Candy and Coffee

Sungyeol the Stupid Love Doctor

“Kill me now. Just kill me now.”

“I second the motion.”

Sungyeol and Myungsoo sat next to each other at a desk, faces down on the wood-grain plastic. After having returned from Jeju Island, it was like the teachers had saved up all of their work for that one moment and decided to dump it on them without warning. Currently, the love hospital was on break and they decided to start on their homework. They had barely been studying for five minutes before they nearly collapsed from exhaustion.

“Yah, get up you two,” Sunggyu said as he came over. He smacked both of their heads. “Do your work efficiently! If you don’t keep your grades up then you two can’t stay as love doctors, understand? Now study up,” he said, crossing his arms.

Sungyeol sat up and fixed his mussed hair with a pout. Myungsoo followed his actions a few seconds later, stretching out his arms. They both looked up at Sunggyu, who glared right back.

“But it’s hard!” Sungyeol exclaimed with a whine. “I stink at homework! I can’t do it by myself!”

Sunggyu glanced at the two with a disappointed sigh. “You two are hopeless, I swear, you’re already giving me white hairs.”

“Then, would you mind helping us?” Myungsoo asked.

He glared. “No. I’m not letting the two of you cheat off of me. If you guys really need help then much, then just work with each other!”

The two looked at each other for a brief second before Sungyeol flailed his arms toward Sunggyu.

“No! Gyu-hyung! You need to help me! I don’t want to do homework with that jerk!”

“I second that motion,” Myungsoo put in swiftly, sending him a sideways glare.

Sungyeol smacked him on the side of the head. “Yah! You’re not supposed to use my words to make me look bad! You’re supposed to agree with me nicely so that Sunggyu will help us!”

“Forget it,” their boss said. “I’m not helping you two with anything. You guys are going to need to learn how to work together.”

“No!” Sungyeol cried in agony, reaching out for him. “Sunggyu-hyung, you can’t leave me here!”

“Quit acting stupid!” Myungsoo said, also smacking Sungyeol’s head.

I’m stupid?! You can’t even do simple schoolwork, and you’re calling me stupid?!”

“You can’t do it either!” he retorted.

“So?! I’m older, so I get excused for being stupid!”

Ha! You just admitted you were stupid! I knew it!”

“Wait, no! Agh, you’re annoying!” Sungyeol bit in frustration.

“Yeah, well you’re a stupid–Dooly–faced–giant! Seriously, where do they get people like you?!”

“Okay, enough!” Sunggyu intervened. “You two are going to do homework together, understand?” he demanded. “And if you two fail to finish, then I’m putting you two on probation until you learn how to work together!”

“Hyung~!” Sungyeol whined.

“No whining, Yeol,” Sunggyu sighed, pinching his nose bridge. “Really, you two give me gray hairs and headaches and I haven’t even graduated yet.”

Myungsoo huffed. “You expect me to be able to work with this idiot?”

“Yes,” Sunggyu said curtly. “Yes, I do. And like I said, I expect you two to finish.”

“But, the break time is almost over,” Sungyeol said suddenly. “What about–”

“I’ll be taking both of your customers for today,” Sunggyu said with a regretful sigh. Then to himself, he said, “I cannot believe I just offered to do that. I am going to die underneath a mountain of love troubles.”

“But that’s why you’re going to help us!” Sungyeol exclaimed, flailing his arms towards his hyung. “Come on Gyu-hyung – help out a friend in need!”

“I second the motion,” Myungsoo stated.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes and poked Sungyeol’s forehead. “Yah, what you need is to do some work!”

“But hyung!” Sungyeol whined.

“No buts! Either do the work and be done, or don’t do it and get kicked out of the love hospital! Your choice, Yeol.” With the last word, Sunggyu turned around and left.

“No, Gyu-hyung!” Sungyeol cried. Sighing, he turned towards Myungsoo. “Do you want to split up the work?”

Myungsoo nodded. “I’ll take Japanese and History and you can take Biology and Language Arts, okay?”

“Cool with me.”

And surprisingly enough, the two of them stopped talking and became absorbed in their homework. It wasn’t necessarily a first, since the boys could do their homework so long as they weren’t lazy. They worked silently and efficiently, getting a lot of their homework done. Even Sunggyu (who had secretly stayed and watched them for a minute or two) was mildly impressed by their sudden ability to focus well.

“Hey, Myung,” Sungyeol said after a while. “Is it the pancreas or the liver that stores the bile?”

Myungsoo thought for a second. “Hm… well, personally, I think it’s the pancreas, but you can never be too sure – check the Bio book.”

Sungyeol nodded as he pulled out the thick textbook, flipping through the pages. After a minute of intense searching, he pointed at a paragraph.

“Aha!” he exclaimed. “Here it is! The body’s bile is stored in the gall bladder, not the pancreas!”

