
Sungyeol the Stupid Love Doctor

Usually, classrooms were noisy and boisterous, especially in the few minutes before class started. At least, that’s how Myungsoo always saw it. He didn’t really enjoy noise, but he didn’t enjoy silence either. So, during this time, he would just let his classmates’ talking blend together into one giant blur of noise. And to his surprise, he usually enjoyed it.

But today it was almost dead silent.

He didn’t exactly know why, but the class seemed to be made of whispers rather than its usual yells. And much to his satisfaction, girls didn’t try talking to him for once. Even the boys seemed to be quieter than usual.

He didn’t like the drastic change in the atmosphere.

A normal person would ask someone, but considering that he didn’t really talk to anyone in the class, he couldn’t see how he could ask. He probably should’ve asked Sungyeol, but after yesterday’s incident with Sungjong, he simply didn’t feel like risking his life.

Not only did they manage to catch him, but they actually succeeded in spraying him with at least a bottle’s worth of weed-killer. In fact, his hands still smelled faintly of chemicals, but he dismissed it.

“Myungsoo!” a voice snapped.

Myungsoo shook himself from his thoughts. “Y-Yes?”

Sungyeol had turned around to talk to him. There was a bitter glare on his face as he rolled his eyes at Myungsoo.

“As I was saying – are you going to come down to the office today for your next appointment or not? We agreed to keep our appointments up until you either won Ji Eun’s heart, or until you got over her.”

“O-Oh, yeah, I’ll be coming in later,” he responded.

“Good. Sungjong wants to help me out today,” he added.

On the outside, Myungsoo remained stoic, but inside, he was actually a bit scared. Putting Lee Sungyeol and Lee Sungjong, or the ‘Sung Brothers,’ together would definitely result in something bad for him.

“Oh, by the way,” he quickly said before Sungyeol could turn away.

“Yes?” Sungyeol replied, an eyebrow raised.

“Why is everyone so quiet today?”

Sungyeol blinked in pure surprise. “You didn’t hear?”

“Hear about what?”

“Our homeroom gets new transfer students. I heard that they’re all the way from Busan, but you never know.”


Myungsoo didn’t really know how to respond, so he just ended their conversation with a nod and turned away. He spent the next three minutes spacing out until the bell rang.

“Alright class,” the teacher announced as she entered, “as you know, we’ve got two new students today. They just moved here and will be joining us for the rest of the year, so get along well, alright?”

The class nodded and hummed their agreement.

“Okay, then. Come on in!” she called to the doorway.

Immediately, two boys entered the classroom. One was a bit thinner with bleached blonde hair and brown roots that hung at the top of his eyes. He had a cheeky face and a gentle smile. The other was built a bit stronger, and manlier. He had chocolate brown hair with eyes that radiated a certain charisma.

“Class, this is Jung Daehyun and Lee Howon,” the teacher announced.

The two boys bowed simultaneously and smiled.

“Let’s get along well,” they said genially.

Although Myungsoo was sitting behind Sungyeol, he could tell that the boy was frozen. Sungyeol was staring at Howon with undeniable admiration. Myungsoo could practically see the sparkles radiating off of Sungyeol’s face. He didn’t know why, but he hated that Sungyeol was staring at Howon that way.

“Very good,” the teacher smiled. “Now, Daehyun, you can sit over by Youngjae, Howon can take the empty seat next to Sungyeol and we can start the daily bulletin.”

Howon gave Sungyeol a friendly smile as he sat down next to him.

“Hi, I’m Lee Howon, but I’d feel more comfortable if you called me Hoya,” he grinned, sticking out his hand in front of Sungyeol.

Sungyeol returned the smile. “I’m Lee Sungyeol. It’s nice to meet you, Hoya.”

“Ah, I forgot!” the teacher suddenly exclaimed. “Can someone please volunteer to show Daehyun and Howon around the school? Youngjae, you can take Daehyun, and–”

Myungsoo saw Sungyeol’s hand begin to rise up and he instinctively shot his hand up into the air. He never really knew the reason he did so, but the teacher still called on him anyways.

