The reason?

I want you! NO, Not you!

I walked out of the garden as I wiped my teary eyes. I must not cry because of that idiot. I must not cry! I must not cry!


I spun around and saw Jiyong jogging towards me. Speaking of the devil. Here he comes.

He grabbed my wrist and looked at me. "Are you okay?"

I looked away and nodded. "Please let me go."

"Have you been crying? Your eyes are puffy." He gently said as he lifted my face to take a better look at me.

I glared at him as I pull his hand away from my face. "Why do you care?"

"I care because I love you. Don't you know that?" He gently whispered to my ear, causing me to feel goose bumps.

"If you love me, why do you cheat on me in the first place?" I finally plucked out the courage to ask the most dreaded question.

He seemed taken aback by the question. He began fidgeting as he looked at me in the eye.

"I can't tell you the reason."

"Why? Too ashamed with your behaviour? Found yourself a new love? Can't stand me anymore?" I stared angrily at him.

"Eunjung, I-"

"You what? You had a change in your feelings?"

He held onto my shoulders and shook me. "Eunjung! Let me speak!"

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you the reason because the truth will only hurt you. I don't want you to start blaming yourself for causing it to end up that way. Just know that I still love you and nothing will change that."

"What makes you think I'll believe that?" I asked skeptically.

"Just give me some time to solve the problem and I'll prove it to you." He gently kissed my forehead before walking away, leaving me feeling confused.

What does he mean by that? I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Should I give him another chance?



Annyeong! I'm back and finally updated my story!  *cheers*

Thank goodness I only had to go to school for 2 hours on friday so I'm able to update today and probably the weekend? But I'll try to update whenever I can. So continue supporting my story by subscribing and commenting to my story. I'm actually very happy to get 16 subscribers so thank you!! *smiles widely*

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OMG..!!! Jiyong..!! Where is Eunjung supposed to put all of your things..?! my poor Seungri... but at least he's with Hyunseung!!! I wanna see HyunRi trouble.>!!!!!!!!!!
seems like only jiyong will be living there. and for one dude 8 bags.. well beast did bring all their stuff. LOL. poor junnie. but at the same time i'm loving my jiyong
@rialove & @joeybelle & PRcessVIP

Thank you for commenting so far! :D
To say that it's going to be chaotic is an understatement.Haha
Read on if you want to know whether Bigbang will be living together with the rest of them. :)
I hope you like the chapter! Lol
OMG.! I really hope Bigbang is also there.! Imagine having Seungri and Hyunseung in one house again!!!
joeybelle #5
:D Update soon <3
nope never. can i. and this is really going to be chaotic.
@joeybelle- updated! I'm glad that you like my story ^^ *gives you cookies* Keep on reading okay? Hehehe :)

@SHINeeSHINee- Living with CUTE & HOT guys can lead to major nosebleeding!*faints* Lol! They're too hot to handle. Hahaha! I'm happy that you love my update. I hope you love the next update too <3

@dvyuee- The boys living with Eunjung only screams out the word CHAOS!O.O Lol! Can't imagine living with these guys in a 8 room house. Can you? HAHAHA ^^

@leeminhyun13- HEHEHE! So would I~ That would be heaven! *starts daydreaming* I hope you like the next chapter! ^^

@PRcessVIP- Awwww! Thank you for loving this fic! *smiles wide* Living with loads of boys always meant Trouble. *starts singing to Troublemaker* Lol!
joeybelle #8
Whoa. Update soon <3
gosh.! I want all the Bigbang members in that house,too.! That would be..... TROUBLE.! Hahahaha.. But who cares.?! It's gonna be fun for sure.!
like seriously. more people in the house now too? 2pm and b2st needs to move out. and jiyong NO! you cannot move in. her house is already crowded enough.