Special Senior Trip

Sungyeol the Stupid Love Doctor

After officially deciding they were not friends, they got into a very heated argument about coffee – courtesy of Sungyeol.

“Coffee is the most amazing drink in the world. If you think otherwise, then you’re a jerk.”

“Hasn’t that already been established? And for the record, I think coffee is an average drink.”

“It is not!”

“It is too, stupid!”

“It is not, brat!’



“What the hell?!” Seungyeon interrupted, glaring at them from her seat. “Can you two shut up? I know that Yeol’s a complete choding, but Myungsoo, you need to stay the mature one if this friendship is going to last.”

Myungsoo raised his eyebrows. “Didn’t you hear? We’re not friends anymore.”

“Since when?”

“We had officially broken our friendship five minutes ago, Yeon,” Sungyeol said, shaking his head. “Get with the program, already.”

Seungyeon rolled her eyes, knowing that they’d be on each other’s good terms in the next twenty minutes.

“Alright kids,” the teacher said as she entered the room, “shut your mouths and listen up.”

Everyone quieted down, because they knew when their teacher spoke in that manner, something was up.

“Quiet? Good. Okay! So, during a staff meeting a few months ago, we wanted to have a special celebration for this senior class because this is our fiftieth graduating class.”

Murmurs erupted from every corner in the classroom, a few whispers here and there. Even Myungsoo, who wasn’t one to get excited about these kinds of things, was intrigued.

“So,” the teacher continued, “we have decided to take the entire senior class to…” she paused for a dramatic effect, “Jeju Island.”

The entire class burst into a flurry of cheers and whoops, jumping up from their desks to fist pump in the air.

“Settle down!” the teacher commanded, to which everyone obliged. “You might think this is a luxury trip, but be prepared to get a pop quiz on Jeju Island’s history when we return.”

The class groaned, and the teacher chuckled. “Guys, I’m just joking – it is a complete luxury trip. You just need your parents’ permission, and the senior class can get on a plane and we can got to Jeju Island!” she cheered.

The class cheered with her, even going as far to rip off their shirts.

“Hey, that’s inappropriate!” the teacher admonished.

“Er, sorry…”

“However,” she added, “we will be staying in a resort rented for the specific trip, and you will all have roommates!”

The class sent out mixed answers – some happy, others sad.

“Wait, I can’t leave my Yeon!”

“Will boys get to room with girls?”

“Is a whole resort really rented for just us?”

“May I pee?”

The teacher shushed them all down, and continued, “I know it’s a bit of a downer, but choosing roommates could be unfair to certain people. And for the record – no, boys will not room with girls.”


“What I needed to tell you all is that the teachers and I created a list for roommates which I will read in a second. I would first like to inform you all that these names were chosen randomly from a hat – there were no biased actions. Are we clear on that?”


“And also – instead of giving you your partner, I will be giving you’re your room number instead so that your partner will be a surprise. And just for your information, kids in this homeroom can still be paired up with kids from other homerooms. Are we still clear?”


“Good. I’ll begin reading in a random order. Jang Wooyoung – 14C. Goo Hara – 12F. Seo Joohyun – 11K.”

Myungsoo just lay his head back down on his desk. He didn’t really want to hear what the room numbers were unless it had to do with him.

“Kim Myungsoo!”

His head snapped up.

“You’re in room 17H.”

“Okay,” he murmured.

She just continued reading. Even though he didn’t really care what room others were in, but he couldn’t help but get that anxious feeling when Sungyeol’s name was read.

“Lee Sungyeol – 17…”

Myungsoo’s ears perked and he leaned forward.


Deep down in his soul, he knew that he was a bit disappointed that he and Sungyeol wouldn’t be sharing a room. But hey, he could still .

“Yah, Yeol!” he whispered.


“We’re not in the same room! It’s a miracle!”

Sungyeol pouted and said, “Mehrong~!” before turning back around and pouting. Myungsoo chuckled as his actions, when a certain name caught his attention.

“Lee Howon – 17G.”

“No way…” Myungsoo murmured, a bit pissed.

