Arcana~! the forgotten memories...

                   TOP is sitting in his office checking the files that need to be check and to be signed. Their business is growing day by day and he even had to let his best men to view their other franchises around Korea. Clubs, drugs, weapons and others things that can be sell they just conquer all. In the name of business TOP never leave any chance passed by especially when you have a little brother who really likes them! It's Seungri of course. His nickname is Victory since he often sees the perfect chance in the business field and even advice TOP in this matter dispite his young age.


           The phone ringed and he puts it on the speaker. It's easier that way since his hands are still tied up with the files. "Sir, there's a guest requesting to meet you. He doesn't want to tell the security his name or ID. He just say he wants a favor in return," the girl reports to me. "Ah... Let him in. But make sure he's cleaned up first. I don't really trust that guy anymore," TOP puts down his files and pushed the red button to hung up. "Butler Kim!" he shouted and an old man came from the door beside him. "You called sir?" he bows. "I have a guest, clean this up and prepared some wine." he ordered. The man quickly follows his master ordered and took the files away from the table to the door where he came from. Then a maid pushed a trolley with a bottle of wine and a bucket of ice also two crystal glasses. Just in time the guest comes in with two black suit guys following him.




            "He's cleaned sir," one of them reported before I told them to leave the room. The man took of his jacket and hat. "It's been along time isn't it, Seunghyun?" the old man smiles at me. "It is, Mr Baek. Please, sit down." I said after shaking hands with him. This guy is one of the biggest companies in Korea along side with the Park Company and the Choi Company but he could never reach the two others level. I heard he was in some financial problems nowadays. "How are you Mr Baek. I heard about your company," I said while pouring the wine into the glasses and passed it to him. "Yeah. It turned worse suddenly. Those two companies really are something." he sipped his wine. "Did you know they are going to combine the company one day? They already got the thing planned after Jung Heung's son and Jae Won's niece got engaged." he continues.


              "That is bad. Wait, Jae Won had a niece? I never knew that..." I frown. "He had one. It's the late Park Hwan Joo's Daughter. He sure keeps his niece well hidden since she owns the whole company under her name. Jae Won only got 1/5 of the share despite all the things he done to his dead brother. Pity isn't it?" he snickers. "Say, Seunghyun. I need your help." he begins. "What help? I'll see what I can do for you." I smiled. "I need you to kidnap the princess," he puts down his wine glass. "You mean the niece?" I rise one of my eyebrow. He nods. "I just need to get my hands back on the China's market which obviously he grabs it from me. Can you do it for me?" he asked. "Consider it done." I hold out my hand and he accepted it happily.


             After the man gone, I called out my butler and asked him to put someone to follow the princess every little moves. "Get her schedules and everything she usually does. I need it asap!" I ordered. The old man bows before leaving the room to me alone.







             "Miss Bom, please don't be stubborn. Just endure it for tonight will you?" the old maid begged me. I already pissed off by uncle's decision to engage me with someone that I barely know and now for a dinner date? No way in hell I'm doing it!! "No!" I stick to my decision, firm as I looked outside the window watching the busy city of Seoul. "But miss..." she tried again. "I'm going out. Don't even think about following me around!" I warned the two bodyguards. Uncle is being super strict lately because I've been rebelling against the engagement. I walk to my wardrobe to get my jacket then get my car keys and my purse before leaving.


             The traffic lights turned red and I step on the brake paddle when my phone rings. It's CL-roo. I pull my earphone to my earlobe and pushed the green button. "Unni! You're coming right?" she asked as soon as I picked the call. "I'm on my way. Just wait for me okay?" I said. I looked at the back view mirror to fixed my bangs and found a familiar car following me just behind me. "Fools!" I bite my lower lips. "Mwo?" CL asked from the other line. "I've been followed again. Aish, that old man really is annoying me!" I stepped on the gas pedal after changing the gears and my car just speedily left them behind. "What do you think I am? A kid?! Yah, CL-roo. Let's change place to meet," I said to her as I make a U-turn after founding the car still following me. The car could get to me since the traffic is busy from behind and the opposite way. 






