Five Six, Seven Eight


The building was fairly large and new. It was only two stories tall, but it seemed rather wide. You were chattering on and on about random things to take Lay and Kai’s mind off of what had happened in the car.

“So, you guys are going to choreograph the dance? What kind of stretches do you have to do? Please don’t make anything too difficult. Oh my gosh, I want to get these really cute snea—”

You weren’t paying attention, and you walked right into an invisible barrier.

Your face was all smashed up on the glass, cheek first.

“Owww, what the hell…?” you asked the heavens.

Apparently, it was a glass door that you walked into.

Why would they choose a glass door? It’s so dangerous.

“Ahahahaha, Sarang, are you okay?” Lay asked, laughing at your embarrassing hit.

 “Dude, if you can’t even walk without getting hurt, how are you going to dance?” said Kai, questioningly.

He had a point.

“I’m okay. And it wasn’t walking! It was the door’s fault. Besides, it’s the people’s fault for using such a good glass cleaner.” You defended yourself.

You rubbed your cheek as Lay opened the door for you to get in. The air conditioning blasted into your face as you stepped into the building that was out to get you.  After he was in, he barely left the door open for Kai.

“Well gee, thanks a lot,” he mumbled, letting himself in.

Mr. Choi had given you a piece of paper with the room number on it. The staff knew about your  arrival, and gave you guys the key without questions of payment.

It was room 69 on the second floor. When Lay read the number, he giggled.


You pretended to be innocent and say, “Lay, why are you laughing? What’s so funny?”

He cleared his throat and regained his coolness.


"I know it wasn't nothing, you ." you joked, punching him on the arm lightly.

He laughed. You weren't sure if it was because of you, or if he was still thinking about the room number.

"What room do we have?" Kai asked.

You and Lay showed him the paper, and Kai stiffled a laugh. There wasn't a mature one here, was there?


The practice room was nice and cooled. The floors were a light wood that didn't look too used. There was a wall with a huge mirror, and the rest of the walls were light blue. The flourescent lights brightly lit up the room, and there was a stereo set set up. All you had to do was plug a device in. There were lounge chairs in a corner, and a mini fridge and microwave. This definately made up for the fact that you had to dance...okay not really, but you did like the room.

"Hey, this is pretty nice..." Kai said, checking out the sound system.

"Okay, I'm going to change into my workout clothes." you said, then left the room, and into the bathroom in the back.

You brought along your most comfy, yet cute sweater, and a pair of white thick leggings that went to your calves. 


You didn't want to wear short shorts, but you didn't want to go all hoodie and grey sweatpants either. You were in the presence of a model, and the guy you liked, so of course you had to look cute, even if you were about to die in buckets of sweat and tears.

You came out, to see that both the guys were changed already.

"Where did you guys go to change?" 

"Um..here." said Kai, stating the obvious.


It was so awkward talking to Kai. It was almost as if he had things to say, but never did, as if he were holding back.

"We have to stretch first," Kai said.

"Ugh, whyyyy? I don't bend, I break," you complained.

"Well, if you don't stretch, you could pull a muscle and maybe become paralyzed and die," said Lay, looking absolutely serious.

You panicked.

"What?! Really?! Omomomo! Ottoke? I'm bad at stretching!"

You put your hands on your head, thinking about the possible injuries and issues that could occur from your lack of fitness.

Lay and Kai busted out laughing.

AHAHA! Did she really believe me? She's so cute like this.

Ami never shows emotion like that...

"YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOU WERE GOING TO DIE? BAHAHAH!" Lay laughed, holding his stomach.

Your lip quivered, and you put your face in your hands, breathing unevenly, and wimpering.

Kai and Lay stopped laughing immediately and went over to you. Lay placed a gentle hand on your back.

"Sarang, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trick you like that, please forgive me," he sincerely apologized.

Your breathing evened out, and the wimpers became giggles. You looked up from your hands to Lay with a huge smile on your face.

"PUAHAHAHAHA! I CANT BELIEVE YOU BELIEVED ME!" you shouted, glad the room was sound proof.

Kai laughed even harder at Lay's flabbergasted face, looking at you slightly confused.

That confused face was replaced by a grin.

"You got me, Sarang, but I'm going to get you back." he said with a devilish look in his eyes.


The first stretch was to touch your toes. Lay and Kai had no problem putting their hands flat on the floor without bending their knees. You on the other hand, had your fingertips dangling by your ankles.

"Okay, I think that's enough stretching for now, don't you think?" you said, still "stretching".

Kai saw how un fit you were, and went over to you. You felt uneasy because you were bend over, and who knows what he would do to you.

Lay saw, but he didn't do anything. He just watched.

"Okay, relax your muscles," Kai said, placing his hand on your back.

What is he going to do to her? He better not do anything inappropriate...

What is he doing? Oh god, what he said sounded so wrong...

You did as you were told.

His hand then pushed down on your back, forcing you to touch your toes. The muscles at the back of your legs felt extrememely tense and painful.

"Ow! What was that for?" you said, struggling to keep your voice normal.

"Kai, stop it," Lay said, getting up.

"Sarang, if you're going to do well in the talent show and dance, you have to at least learn to stretch. I don't want you to stay back."

Did he just...say something nice to me?


A/N: Hey! I managed to get a little more Kairang in, rather than just Saray moments. I don't have much to say, other than THANK YOU FOR THE SUBS AND COMMENTS. Really means a lot to me. 



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Chapter 29: Updaaaate pleaasee ;AA; I'm already rotting away ~.~
Chapter 29: Authornim; where are you now? ;A; Please update.
Chapter 29: Oh my goodness, what's going to happen now? Sobs >O< saranglay is so cuuuute ~ (he's my bias xD) but poor Kai...Ami you little--- omomomo this is sooo good, please update soon!
exo_1219 #4
NEW READER HERE! great fic :)) love it! Can't wait for updates xD <3 LAY FEELSSSSS
Raghad #5
Chapter 29: Nooooo i hope she's okay :0

ehm, finally I cought with you ^^'
Omg, this is really cute~ Keep up the good work author-nim! <3 I can't wait for your next updates and I'm anticipating on more Kairang~~ (: DAEBAK! <3
Chapter 29: what happened to his mom? O_O Btw, new reader here. :)
rainae #8
allb1a4 #9
Chapter 29: Bwwwwwwwwoooooooo?????? Dude, cliffhanger!!! Updateeeeeeeeeee!
Chapter 29: Oh sh*t. Kai's mom?!
Better be not part of Ami's plan!
Update soon, author-nim!