So Lee Howon would get to share a room with Sungyeol, huh? Myungsoo grimaced at the thought, imagining some disturbing scenes of Sungyeol pronouncing his love for Hoya, and Hoya accepting it. And then, they would share private, intimates night together that only they knew about because they were roommates. And then, that intimacy would get larger, and the two would get married and have kids and – he didn’t even want to think about it.

Myungsoo scowled. That was not how he wanted things to end up. If anything, he wanted to trade places with Hoya.

It wasn’t really that he wanted to room with Sungyeol; he just didn’t want Hoya, to room with him. Anyone else would have been perfectly fine.

“And, Kwon Yuri – 16B. And that’s the list! As for details, bring your own luggage with a week’s worth of clothes. For any medical needs, bring that in a separate plastic bag. Okay? And even though you didn’t get to pick your roommates, you can pick who you want to sit next to during the plane ride.”

Her one statement sent the whole class into an explosion of running and yelling names across the room. The teacher just groaned and walked out of the classroom, waiting for the situation to figure itself out.

Myungsoo just rolled his eyes and lay his head back down on his desk, trying to ignore the sound of angry blood pulsing through his body.

‘I will not think of Hoya,’ he thought to himself. ‘Hoya is a perfect gentleman and I have absolutely no legitimate reason to dislike him. We are friends. Yes – Hoya and I are friends…’

He shot up as a warm hand touched his own. “Oh my gosh, who– oh, Yeol… Don’t scare me like that!”

Sungyeol pouted. “Sorry,” he apologized quickly. “I just wanted to ask if you wanted to sit on the plane together!”

Myungsoo raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“You don’t want to?” he pouted.

“I never said I didn’t want to. I asked you why. You could always ask Hoya, you know.”

Sungyeol sighed. “I know, but Hoya looks like he works out.”

Myungsoo just stared at him for a few seconds before replying, “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well, you know how when you work out, your shoulders get broader.”


“And since they get broader, they also get bonier because there’s less fat.”


“And, you don’t look like you work out.”


“Just let me finish – and because of that, your shoulders look squishier.”

“Yah, Lee Sungyeol – that’s kind of insulting.”

“I’m not trying to insult you!” he huffed. “Anyways – since I fall asleep on planes a lot, I tend to fall asleep on the shoulder of the person next to me, regardless of whether I know them or not. And sleeping should be comfortable.”

“…What are you trying to say?”

“What I’m trying to say is – since your shoulders are softer, they’ll be a better pillow than Hoya’s rock hard ones. See? I didn’t insult you at all!”

Myungsoo just stared at him. “So, you conclude that I’ll be better to sleep next to because my shoulders are squishier?” he repeated, a strong dose of disbelief in his words.

Sungyeol grinned and nodded. “Yep! So you’ll sit next to me?”

Myungsoo smiled slightly back. “Sure, I’ll sit next to you. Do you snore loudly?”

Sungyeol grinned. “Nope! I don’t snore at all!” he replied proudly.


“You are a liar,” Myungsoo grumbled as he sat in his plane seat.

The week had passed so quickly with the excitement of the senior trip to Jeju Island, that everything was a blur. Getting permission from parents were easy, since just about all of them wanted their moody teenagers out of the house. Packing was a breeze, and boarding was easier than expected.

Sungyeol wasn’t lying, though, when he said he fell asleep on planes easily. He had fallen asleep about thirteen minutes into the flight (yes, Myungsoo counted) and true to his word, he fell asleep on Myungsoo’s shoulder.

But Sungyeol did snore.

And he didn’t just snore.

He snored like a lawnmower.

Myungsoo huffed as Sungyeol’s snores erupted every eight seconds (yes, Myungsoo counted that, too). He turned his head across the aisle, where Sunggyu looked at him pitifully.

“You got stuck next to Yeol?” Sunggyu asked, amused and sympathetic.

“Yep. He asked, I agreed, and he told me he didn’t snore,” Myungsoo deadpanned. “He lied.”