“Myungsoo, I guess you can show Howon around later, preferably, during lunch.”

Myungsoo nodded as Hoya glanced back at him. Hoya shot him a friendly smile and Myungsoo returned it.

“Call me Hoya,” he said nicely, holding out his hand.

Myungsoo shook it. “I’m Myungsoo. I guess I’ll be attached to you all day,” he smiled.

Hoya grinned. “Yeah, well, I guess I don’t mind.”


Through the whole class period, Hoya conversed with Sungyeol and Myungsoo, but surprisingly, he spoke to Myungsoo much more. Myungsoo wasn’t sure if it offended Sungyeol, as the boy looked really focused on note-taking rather than talking. As it turned out, Hoya and Myungsoo had a lot in common.

When the bell rang for lunch, Myungsoo and Hoya were still talking. Sungyeol had already left and Myungsoo and Hoya casually sauntered out of the classroom.

“So, what kinds of activities usually happen around here?” Hoys asked as they stood in the lunch line.

“Well, during Homecoming, each homeroom usually does a small dance or skit. Then, students vote a club to do a dance or skit, and they usually perform. I don’t usually go to Homecoming, so I’m not exactly sure.”

Hoya nodded. “This school seems like a nice place,” he commented as the lunch lady handed him his tray.

“It usually is,” Myungsoo agreed. “I mean, there’s the occasional gossip – usually about the kingka and queenka – but other than that, this school is pretty awesome, if you ask me.”

“That’s pretty awesome,” Hoya responded with a chuckle.

“Where would you like to sit?” he asked as he received his lunch.

“Hmm… ah! There’s Sungyeol from earlier! Let’s go sit with him!”

“Um, sure,” Myungsoo said, forcing a smile.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to sit alone at a table with Hoya, it was just that Sungyeol, Sunggyu, and Sungjong were sitting together. Sunggyu looked fine, but it was Sungyeol and Sungjong that worried him.

As they reached the table, Sungyeol smiled – not necessarily at Myungsoo’s presence, but at Hoya.

“Hi!” he exclaimed as he saw them. “Hoya, Myungsoo – it’s nice that you could join us!” he said.

Sungjong and Sunggyu glanced at him in confusion. Sungyeol gestured towards Hoya.

“Sunggyu, Sungjong – this is Hoya. He’s a new transfer student. And, well… you already know Myungsoo.”

Sungjong grimaced as Myungsoo sat down with Hoya. Sunggyu just rolled his eyes as he patted Sungjong’s head.

That’s when Myungsoo noticed.

“Hey,” he said suddenly, pointing a finger at Sungjong, “your hair…”

Sungjong’s hair, which had been long and bleached blonde, was now short and chocolate brown. Sungjong threw a plastic fork at him, which he dodged easily.

“It’s your entire fault!” he exclaimed. “I was so angry yesterday that I went home and cut my hair then dyed it brown! Look at me! I’m hideous!” he cried, hiding his head with his hands.

“If you ask me,” Sunggyu piped up, “I think you look better.”

“But I didn’t ask you!” Sungjong cried, obviously in a bad mood. “My hair is ugly now! Look at it! I used to be gorgeous but now I look like a beggar!”

“Actually, you kind of used looked like Rapunzel,” Sungyeol commented. “Now, you just look like a regular boy.”

“Shut up!”

“Why are we shutting up?” an unknown voice asked upon intrusion.

“Ah, Woohyun!” Sunggyu said happily, pecking him on the cheek.

Hoya blinked in surprise. “You’re… gay?”

“Of course,” Sungyeol responded. “We all are. That’s how we became friends in the first place. If it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to pretend you like us.”

Hoya only smiled. “No worries – I’m not homophobic!”

“Oh, that’s great,” Sungjong said, “I hope you don’t mind shameless making out by these idiots,” he said, pointing at Woohyun and Sunggyu.

Woohyun smacked his arm. “Yah! Shut up! If you had a boyfriend, I’ll bet you a coupon to a hair salon that you’d make out with him!”


