Arcana~! the forgotten memories...


        Dara, CL and Seven sits down at the couch in front of the fitting room stage while waiting for Bom to try her dress. Seven’s phone rings and he picked up the phone. “Hello? I’m with the girls trying the clothes. Ah, sure. See you later,” he answered the phone. Dara looked at Seven. “It’s my dad, he’s coming to see our preparation and invites us for lunch.” He smiles.


        “The bride is ready,” the staff said and open the curtains for them. Bom walks to the center of the stage with her beautiful yet y dress. The dress exposed her two long, beautiful legs. Seven couldn’t keep his eyes of her as the staff fixing her dress.



“Yah! Bom unni is talking to you!” CL slaps Seven’s arm bringing him back to reality.


“Ah? Err.. What did you say Bommie?” he tries to hide his embarrassment. But of course all of them caught him by the first glance.


“Is it pretty?” Bom asked as she turns her body to show Seven her dress. “It’s beautiful! Very beautiful!” he said with both thumbs up.


“Yeah! Same here! Yah, my daughter-in-law is sure a goddess!” suddenly a familiar voice joins Seven. All eyes turned to Seven’s back.


“Dad! You’re fast...” Seven rise from his seat, so did Dara and CL. “No,no. Just sit down. Relax kids. I’m just here to invite you for lunch. I’m eating alone. It’s boring. I just finished meeting my client nearby so I decided to drop by.” He explains.


“Should I tied my hair or let loose?” Bom asked their opinion. “I think you better let it loose. Just wear flower ornaments or something,” CL replies. “Wavy hair is nice,” Dara adds. “Hmm!!! I like it unni!” CL turned to Dara to give her a high five. “Wavy hair it is,” Bom smiles.


“Oppa, shouldn’t you get changed now?” Bom looked at Seven. “Oh, yeah.” He said and just grabs his suits on the hanger nearby and walked to the fitting room.


        While Seven is changing, the girls take photos of together with Bom and Min Soo to kill time. As the three girls happily laughing and joking at each other something caught Min Soo’s eyes. A blue heart locket on Bom neck attracts his attention. “Dara, I’m thirsty.” Bom pouted to her cousin. Dara smiled at her, “I’ll go and buy you something.


Hot or cold?” she asked. “Ice Americano?” she reads Bom’s face.


“Bingo!” Bom hugs Dara. “Wanna come along?” Dara turned to CL and the blonde just nods. The two walk out the door and gone.


“That’s a beautiful locket you have Bommie,” Min Soo put his bait. Bom hand automatically touches the locket. “Thanks. I got it from a friend of mine,” she replied to him.




        Two cars arrived in front of a restaurant. Min Soo, Dara and CL came out from the black Audi while Seven together with Bom. They walk in the restaurant and took the seat after the waiter showed them their tables. Seven looked at the large table for 10 person and then turn to his dad.


“Wasn’t this table a bit large for us dad?” he asked. Min Soo remains calm. “I actually invite acquaintances of mine to join us. You wouldn’t mind do you girls?” he looked at Bom and the others.


“But...” Seven was about to voice out when Bom pull his arm.


“We’re fine with it. Right girls?” Bom turned to the others.


“Well, as long as you treat us today for great foods. We wouldn’t mind at all,” Dara agrees trying to take her cousin side.


Min Soo give Seven a looked before he surrenders. “See, they’re fine with it. They should be here any minute now.” he looked around. “Ah. There they are!” Min Soo raises his hand to greet his friends.




        This isn’t right! What are they doing here!!? I couldn’t take my eyes of him. He had changed a bit from the last time I saw him. Ah! He dyed his hair from platinum to brown. It suits him well. I keep looking at him as he sits in front of Seven and Daesung sits in front of me. GD and Teayang sit in front of CL and Dara.


        I could feel my sweats forming on my forehead. I’m so nervous. What kind of coincidence is this?! Did uncle know about him and the kidnapping? Did Seven told him!? I clench my hand to fist.




        God! He tricked us! That old fox! I looked at Bom noona. She’s a bit pale sitting next to her fiancé.  Hyung seem composed. Did he know this was coming? ! Even if he knew, he should have refused his offer in the first place! I turned my looked to my front. From her face I know, even she was a bit uncomfortable in this situation. She must be on Dara noona side. I can see she’s glaring at the old man.




        Min Soo keeps his eyes on TOP, Seven and Bom. The table were quiet that you can even heard them breathing and chewing their foods. Due to nervousness, they had their hard time to swallow the food. Only Min Soo who is calmly eating his meal could happily munching down.


“What’s wrong with the atmosphere? Come on guys, don’t be afraid. It’s not like I’m going to eat you. Just have some conversation. I invited you just to accompanied this old man to his boring lonely lunch,” Min Soo break the silent.


“Ah, deh...” TOP replied then he steals a glanced at Bom and spotted the necklace. At this time Min Soo caught him right away!


“Beautiful isn’t it?” Min Soo said, surprising TOP and the others. Seven looked at his dad and then TOP pale face. The others could only watch from the side line. It was too tense that even they could felt it.


“Wha..what do you mean?” TOP stutter. Min Soo wipes his lips with the napkin, putting his pokerface on.


“Bommie’s necklace, beautiful isn’t it?” he repeats. TOP’s heart settles for a moment as he thought of something else he meant. Dara, Teayang and GD looked at each other anxiously.


