
Sungyeol the Stupid Love Doctor

“Prepare to die!” Sungyeol announced, brandishing his silver sword.

“Not if I can help it!” Myungsoo shouted back, also whipping his gold double-edged sword. “You’ve only got one life! And I’m going to take it away just like that!” he said, snapping his fingers.

“Really? You, too, only have but one life! And my health is in better condition!” Sungyeol said, waving his sword to taunt the other.

Narrowing his eyes, Myungsoo’s face suddenly lit up at he spotted something in the distance. “I would be too sure, Yeol,” he smirked as he ran past him.

“Wha–?” He raised an eyebrow, staring at the ravenette running. Then, he finally spotted what the boy was after. “No!” he cried. He ran after him at full speed.

Grunting, Myungsoo jumped for the object, missing by centimeters. With a frustrated growl, he landed back on the ground as Sungyeol jumped over him, also reaching for it. With a determined glare, Myungsoo grabbed the latter’s leg, making him collapse, and the ravenette used the momentum to jump instead. Using Sungyeol’s back as a stepping-stone, he jumped from there, and finally grabbed it. He turned towards Sungyeol a new, fresh energy radiating from his body and smirked.

Sungyeol gulped. “Come on, Myungsoo… you wouldn’t really do that, would you?”

Myungsoo challenged him with a smirk, but didn’t allow him to answer as he swung his golden sword down. In a flurry of movements, Sungyeol’s damage rose and his health deteriorated. Myungsoo finally felt his last ounce of power as he delivered the final blow, Sungyeol screaming as he disappeared into the distance.

Myungsoo stood with a proud smirk as a deep voice from above declared, “Game.”

“Dammit, no!” Sungyeol cried in annoyance, slamming his controller down. “You won again! I was so close, too!”

“Tch, it’s your fault for choosing such stupid character,” Myungsoo said, a lollipop in his mouth.

“Hey! Marth is not stupid! He’s quick and agile, and he–”

“Has a girl’s hair and voice? Yeah, definitely stupid,” the ravenette interrupted.

“Well, at least I can run faster than freaking Ike,” Sungyeol scoffed. “I mean really – I legitimately thought he was just walking when he was running.”

“Whatever! Ike is stronger!”

“Marth is faster!”

The weekend had finally arrived, and the Love Hospital’s staff was gathered at Sunggyu’s house for ‘team-bonding.’  They had all arrived around lunchtime, and since Sunggyu knew a lot better than to let Sungyeol and Myungsoo cook, so he and Sungjong had done the cooking. So, to keep the two thoroughly entertained, their leader had hooked up the Wii and popped in the disc Super Smash Bros. Brawl, in which Sungyeol and Myungsoo were dueling. And being who they were, they obviously couldn’t finish a match without accusing the other of cheating.

“Aigoo,” Sunggyu sighed, rubbing his forehead, trying to block out the argument from his head. “So troublesome, seriously.”

“Don’t be like that, jagiya,” Woohyun said, barely glancing up from the carrots he were cutting. “Let them have fun.”

“Yah – they’re having fun at the cost of my sanity! Woohyun, those two are out of control, I swear! It’s like they can’t go a day without arguing!”

“But it’s a friendly type of arguing! Like how we used to do it!”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes and stared at his boyfriend. “The only argument we ever got into was when you got angry at me for drooling on your pillow.”

“My grandma sewed it herself!”

“It’s just drool! It’s not like it’ll ruin the pillow! Besides, we’re a couple – Myungsoo and Sungyeol are just… I don’t even know what kind of relationship they’re in, to be honest.”

“We could call them acquaintances,” Sungjong suggested as he was getting the water to boil. “They’re not too friendly with each other.”

“Yeah, but they’re still friendly enough to be called friends! Did you see them on the plane to Jeju Island? Sungyeol was knocked out on Myungsoo’s lap.”

“Well, they’re not dating,” Sungjong stated, “that’s for sure.”

