Arcana~! the forgotten memories...

“Yah, Choi Dong Wook! What happen?!” Seung Yeon rushed to the living room when she heard Seung Hyun crying out loud. Dong Wook just look at his little brother, clueless of what to do.


“I didn’t do nothing! He falls on his own!”Dong Wook replied. Seung Yeon tried to calm his youngest son but he cried even more.


“Aigoo, Seung Hyun-ah. You must be scared aren’t you?” she pats his back.


“Geuman uro-yo, Seung Hyun-ah! I’ll give you my favourite car. You like it don’t you?” Dong Wook held out his red Ferrari model car. Immediately Seung Hyun stops crying. “Jigeum haengboghae?” Dong Wook asked.


“Emm!” Seung Hyun flashes his smile. Seung Yeon was touched seeing the brothers’ relationship.


“What do you say to your hyung?” Seung Yeon tries to remind him.


“Kumawo, hyung!” Seung Hyun hugs him.


Seung Yeon felt happy watching the two starts to play again. Seung Hyun are now 3 years old. He’s a big boy now with huge curiosity. There is once when he tried to explore his daddy’s work room while playing hide and seek with Dong Wook but instead he got locked in by the auto-lock door. Seung Yeon and Dong Wook were having so much trouble in finding him. Yup, our little TOP is a troublemaker! Only, when Min Soo gets home then he found Seung Hyun dozing off on his work chair with the room in a mess.




The phone rang and Seung Yeon picked it up. “Yeobuseyo, this is The Choi’s residence. Who do you wish to speak to?” she answered it.


“Seung Yeon-ah! Byul is delivering right now! She’s on her way to the hospital. Jo Khun is on his way back from overseas meeting and I have a very important meeting in Jeju right now. Can you please check up on her?” President Lee asked her for a favour.


“WHAT?!!! Don’t worry, I’ll be going!” she put down her phone. “Kids, we are going to the hospital!!” Seung Yeon turned to her kids. Upon hearing the work hospital the two glance at each other. Kids and hospital doesn’t go well, if you know what I mean.


“Are we going to see the doctor mummy?” Seung Hyung asked.


“No, we’re not. We’re just going to visit your Byul omma. She’s giving birth to your new dongseng.” She picked Seung Hyung up and gets them ready. Dong Wook just follows his mother from behind.





After hours of waiting, even Seung Hyun and Dong Wook fell asleep on the chair finally the doctor came out from the surgery room. Byul pregnancy have complications so she had to deliver via caesarean. Seung Yeon raise from her seat and walk towards the doctor.


“How is Byul, doctor?” she asked. The doctor give her a smile.


“She’s fine. Her baby girl is save too. Congratulations on having a niece. Is the father coming?” he asked.


“Yes, soon! Thank you for your hardwork, doctor.” She bows to him.


“Boys, wake up now. We’re going to see Byul-omma!.” Seung Yeon wakes her two sons.





Min Soo got himself busy with the office work and barely got home lately. His company shares are droped abruptly and he didn’t know why. Headache attacks him, he barely eat nor drinks. “Sajangnim...” His secretary and vice-secretary walks into his room.


“What is it?” he looked at their gloomy faces. Jessica passed an envelope to him.


“It’s bankruptcy letter from the bank...”Doo Joon said. Min Soo felt the whole world fallen apart. “I did investigate beforehand. Looks like, Jo Khun isn’t just going overseas to see his client but also to build a fake company and buy all of the company’s shares.” He reported.


“JO KHUN!!!” he knocked on the table. Moments later, a few officers came into the office to compensate all his belongings.





“What are you going to name her?” Seung Yeon asked to Byul as she feed her newly birth baby girl. Seung Hyun was sitting beside Byul is in his curiosity mode again.


“Byul omma, is she the one inside your belly for all this months?” He stared at the baby. Byul and Seung Yeon giggle listening to his words.


“That’s right! She’s you’re new dongseng.” Byul replied. But, Seung Hyun made a surly face. “What’s wrong?” she looks at his weird reaction.


“I don’t want a little sister! I want a girlfriend! Can she be my wife when I grow up?” he looks at Byul.


“HUL!!” Byul and Seung Yeon said in chorus.


“Yah, what are you saying!? Obviously she’s going to be mine!!” Dong Wook interrupts. The two brother starts bickering but then Seung Yeon told them to hush as the baby is falling asleep.


“Hello?” Seung Yeon picks her phone as it rings for a few times. Her facial expression changed drastically.


“Waegerae Seung Yeon-ah?” Byul begin to worry. Seung Yeon then forces a smile on her face.


“I...I need to get back home. I’ll see you again Byul-ah.” She lifts Seung Hyun up.


“But I don’t wanna leave! I want to stay!!” he struggles to get down. “Let’s go Dong Wook, you’re dad is looking for us.” She lied. She just got the news from Jessica. Min Soo now is being questioned by the police as he was accused of cheating the company’s money.


She heads to her father’s house first for help. “DADDY!!!” she puts down Seung Hyun to let him play with his brother.


