Hahaha! I'm happy that you love my update. I hope you love the next update too <3

@dvyuee- The boys living with Eunjung only screams out the word CHAOS!O.O Lol! Can't imagine living with these guys in a 8 room house. Can you? HAHAHA ^^

@leeminhyun13- HEHEHE! So would I~ That would be heaven! *starts daydreaming* I hope you like the next chapter! ^^

@PRcessVIP- Awwww! Thank you for loving this fic! *smiles wide* Living with loads of boys always meant Trouble. *starts singing to Troublemaker* Lol!
joeybelle #8
Whoa. Update soon <3
gosh.! I want all the Bigbang members in that house,too.! That would be..... TROUBLE.! Hahahaha.. But who cares.?! It's gonna be fun for sure.!
like seriously. more people in the house now too? 2pm and b2st needs to move out. and jiyong NO! you cannot move in. her house is already crowded enough.