Sunggyu was about to open his mouth to speak when the sound of breaking glass came from the other room. He groaned, rubbing his forehead again.

“I knew we shouldn’t have had team bonding at my house. I’ll be right back,” he muttered. And with that, he stalked out to confront the two boys, his baby blue apron flapping.

“Aish, that old man needs to learn to have fun,” Woohyun chuckled, placing more of his sliced carrots into a pot.

Sungjong blinked as Woohyun wiped his hands on his red apron, smiling as he stirred the carrots. “Hey, Woohyun, if this is team bonding for the Love Hospital’s staff, then why are you here?”

Woohyun turned around and smiled. “Well, Sunggyu can never say no to his wifey, now can he? I simply just asked to come.”

The maknae rolled his eyes. “You two are so greasy – really. I don’t know how I put up with you two.” He turned his head towards the other room, where Sungyeol was yelling about how Myungsoo threw the remote, and Sunggyu was scolding the two for breaking some cheap vase. “And then there’s those two,” Sungjong sighed dramatically.

“If you ask me, the way Sungyeol and Myungsoo bicker is actually pretty amusing. And I get the feeling that Myungsoo doesn’t actually care what they’re fighting about – he just likes pissing Yeol off.”

Sungjong chuckled. “You got that right, Woohyun. I can never tell if they’re actually fighting or teasing each other.”

Woohyun smiled. “But we both know that deep down, those two care for each other very much.”

“Ha!” Myungsoo snorted as he entered. “Care, my ! I wouldn’t give a about Sungyeol.”

Sungyeol harrumphed as he gave him a light shove. “Anyways, Gyu-hyung wants us to help in the kitchen instead of messing up his house.”

“That’s right,” Sunggyu replied as he trailed behind them with his hands on his hips. “Woohyun – there’s something they can help you with, right?”

Woohyun nodded. “Yup! I need someone to wash the tomatoes, and cut them. Then someone needs to take out the cookie dough I bought and cut those into shapes. And it’d be real great if someone could help me cut the rest of these carrots.”

“That’s it?”

“Mm-hm! By the time we finish that, Sungjongie should be done boiling the spaghetti, and I can handle everything from there!”

“Okay,” Sungyeol agreed quickly, tying another red apron around his waist. He pulled out the bag of tomatoes and smiled. “I’ll slice the tomatoes, Woohyun-hyung.”

“I’ll help you with the carrots, jagi,” Sunggyu said, walking over to his boyfriend.

“Then, I guess I’ll cut out the cookie shapes,” Myungsoo concluded, taking the store-bought cookie dough into his hands.

The kitchen became silent, with the exception of bubbling water and chopping knives. There were a few small, loving whispers exchanged between Sunggyu and Woohyun, but that was just about it. Sungjong chewed on a carrot stick, watching the couple with a fascinated eye.

“Yah, Sunggyu-hyung,” Sungjong spoke suddenly.

“Hm?” he replied, eyes still focused on cutting carrots.

“This is kind of random, but I’ve been wondering this since forever.”

“What is it, Jongie?”

“Who exactly is the… top in your relationship?” he asked.

Woohyun choked on what must’ve been his spit as Sunggyu froze. Sungyeol started laughing as Myungsoo just smiled and chuckled to himself.

“Aigoo, this question finally appears,” Sungyeol laughed, still focused on slicing tomatoes.

“I’m just wondering!” Sungjong defended. “You two have been dating for a while, so I thought you would’ve passed that stage in your relationship.”

Somewhat hesitant, Sunggyu asked, “What stage are you referring to exactly, Jongie?”

“The stage.”

Woohyun choked once again on his spit, running to the bathroom so that no one could see his cherry red face. Sunggyu stared at Sungjong.

“…I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jongie.”

Sungjong rolled his eyes. “You know – the stage in the relationship where you want to go farther but it’s kind of awkward and whenever the two of you are alone it feels unexplainably hot.”

