Arcana~! the forgotten memories...

              Bom wakes up early that morning. She wash up before having breakfast and change her clothes to go out. "Park Bom!" her uncle grabs her attentions. She just looked at him, pissed. "What is it this time?!" she said and continue to brush her hair. "Why didn't you turn up at the dinner last night? You're fiancee were waiting till midnight for you!" he said madly. "Well, first of all. YOU are the one who wants me to be engaged with him! Second, I DON'T LIKE HIM!" Bom leaves the room. "He's going to wait for you tonight at the same place BOMMIE!! YOU HEAR ME!!?" he yells as Bom walks to the elevator.




               I get into my car and starts the engine. I took a deep breath before driving to CL's place. She took a day off today just to accompanied me to the accident place. I was really upset by my uncle's doing. I don't understands why he strongly oppose me to know what happen back then. Was it that bad? An hour later I arrived at CL's parent house and walks to the door after paking my car outside. "How can I help you?" the maid asked on the intercom. "I came to meet CL," I said. "Ah! Deh, Miss Bom. Please come in!" she recognize me and unlocked the door. "I'll call the Miss Lee for you. Please sit down while waiting," she bows and walks to the stairs.


                 "Unni, you're early." CL appears. "Sorry. It's just I'm feeling suffocated at home." I smiled at her. CL have been kind to me ever since I got to know her at the hospital. Yeah, at that time she was still a medical student and she was also the first one that I saw right after I open my eyes. Ever since then, she visited me everyday without fail. I was so bored alone at the hospital but luckily CL always there to accompany me. "Unni, did your bodygaurds follows you today?" she asked me. "Now that you talk about it, I didn't see any car following me since I come out from home." I tried to think back. "So, do you want to take my car or your car?" she looked at me. "I think he already set a tracking system to my car. Let's just take your car," I decided being coutious is better than sorry. 




              A white Audi R8 leave the house fast but they didn't know that a suspicious black BMW M6 starts following them from behind. "Here we are," CL stops by the roodside. Bom looked around if she remembers something but nothing. "Let me park the car first unni," CL said as Bom went out the car. Bom just nods before closing the door. She across the road to in front of a high school. "Do you remember anything unni?" CL appears as Bom still looking at the scenery. "I don't know..." Bom said. "According to what I found, you studied here. Don't you remember?" CL said.


             "No. I still don't feel anything. CL, what should I do? Why can't I remember anything if I studied here?!" Bom seems panic. "Calm down unni. Sometimes it does happen to people with head trauma." CL convinced her. "Let's just asked the school if they knew something. "You're right!" Bom agrees and the two walks into the school compound.


             The black car stops by the roadside watching the two walks into the school area. A guy with black sunglasses and grey shirt and dark brown leather jacket sits on the driver's sit. Waiting for them to come out. Choi Dong Wook or also known as Seven switch on the radio to keep him company. Last night, he was waiting for his fiancee to come for dinner but she didn't showed up. He really doesn't know what to do. Bom keep her distance with him. Did he do something wrong? He tried his best to get to her heart but never did. So, he decided to follow her and just watch her for today. 




              We walk to the teacher's office and asked to the vice principal if she can help us. The middle ages woman luckily agrees and lead us to her office. "So, what do you want to know?" she asked after asking us to sit. "Can I look at the school's record of 6 years ago?" I asked. "Well, may I ask you what is it for?" she said. Of course, it's not easy to get something like that since it's official and all. BUt I just have to try. "Actually, I had an accident so I don't really remembers anything. According to my friend, I studied here before the accident happen. So, that is why I ask you about it." I answered truthfully. "Oh, my! That's terrible. Well let's see," she rise from her chair and walks to the bookshelves. "10 years ago, mean how old are you exactly?" she asked without turning her back. "16," CL answered for me. "Here we go!" she took out a thick book.


