Arcana~! the forgotten memories...

@justephoy: kekekeke.... pimil! I knew him from somewhere before and he's quite famous too but I forgot about him until a few days ago that I decided to add more characters in it. just wait for it~!



        Bom looked at the ceiling as her mind keep repeating what happen just now. TOP looked so depressed and it just hurting her heart to see him like that. She went out from her room to get some fresh air. There’s no one around and it’s quite dark. She went to the park where she went with Minzy and sit on the bench.


        “Noona?” Daesung stands beside her. “Why are you calling me noona” Bom blinked at her confused. “Ah! Right! You lost your memories!” he scratches his head. “Dara noona just came this evening along with CL-sshi.” He take a seat beside her. “Dara return from States?!” Bom eyes widen. Daesung just nods. “She already told everything about you to TOP hyung. Seems like she’s the only one who knows what happen back then.” He throws his look to the dark night.


        “Dara knew?! But she never told me anything before she left.” Bom exclaims. “At that time, she just hope you’ll recover the memories yourself and she was opposed by her father. She didn’t know what happen to you till she found out you were kidnapped.” Daesung looked at the upset Bom. “She promised if anything happen to you she’ll definitely tells about the past and help you out. That’s why she came back,” Daesung continues.


        “Even his own daughter he manages to shut.” Bom scoff. “I just want to know why he did that to us. It’s not like we did anything wrong right?” Bom looked at Daesung’s face for answers. “I don’t know noona... perhaps the old you knew something about that.” He said. “Maybe.” She reply. “Go to sleep noona. Tomorrow we’re going to send you home.” Daesung said. Bom nods before walking back to her room.



        Two black cars move out from the YG family lawn. The cars went to their destination silently as the passengers remind on their seats, not talking to each other. Taeyang and GD just looked at each other as TOP didn;t say a word or even glance at them. Bom on his side keep looking at him from time to time, trying to start a conversation.


        “Oh, ttegeun!” GD suddenly said and flaps his shirt as he watches the two. “Should I tell the driver to put the aircond to full blast?” Taeyang looked at his partner. “Yeah! I might died from heat and frustration.” He said.


        They arrived first at the Seo Dock. There’s no one around at the time. Both Taeyang and GD went out to get the others from the other car. Daesung and Minzy looked around them. “We should inspect for safety.” Daesung looked at the two. “Okay. But I don’t think we need it since we just going to give noona to them and then we’re out from here.” GD said. “Better safe than sorry, G.” Taeyang agrees with Daesung. “I’m with oppa on this one. Let’s just inspect the nearby buildings.” Minzy went to GD’s side. “Yah! Whose sister’s are you?!” Daesung pouted.


        Just like that, the four of them went in pairs with others to inspect the buildings. “Nothing!” GD reports to Taeyang. “Same here! It’s clean. Now we have nothing to worry about.” He smiles. 10 minutes later, 3 black cars arrived and park just a few meters from their cars. Seven came out from the middle car and Park Jae Won came out from the car behind him.


        Taeyang calls for TOP and he went out. Leaving Bom alone in the car. From the tinted car window, Bom just looked at her uncle and fiancée. “I don’t want to go home!” she mutters not knowing that Minzy climbs into the car and sits beside her. “Wae?” she asked. Bom startled and turn around. “God! You scared me out of my skin!” she calm herself. “I just got this feeling that I don’t want to go with them.” She explains as she looked back out the window.


        “You came late, Park Jae Won.” TOP said. “You niece is dying to get out from my car.” He lied. “I told you if you touch her you’ll dead!” Seven fumes. “Calm down now. We don’t want to spill any blood do we? This is not our place since we can’t leisurely clean everything up.” GD said sarcastically looked at Seven. “Where is she?” Park Jae Won said calmly. “She’s here.” TOP tapped the window where Bom was looking out to with his fingers.


        TOP opens the door and asked Bom to come out. “I DON’T WANT TO GO BACK!” she pushed him away. TOP became pissed and just tried to grab her wrist but Bom fights against him. Minzy couldn’t do anything jsut sit there watching TOP try to get Bom on her feet. From Park Jae Won ad Seven’s view it’s like he was trying to hit and Bom was scared of him. “Get out, now!!” TOP said as he realizes that many eyes are watching them including his dongsengs. “Don’t be stubborn, they’re your family. Why didn’t you want to go back home! Don’t be ridiculous!” TOP said and finally pulls Bom out of the car.


        “Here’s you niece!” he shove her to go in front. But Bom feet aren’t moving an inch. “Noona, what are you doing?” Daesung looked at her as Bom turn around. “I don’t want to go! I want to stay with you!” she cried. “Oh, no!” GD looked at the fiancée and uncle’s reaction. The fiancée of course shocked listening to what she said. But the uncle seems a bit calm and pale? Then he noticed something. A red light shines at TOP’s chest, more like direct to his heart! GD’s eyes widen.