“T-That stage never happened between us,” Sunggyu coughed.

Sungjong rolled his eyes once more. “Okay, then how come I found a pack of condoms in the bathroom?”

Sungyeol and Myungsoo both let out a loud laugh as Sunggyu turned red. And even though Woohyun wasn’t there, you could feel his embarrassment in the air.

“Yah, Sunggyu-hyung,” Sungyeol laughed, “I didn’t think you were that kind of person.”

“Does that mean Woohyun bottoms?” Myungsoo asked, popping some cookie dough into his mouth.

“I do not!” Woohyun yelled as he entered, his face flustered.

“So, does that mean Sunggyu bottoms?” Sungyeol laughed.

“Absolutely not!” Sunggyu declared, his face red. “Woohyun will be the one and only bottom in our relationship!”

Yeobo!” Woohyun gasped and smacked his boyfriend’s arm. “You promised that if anyone found out you would say that we take turns! I have my pride, too!”

Sunggyu kissed his forehead. “I’m sorry, jagi. It just sort of burst out.”

Woohyun pouted and crossed his arms. “Hmph – you owe me, Sunggyu.”

Sungyeol chuckled and whispered under his breath, “Maybe he’ll let you top.”

“Yah!” Woohyun shouted, red again. With a stubborn huff, he shoved Sungyeol lightly.

“Ah!” Sungyeol gasped as he was shoved forward. As Woohyun shoved him forward, he accidentally brought the knife down onto his finger instead of the tomato. He let out a quiet whimper as red blood started dripping from his fingertip.

Myungsoo turned his head and gasped. “Yeol!” he cried. “My gosh, you need to put a bandage on that.”

Sungyeol gave a weak smile, shrugging. “It’s alright, Myung – it’s just a small cut.”

“Don’t give me that – I’m getting the first aid kit. Follow me to the living room.”


But before Sungyeol could finish, Myungsoo grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room.

“He cut himself,” he explained to Woohyun as he passed.

As he sat Sungyeol down on the sofa, he grabbed the first aid kit from Sunggyu’s room and sat down next to him, opening the kit with a soft click. Sungyeol the blood off his finger as Myungsoo pulled out a band-aid. Carefully, he peeled off the adhesive paper and wrapped it around Sungyeol’s finger.

“Thanks,” Sungyeol whispered.

“Hold on, I’m not done yet,” Myungsoo said, gripping his hand.

And then ever so softly, he gave his finger a small peck. Jerking his hand back, Sungyeol stared at him with wide eyes. Myungsoo sheepishly turned pink.

“Sorry – is that weird? I always kiss the spot I cover with a band-aid, no matter who it is. My sister always told me that kissing things that hurt makes them heal faster.”

Sungyeol smiled. “It’s alright. Actually, it’s kind of cute. Isn’t that right, Eddie,” he teased.

Myungsoo smiled slightly and gave him a light punch. “I told you not to call me that – I’m not cute.”

Sungyeol smiled as he gave a short, breathy laugh. “When did I give you that nickname, again? I can barely remember when I first called you that.”

“At my house, remember? You were sick and I forced you to eat soup.”

Sungyeol smiled at the memory. He swallowed thickly, preparing himself to ask the next question.

“Uh, a few seconds ago you mentioned your sister, and I know I probably shouldn’t pry, but I’m curious as to–”

“Why she was adopted?” Myungsoo finished.

Sungyeol nodded unsurely, not knowing if it was the right thing to ask. Myungsoo stared at his palms for a brief second and looked up with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

“Well, we already know she’s adopted, right?” he asked carefully.


“The reason her for adoption is… complicated,” he began. “To put it bluntly, she was almost literally dumped on our doorstep. I was only about two months old and Jessica was six. She was crying when she rang our doorbell.”

“What?” Sungyeol asked in disbelief.