Sunggyu chuckled. “Sungyeol really only snores like that when he doesn’t get any sleep the night before. I bet you he was packing last minute.”

“We’ve had a whole week-end to pack our stuff. He can’t really be that stupid.”

Sunggyu raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, he’s probably that stupid,” Myungsoo admitted.

Sunggyu opened his mouth to speak, when a sugar coated voice spoke first.

“Gyu hyung~!” Woohyun whined from the seat next to Sunggyu. “I’m bored, yeobo~!”

Sunggyu blushed awkwardly and nodded towards Myungsoo before turning to his boyfriend.

“Yes, Woohyun?” he asked, a bit fidgety.

“I’m bored!” Woohyun whined again, voice filled to the brim with aegyo.

Sunggyu grinned and pecked him on the cheek. “Once we get to the resort we can do anything you, want, okay?”

Woohyun smiled his cheeky grin and flopped over so that his head rested on Sunggyu’s lap.

“I love you~!”

Sunggyu laughed cheerfully, playing with his boyfriend’s hair. He turned back to Myungsoo.

“You two are sharing the same room?” Myungsoo asked.

“Yeah,” Sunggyu grinned. “It’s like someone did it on purpose, but it might be just luck.” Myungsoo only blinked as Sunggyu continued. “As I was saying – Yeol is probably a lot more stupid than you think he is. Sometimes, he doesn’t even realize it.”

“He doesn’t realize it half the time,” Myungsoo said.

Sunggyu shrugged. “Yeah, well, you get what I mean, don’t you?”

Myungsoo chuckled. “Definitely.”

Sunggyu smiled his signature smile, his eyes forming tiny crescents. “Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to be a bit occupied for a bit.” He turned to look at Woohyun’s face and gave him a short peck on the lips.

Myungsoo turned away, not wanting to watch their shows of affection. He sighed as Sungyeol’s head shifted on his shoulder, his hair tickling Myungsoo’s face. Myungsoo swatted it away, only to have Sungyeol fall off of his shoulder, and onto his lap.

“Ack!” he murmured as quietly as possible.

He poked Sungyeol’s head, but he was in a deep sleep. Another extremely loud snore erupted from Sungyeol and Myungsoo groaned. He knew there was no helping his situation.

IU called, “Hey, Yeol, I–”

IU had turned around in her seat, as her seat with Hyosung was right in front of theirs. She stopped herself as she saw Sungyeol’s head resting in Myungsoo’s lap.

Myungsoo looked at her with shocked eyes, hoping she wouldn’t get the wrong message. IU just stared at them, a bit dumbfounded, before a slight blush crawled onto her cheeks.

“…I’m straight,” Myungsoo blurted out.

They both blinked at each other, and she turned away.

“Well… that was weird,” he muttered to himself as he played with a few brown strands of Sungyeol’s hair.

He brushed the hair away from Sungyeol’s face, his fingers grazing over his soft cheeks. Myungsoo looked down at his sleeping face, and traced his features out of boredom. He poked his chubby cheeks and traced the bridge of his nose, just analyzing his whole face.

And then Sungyeol let out another huge snore. Myungsoo frowned down at him and just chuckled.



When Sungyeol woke up when the flight landed, needless to say, it was a rather awkward situation.

His eyes fluttered open softly, and when he realized that his head was on Myungsoo’s lap, he shot up immediately.

“W-What happened?!” he asked.

Myungsoo shrugged, not even glancing up from the Sky Mall magazine he was reading. “I don’t really know,” he answered. “You just… fell into my lap – kind of like an apple, actually.”

“What?! What do you mean I fell into your lap like an apple?!”

“Well, your head plopped onto my legs and you were too heavy, so I didn’t move you,” he explained.

Sungyeol turned red. “Why didn’t you wake me up? What if someone saw it an took it the wrong way?!”

Myungsoo sighed. “I tried to wake you up, but let me tell you – waking someone like you up is not easy.”

Sungyeol just pouted at him as he leaned back in his seat and buckled his seat belt.

“We just landed,” Myungsoo said, not even glancing at him.