               "Oh. What did you say your name again?" she looked through the book. "Park Bom," I answered. "There's no Park Bom but there's Lee Park Bom. Is that you?" she give the book to me. I looked at it with CL. "Unni, it is you. But why Lee Park Bom??" she looked at me. "I don't know..." I looked at the picture and then look at my other classmate. My eyes spots someone but then suddenly I felt tears falls down from the edge of my eyes. "Unni, what's wrong?" CL panicked! "I don't know why but I just involuntarily cried when I saw this person's photo." I pointed him to CL. The vice principal also looked at the photo.


             "Choi Seung Hyun? He didn't graduated here for what I know. I couldn't tell you more since I'm not yet here at that moment. But for what I hear, he drop off the school exactly one week after you transfer out." she said. "When is that?" I asked. This person must know something! I can feel it! "Well, it's..." she open another book and found what she looking for. "You transfered out on 12 May 2002 and he drop out of school 20 May." she reads. "12 May, but thats when you got hit!" CL looked at me. I was speechless. Why is my name Lee Park Bom? Why did on the school's registration I'm being transfered out when I'm obviously lying on the bed coma?! What did uncle hides from me??


              I put my hand to my forehead. "I'm dizzy. CL-roo, let's just leave for now..." I said. CL nods. We both say goodbye and thank you to the vice principal. As we went out to the school compaund, the sky were dark and it's raining heavily. I just sighed. "Let's just run to your car CL." Just then, a kind garderner come to us and hand out an umbrella. "I'll make sure I return this umbrella to you, ahjummoni." I said and leave with CL. Outside the school gate, I saw a man with all black clothes standing by the road. I wonder what he's doing soaking himself in the rain. Weird guy. As I walk passed him, I could hear him sobs. He was crying? I looked down at his feet, a white roses bouquet lying on the ground. It's beautiful, wonder why he's being like that.




              "Poor guy," unni mutters. "Huh?" I looked at her and then the weird all black suit up guy. "Unni, let's go." I said as I felt sudden chills down my spine. Something creeps me up about that guy. Unni didn't speak a word after that. I wonder what she's thinking right now. We climb to my Audi and drive in front of the school. "Chaerin!! Stop the car!!!" she shouts which makes me stepped on the brake paddle suddenly. I looked behind, luckily there's no car. Unni really scares me. I looked at her who's eyes still at the guy.




              Why? Why is he crying?? Why am I feeling this pain? I saw him get on his knees like asking for forgiveness. I looked at his face, his eyes, his mouth... Tears falling down my cheeks. "Bommie!" I hear his voice. I looked at him, how come I heard his voice when we are so far away? I must be hallucinating. I wipes my tears and told CL to drive away.




              I stand by the road. Just reminiscent about that day while letting the rain soak my body. the coldness never bother me. Today is the day of the accident. As if it was still fresh in my mind that, I still can see the blood, the crowds, the ambulance and you. I really miss you of all this time. After an hour, I went back to the headquater and found Butler Kim waiting for me. "Sir, here's your towel," the old man handed it to me. "How's the princess doing?" I asked. "The informer said that she'll be having dinner with her fiancee tonight at Sapphire." he report and handed out an envelope. "What's this?" I looked at the envelope meaninglessly. "It's her pictures and other places that she usually goes to. 


               I just signaled him to put it to my table and changed my clothes. Then I grab my phone to call GD and Taeyang to come to my office. "Hyung!" The two comes in. "I'm feeling bored. Let's go for a rabbit hunting tonight," I said and passed them the envelope.




             GD grabbed the envelope but didn't open it and just passed it to Taeyang. "Who is it hyung?" he asked. "It's Park Jae Won's niece. The real owner of the Park Company." TOP said as he dressed up. Taeyang frown his eyebrows. "Hyung did you look at the envelope?" he asked. "No, why? Does it matter? We're just going to do the job and then leave it to Mr Baek to handle the rest. Maybe we can sold her. Since she is the princess, she must worth some bucks!" he chuckles. Taeyang wanted to say something but he just wasn't too sure about it. Since the photo is a bit unconvincing. The girl is wearing a hat that covers her face. But again, he can't help but to think she's so familiar.