Honestly, Sungyeol was appalled. He didn’t realize that Hoya and Myungsoo could become friends so quickly, not to mention, that they’d even sit with him. For all he knew, he and Myungsoo weren’t exactly on friendly terms at the moment.

He was a little unsure when Myungsoo approached their table, but when he saw Hoya by his side, he was automatically happy. There was just something about the new transfer student that attracted him a lot.

It was the first time in a while that their table had heard so much laughter. Of course, most of it was from teasing Sungjong, but that was completely normal for them.

Sungyeol really liked the new laughter that had intruded their lunch table. Hoya’s laughter was loud and Myungsoo’s laugh was a little reserved. He thought it suited both of them, although he would admit – he’d pay a lot of money to see Myungsoo laugh so hard that he snorted.

Speaking of Myungsoo, the boy seemed to be staring off into space – or rather, at a different table. Sungyeol noticed (with a small bit of happiness) that Myungsoo was staring directly at IU. Sungyeol was obviously happy for him, but he couldn’t help but feel that tiny, little speck of jealousy that would pulse inside of him. He just really wished that he could be in a relationship.

In a matter of seconds, Myungsoo stood up abruptly and left the table. No one knew why, nor did they question it. Sungyeol was a bit confused, but didn’t really care. He just continued his conversation Hoya about the sports activities. He, himself, was part of the volleyball team, so he thought that it was his duty to inform Hoya about sports.

After a few minutes, he stood up to use the restroom.

“I need to go pee real quick,” he said, “I’ll be right back.”

“Oh my gosh, Yeol-hyung, you talk like a kindergartner!” Sungjong exclaimed, rolling his eyes.

Sungyeol only laughed and left the table. As he ran through the halls, he crashed into someone.

“Oh!” he exclaimed. “I’m so sorry! I was just–”

“Aish, it’s just an accident, Yeol! Don’t worry about it!” she giggled.

“Oh, IU, it’s just you! Still – I am so sorry!”

She smiled a radiant glint in her eyes. “No worries, Yeol. Just do what you got to do and be done with it!”

He grinned. “Thanks, IU!”

As he walked away, he noticed that she had a certain spark in her eyes that was extremely excited and happy. Still deep in thought, he slammed into another person.

“Ouch! Watch where you’re going!” a familiar voice cried.

Sungyeol groaned. “I’m sorry, Myungsoo.”

Myungsoo’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, Sungyeol. Why are you running?”

“I really need to use the restroom! I just – …hold on a second…” he mumbled. He stared at Myungsoo, and there was definitely something different about him. Myungsoo eyes sparkled unlike they usually did. In fact, his eyes sort of resembled how IU’s eyes looked.

“IU!” Sungyeol shouted, startling Myungsoo.

“What?” he responded, a tad confused.

“IU was just walking from here a few seconds ago! You didn’t happen to speak with her, did you?”

Myungsoo frowned, shaking his head. “Nope,” he said. “I was in the bathroom. Speaking of the bathroom, didn’t you say that you needed to go?”

“Oh, yeah! I’ll see you later!”

As Sungyeol rushed away, he heard Myungsoo muttering behind him.

“Aigoo, so stupid.”


“So, do you have you figured out any plans in order to win her heart yet?”

School had ended, and Myungsoo was back in Sungyeol’s office as his last appointment of the day. Sungjong had seated himself in an extra chair in the beginning of their meeting, but after two minutes of an awkward atmosphere, Sungjong had just rolled his eyes and left, deeming Myungsoo’s relationship ‘pathetic.’

“Well,” Myungsoo said, “I think I have a plan.”

Sungyeol’s eyes brightened. “Really? Do tell.”

“I want to leave her secret notes in her locker, or something,” he said, turning slightly pink.

“Oh my gosh, that’s adorable! I never knew you were the type to use the whole ‘note-in-locker’ plan.”

Myungsoo shrugged, not meeting his eyes. “Yeah, well… I guess I am.”

Subconsciously, he picked up a lollipop from the jar on Sungyeol’s desk, unwrapped it, and popped it into his mouth.