“Well, it is beautiful. But doesn’t it look too old? Shouldn’t you wear something better considering you’re getting married to a wealthy man?” TOP provokes Bom. Min Soo looked at his daughter-in-law. Bom felt the heat rising to her head as her heart hurt by his words. Dara was controlling herself, even she was furious hearing TOP’s satire.


“Hyung, you shouldn’t have said that...” Taeyang whispered to TOP as Bom excuses herself to the restroom.




        As soon as I turn my back against the table my tears starts falling down my cheeks. “Stupid Tabi!!” I grunt and quickly wipe my tears while walking to the restroom. I looked myself in the mirror and fixed myself up. “You can do this Park Bom! It’s not like you’re going to meet him everyday anyway. I should be strong to endure what dad and uncle did in the past to him. Fighting!” I cheered myself. Luckily there’s no one inside the restroom at that time or else they might think I’m nuts.


        I leave the room after checking myself for the last time. “Ah, I should hide this!” I put the necklace behind my top without looking to where I’m going. In the end I bump into a person and fall to the floor.


“You’re as clumsy as you used to be Park Bom!” the guy said to me as I rub my waist.


I scoffed and stood up. “What are you trying to say Choi Seung Hyun-sshi?! Haven’t you had enough fun teasing me like that?!” I crossed my arms to my chest.


“Tease you??” he quipped and bites his lower lips. He step closer to me and trapped me in between his arms as my back blocked by the wall. His eyes are full of wrath, vengeance and hatred as he looked straight to my eyes. Park Bom, let just let he hate you! You supposed to make him hate you! I gain my strength and fist my hands.


“Park Bom, you’re the one who teases me! You’re getting married yet you still wear that thing! That thing I gave Lee Park Bom 10 years ago, why is it in your hand?! Ah, I forgot! You remembered your past!” he played around. My eyes widen as he knew the fact that I remembered about the past. My tears start to converge. No, not in front of him! I quickly looked down to avoid his gaze.




        They stayed in that position for some time till TOP heard Bom’s mumbling something. “What did you say?” he said. Bom then looked to his eyes, determinedly.


“I said you’re right!” she repeats. Then her hands creep to her neck to find the necklace and take it off.


“Here, I’m returning it!” she said as she hanged the necklace in front of TOP’s face. TOP furrowed his eyes as he straightens his body. Bom then pull his hand and put the necklace into his palm before leaving. The shocked TOP stood there, just looking to his mother’s necklace in his hand before gripping it with fury and throws it to the floor.


        Back to the table, the others are waiting anxiously for Bom and TOP while Min Soo enjoying his desert. Seven just lost his appetite after that outrageous conversation. “Bommie!” Sevn heard Dara call to Bom. He turned around and found his love smiling at them and quietly sits down. For some reason he felt something bad happen to her but now he’s relief as he saw the sight of TOP casually walk from the other direction.


“Oppa, what’s wrong?” Bom asked as she realize Seven been looking a bit worried.


“Ah, nothing. Kwenchana?” he asked Bom. “Em!” she nods with a smile.


        “Sajang-nim, I’m sorry but I got to go. Something came up at the office. Thank you for invinting us. We have a pleasant meal. I’ll treat you next time,” TOP said to Min Soo.


“Oh, sure. I’m sorry to interrupt you’re schedule TOP. You sure one busy young fella despite your age. Next time let’s get some drinks together!” Min Soo sends them off. Seven, Bom and Dara sends CL off as she got emergency call from the operation room.




        “Well, I need to go too. Send her safely back home okay son?” I give him a pat on the shoulder and went into my car as my driver already waited in front of the restaurant. I could see they bow to me after the door closed even though they couldn’t see me as the car window is tinted dark.


        “What did you get?” I turned to the individual beside me after the car safely leave the restaurant area. He showed me the Ipad and tap on the play button. “They had a quarrel outside the restroom. By the looks of it, the necklace was given by TOP-sshi in the past. They seem to know each other for quite a long time too.” He reported.


“What are you trying to say CHOI SEUNG HYUN-SSHI?!” I pressed the pause button and reply it. Did Bom just called him CHOI SEUNG HYUN?? This can’t be happening! I continued to watch the video as TOP throws the necklace to the floor.


“Ah, here’s the necklace sir.” He handed me the blue necklace. “Investigate this guy. I was everything about him!” I ordered. I gripped the necklace as my heart is mixing with emotions. Is he my long lost son after all?








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kratepow #1
Chapter 31: i want a sequel, continuation kekeke <3
Chapter 31: what a bitter sweet story ^^.. i love this one.. lots of t.o.p bom moments and you didn't forgot to pair up taeyang and cl again hahaha.. anyways i love this story almost of yg fam is here ^^ good luck authornim may your storry be featured ^^
Popnime #3
Chapter 1: Ooohh...i know this one is gonna be an awesome story...i can tell it just by reading the description!!
cestdanimension #4
Chapter 30: Wahh.. BOMMIE yah......
Go Tabi when she comes back make sure she'll be yours... :)
Hi there! I haven't commented for sooo long. Nice updates!! I'm trying to catch up now~~
Chapter 29: Very good update. Update please!!!
SpringTempo24 #7
Chapter 28: woah a nice backstory about lee park it authornim!!
Chapter 25: please don't delete this! jaebal!!! TToTT
Chapter 25: No please don't delete the story. ;( I was enjoying it.