               "Thanks CL-roo for helping me out today." Bom said. She turn around and was about o get to my car when a black BMW suddenly stops in front of us. Both of the girls were surprised to see Seven walks out of the car. "Why are you here?!!" Bom pissed. "To take you to dinner," he said before grabbing her wrist and forced her into his car. "Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" she pissed. CL stands by the road, speechless as the car leave her alone.


               "YAH!!!! CHOI DONG WOOK!!!" Bom yells. Seven didn't budge and just continue driving hile rising the volume of the radio. Bom switch it off. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!!" she asked him, angerily. "What? I'm listening to the music." he said calm and pushed the power button. But Bom pressed it again. "Who are you to forced me to go with you? Stop the car now!!!" she shouts. "I'm your fiancee remember?!" Seven answered back. "Do you really want me to leave you here? In the middle of nowhere? Even if you call your friend, she'll take her time to get here. And by that time perhaps you'll be by a drunkyard or even killed by the serial killer!" Seven continues. Bom gulped and then just shut . Seven chuckles at her cute scared face. 


           They arrived at Sapphire an hour later. Seven open the door for Bom and they walk side by side to the table. "Man, I'm starving!" he said as the waiter give him the menu. Bom just looked at the menu. She just lost her appetite after seeing Seven. "What do you want to eat, Bommie-ah?" he asked. "Don't call me that! Stop trying to get close to me!" she hissed. "What's wrong with that? We're going to marry soon. It doesn't hurt by calling you that way," Sevenput down his menu and smile cunningly at Bom. Now, she's boiling. Bom grab the glass of water and splash the whole liquid to him before walking out the restaurant. 


           Bom stops a taxi and climbs into it. "KYAAA~!!!" she yells as two guy suddenly went into the taxi each by her side. The blonde one roughly shut with his palm. "What are you doing to her?!" the taxi driver tried to help but he stops when a gun shot at his face. "You want to live longer then drive the taxi now!" TOP said. "Put her to sleep before she makes anymore ruckus!" he order Taeyang. Taeyang just followed his order and put a cloth with ether on it to the girl's mouth and nose. Who would stands the strong smell of that thing? Within seconds, Bom fainted. 


          "BOM!!" Seven who just missed the taxi and the whole kidnapping runs outside to find her. It was too late. The taxi stops by a desserted port and the three comes out. GD went to get the car. Taeyang stays behind with TOP. "Ca..can I go now?" the taxi driver asked. "Sure..." TOP looked at him before pointing the gun to his head nad shot him dead. "If you were able to.." he said sarcastically. GD arrived with their car. "Get her in," TOP said and just walk casually to the car without bother looking at Taeyang or helping him. Taeyang sighed and move her to their car. Just then, the hat that have been covering Bom's face falls to the car floor. Taeyang just froze seeing the girl in front of him. "No way!" he mumbles.




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kratepow #1
Chapter 31: i want a sequel, continuation kekeke <3
Chapter 31: what a bitter sweet story ^^.. i love this one.. lots of t.o.p bom moments and you didn't forgot to pair up taeyang and cl again hahaha.. anyways i love this story almost of yg fam is here ^^ good luck authornim may your storry be featured ^^
Popnime #3
Chapter 1: Ooohh...i know this one is gonna be an awesome story...i can tell it just by reading the description!!
cestdanimension #4
Chapter 30: Wahh.. BOMMIE yah......
Go Tabi when she comes back make sure she'll be yours... :)
Hi there! I haven't commented for sooo long. Nice updates!! I'm trying to catch up now~~
Chapter 29: Very good update. Update please!!!
SpringTempo24 #7
Chapter 28: woah a nice backstory about lee park it authornim!!
Chapter 25: please don't delete this! jaebal!!! TToTT
Chapter 25: No please don't delete the story. ;( I was enjoying it.