He unbuckled his seat belt. Even though the plane had landed, it was taking an unusually long time to get off.

“So… no one saw us, right?” Sungyeol asked Myungsoo shyly, still embarrassed.

“Well,” Myungsoo said in a hushed tone, “IU spotted it.”

“Oh, no! IU?! What if she thinks you’re gay now! Then she’ll never like you!” Sungyeol groaned quietly.

“No worries, I reassured her that I was straight,” he said, rolling his eyes at the love doctor’s unnecessary worry.

“Whew!” Sungyeol heaved, completely relieved that Myungsoo’s love life was not doomed.

The next few minutes for the duo were spent in a comfortable silence that neither of them minded. Sungyeol was getting extremely hyper and excited from looking at the beautiful scenery of Jeju Island, while Myungsoo was glancing fondly at a backpack-scooter from the Sky Mall.

Soon enough, the senior class was let off the plane and into the refreshing air of Jeju Island. Many kids leaped in happiness while others nearly collapsed from jet lag.

“Myungsoo,” Hoya said happily as he approached him, “isn’t this great? Jeju Island is just awesome, isn’t it?”

Myungsoo grinned. “It’s definitely great! Gosh, if I could live here, I definitely would.”

“That makes two of us,” Hoya laughed. “Oh, Sungyeol!” he said suddenly, noticing the choding, “I heard we’re roommates!”

Sungyeol smiled cheekily at him. “Yep! We’re roommates! I’m excited, aren’t you?”

Hoya laughed. “Definitely. A whole week being roommates with you is sure to be fun!”

Myungsoo forced out a laugh along with the two, but couldn’t resist that feeling of bitterness gnaw at his insides. He liked Hoya, he really did. He just didn’t like Hoya and Sungyeol put together.

“So who’s your roommate, Myungsoo?” Hoya asked.

Myungsoo smiled and shrugged. “I’ve got no clue. I don’t think he’s in our homeroom.”

“Lucky!” Sungjong said as he Sunggyu and Woohyun approached the trio. “I’m stuck in a room with some jock named Aron! He thinks I’m gay!”

“You are,” Woohyun reminded.

“Yeah, but I’m not a flamboyant gay!” Sungjong retorted. “I’m a subtle gay!”

Sungyeol glanced at his doengsaeng’s luggage. “Says the boy who has three, rhinestone-studded bags.”

“HEY!” Sungjong snapped, chasing after the choding.

Myungsoo and Hoya watched the two play and chase after each other with interest.

“Are you sure they aren’t dating each other?” Hoya asked with a chuckle.

“Not at all – believe me,” Myungsoo replied.

Hoya had a satisfactory grin on his face as he turned away and murmured something.

“What was that?” Myungsoo asked.

“Oh, nothing,” Hoya replied with a grin.

Myungsoo only nodded, but it had sounded something like –

 ‘I have a chance.’

And that bothered him a bit.



The bus ride to the resort had been completely uneventful, and rather quiet, since most people fell asleep because of their tiredness from the jet lag. But when they arrived, everyone seemed to gain a glint and spark of excitement in their eyes.

A herd of teenagers nearly trampled over each other in order to get to their room keys. Myungsoo got his rather easily, though. He simply walked past the group of flailing limbs and just took it.

After he and his friends got their room keys, they all walked over to the resort, completely dazzled by the pools and the spas and how relaxing it all looked. Woohyun clung to Sunggyu’s arm the whole was as they all ‘ooh’-ed and ‘ahh’-ed at the resort’s top-notch quality.

“This is just what we need as seniors,” Sunggyu said as they entered the air-conditioned main building.

“So nice~” Sungyeol heaved, basking in the cool air-conditioning.

“Okay,” Sunggyu said, taking charge, “let’s all freshen up in our rooms and meet back here in half an hour, okay? We should all go take a dip in the pool! You can bring whoever you want!”

They all nodded their heads in approval as they made their way to their rooms. Myungsoo sighed as he approached his door. 17H. He was extremely curious as to who his roommate was, and if they were going to get along or not.