Yesterday after Sungyeol had finished cleaning his office (by himself, obviously) he took Myungsoo’s suggestion into consideration and bought a big jar of lollipops for his desk.

“So, when do you want to start?” Sungyeol asked, writing down a few notes.

“Um, is today okay? I mean, I know you’re a busy guy, but I want to start as soon as possible,” Myungsoo said.

Sungyeol’s eyes lit up. Myungsoo had never seen him so happy.

“We could do it right now, actually!” Sungyeol stated.

“Now?” Myungsoo asked, on the cherry flavored lollipop. “Isn’t it early?”

“Nope! IU is part of the student council, so they have meetings until four thirty every day. And every time it ends, she always goes to her locker to get the books she needs when she goes home!”

“… How do you know this?”

“Oh please, I’ve known Lee Ji Eun since she was in diapers.”

Myungsoo blinked. “Oh, okay, then. Should I write her a note, now?”

Sungyeol glanced at the clock and flung a piece of paper and a pen towards Myungsoo.

“It’s four twenty-six right now! Hurry and write it! I know her where her locker is, and it’s pretty far from my office.”

“Um, alright,” Myungsoo said, scratching his head with the pen.

After a few seconds of intense thinking, he scribbled something down on the piece of paper, and folded it up.

“Let’s go,” he said.

“Don’t I get to read it?” Sungyeol pouted.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes. “Just because you’re my love therapist doesn’t mean you need to see everything!”

“Oh, alright! Let’s go!” he said, standing up.

As they walked out of the office, Sungjong shot his hyungs a questioning look.

“Sungyeol-hyung?” he asked. “Where are you going?”

“To a certain locker,” he winked. “Watch my office for me, Jongie!”

With Sungyeol in the lead, the two sprinted towards a different building that was much farther than Myungsoo expected it to be. When they arrived at the locker, they could hear IU talking to someone around the corner.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry!” Sungyeol rushed him, practically shoving him towards IU’s locker.

He squashed the folded note into the locker’s small opening, shoving the last corner in just as IU rounded the corner.

Sungyeol – who had conveniently found a janitor cart – grabbed Myungsoo’s hand and pulled him behind the cart with him.

“Shhhh!” she whispered harshly as they peeked at IU in between the mops.

“–and then he told me that he would rather bathe in a pigsty than work on a project with me! I mean, how rude is that!?” a blonde girl (whom Myungsoo recognized as Hyosung from their homeroom) exclaimed.

“Unnie,” IU admonished, “I personally think that Kikwang secretly likes you.”

Hyosung scoffed. “Please, get real! I just want to grab his stupid bleached blonde head and rub that in a pigsty!”

IU laughed as she dialed her locker’s combination. Hyosung was still ranting about Kikwang when the wrinkled note fell from the locker. Sungyeol held his breath as she squatted down to pick it up.

“What’s that?” Hyosung asked.

“I’m not sure,” she replied as she began unfolding it.

She and Hyosung read the note together. Hyosung wore a confused look on her face while IU smiled.

“What does this even mean?” Hyosung asked.

IU looked around, luckily not noticing the boys, and leaned up to Hyosung’s ear. She whispered for about two minutes, and Hyosung’s face gradually got more excited.

“Omo, really?!” she exclaimed excitedly.

IU nodded her head vigorously and clapped her hands in excitement.

“Isn’t it just adorable?! Oh, and can you help me with something else?”

Their conversation died as they walked away. As soon as they were out of earshot, Sungyeol leaped up from behind the janitor’s cart.

“Success!” he shouted ecstatically.

Myungsoo rubbed the back of his head as he emerged from behind the cart.

“So, what now?”

Sungyeol let out a happy huff of air. “Well, I guess now we can go back to my office, and plan some more!”

“Can’t we just plan the next time we meet?” Myungsoo asked.

Sungyeol shrugged. “If that’s what you want. I mean, you are the customer, after all.”

They both walked calmly back to the office, a comfortable silence surrounding them. It took much longer than sprinting there, so they got back to the office in about seven minutes.