“She was abandoned Yeol. My mom’s guess was that her parents couldn’t afford to feed her. Nonetheless, my mom took her in and became her legal guardian. She became my sister and we grew up together. When she turned twenty, she made it her goal to find her real parents. My mother and I supported her one hundred percent, and luckily enough, she found her family. After that year she moved in with them and left me with my mom. We still talk, though. We were pretty close for two siblings that weren’t related by blood.”

Sungyeol smiled. “That doesn’t sound too bad. Your mother seems nice.”

Myungsoo looked away and scoffed. “Nice… sure, we’ll call her nice.”

“Why? Is she not nice?”

“No – she’s not mean. But she’s not nice, either.”


“Guys!” Woohyun said, poking his head in. “Lunch is ready!”

The two nodded, standing up. But before the reentered the dining room, Myungsoo gave Sungyeol’s finger a light squeeze.

“Take care of the cut, okay?”

The two of them walked into the dining room, taking seats next to each other and Woohyun placed a bowl of hot spaghetti in front of every person.

“I don’t understand,” Sungjong said, staring at his bowl of spaghetti. “You cut up at least twenty carrots but there are absolutely none present in this spaghetti.”

Sungyeol shrugged, twirling up a fork of spaghetti into his mouth. “It still tastes good.”

“I never said it tasted bad,” Sungjong said. “But I’m just curious as to where the hell all the carrots you cut up went.”

Woohyun shrugged. “Blame the stove, not me – the stove did the real cooking.”

Sungjong just rolled his eyes and shoved spaghetti into his mouth as Woohyun began feeding Sunggyu.

“Jagi, ah~” Woohyun cooed as Sunggyu opened his mouth.

“Ugh, you two are disgusting,” Sungjong muttered.

“Yah, Lee Sungjong – you’d be the same if you had a boyfriend!”

Sungjong snorted. “Uh, no, I wouldn’t. I’m not greasy cheeseball like somebody here.”

Woohyun pouted, turning to Sungyeol. “So, how’s your finger, Yeol?” he asked, changing the subject.

“A lot better,” he smiled.

“I’m sorry for shoving you!”

“Nah, it’s alright, Woohyunnie – I’m sure I’ll be able to play fine later.”

“Oh, that’s right.” Sunggyu spoke. “You’ve got a volleyball game later this week, right?”

“Yup! I’m actually really excited! I know we’re going to win!”

“How are you so sure?” Myungsoo questioned.

“The school we’re up against isn’t trained very well. They’ve almost never won a single game!”

“So this is going to be an easy game?”


“You guys should definitely come if you can!”

“Maybe,” Woohyun said, looking at Sunggyu. “Isn’t that our anniversary, jagi?”

Sunggyu thought for a moment. “I think so. I might have something planned in the evening, but we might be free for Yeol’s game.”

“My cousin’s sweet sixteen is that day, so I can’t make it,” Sungjong said, apologizing with his eyes.

Sungyeol pouted. “Oh, okay. Well, wish your cousin happy birthday for me, Jongie! And happy anniversary you two,” he said, winking at Woohyun and Sunggyu.

Woohyun smiled in return and blinked at Sunggyu.

“Yeobo – what are you going to give me for our anniversary?”

“He might let you top,” Sungyeol chuckled under his breath.


To be quite honest, Sungyeol wasn’t exactly sure how he came to be on the volleyball team. He was never really one for sports, anyways. All he remembered was being in gym class Freshman year and being forced to play volleyball. Then he somehow managed to propel himself into the air and spike it down into the ground, obviously terrifying his other classmates. And the next thing he knew he was being approached by the volleyball team’s captain – Kris. He was asked to join the team and he accepted with a smile. His volleyball team was pretty much a second family to him.

Well, third – the Love Hospital was his second family.

But he was super close to his team – they were all about his height, after all. He was especially close to Kris, though, as he and Kris had gone through a ‘crisis’ together. Kris back-hugged him a lot, and was very affectionate ever since Sungyeol had helped him through a stage in his life. He was pretty protective of him, and made sure he was healthy.