            I waited for Bom unni at my office at Korea National Hospital since she changed the meeting place. Live as  the only heiress of Korean biggest company is sure hard. Poor Bom unni doesn't even have her own privacy and freedom. She already suffers from that dream of her which makes her have insomnia and I have to prescribe medications to help her calm down and sleep. It's almost an hour after she called. I'm getting anxious on my seat. "Unni, be safe." I mumble. Just then, unni opens my office door and sits on the sofa after closing the door shut eventually locking it. "Did they follow you till here too?" I looked at her gasping for air. She shook.


             "CL-roo..." she leans her head to the sofa. "I want to find the truth." she continue. "Mwo?" I looked at her. "This dream must have something to do during my accidents. I tried to ask uncle about what actually happen but he keeps dodging my questions. There must be something that he wants to keeps hidden away from me." she explains. I exhaled. "I'll try my best to help you unni. But where do we start?" I asked. "I don't know. How about try to find out where is the accident took place first," she thinks. "Great. I think I could help you with that. Since you came straight from the scene to the hospital it wouldn't be that hard to find clues about it." I smiled. "Thanks, CL-roo. I'm hungry, let's go out and eat! My treat!" she jumps to my side, excitedly. "Okay. Let's use my car. They might still after you, unni." I grab my jacket, wraps my neck with a dark yellow muffler and get my bag. "But they knew about your car as well, Chearinie." she said with her arm crossed, annoyed by her bodyguards. "Hahaha... Don't worry, I just bought a new car." I showed her my keys. "GREAT!!" she jumps to her feet. We ride my new Audi R8 to our destination and arrived shortly after that.





            The two girls went inside the restaurant to the counter and Bom asked them for a private room for the two of them. The receptionist gladly showed them to a room and leave right after that. As soon as the two took their seat, a waiter comes in to gave them the menu. "What do you want to eat?" Bom asked. "Let's see... I want bibimbap. I haven't eat rice at all today," CL give her menu to the waiter. "Me too... I'll have Kimchi bokkeumbap and dumpling soup." Bom give her menu to the waiter. The waiter bows before leaving both of them.

            "Unni, have you meet with your fiancee?" CL asked Bom. Upon hearing this Bom bright expression become gloomy. "Why do you have to remind me CL?" she sighed. "Ani... I'm just curious. I heard from the rumours that he was a charismatic, handsome and cool guy. I just want to confirm the rumour since you are now engaged to him." she tried to cover for her mistakes. "Charismatic? Cool?? Handsome??!!!" Bom fumes as she flaps her hand to cool down her anger. "He's a player for what I see! He always gets what he wants! I really annoyed everytime he come to see me!" Bom drinks her drinks down. "Calm down unni..." CL said.


             Then the door slides open at the waiter comes in with their order and layout it to the table. "Thank you," the two said. "Let's eat unni. I'm hungry," CL tried to dodge the bullet. After finishing their dinner, the two went out the room and check out. CL drop Bom back to the hospital parking lot before they went back home.

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kratepow #1
Chapter 31: i want a sequel, continuation kekeke <3
Chapter 31: what a bitter sweet story ^^.. i love this one.. lots of t.o.p bom moments and you didn't forgot to pair up taeyang and cl again hahaha.. anyways i love this story almost of yg fam is here ^^ good luck authornim may your storry be featured ^^
Popnime #3
Chapter 1: Ooohh...i know this one is gonna be an awesome story...i can tell it just by reading the description!!
cestdanimension #4
Chapter 30: Wahh.. BOMMIE yah......
Go Tabi when she comes back make sure she'll be yours... :)
Hi there! I haven't commented for sooo long. Nice updates!! I'm trying to catch up now~~
Chapter 29: Very good update. Update please!!!
SpringTempo24 #7
Chapter 28: woah a nice backstory about lee park bom..love it authornim!!
Chapter 25: please don't delete this! jaebal!!! TToTT
Chapter 25: No please don't delete the story. ;( I was enjoying it.