“Hey,” Myungsoo said suddenly before they entered the Love Hospital.


“How good are you in Japanese?” he asked.

Sungyeol blinked. “The class? I guess I’m good at it.”

“Good. You’ll help me with my Japanese homework?”

“Why so sudden?”

Myungsoo sighed, running his hand through his raven hair. “Well, I paid a good amount of money for these appointments, and I don’t want to waste it all in fifteen minutes. So, until I’m satisfied with the amount of time I spend with you, I’ll be staying.”

Sungyeol shrugged. “Whatever. We might as well just do it now, since you were my last appointment.”

They shuffled inside, where Sungyeol greeted Sungjong with a hug before settling back down in his swiveling office chair.

“So, what do you need help with?” he asked.

“Well, considering that I’m failing the class – everything.”


Sungyeol convulsed with laughter, clutching his stomach in his hand.

“S-Say it again!” he laughed, tears in his eyes.

Myungsoo let out an amused chuckle as he took a deep breath.

“WO ZAI ZE LI!” he bellowed.

Sungyeol was sent into another fit of violent laughter. He laughed so hard that he came to the point where sound didn’t even come out of his mouth - he just shook like a madman having a seizure.

“Oh my gosh…” he wheezed in between his laughs. “That’s just gold! I-I can’t even breathe!”

Myungsoo began laughing at Sungyeol’s hilarious reaction. Honestly, if Sungyeol hadn’t been laughing so hard, he would admit that Myungsoo’s laugh was really nice. It was very natural, and he liked the way he would burst out laughing even though he tried to hold it in.

But Sungyeol was laughing, so he didn’t admit it.

After the two had calmed down, Sungyeol wiped the tears from his face.

“Wow, I haven’t laughed that much since Sunggyu got chased by Woohyun’s dog! Where did you learn to speak Chinese?” he asked.

Myungsoo thought for a moment. “Up until about sixth grade, my best friend was a Chinese boy. He couldn’t speak Korean, so he taught me Chinese instead. We communicated like that until he moved back to China in seventh grade.”

“Well, it’s no wonder why you at Japanese! You keep mixing up the Chinese characters with the Japanese ones.”

Myungsoo just shrugged. “I don’t really care if I fail Japanese or not, but my mom does, so I do it for her.”

Sungyeol just smiled and sighed as he glanced at the clock.

“The school will be closing soon,” he remarked. “We’d better close up the Love Hospital.”

He and Myungsoo went outside and saw Sunggyu and Sungjong filing papers.

“Oh, there you two are,” Sunggyu said as he spotted them. “I thought that maybe Sungyeol left early, but I heard his laugh and wondered what you two were doing.”

Myungsoo smiled. “I just showed him something funny, that’s all.”

Sunggyu squinted his eyes and raised an eyebrow. “Really? You guys made up with each other quickly. Sungjong still wants to rip out your guts, though.”

Myungsoo choked back a laugh as Sungyeol tossed him a look of confusion. He gestured towards Sunggyu’s eyes and mouthed ‘hamster.’ Sungyeol looked back and noticed the resemblance and nearly burst out laughing again, but shut his mouth as he saw Sunggyu’s inquisitive look.

Myungsoo just chuckled. “Anyways, I better get home now, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Sungyeol.”

He left with a small smile gracing his face. As he approached the doorway, Sungjong popped up beside him.

Myungsoo jumped backwards. “Holy cra–”

“Lemon candy?” Sungjong asked with a glare, holding up his palm filled with yellow hard-candies.

The ravenette looked at the candies with a fearful look in his eyes.  “Um, no thank you,” he declined politely before rushing out the door.

Sungyeol burst into laughter. “Sungjongie, I think you creeped him out!”

Sungjong immediately replaced his glare with a sunny smile. “So it worked? Good! I hope that he thought the candy was poisoned.” He smiled as he popped a lemon candy in his mouth.

Sungyeol picked up his backpack and laughed heartily. “Bye Sunggyu-hyung! Bye Sungjongie! I’m leaving first!” he waved as he left.

“Bye Sungyeollie!” they chanted as he left.