“Sungyeol-hyung!” his teammate, Chanyeol, called out to him. “Kris told me to ask you which play we’re using today.”

Sungyeol thought for a brief second. “Play four would be good, wouldn’t it? Simple, but fast.”

Chanyeol nodded. “Sounds good.” Then his face lit up. “I really hope we do really well out there! My boyfriend came to watch and I don’t want to let him down.”

Sungyeol grinned. “Boyfriend? Byun Baekhyun, right?”

Chanyeol nodded. “Mm-hm! I’m definitely excited!”

Sungyeol gave him a high five and said, “Let’s do our best out there, okay?”

Chanyeol nodded as Kris gathered the team.

“Alright guys – we all know that the team out there is easier than most, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try our best, okay?”

 The team nodded simultaneously, the muffled sound of cheering exciting them. Kris smiled and held out his hand where everyone else stacked his.

“Go team on three,” he smiled. “One, two, three!”

“Go team!” they chanted before running out onto the court.

Cheers of their school and the waving of a bunch of banners with their team’s mascot printed on it greeted them. And of course, in their own little corner, were the Love Club members come to support Sungyeol. And on the bleachers opposite were the other’s school’s students, cheering for their own team. The cheers erupted when both teams took the court.

As soon as the whistle sounded, the teams were in action. Honestly, the team they were playing had improved by a lot since the last time. But that didn’t Sungyeol from unleashing his power spike of glory.

“Hyah!” he yelled the first time he spiked the ball into the court’s linoleum floor.

The other team was shocked to the core at the power of such a tall and lanky boy with chubby cheeks. Sungyeol exchanged high fives with his other teammates as the game continued. They played fair, only releasing the power spike of glory when Kris released the signal – which was sneezing.

The other team was down by five points by the time match one ended. But before match two could start, the opposing team’s coach called for a time out. During that time, Sungyeol’s team went to stretch and get water.

“Keep up the good work,” Kris complimented with a small pat on the back.

Sungyeol nodded with a smile, wiping down his sweat with a towel. Soon, the whistle blew and the team rushed back onto the court. Before the opposing team served, though, there came a huge yell from the bleachers.

“MILKY WHITE SKIN, LEE SUNGYEOL!” the Love Club chanted, waving around their school’s banner.

Sungyeol was crouched over, his hands on his knees, waiting for the other team to serve, but he still shot a smile over at their fanclub.

The whistle blew, and the volleyball flew over the net. Himchan, who played in the back row, bumped it back into the air. Kris was able to set it high and Chanyeol simply batted it over the net. Kris didn’t sneeze, so Sungyeol didn’t make the move to hit it.

That’s when something, or rather someone, caught Sungyeol’s eye.

There, in the audience, cheering along with the fanclub, was none other than IU cheering her heart out. Hoya and Dongwoo were also there cheering, sitting one bleacher above IU. But what surprised him more was that Myungsoo sat right next to her and didn’t exactly cheer, but waved a banner with IU.

His eyes widened at the sight – Myungsoo and IU really looked like a couple cheering on their son. Myungsoo’s eyes caught his and he smiled, waving. All the sound in the room seemed to dull and soften. The choding was so surprised at the presence of the other. He sincerely thought that Myungsoo wasn’t coming.

Yet all of a sudden, Myungsoo’s eyes widened in a certain fear or worry as he stared at Sungyeol. And since Sungyeol had practically blocked any sound, he had barely heard Kris scream,


And the next thing he knew, a particularly ferocious volleyball slammed into his face and he was knocked to the ground.

The crowd gasped as he clutched his forehead, wincing at the pain. His teammates were kneeling at his side in a heartbeat, and he faintly heard the referee blow the whistle for a timeout. The referee’s face invaded his vision, asking if he was all right. Sungyeol groaned in reply.