He entered using his key, and opened the door to reveal a boy about his age who was unpacking. He was tall with plump lips, and sharp eyes that were slanted in a pretty way. His hair was dyed a golden brown with black roots showing at the scalp. When the boy noticed Myungsoo, he grinned and waved.

“Hi! You must be my roommate!” he smiled.

Myungsoo smiled back. There was something about his aura that was friendly and trustable.

“Hi. I’m Kim Myungsoo,” he said, bowing formally. “It’s nice to meet you.”

The boy grinned cheekily.

“My name is Jang Dongwoo!”

A/N: And thus, the amazing dinosaur Jang Dongwoo hath been introduced HUZZAH!


OMG I LOVE DONGWOO! He's so adorkable and cute~! ^^ And so... did you like it? You see bit of cute jealousy, some Hoya *wiggles eyebrows* and of course SungyeolxCoffee love. Now that Dongwoo is here, do you think he'll make a difference between Hoya and Sungyeol, or will he not make a difference at all? xD omg, can i please say that I really want to go to Jeju Island? It seems SO beautiful! Lucky fictional 50th graduating senior class!WHOA, ONE HUNDRED SUBSCRIBERS?! I didn't think it would rise so quickly! Last time I made a story, I got 100 subs after chapter, like, 30. -_- THANK YOU SUBSCRIBERS FOR PUTTING UP WITH MY IDIOTIC-NESS!

 don't forget to press that lil up button up there, okay? Wouldn't it be awesome if this got featured or something and we spread the glrorious ship of myungyeol? :3 but omg, I thought that moment with IU&Myungsoo was just awkward.

Myungsoo: well, I didn't want her to think I was freaking gay! Especially with Sungyeol! That's just a n insult to my dignity.

me: What dignity? You've got more derp than dignity. Especially with Sungyeol!

Myung: SEE! This is why in order to keep my dignity, I need to be AWAY from him!

Yeol: That makes no sense whatsoever.

Myung: ...Coffee is amazing.


me: omg, having to put up with these idiots...

Dongwoo: *prances around because he finally appeared*

me: and then there's that one. aigoo...

EH-NEE-WAYS... i'll be leaving now! so, subscribe&comment for more! ^^

Quinnie - OUT.

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FanFicLover92 #1
I came back here.... again... gosh... I'm so old already....sobs.....
Chapter 32: Gosh...wht to say! I loved it and couldn't stop myself from reading it in 12 hours...and it's like 5:30am in here and I didn't sleep *sheepishly grins* Unnie thanks for writing such an amazing fic! The plot, characterisation, the fluff and the comedy was all just amazing! I loved reading every part of it and Sungyeol's confession at the end was so sweet! On top their fan club was so ad too! *fangirls*
Ps. You are just awesome Unnie!
Chapter 31: Love doctor Yeol really is stupid. But I love stupid Yeol and his stupid Myung.Ughh I love stupid MyungYeol lol.
This was so beautiful and fun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it ❤
Chapter 1: Myung is being such an to Yeol lol.

I'm loving this already. Might finish the story in one go :p
Chapter 32: Congrats on your featureeee!!! You deserve it for writing this beautiful piece of a story with a dense Yeol and a snarky Myung! I loved loved loved your story! I literally finished reading it all in a day!
Chapter 32: Wow~ i took one day to finish all of the chapters!!! THIS IS SO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!
Chapter 3: I've been meaning to read this story since who knows how long ago so now I finally started! Or more like restarted. OMG, Myungsoo is mean and insensitive! Poor Yeol. The pain he has to go through just because Sunggyu didn't take Myungsoo as his client. I'm also loving your A/N's at the end. The excitement meter is up! XD
Chapter 26: Wait i keep re reading this chapter i can't stop xD
myung-yeollipop #9
Chapter 6: worrywart Myungsoo is so cute! *squeal* his nagging thoo.. it may rivaled Grandpa Gyu's nags. XD
myung-yeollipop #10
this is like my fourth (?) time re-reading this story and i still love it! <3