A DREAM. . .

Arcana~! the forgotten memories...

                 The night was late but Seoul city is still alive with the colorful lights and people still wondering around the city. In a penthouse just above a famous hotel, a princess is sleeping soundlessly. Her long red hair sometimes gleam due to the moonlight. Park Bom the heiress of the biggest company in Korea just taking her beauty sleep. Her parents died in a car accident and leave her a bunch of fortunes. Currently, she's living with her uncle which also the one that helps her with the company business since she's not capable of dealing with it yet.


               The beautiful lady suddenly moves and her face is tenses. Must have having a nightmare or something. She groan before revolt from her sleep panting heavily. Ever since she awakes from the coma 9 years ago, she keep dreaming of the same dream. A guy calling her name while his hand are about to reach her but then the vision fades. This dream of her starts hunting her and now everynight is the same. She always awakes in the middle of the night, alone, thinking of the dream all over again.


               Well, she's not the only one that have problems with sleeping. In a mush darker place of Seoul in a huge building which own by a dominant mafia, a man sits idly watching the lights of Seoul with a cigaratte in between his finger. His other hand is holding a glass of red wine. Everynight he took sometime off alone in his room while thinking about the past. A past which hurt him the most but also a past which makes him happy even if it's only a memory.


               A knocked on the door brings him back to the room. "Come in," he said with his husky voice. A skinny blonde guy walks into the room and sits on the sofa. "Can't sleep again hyung?" he asked while pouring a glass of wine for his enjoyment. "Still thinking about her?" he sips his wine. TOP turn to his brother with a sour smile. "Yeah. Can't stop thinking about her, G..." he smokes the cigar. "It's been 10 years hyung. Listen to my words and move on." he looked at TOP. They might be not related by blood but they are closer that one. "Easy for you to say," he scoof and drink up his wine in one go. He was heartbroken. He never loved anyone after that accident.


              "I don't think she wants you to be like this hyung," Jiyong also known as G-Dragon continue to pursue him. Actually the other members were quite worried as well. Taeyang, Daesung and V.I. "It's not your fault she died hyung," he said. "But i can't save her either and that just the same for me!" TOP raise his voice, frustrated. "I'm sorry, hyung for disturbing you. Have a good rest." GD said before leaving him alone in the room. Before long, sobs heard coming from him. He wails in frustration and threw off the glass on his hand to the floor, shattered just like his heart.




             "Tabi... Tabi, wake up!" a sweet voice whispers to his ears. TOP opens his eyes and looked at the girl face above him. It's been a while since he saw that smile of her, her sweet scent and her beautiful eyes. "Is that really you Bommie?" he touched her face. The girl just giggles and holds his hand with hers. "Silly, it is me!" she smiles. TOP was so happy that he sheds tears. "Tabi, what's wrong? Are you not happy seeing me again?" she asked as TOP wipes his tears away. "Of course not! I LOVE YOU, BOMMIE! DON'T EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!" he hugs her tightly. "I wouldn't! I promised!" she said and makes TOP hugs her even tighter afraid she might gone away.


"TABI?! TABI~!!!!!!!!!!!" a loud sound from a tyres tried to stop after a full speading heard and then a loud 'bang' echoed. Blood spills to his face as he watch her beloved lover lying on the road. "Bommie? BOMMIE~!!!!!!!!" he yells and spring out of the bed gasping for air. He was sweating when he realize he was only dreaming, again....




Bom awakes with a deep gasped. Tears falling down her cheeks just like every other night. She rise from her bed and went to the kitchen getting herself a glass of milk to soothe down her tense. "That's it! Enough with this dream. I have to find out the truth!" she said to herself and swallow the sleeping pills that she got from her best friend who is also a doctor, Lee Chearin or CL as she usually calls her. She get back to her bed and before long she already fast asleep.









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kratepow #1
Chapter 31: i want a sequel, continuation kekeke <3
Chapter 31: what a bitter sweet story ^^.. i love this one.. lots of t.o.p bom moments and you didn't forgot to pair up taeyang and cl again hahaha.. anyways i love this story almost of yg fam is here ^^ good luck authornim may your storry be featured ^^
Popnime #3
Chapter 1: Ooohh...i know this one is gonna be an awesome story...i can tell it just by reading the description!!
cestdanimension #4
Chapter 30: Wahh.. BOMMIE yah......
Go Tabi when she comes back make sure she'll be yours... :)
Hi there! I haven't commented for sooo long. Nice updates!! I'm trying to catch up now~~
Chapter 29: Very good update. Update please!!!
SpringTempo24 #7
Chapter 28: woah a nice backstory about lee park bom..love it authornim!!
Chapter 25: please don't delete this! jaebal!!! TToTT
Chapter 25: No please don't delete the story. ;( I was enjoying it.