“DADDY!!!” she runs to the living room. Her dad was there, watching the news. “Did you heard about what happen to hubby?!” she asked without a second to waste.


“I watched. It’s all over the news...” he said in a disappointment tone. “I know you wanted to help but there’s nothing that we can do right now.” her dad pull her into his embrace. Seung Yeon broke into tears.


“Can’t we at least prove him innocent?!” she asked.


“I already send a few men to find out what happen. He just needs to endure this for a while.” He calmed her down. Seung Yeon wipes her tears and broke the hug.


“I’m going home to see if there’s anything left.” She said. “Come on kids. We’re going home to pack our things.” She said.


“Where are we going mummy?” Dong Wook asked.


“We’re going to live with your grandpa starting from today.” She smiled.


“Then, can I stay?” he refused to go with her. She nods and pats her son. “Bye, Seung Hyun-ah!” he waved to his little brother. That was the last time the two meet.


[At home]


Seung Yeon is packing her clothes in the bags. Seung Hyun is playing alone in the living room.


“MUMMYYYYY~!!!!!!!!!!!!” then she heard Seung Hyun screams. Shedashed out from her room and found unfamiliar, gangster looking men in her house. Seung Hyun runs to get her as the boy were afraid of them. She picks him up.


“What are you doing in my house?!” she asked. By their looks, they aren’t coming here for a good reason. The men slowly steps forward to her. “Wha..what are you going to do?!!” she was in high alert. She runs as fast as she can when they started to chase her.


She runs thru the back door of their house until she arrived to a downtown. The men still tailing her. Seung Yeon looks around and found a house. She knocks on the gate and a woman came out.


“Excuse me, miss. But can you do me a favour? Please take care of my son for me! They’re chasing me! Please!” she begged. The woman was kind hearted enough to say yes. She handed Seung Hyun to her. “Seung Hyun-ah. Keep this with you. DON’T EVER LOSE IT!” she said and kissed him goodbye. “Kumawo. Only god can repay your kindness!” she said and started to run again.


“Mummy!!!” Seung Hyun cried out as his mother leaves him. “Shush! You don’t want to be caught don’t you?!” the lady said as she closed the gates. “Mummy!!!” he struggles to get away. He slips thru the gates and starts chasing his mother with his hand still holding onto the necklace.


“Mummy!!!” he cried.


“Kkoma-ya!! Come back!!” the woman chased after him but then she lost him in the middle of the crowd. Seung Yeon spotted his mother crossing the road. But then, a car crashed into her and she fall down to the road hard and cold. The black suited guys that were chasing her stop.


“MUMMMYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!” he cried on the road side. A man then stands by him and calm him down.


“What’s wrong kiddo?” he smiled at him. “My mummy!!!” he pointed out to Seung Yeon. The black suited guys then found Seung Hyun and marched towards him.


“Give the boy to us if you don’t want any trouble.” One of them said. The guy then stands up.


“Well, the one who is going to be in trouble is you. You’re in my territory right now.” he said and a few men appear beside him. “That right there. Was that you’re doing too?” he gestured to the dead lady being carried into the ambulance. They just snicker at each other.


“It wasn’t our fault. She’s the one that ran into the traffic.” He replied. Without a warning a sharp dagger sent flying and hits one of them. He drop to the ground after taking the vital hit on his neck. All of them stunt.


“Here, people can turn blind for what I did because this is my territory!” he told them. “If you don’t want to end up like him then leave!” he warns them. They have no choice but to leave.


“Come on kid. You can live with me. You can call me papa YG. I haven’t got any kids. I would love to have you as my kid though...” he flashes smiles at Seung Hyun. “What’s your name son?” he asked as he picked him up.


“Seung Hyun. Choi Seung Hyun...” the little boy replied innocently. YG wipes his tears from his face. “Should I give you a new name?” he asked but he shooked his head. And that is how Seung Hyun was adopted into YG mafia family. Due to the shocked and trauma he had, he forgot what happen to his mother and even the rest of his family.


Poor Seung Hyun. But then, destiny sure are cruel and mischief at the same time. He meets back with Bom but then, she got into disaster too. At that time, his father already back into his feet and even open up a new company.








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kratepow #1
Chapter 31: i want a sequel, continuation kekeke <3
Chapter 31: what a bitter sweet story ^^.. i love this one.. lots of t.o.p bom moments and you didn't forgot to pair up taeyang and cl again hahaha.. anyways i love this story almost of yg fam is here ^^ good luck authornim may your storry be featured ^^
Popnime #3
Chapter 1: Ooohh...i know this one is gonna be an awesome story...i can tell it just by reading the description!!
cestdanimension #4
Chapter 30: Wahh.. BOMMIE yah......
Go Tabi when she comes back make sure she'll be yours... :)
Hi there! I haven't commented for sooo long. Nice updates!! I'm trying to catch up now~~
Chapter 29: Very good update. Update please!!!
SpringTempo24 #7
Chapter 28: woah a nice backstory about lee park it authornim!!
Chapter 25: please don't delete this! jaebal!!! TToTT
Chapter 25: No please don't delete the story. ;( I was enjoying it.