Myungsoo blinked. “…oh, yeah.”

Feeling like he had actually achieved something important, Sungyeol wrote down the answer with a flourish of his hand. Looking over, he glanced at Myungsoo.

“How are you doing?” he asked, looking at the half-written paper in front of the ravenette.

“I’m doing pretty okay,” he responded.

“You’re doing Japanese, right?”

“Mm-hm. It’s not too bad, I guess.”

Sungyeol opened his mouth to speak again when the door opened. Sunggyu came in with a weary expression on his face.

“You two have visitors,” he deadpanned before turning around and leaving.

“Sungyeol!” Dongwoo and Hoya cried as they entered. “Myungsoo! What’s up, yo?!”

“Ah, you two!” Sungyeol cheered as he stood up to hug them. “What brings you two here?”

“We heard you were stuck doing homework,” Hoya replied. “We thought maybe we could drop by and help out.”

The choding grinned widely, almost turning pink. “Thanks,” he said.

Hoya gave his hair a playful ruffle. “Not a problem, Sungyeol – anything for my Jeju Island roommate!”

Myungsoo swallowed with difficulty as he watched Sungyeol beam at Hoya. ‘There is no good reason for me not to like him,’ he thought to himself. ‘Hoya’s a cool guy, and we’re friends. There’s not a single reason to dislike him.’

“So, what are you working on?” Dongwoo asked, looking over Myungsoo’s shoulder.

Myungsoo glanced at the smiling boy behind him. “Ah, I’m just doing… homework,” he answered with a chuckle.

Dongwoo laughed. “Yeah, I can see that!” He peered closer at the paper. “Oh, you’re doing Japanese!”

Sungyeol laughed as he glanced at Myungsoo. “Aigoo, now that I think about it, I should’ve done the Japanese instead of you. Are you still mixing it up with Mandarin?” he asked.

Dongwoo shot him a quizzical look. “What are you talking about? Myungsoo’s Japanese is amazing! We’re in the same class!”

Sungyeol raised a confused eyebrow at Myungsoo who just chuckled nervously and shrugged.

“What are you talking about?” Sungyeol asked Dongwoo.

“Myungsoo’s Japanese is really good! He’s practically flawless in class!”

“Ah, Dongw–” Myungsoo began.

“But I thought he was failing the class,” Sungyeol stated.

Dongwoo laughed. “Myungsoo failing Japanese class? Man, he’s the top student! Not just in our class, but in our entire grade!”

Sungyeol’s eyes moved to Myungsoo, “But… he told me he was failing. That’s why I helped him out once.”

“Never in a million years will Myungsoo fail Japanese! He’s got this Chinese friend that lives in Japan named Jiu. That’s why his Japanese is so good!”

“Myung, what–”

“I’M GOING TO PEE,” the ravenette announced loudly, his face flushed red.

He rushed out of the room, leaving a confused Sungyeol, Dongwoo and Hoya behind.

‘I don’t get it,’ Sungyeol thought to himself as he returned to his homework. ‘If he’s so great at Japanese, then why’d he ask me for help?’


His hair frazzled and his chest heavy, Myungsoo burst into the bathroom, locking himself into a stall.

,” he whispered to himself. “, , …”

It was close. It was too damn close. Sungyeol almost found out.

After calming himself down, he took a deep breath and was ready to go back to doing homework. Suddenly, the bathroom door slammed open and soft sobbing echoed over the empty stalls. Peeking in between the cracks of the stall door, the person crying was hugging his knees next to the sinks. His head was ducked in between his legs; all Myungsoo could see was the dyed dirty blonde hair. The body shook softly, quietly crying to himself. Half of Myungsoo wanted to go and help, but the other half told him to stay put.

Soon, the door slammed opened again, and a pair of worried feet crouched over the crying boy, blocking Myungsoo’s view. The person that just entered seemed to be soothing the other, trying to comfort them.

“Hyung,” he whispered, “it’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay.”

“E-Everything is m-most definitely n-not okay, Niel!” the boy sobbed in between hiccups.

“Chunji-hyung, he’s not worth it! Just let it go!”

“Y-You don’t get it, Niel!” Chunji cried. “He knew I liked him! He knew all along! You could tell in his eyes!”

“How could you even look into the eyes of that scumbag?” Niel asked, forcing his voice to be low. “Don’t cry over him, Chunji.”

“You don’t know how it feels, Niel! You just… you just don’t get it…”

Instead of listening to his friend, Chunji kept on crying. Myungsoo felt rather awkward in the situation, seeing as he was still stuck in a bathroom stall. But he felt undeniable pity towards this Chunji boy. Taking a deep breath, he unlocked the stall door and stepped out. Chunji and Niel’s eyes shot up towards him in surprise, Chunji looking extremely flustered.