Next thing he knew, he was being dragged off the locker room for first aid treatment while the game continued. He was sat down and he heard the first aid kit open up. He breathed sharply and winced as a medicated pad started cleaning his forehead. As soon as he regained his senses and snapped out of his daze, he was shocked as to who was treating him.

“Myungsoo?” he murmured.

“Hm?” the ravenette replied, still focused on cleaning his head.

“Ah!” he winced softly. “Wh-What’re you doing here?”

“I came to see you play, of course,” he replied gently with a small smile.

“But, I thought–”

“Woohyun, Sunggyu, and Sungjong couldn’t come, but I never said anything,” he said.


Myungsoo continued cleaning the newly formed bruise in a comfortable silence, the only sound being the muffled cheers of the crowd outside. Sungyeol bit his lip, gritting his teeth at the pain.

“Sorry,” Myungsoo murmured.

“It’s not a problem – besides, I think I should be the one to apologize.”

He heard Myungsoo let out a breathy chuckle as his eyes flickered briefly to Sungyeol’s. “Why are you apologizing? You were the one who got smacked in the face.”

“It’s just… I seem to be getting hurt a lot lately, and you always end up having to take care of me. So, I just wanted to apologize for being a burden,” he said quietly.

Myungsoo scoffed. “Burden? You’re not a burden to me, Yeol. I don’t mind having to take care of you.”

“Why?” Sungyeol asked, innocently curious.

Myungsoo placed a band-aid on his forehead. “Because you’re my friend Yeol – no matter what I say, I obviously care about you.”

“So… I’m not a burden or annoying to you?”

“Well… sometimes, but I put up with it anyways – that’s what friends are for.”

Sungyeol gave him a playful punch and laughed lightly. Myungsoo smiled.

“Ah, wait, I almost forgot!” he said suddenly.

Then, quick as lightning, Myungsoo reached up and left a kiss as soft as a feather on Sungyeol’s band-aid. Sungyeol stared at his hands, pleasantly surprised. He didn’t think that Myungsoo would actually kiss this band-aid, too. When he looked up, his eyes met Myungsoo’s gentle gaze. Sungyeol had never seen this look in Myungsoo’s eyes before. He knew that Myungsoo was a lot kinder to him when they were alone but this was a new sort of kindness he saw in Myungsoo’s eyes. He was practically captivated by the ravenette’s eyes.

And unconsciously, he curiously began leaning in.

His big eyes blinked at Myungsoo’s as they leaned so close that their breath was fanning over each other’s faces. Sungyeol’s heart unexpectedly began racing, and he swallowed, confused over the pounding in his heart. He could’ve sworn he Myungsoo was inching closer, when –

“Sungyeol?!” a voice called out from the locker room’s hallway.

Sungyeol jerked backwards, surprised at his own actions. He didn’t realize the proximity of their faces until he pulled away.

“I’m over here!” he shouted.

Turning the corner, Kris breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Sungyeol was properly bandaged.

“Are you alright?” he asked worriedly, inspecting Sungyeol’s forehead for himself. “The ball hit you pretty loudly.”

“I’m okay – Myungsoo helped bandage me, so I feel better.”

Kris smiled, patting his head. “That’s good to hear. You should come out now – we won the game and the other team wants to apologize.”

Sungyeol smiled. “Okay. Myungsoo, are you–?”

“I’ll just put the kit away,” the ravenette replied, gesturing to the small mess of gauze and ointment.

“Thanks for taking care of Sungyeollie,” Kris smiled, slinging an arm over Sungyeol’s shoulder. With that, he led him out of the locker room and Myungsoo was left alone.


“Sungyeol-ssi!” a female voice called to the boy a few days later.

The choding turned around to see three girls with light dyed-brown hair bounding towards him. They stopped in front of him and smiled.

“Hello,” he said with a small smile.

The two girls bowed. “Hello!” one with very bright eyes spoke. “I’m Kim Taeyeon – I’m the Love Club’s president!”

