
Teachers Pet

Eunji walked into the classroom and sat at her desk, unaware of everyone staring at her. She was so exhausted over everything that had happened with the allergic reaction, David coming back into town, Yongguk acting weird and Youngjae confessing that he sees her as a woman and not a student. She didn't know how to wrap her head around everything. Daehyun was sitting beside her, amazed that she didn't even glance at him.

"HELLO~ EUNJI~ Wow way to ignore your best friend MUCH!" Daehyun pouted and threw his eraser which nailed the side of Eunji's head. She finally turned and looked at him which brought a huge smile to his face. "What's up drama queen?" Daehyun was staring at her longingly but Eunji just groaned and smacked her head off the top of the desk. "Don't!" He jumped out of his chair, gently held her face in his hands and looked at the red mark appearing on her forehead. All the girls held their breath as Daehyun and Eunji stared into each other's eyes.

"Now who are you calling a drama queen?" Eunji laughed and Daehyun smirked. The teacher cleared his throat and glared at the two. Daehyun apologised and quickly sat back down in his seat. Himchan pressed his lips together hard until his laughter subsided. He smacked the back of Daehyun's head with a ruler and his friend turned around and silently cursed at him.

"If you weren't so good looking I wouldn't be friends with you." Himchan whispered causing Eunji to stifle a laughter. Since these two had entered her life school had been worth coming to. Class passed boringly as Himchan and Daehyun passed each other notes, most ended with Daehyun secretly turning around, when the teacher wasn't looking, and smacking Himchan in the face. At lunch Youngjae came calling for Eunji and brought her into his office.

"Now Eunji..." He started but she held up her hand and shook her head. She didn't want to hear anything about her plans for post secondary.

"I don't want to go to college Youngjae...that's not what I want in life. I want to be with Yongguk...I...I love him..." Saying the words brought a heat through Eunji that made her fingers twitch and a smile to be presently stuck to her face. Youngjae hung his head and pulled a scrap piece of paper out of his desk drawer. He hated knowing that if anything were to happen to the two of them it would be because of something he has done. He quickly wrote something on the paper and handed it to her. Eunji slowly took it and when she looked at it she saw it was a phone number.

"If you ever need anything, call me." With that the lunch bell rang and Eunji shyly excused herself and ran off back to class where Daehyun and Himchan were waiting for her. The end of the day couldn't come soon enough as the three walked out of the school, laughing at Himchan who was complaining that his work schedule was the reason for his poor grades.

"Oh crap." Daehyun said before jumping behind one of the schools pillars. Eunji and Himchan looked around for anything that might be worth giving that response too, but there was nothing.

"What's wrong?" Himchan asked walking over to Daehyun who kept peeking around the pillar with painful expression.

"See that girl in the pink dress?' Daehyun pointed to the beautiful woman standing at the gate and looking amongst the students for someone in particular.

"She's the girl we worked with at the photo shoot....what about her?" Himchan grabbed Eunji and pulled her over since her looking around was a bit too obvious.

"Well she asked for my number and I rejected her....why is she here?!" Himchan and Eunji looked to each other as Daehyun was freaking out all by himself.

"Why don't you go out with her? She's pretty." Eunji said. Himchan and Daehyun stared at her in disbelief. Himchan patted her on the back and called her innocent and cute. Eunji was confused and decided to just let the boys stand there and figure out what do to. "Well bye guys, I'm going to go home."

"Wait! I was going to walk with you!" Daehyun said now caught between a rock and a hard place.

"I want to get home before the sun sets." Eunji waved to them and ran off towards her home. Daehyun sighed and hung his head.

"Time to man up dude." Himchan patted Daehyun's back supportively and walked away leaving his best friend panicked at alone. Daehyun took a deep breath, puffed his chest out and walked out to where Jieun was waiting. When she saw him her face lit up and she pushed through the group of guys that had surrounded her. He ignored her the whole time he walked home. She talked none stop about herself and how her day went. Daehyun could of cared less as he walked with his ear buds in and stared straight ahead.

* Listen to this now please *

"Yongguk I'm home~" Eunji called as she came into the eerily quiet home. She walked around looking for a sign of Yongguk but there was nothing. His shoes were gone, his hats were gone, everything was gone. She rushed upstairs and threw his door open only to reveal a dark empty room. Eunji ran to the living room and saw an envelope sitting there waiting for her. Cautiously, Eunji approached the envelope and read the bright red lettering on the outside. She couldn't believe it. She dumped the contents of the envelope onto the table and in big, bold, black letters, spelled her worst nightmare. She fell to the ground, her mind blank, her body numb. The uncontrollable sobbing bubbled out of before she had a chance to repress them. Tears flowed down her face as weird, inaudible noises poured out of . She needed to talk to someone. To hear some reason and tell her this was a terrible joke. She pulled the piece of paper out of her pocket and dialed Youngjae's number. He picked up faster than she expected.


"He left me...he...h-he...want-ts a div-....divorce...." The word finally came out of and Eunji started sobbing again. Youngjae sat on the other end of the line and felt strange, almost remorseful. He promised that he would be over there as soon as he physically could. "No...I...I want to be...alone.." Eunji said good bye and hung up the phone. She didn't know what she was expecting from that. Maybe Yongguk would have picked up. Somehow, in her current emotional state, Eunji made it to Yongguk's room and sat where his bed use to be. She called his phone repeatedly and didn't even get to his answering machine. Nothing. He was gone. It was like he had just up and disappeared from her life just as quick as he had entered it.  


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Chapter 49: The concept is good, but I do agree, it's kindda rushed.
I lobe it..but sometimes i felt like teir story to fast forward
Chapter 2: What's the age difference between Eunji and YongGuk?
Chapter 17: Where can I watch Beatles Code 2 with B.A.P ? Is there eng subs ?
Chapter 49: Aww this story was so cute~ :) i havent read a good yongguk story in a while :D
Chapter 49: So? How about their family? Next chapter perhaps?
Chapter 47: Andwaeee!! Yonggukieee~ Come back~! \(; _ ;\)
Chapter 45: Urgh, Yonggukie and Eunji moment~! DX >///<
Chapter 39: That David Moon! :O
I even don't know him, not apoligizing for that XD
Even Youngjae :'(
Chapter 37: Daehyun with Jieun is okay for me. But when Jieun and Yongguk *long face*