“O-Oh!” he exclaimed, scrambling to his feet while wiping his face. “I-I didn’t realize someone else was here! I was–”

“No need to explain yourself,” Myungsoo said. “From what I’ve heard, you’re in a tough situation.”

Chunji blushed and scratched the back of his head. “Oh, you heard all that? I-I guess I was just overreacting over something small,” he mumbled to himself.

Myungsoo put a hand on his shoulder. “Listen Chunji – I work at the Love Hospital.”

Niel gasped. “Oh, you’re the new doctor, right?! Uh… Myungsoo! Your name’s Myungsoo, right?”

Myungsoo smiled slightly. “Yep – right, you are. I’m the newest member of the team. But Chunji, how would you feel if you came to the Love Hospital right now, hm? Since I’m new, I’m a bit more inexperienced, but maybe Sunggyu or Sungyeol can see you,” he said gently.

“I never really thought of that,” he murmured. Then looking up to Myungsoo, he nodded. “Okay. I-I’ll go see them. Maybe… Maybe they can help me.”

“Then come follow me.”

Myungsoo walked out of the bathroom with Niel and Chunji following right behind him.


Sungyeol stared at Myungsoo’s Japanese homework, noticing every small detail. His writing was practically flawless when nearly less than a month ago they were scrawled and messy.

“Our sensei says that his Japanese is beautiful for a Korean,” Dongwoo stated, looking over his shoulder.

“And it is,” Sungyeol agreed. “How long has his Japanese been like this?”

“Ever since the beginning of the school year, really. He’s been flawless ever since, but since they don’t have any higher classes, he stuck in the normal one.”

“So… he wasn’t terrible at Japanese, like, a month ago and suddenly got better, right?”

“Yup. Always was a Japanese genius. In fact, I think he tutors a few kids in our class.”

Sungyeol furrowed his eyebrows together, hopelessly confused. Hoya chuckled and patted his shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it too much, Sungyeol – you’ll get wrinkles, and I don’t want that.”

Sungyeol grinned at Hoya. “Thanks Hoya – at least someone around here cares about my skin.”

“Who wouldn’t?” he laughed, poking his cheek. ”It’s really nice!”

Dongwoo joined in, poking Sungyeol’s other cheek. “Wow, your skin is soft!”

“Isn’t it?” Hoya asked. “If I ever date anyone, I would want them to have Sungyeol’s skin.”

Dongwoo laughed. “Don’t forget his eyes! You can’t look past Sungyeol’s big doe eyes – guys and girls fall for that!”

Hoya laughed, his eyes slimming down to crescents. “Oh I know – Sungyeol’s eyes definitely make people fall for him!”

“Ahem,” a voice coughed.

The trio turned to see Myungsoo standing in the doorway with Chunji and Niel. Myungsoo gave a curt wave and gestured to Chunji.

“I found Chunji crying in the bathroom because of a love crisis, so I thought I’d bring him here.”

By his side, Chunji sniffed, his eyes still obviously watery.

“Love crisis?” Sungyeol exclaimed, rushing towards him. “We can’t have that, now can we? I’m off duty right now, but we can step into my office anyways. We’ll be out later,” he said towards Myungsoo. He took Chunji’s hand and lead him to the office.

As soon as the door shut, Niel sighed. Myungsoo turned to him. “So, what is Chunji’s problem, anyway?”

Niel smiled bitterly. “That jerk on the football team broke his heart. And just when we thought…”

“Who is he?” Hoya asked, listening intently.

“His name’s Byunghun.”

“Ah, L.Joe!” Dongwoo said, coming to realization. “Aish, that guy’s a real player, isn’t he?”

Niel nodded. “And Chunji’s been infatuated with him ever since they did a project together. We thought they were getting closer, too! L.Joe actually seemed to be responding affectionately to Chunji!”

“And then…?”

Niel grimaced and scoffed. “Then that jerk goes and kisses one of the cheerleaders after he makes a touchdown.”

“When was this, exactly?” Myungsoo asked.

“Earlier today,” Niel responded. “And this was special to Chunji because L.Joe asked for him, specifically, to come! That jackass…”

Dongwoo sat beside Niel. “Sounds bad. I’ve met L.Joe once – he was a pretty big jerk. He seems so… cold. He doesn’t really talk to anyone, he glares icily at people, he’s practically emotionless, but girls just seem to love him!”

Hoya spoke, “Niel, what’s Chunji normally like?”

“He’s normally just energetic and happy, but he’s pretty naïve and immature at the same time,” Niel said. “He has this weird love for candy, though. I’m sure he’ll get cavities one day, but he hasn’t gotten any otherwise.”

“Candy obsession?” Dongwoo repeated with a laugh. “That’s almost like Sungyeol’s coffee obsession!”

Myungsoo chuckled. “Candy and coffee… what could be better?”


“After the project, he finally noticed me,” Chunji said, with a slight smile as Sungyeol listened.