He smiled. “Ah, so that’s who you are! It’s very nice to meet you, Taeyeon-ssi.”

She giggled. “And this,” she said, gesturing next to her, “is Eunji. She’s president of the Sungyeol division! And this,” she said, gesturing to her left, “is Minah – she’s in charge of activites!”

The choding bowed to both of them. “Well, it’s nice to meet all three of you. Is there a reason you wanted to speak to me?”

They all nodded. Minah spoke up, “We watched your volleyball game a few days ago and saw you get hit. And as a club, we wanted to make you something to help you feel better.”

“Oh, there’s no need for tha–”

“It’s not a problem,” Eunji grinned, holding out a bag to him. “We made you some food and bought you Americano coffee.”

Sungyeol took them bowing. “Thank you, girls. I’ll be sure to mention this to the rest of the staff.”

The three girls bowed and giggled, scampering away. Sungyeol chuckled – he had to admit, his fanclub was cute. He went to go put the bag in his locker and save for lunch. As he dialed his combination, another note fluttered out. He placed the bag inside his locker and picked up the folded scrap of paper. Opening it up, he blinked at the message.

I told you not to get close to him.




A/N: Well, welcome back to MEEE~!!! 


Did my subbies wait too long? >< I know, you're probably all going --


I'm sorry~! I've been SO BUSY. Like seriously, I was supposed to post this last night and then my dad says -


Just... oh, my gosh.




250+ subscribers?! I hadn't actually checked for a while, but when I saw it, I was like --



WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! 8D Thanks for the love you gaise~!!! xD


plus, like I said -- I added more myungyeol and gave you a small detail about Myungsoo's past. You didn't really expect me to  tell you everything in one go, did you? lol.

myung: the subbies will be rather surprised when they find out my childhood.

me: lol not really. I might dum it down a lil bit.


hay, did you notice Kris? :) (lmao, how could you not) I personally think Kris is pretty good looiking, but Luhan's more my type. xD


WELL, I'll go now! XDDD I've done enough speaking for one A/N. See you next time~!!!

Quinnie -- OUT.



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FanFicLover92 #1
I came back here.... again... gosh... I'm so old already....sobs.....
Chapter 32: Gosh...wht to say! I loved it and couldn't stop myself from reading it in 12 hours...and it's like 5:30am in here and I didn't sleep *sheepishly grins* Unnie thanks for writing such an amazing fic! The plot, characterisation, the fluff and the comedy was all just amazing! I loved reading every part of it and Sungyeol's confession at the end was so sweet! On top their fan club was so ad too! *fangirls*
Ps. You are just awesome Unnie!
Chapter 31: Love doctor Yeol really is stupid. But I love stupid Yeol and his stupid Myung.Ughh I love stupid MyungYeol lol.
This was so beautiful and fun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it ❤
Chapter 1: Myung is being such an to Yeol lol.

I'm loving this already. Might finish the story in one go :p
Chapter 32: Congrats on your featureeee!!! You deserve it for writing this beautiful piece of a story with a dense Yeol and a snarky Myung! I loved loved loved your story! I literally finished reading it all in a day!
Chapter 32: Wow~ i took one day to finish all of the chapters!!! THIS IS SO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!
Chapter 3: I've been meaning to read this story since who knows how long ago so now I finally started! Or more like restarted. OMG, Myungsoo is mean and insensitive! Poor Yeol. The pain he has to go through just because Sunggyu didn't take Myungsoo as his client. I'm also loving your A/N's at the end. The excitement meter is up! XD
Chapter 26: Wait i keep re reading this chapter i can't stop xD
myung-yeollipop #9
Chapter 6: worrywart Myungsoo is so cute! *squeal* his nagging thoo.. it may rivaled Grandpa Gyu's nags. XD
myung-yeollipop #10
this is like my fourth (?) time re-reading this story and i still love it! <3