Arcana~! the forgotten memories...




So, you guys probably wondering why Bommie’s name when she’s in high school is LEE PARK BOM right? The story of Lee Park Bom starts after Lee Byul gave birth to her and at that time, Min Soo and Seung Yeon got in trouble. Byul was in her room putting Bom to sleep. It’s been a week after she gave birth to Bom and she’s so happy to have her. Jo Khun? He’s always buzy with the company and haven’t got time to even see his new born daughter! Byul tried to understand him and just keep quiet.


After putting Bom to sleep in her cradle, she finally has time for her own. Byul search her phone to call Seung Yeon. She’s been trying to reach her for days but she can’t get through. When she contacted Seung Yeon’s father, the old man too couldn’t find her. Min Soo is in real trouble right now and Seung Yeon father couldn’t help him much. Byul wanted to help but every time she asked help from Jo Khun he’ll just say that he’ll think about it.


This really bugs Byul so she secretly went to the company one day and accidentally overheard the brothers conversations. She busted into the office with tears. “OPPA, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO THEM!! WHAT SIN HAVE THEY DONE TO BE TREATED LIKE THAT?!!” Byul shouted. Jo Khun and Jae Won were shocked in seeing Byul.


“Noona!” Jae Won stands up from his seat but then he excuses himself after Byul glared at him. Outside, Jae Won walks to the secretary table. “Listen, don’t let anyone come in. Okay?” he told the secretary. The secretary just nods in hearing his order.


“I trusted you! And I thought you were their friend!” she yells. “Calm down, Byul-ah!” Jo Khun walks closer to his wife and grabs her shoulders. But Byul was really angry that she shoved his hands away from him. “If I knew this would have happen, I would never marry you!!!” she shouted at his face. Suddenly, Jo Khun slaps Byul and she falls down to the ground. “You ! You should have been grateful that I married you! Or else you’ll just an old maid!” he said with his one hand grabbing her hair harshly! “You know nothing of me! Mwo? Chingu?!! Min Soo was never my friend!! He’s just a man that steals away my girl!! And now he’s going to pay for what he done!” he continues. Finally, Jo Khun shows his true color to Byul. In hearing his statement, Byul was trembling.


“T-then, why did you marry me?!” she asked. Jo Khun just gives her a scoff. “Why are you so slow Byul?! It’s for revenge!! And now I already did what I have to do. Finally, Min Soo is gone!” he exclaims. “I wouldn’t let you get away with this!” Byul glared at him. Jo Khun just smirks. “So what are you going to do? Report to the police? Remember Byul, this is your father’s company which is now MINE! If something happens to me, I’m going to make sure to take this company down as well!” he warns her. But Byul laughed at him.


“You might have the biggest position in this company, but you have no power to stay here! Not without me! Because this company is still under my name!! You just try to touch me one more time, and you’ll never see this room ever again PARK JO KHUN! And for your information, dad put my name and my daughter’s in the will and not you!! SO YOU’LL NEVER GET YOUR HANDS ON THIS COMPANY!!” she stands up. “And now, you’ll never going to see your daughter as well!!” Byul glared at him and leaves. Jo Khun was furious in listening to what Byul just told him. In rage, he kicks the couch and throws away the things on his tables.






Bom now lives with Byul by the name of Lee Park Bom for 16 years. And for those 16 years, Park Jo Khun and Park Jae Won have been searching for the mother and daughter desperately after the chairman died.


“Oppa, see you tomorrow!” Bom waved to TOP as they separated. Little did they know that soon, things will never be the same again. “Excuse me, miss.” A man in black suit greets Bom after he came out from a black car. Bom was startled. “Are you Lee Byul’s daughter?” he asked. Without a second thought, the girl nods. It’s not like her to answer like that to strangers. Her mother strongly prohibits her to do so. She said that they might be kidnappers or organ dealers which freak her out.


“I’m from the Park Company. Would you please follow me to meet with the director?” he told her. Bom crooked her eyebrows. “Why would I meet with him?” she asked and was about to leave but the man stops her. “The director is your father agashi.” He told her. Listening to this, she quickly takes the bait and followed them. Her mother never mention of her father being a famous director and more over, she just said that dad wasn’t really a nice guy and that’s why she wanted to divorce with him. Bom didn’t really want to ask more since it might hurt her mother’s feeling. But she’s so dead curious about her father. Who wouldn’t right??


Bom arrived in front of the big building and the escorted to the director’s room. There, an old man is waiting for her. “Bom?” he calls her. She just nods. “You’ve grown up to a beautiful lady.” He hugs her. For Bom it was the first time she ever felt the hug of her father. “How’s your mother doing?” he asked after inviting her to sit. “She’s doing perfectly fine.” She replies. The father and daughter have a long talk since it’s their first time seeing each other.





“Bommie-ah!!” Byul dashed to her daughter after seeing Bom entering the house lawn. “Where did you gone to?! I’ve been worried sick about you!” she hugs her and looked at her daughter top to bottom. “I...I meet up with dad.” She told her. Byul widens her eyes, shocked. “M-mwo?” she replies. “I meet up with dad...” she looked at her mother. “O-oh... how is he?” she pretends to care. “He seems fine and a nice guy too!” Bom happily said while walking into the house. Byul on the other side flopped to the ground after hearing what Bom said. Finally, this day have come... She thought to herself.






The very next day, Byul calls Jo Khun for the first time after 16 years and wanted to meet up with him. “That’s very rare of you for wanting to see me Byul!” Jo Khun mock her as they meet up in the car. “You can say whatever you want, Jo Khun!” she replied, infuriated. “Get away from my daughter, Jo Khun!” she warns him. Jo Khun snickers. “My, my... feeling insecure are we?” he smirks.