“Did you want him to notice you?”

“Well… at first, I didn’t really care, but as we kept working together, I wanted more of his attention for me. I didn’t want him looking at anybody else.”

Sungyeol let out a soft laugh. “You’re a jealous one, aren’t you, Chunji?”

Chunji smiled bashfully and nodded. “I get jealous really easily. It just comes so naturally and I don’t really realize it until someone tells me.”

“That’s cute,” Sungyeol said with a chuckle. “Now tell me – how are your future plans concerning L.Joe?”

“Honestly, I don’t even know anymore. For the past months I’ve been making attempts to get closer to him, and I thought maybe we were getting closer. But… I guess not. I was really excited when he personally invited me to his football game, but when he kissed that cheerleader…” he whispered.

Sungyeol grasped his hand from across the desk. “It’s okay, Chunji. Who knows, right? Everything will turn out for the better. If he personally invited you, it means he has some interest in you! Don’t give up hope just yet, because for all we know, today he could be your worst nightmare, but tomorrow, he could be your everything.”

Chunji chuckled. “Yeah – who knows? I think I’m just devastated because I really like him. I’ve been, well, I guess you could call it stalking, him for at least a month since I wanted to know him better. I swear, he knows I like him.”

“But what if he doesn’t? What if he only thinks of you like a friend?” Sungyeol asked.

Chunji sighed, a sad smile on his face. “Then… I guess I’ll just have to admire him from afar, huh?”

A/N: WHEEEEEEEE *flies around on a unicorn* YAY! FINALLY GOT THIS UP!!! 8D I was having internet problems since yesterday, so this is probably the tenth time I tried to post this ><

YAY FOR CHUNJOE!!! 8D did I ever tell you guys that I like Teen Top? Like... a lot? They're second after INFINITE and ChunJoe is practically Teen Top's version of MyungYeol. Like... seriously.


You're probably wondering what Chunji's problem has to do with this story at all [it's not actually a filler chapter like you probably suspect] the answer is:


I know I should let you figure this out on your own but... I'm planning some pretty important scenes to happen eventually and maybe this has got something to do with it! *wink wink* or maybe this has nothing to do with what's coming up at all~!

Yeah... that's about it.

Oh yeah, I changed the last one to the April Fool's Day Special [just in case for new readers and shiet...] and I WILL NOT be deleting because honestly, I like reading it too ^^ CHUNJI'S RANDOM APPEARANCE IN THE LAST CHAPTER WAS GIVING YOU A HINT TO THIS ONE 8D!!! oh, how I just love literary tricks... actually, no, I hate them. I hate them with a passion.

...and I know there wasn't much hoyeol and jealous!myung, but you got SOME right? Guys, I can't just make a whole chapter outta that --this thing has a plot, you know.

SO! Tell me what you think, yeah? commet&subscribe for more myungyeol goodness and I'll see you next time! /salutes


I love you, subbies~! <3 let me hug you all!

Quinnie - shine bright like a diamond OUT!

ha, lol... no?... um, kay, bye then...



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FanFicLover92 #1
I came back here.... again... gosh... I'm so old already....sobs.....
Chapter 32: Gosh...wht to say! I loved it and couldn't stop myself from reading it in 12 hours...and it's like 5:30am in here and I didn't sleep *sheepishly grins* Unnie thanks for writing such an amazing fic! The plot, characterisation, the fluff and the comedy was all just amazing! I loved reading every part of it and Sungyeol's confession at the end was so sweet! On top their fan club was so ad too! *fangirls*
Ps. You are just awesome Unnie!
Chapter 31: Love doctor Yeol really is stupid. But I love stupid Yeol and his stupid Myung.Ughh I love stupid MyungYeol lol.
This was so beautiful and fun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it ❤
Chapter 1: Myung is being such an to Yeol lol.

I'm loving this already. Might finish the story in one go :p
Chapter 32: Congrats on your featureeee!!! You deserve it for writing this beautiful piece of a story with a dense Yeol and a snarky Myung! I loved loved loved your story! I literally finished reading it all in a day!
Chapter 32: Wow~ i took one day to finish all of the chapters!!! THIS IS SO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!
Chapter 3: I've been meaning to read this story since who knows how long ago so now I finally started! Or more like restarted. OMG, Myungsoo is mean and insensitive! Poor Yeol. The pain he has to go through just because Sunggyu didn't take Myungsoo as his client. I'm also loving your A/N's at the end. The excitement meter is up! XD
Chapter 26: Wait i keep re reading this chapter i can't stop xD
myung-yeollipop #9
Chapter 6: worrywart Myungsoo is so cute! *squeal* his nagging thoo.. it may rivaled Grandpa Gyu's nags. XD
myung-yeollipop #10
this is like my fourth (?) time re-reading this story and i still love it! <3