He sighed happily as he walked down the school’s deserted halls. Once again, he didn’t watch where he was going and rammed into something.

“Ow!” he exclaimed.

“Aish, don’t you ever watch where you’re going, Sungyeol?” Myungsoo asked as he rubbed his forehead. “So stupid, seriously…”

“Why are you still here?” Sungyeol asked as he focused on Myungsoo.

Myungsoo sighed as he held up a textbook.

“This is your Japanese textbook,” he said. “I took it on accident.”

“Oh,” Sungyeol said. “Well, since you’re here, do you want to come by my locker and drop it off?”

“Sure, why not?” Myungsoo agreed.

Again, they walked in a pleasant silence to Sungyeol’s locker. As Sungyeol opened it up, his eyes widened.

Curious, Myungsoo peeked in. “What is it?” he asked.

There, sitting amongst piles of books and paper, was a cup of Americano coffee. It looked freshly brewed, or maybe even bought. Around the cup was a paper that was secured with a rubber band.

“Omo, what… who did this?” Sungyeol asked, eyes wide with amazement and love. "This is... new."

He picked up the cup of coffee gingerly, his fingers immediately engulfed in warmth.

His eyes widened even more. “It’s still warm!” he whispered admiringly.

Carefully, he pulled the rubber band off of the cup along with the note. He sipped his coffee, his eyes lighting up as he unfolded the crinkled paper. His jaw dropped as he read it.

“What does it say?” Myungsoo asked.

Sungyeol only flipped the paper around so that Myungsoo could see it. The writing was elegant and soft, almost obviously a girl’s handwriting. Myungsoo frowned as he read the words on the paper.

I Like You.



.... OMFG YEOL'S GOT AN ADMIRER?! 8D (OR DOES HE!?) omg, i'm annoying, aren't i? lol xD

Yeol: i dunno who it is! can author-nim tell me?!

me: pfft, hell naw. are you kidding? You'd ruin EVERYTHING for the subbies >:(

Myung: I wanna know who it is.

me: well, that information is for ME to know, and for YOU to find out!


Hoya: you've got a secret admirer?

Yeol: um, yes, weren't you paying attention?

Hoya: Egumonina!

lol so as always subscribe&comment for even more ^^

Noodles - OUT >83

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FanFicLover92 #1
I came back here.... again... gosh... I'm so old already....sobs.....
Chapter 32: Gosh...wht to say! I loved it and couldn't stop myself from reading it in 12 hours...and it's like 5:30am in here and I didn't sleep *sheepishly grins* Unnie thanks for writing such an amazing fic! The plot, characterisation, the fluff and the comedy was all just amazing! I loved reading every part of it and Sungyeol's confession at the end was so sweet! On top their fan club was so ad too! *fangirls*
Ps. You are just awesome Unnie!
Chapter 31: Love doctor Yeol really is stupid. But I love stupid Yeol and his stupid Myung.Ughh I love stupid MyungYeol lol.
This was so beautiful and fun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it ❤
Chapter 1: Myung is being such an to Yeol lol.

I'm loving this already. Might finish the story in one go :p
Chapter 32: Congrats on your featureeee!!! You deserve it for writing this beautiful piece of a story with a dense Yeol and a snarky Myung! I loved loved loved your story! I literally finished reading it all in a day!
Chapter 32: Wow~ i took one day to finish all of the chapters!!! THIS IS SO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!
Chapter 3: I've been meaning to read this story since who knows how long ago so now I finally started! Or more like restarted. OMG, Myungsoo is mean and insensitive! Poor Yeol. The pain he has to go through just because Sunggyu didn't take Myungsoo as his client. I'm also loving your A/N's at the end. The excitement meter is up! XD
Chapter 26: Wait i keep re reading this chapter i can't stop xD
myung-yeollipop #9
Chapter 6: worrywart Myungsoo is so cute! *squeal* his nagging thoo.. it may rivaled Grandpa Gyu's nags. XD
myung-yeollipop #10
this is like my fourth (?) time re-reading this story and i still love it! <3