“You’ll never get away from the destiny, Jo Khun! You might be laughing today but not tomorrow! I’m going to make sure that Bom is going to know the real you!” she told him. “Mine your words Byul. She’s my daughter too.” He replied. “I know what you’re thinking, Jo khun! You sly bastard!” she glared at him.


As the two former husband and wife bickering, a huge trunk was waiting from the other side. The driver just received his order to eliminate Park Jo Khun and now is the perfect time. He starts the engine and pressed the gas pedal!






“Let us all give our prayers to Lee Park Bom’s mother who just passed away last night and wish that her father to get well soon.” The teacher said to her classmate. TOP and her other buddies were shocked in hearing the news. Bom was absent from school to give her mother her last goodbye then, she moved with Jo Khun to the pension where she live in now but still going to the same school. Jo Khun was badly injured but still in intense care.


“Bommie!!” Dara dashed to her and quickly hugs her. “What are you doing here?” Bom was shocked seeing her friend appearance. “Bommie-ah, this is my daughter.” Jae Won introduce Dara. “What? Really?!!” Bom turned to Dara. Dara just nods. “This is such a small world!” she hugs Bom again. “Kwenchana?” she looked at Bom. “I think so...” she replied. “I’m going inside to check on hyung. You kids stay here, okay?” Jae Won leaves them.


“This feels like so sudden. And I don’t know what to do.” Bom told Dara. “It’s weird too...” she continues. “Weird? What do you mean?” Dara asked. “I don’t know. Mom never told me anything...” she looked down to the floor. “Miss Lee Park Bom?” a lady appears in front of them. “Yes?” she answered.


“I’m Kim Soo Yeon, your mother’s lawyer. I need to give you something in private. Can we meet up somewhere?” she asked Bom. “Sure.” Bom replied to her before the lady gives her card to Bom and leaves. “Wow, didn’t know your mother had a lawyer.” Dara keep looking at the lawyer till she’s gone at the corner. “Let’s go home, your dad needs to rest.” Jae Won said to the two girls.





The next day, Bom lied to Dara and her uncle that she was not feeling so good. So, they leave her at home and went off to work and school. She takes out the lawyer card and called her.


“Bom-sshi, your mother left you a letter just in case something happens to her and also a will.” Kim Soo Yeon hands her the envelope. Bom retrieve the envelope with trembling hands. “Omma, knows that she’s going to die?” she looked at Soo Yeon. The lawyer shook her head. “Not exactly. She’s actually prepare it if something happen before you can take over the company.” She told her. “Company?” Bom didn’t fully understand. “Read the letter please. I think your mother have explained it very detail in the letter.” She told her. Bom opens the letter and begin to read it. Before some time, tears start falling down after she reads what happen to her mother and father and knows who her father really was. Her heart felt like torn apart as she continues to read. Little by little, the fire of hatred burn in her heart.


“Why are you so quiet Bom?” Jo khun asked he weakly. SILENT. “Bommie??” he calls. “DON’T CALL ME THAT!” Bom snaps which shocking Jo Khun. “You have no right to call me like that!” she glared at him. “What’s wrong with you Bommie?” he felt uneasy.


“Huh! I’ll never acknowledge someone like you to be my father!” she scoffed. Jo Khun touches her hand but then harshly push his hand away. “Get your dirty hands off me! I knew everything you did! I knew why omma left you! I knew why omma doesn’t want me to be with you! You just want me to get control of the company isn’t it?! That’s not going to happen!” she shouts. Jo Khun was shocked in hearing his true intention revealed. “I’m going to make sure that you never get anything!” she told him. “You and uncle are going to pay for doing this to omma!” she turned to her back and about to walk away. “Bommie??” Dara looked at Bom. Bom just stared at her and then her uncle before she just leaves them.


After that fight, Bom walks alone without any direction. She just let her feet wondered till she realize that she’s nearby her school. It’s just about time for the evening practice to finish. She just stood by the roadside hoping to see TOP. While waiting her mind keep reciting of what she read in the letter. Somehow the names that her mother mentions are familiar with her.


“Choi Min Soo... Choi Seung Yeon...” she recites. “Choi...Choi?” her minds caught something. She search the necklace that TOP gaves her the other day and opens the secret compartment. “CHOI MIN SOO! CHOI SEUNG YEON! CHOI SEUNG HYUN!!!” she sums it all up. Then, she saw TOP just walking out from the school gates.


“Bommie-ah!!!” he waved at her happily from the opposite side of the road. “Oppa!” she waved back at him. TOP then give her a few flying kisses and she catch it. Bom replied it by making a huge heart. “I miss you, Bommie!” he shouted. “Nado!!” she shouted back and ran to him.


“BOMMIE-AH!!!” TOP face changed after seeing the car failed to slow down and a loud bang heard. 






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kratepow #1
Chapter 31: i want a sequel, continuation kekeke <3
Chapter 31: what a bitter sweet story ^^.. i love this one.. lots of t.o.p bom moments and you didn't forgot to pair up taeyang and cl again hahaha.. anyways i love this story almost of yg fam is here ^^ good luck authornim may your storry be featured ^^
Popnime #3
Chapter 1: Ooohh...i know this one is gonna be an awesome story...i can tell it just by reading the description!!
cestdanimension #4
Chapter 30: Wahh.. BOMMIE yah......
Go Tabi when she comes back make sure she'll be yours... :)
Hi there! I haven't commented for sooo long. Nice updates!! I'm trying to catch up now~~
Chapter 29: Very good update. Update please!!!
SpringTempo24 #7
Chapter 28: woah a nice backstory about lee park it authornim!!
Chapter 25: please don't delete this! jaebal!!! TToTT
Chapter 25: No please don't delete the story. ;( I was enjoying it.