Acquaintance Ball III

The Other Girl


"Your feet don't hurt?" Joon nodded down to her heels. "You've been dancing nonstop. Mianhae."
"Aniyo, sunbae, it's alright," Heejin blushed at Joon's concern. Good thing it's dark, or Joon sunbae can see my face. Heejin's feet, on the other hand though, were already dying.
"Even though I still say my girlfriend's the prettiest, you look pretty tonight too," he smiled.
"G-Gomawo, Joon sunbae..."
"Oh? You remember my name?" Joon beamed. Heejin nodded. "Awesome," he laughed. "I hope we can be good friends."
Heejin smiled at Joon, "I hope so too, sunbae."
After dancing with Joon, Heejin got to her seat to get some well-deserved rest for her feet. Yoomi continued blabbing to her about Mir dancing with her, feeling so giddy about it that she didn't even notice that all members of MBLAQ danced with Heejin. One person didnt let that fact slide, though.
After a while of resting her feet, Heejin finally asked L.Joe if he could bring her home. L.Joe nodded and started walking with Heejin home. After a few minutes of walking, Heejin's feet hurt again.
"Can you walk?" L.Joe worriedly asked her.
She nodded, "I can walk barefoot, I guess."
L.Joe stopped walking and crouched in front of Heejin, "Get on."
"But I'm heavy," Heejin pouted.
"What is it with girls and weight?" he laughed. "You're not heavy, never were, so just get on. You wouldn't want your feet to hurt more, do you?"
Heejin sighed and poked L.Joe's back, "Are you sure?"
"Positive," he chuckled. "Now get on."
Slowly, Heejin got on L.Joe's back, hugging him by the neck. L.Joe slowly stood up and held each of Heejin's legs to his sides to prevent her from falling. I knew she was too light, he smiled as he took Heejin home.
"How was dancing with all members of that kingka group?" L.Joe chuckled.
"My feet hurt a lot," Heejin giggled. "It was already hurting a bit while I was dancing with Changjo, but all that happened." Changjo was the fifth to dance with her that night.

"You should've told Ricky your feet hurt so you could've had a chance to rest before they all danced with you."
"Am I not heavy?" Heejin asked, concerned.
L.Joe chuckled, "I'm already starting to think that you don't eat. You're too light."
"Ani," still, Heejin laughed.
"You like anyone of them? MBLAQ?" L.Joe suddenly asked.
Heejin blinked, "Like anyone of them?"
"Yeah., like a crush or something. The last time you had a crush was with that Myungsoo guy from my class in middle school," he laughed.
"Ya!" Heejin smacked L.Joe's back, "That was just a happy crush!"
"Ah, now you're being like that?" L.Joe jokingly leaned to the side, almost making Heejin fall off.
"Byunghun-ah!" she hugged L.Joe by the neck tightly.
"Araseo, araseo, don't choke me," he laughed before steadying himself. "So, crushes?"
"I think... Joon sunbae's really-"
"Isn't that that Hyuna girl's guy?" L.Joe laughed.
"Don't call Hyuna sunbae 'that Hyuna girl'. She's really nice. I think Joon sunbae's nice too. He said while we were dancing that he hopes we can be good friends. And he was concerned about me too, that my feet might be hurting," Heejin smiled.
"So, you like him now because he's concerned about you? Wow," L.Joe laughed, "that's a big leap from that Myungsoo guy."
Heejin frowned, "You're not planning on letting my previous crush towards Myungsoo go, are you?"
"Maybe," he laughed, then stopped, suddenly becoming a bit serious. "But don't get too close to that Joon guy, even though he's your happy crush now."
"Huh?" Heejin cocked her head to the side, "Why not?"
"I don't like his vibe," he shrugged. "You know how I am when I don't like someone."
"I'll try," Heejin smiled. "I'll only approach him when he's with Hyuna sunbae, is that fair?"
L.Joe nodded. "Here we are, Nam residences." He slowly let Heejin on the ground before straightening up and turning around, looking at her.
"Gomawo, Byunghun-ah," she smiled.
"You really do look pretty tonight," L.Joe smiled.
Heejin ignored the slight quickening of her heartbeat as she waved L.Joe good night, "Don't sleep too late."
"I won't. Night." Heejin waved one more time before going inside the house.
This is the end of the Acquaintance Ball chapters, obviously =))
Yay! Heejin has a happy crush!!! ^^
I was just talking to a friend of mine about this story, the plot and all. It's really hard to explain if I'm not revealing the story :)) But her response was nice :)
But yeah.. You guys don't know it yet =))
I hope you liked this update! Thank you so much for all the comments!!!
@AnnaOnew: Soon? :))
@FolderName: Whyyy? Don't you like Joon? Y u no want Heejin to dance with him???
@Seonriyong: Joon won't go, dongsaeng-ah =)) AND SSHHHHH~ Don't tell anyone about it :)) SARANGHAEEEEEEE~~
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Thank you!
I will update with a new chapter on Tuesday (PH time) :D


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After almost 4 years, I'm coming back again to read this. Please don't ever delete it
Chapter 56: I actually kind of wanted Joon and Heejin to end up together.
andreaylen #3
Chapter 56: At last they together....
lolmeowlol #4
Chapter 56: sigh so joon and heejin didn't end up together :/
Well it was fun while it lasted
I really enjoyed reading this, thanks for making such a fantastic story :)
Just want to make it clear to everyone who didn't like Joon that Joon wasn't a bad guy, he was just a person looking for some love! >_<
(I've been fangirling over shinhwa too, don't worry you're not alone XD)
Chapter 56: ITS OVER.

/is guilty to laughing when the car went bang :3

/rolls arounnd
And omg. Cameo of Jonginnie&Yeollie <3 <3 <3

Chapter 56: Me loves the ending eventhough I truly didn't see it coming anytime soon LoL anyway thank you for the story~
Chapter 56: Hi :D yeayy finally ! :D i like the ending ! :D good job ! :D
Chapter 54: Author-nim , please update :( i've been waiting so long for the next update :( *begging* TT-TT
tia-louise #9
please update soon!!! love it!!
Chapter 53: Jdxhnjiskjmnhdsoxksjhnxbhnjkodksjndhjiksjhndhjsiw
Jdxijkwsnhjksxddsehwaszhdsjidxnhcd what is coherence???
Byungjiiiinnnnnn! /rolls around

HYUUNNNAAAAAAA! /tackles her

Saranghaaee! <3