        “Hyung! SNIPPERS!!” he yells. TOP looked at GD who is running to get him. But the time is so slow and he could reach to TOP before it happen. “Hyung!!!!!” the GD stumbles to the ground. “Urghh! My head!” TOP rubs his head that hits the road hard. Bom hugs him tightly as she sobs. GD sighed as he saw this. Thanks to Bom, TOP manages to dodge the bullet. It just went through the car’s floor near Minzy’s feet. GD becomes mad and takes out his gun. Seeing this, Seven take his own and shoot at TOP. Park Jae Won on the other hand escorted to his car and run off the scene. Pathetic right?!


        Taeyang and the other guard hurriedly shield TOP and asked the two to leave. TOP grab Bom’s hand into the car and drive the car out from the dock area. TOP looked at the girl sitting beside him. “Are you nuts?!!” he fumes. “What did you do that for?! What if you get hurt again!?” he yells at her. Bom continues to sob. “Oppa! You should thank unni for saving your life! Not scolding her!” the little girl behind them butts in. “SHUT UP MINZY!” TOP shouted at the poor girl.


        They arrived at YG buildings and TOP told Minzy to get out. “What about Bom unni?” she asked him. TOP just glared at her which makes her closer the door before TOP step on the gas paddle. Bom just remind silent beside him. The road lights were on since it’s beginning to get darker. TOP switch on car lights to illuminates the darkness.




        My heart still shocked after what happen. I have to get her back to her family or else she could get hurt staying with me, just like what happen today and 10 years ago. What was she thinking trying to save me and ignoring her own life? “Why did you save me?” I finally asked. She just looked at me before blinking confusedly. “I don’t know. My body just move on their own.” She said. I exhaled hard.




        There’s something that makes me do that. But I just don’t know what. Is it my memories trying to come back again? Why is uncle try really best to get rid of him and didn’t want us to be together for the last 10 years? There must be something about it. I think the old me knew about this and try to help him but eventually meet with the accident. I just looked at his face as he focuses on the road. “Where are you taking me?” I asked him as I recognize the road.




        “Getting you home. Where else?” he answered half heartedly. “I DON’T WANT TO GO HOME!!” Bom panicked. “You have to get home before things turn really bad!” TOP give her a looked. Bom cried again. “I DON’T WANT TO GO HOME! I WANT TO STAY WITH YOU!!” she jumps to hug him. TOP step on the brake paddle as he saw Bom throws her body to him. A loud friction between the road and the tyres heard as the car stops.


        “Are you crazy trying to get us killed?!!” TOP pushes her away. But before he could scold even more, his lips are seal by Bom’s soft lips. He misses her too. He misses her hair smell, her smooth skin, her voice and her lips and eventually responded to her kiss. TOP begin to realize his action and quickly broke the kiss. They stayed awkwardly like that until TOP’s phone rings.


        “I’m here! She’s fine!” he said and cut the call. TOP continues to drive to find a parking lot then park his car. He signals Bom to come out but she refused. “I’m getting tired of this!” he said and grab her wrist. He drags her along the busy pavement. Bom could only look at his back silently.


        “Oppa, don’t you know you have a family too just like others?” Bom heard her own voice echoed in her brain. Her vision becomes blurry. “I’m not the person for you oppa. You’re not supposed to fall in love with me...” she cried.


        “What’s wrong with you Bom?” TOP looked at Bom as she held her head with tears falling down her cheeks. Bom looked at TOP. “Oppa...” she said weakly and hugs him.




        I looked around to find TOP and Bom sight. They supposed to be here by now. I checked my gun. The bullets are loaded. I’ll kill you this time for sure! Then from a far I saw two familiar figures. I froze as I saw Bom hugging him tightly. TOP on the other hand just stand there unmoved. I felt the heat inside me rising. Jealousy... yes, I’m jealous to see my own fiancée hugging another guy. Lucky, the crowd decreased at the pavement. I aim my gun to my target and shoot!






The two falls down to the floor. “!!!” TOP hold out his gun to find the culprit before checking on Bom who is lying on the ground. This is the second time Bom pushes him just to save him.


        “Oppa, are you okay?” she looked at him weak. “Yah, what’s wrong with you??” TOP hold Bom in his grasp. “I’m glad you’re alright...” Bom smiles. TOP felt his palm wet as he hold Bom’s back. “BLOOD?!!” he’s eyes widen. Bom falls to the ground, fainted. “PARK BOM!!” he yells and embraces her.










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kratepow #1
Chapter 31: i want a sequel, continuation kekeke <3
Chapter 31: what a bitter sweet story ^^.. i love this one.. lots of t.o.p bom moments and you didn't forgot to pair up taeyang and cl again hahaha.. anyways i love this story almost of yg fam is here ^^ good luck authornim may your storry be featured ^^
Popnime #3
Chapter 1: Ooohh...i know this one is gonna be an awesome story...i can tell it just by reading the description!!
cestdanimension #4
Chapter 30: Wahh.. BOMMIE yah......
Go Tabi when she comes back make sure she'll be yours... :)
Hi there! I haven't commented for sooo long. Nice updates!! I'm trying to catch up now~~
Chapter 29: Very good update. Update please!!!
SpringTempo24 #7
Chapter 28: woah a nice backstory about lee park it authornim!!
Chapter 25: please don't delete this! jaebal!!! TToTT
Chapter 25: No please don't delete the story. ;( I was enjoying it.