Arcana~! the forgotten memories...




It’s been a year since Bom left Korea and a lot of things change around here. In just a few days, valentine day is coming. But that’s not the main event of this month of love. Today is Dara and GD’s wedding ceremony! Yes, the two finally decided to get marry. The Choi and YG family are heavily involved in this celebration. Unfortunately, Bom and TOP weren’t around.


Oh, where did TOP go? He went to Brooklyn for about 6 month already. He said he wanted to travel around the world and he start of in Brooklyn. So, basically he’s not easy to get in touch with. Seven just arrived at the chapel and went to see Dara. “Omoo... Dara-ya, ippeuda!” he exclaims as soon as he saw the glimpse of her in the bride’s room. “Oppa!! I need your help!” she dashed to him with relieved face. “With what?” he blinked looking at Dara. “Can you pick up someone for me at the airport?? Her plane just got delayed and I totally forgot about it. Please...” she begged. “Okay. Who is it?” he gave in. “Han Byul unni. Ah! Palli!!!” she shoved Seven out from the room and off he go to the airport with little information of what his guest would look like.


“Unni? Why is Seven oppa leaving again?” CL walks into the room alongside with Taeyang. “Oh~! I just sent him on an errand.” She grins. CL and Taeyang glance and each other as they sense something fishy with Dara’s intention for sending Seven out like that. “Did you send the letter to Bom yet?” Dara changed the subject. “I did last week. It probably reaches to her by now.” CL replied. “I wish she was here.” Dara sighed. “And I wish hyung is here too.” Taeyang adds.


At the airport, Seven keep looking for Han Byul. “Aish! How can I find her when I didn’t know how she looks like?!” he took out his phone and calls Dara. “Yah, at least tell me what her family name is!” he fumes at Dara. Dara giggles at the end of the phone line. “Park Han Byul. Her name is Park Han Byul. She just called me a few minutes ago. She’s already out there somewhere. I told her that you would wait with her name sign.” Dara replied and cut off the phone. “Aigoo, this girl really!” he sighed and turned around to find the help center.


“Aww!!” a girl wearing black glasses, white dress and red stiletto grunts as Seven suddenly bumped into her while looking out. Her phone fell to the ground and broke. “Aish! What’s wrong with today?!” she whines and picks her phone up. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay? I’m in a hurry so if you wanted me to pay for the phone give me a call.” He give her his name card and leaves. The girl just watched Seven as he gone into the crowds and then looked at her phone. “And how am I going to call Dara now?!!” she exhaled.


Seven keep waiting for Park Hna Byul with her name sign but she never came thru the arrival gates. Kekeke... of course she’s not there since you missed her just now. Just then, his phone rings. It’s Dara. “Oppa, unni is already here. She took a cab from the airport.” Dara told me. “You should have told me earlier! I wasted my time waiting for her here!” Seven got irritated. “Mianhae, oppa. I couldn’t call her right after I called you. She told me that her phone just damaged.” Dara informed me. Irony! “Fine. I’m going back.” He cuts off the phone.






“A mail for Park Bom.” The postman hands over a letter to the lady in charge of the counter. “Jenny, there’s a mail for you.” The lady calls the letter’s owner. Jenny or should I say Bom comes out from the kitchen with her apron. “From who?” Bom asked her co-worker. She’s been doing part-time jobs nearby her neighbourhood. “Chaerin?” she smiled upon knowing who the letter from. “Aren’t you going to be late Jenny?” the lady asked. Bom looked at the watch and gasped. “I’m going to be late!! Thanks Nicole! I’ll buy you surveniors from Paris!” she took off her apron and grabs her things before running off to catch her plane. She’s going to Paris for a vacation.


“SAVE!!!!!” Bom shouted when she arrived in the cockpit. The cabin attendants were startled hearing her loud voice. “Please take your sit, miss. We’re going to depature soon.” One of them said and kindly showed her to her seat. She booked a first class ticket just to enjoy herself in Paris. Her seat is next to the window, so she’s excitedly peeped outside the window. “Finally, my dream came true. I’m going to Paris!!” she cheered and stretches her arms and accidentally hits the person next to her.


“I’m sorry!” she apologizes but the guy doesn’t seem to be bother and continue to sleep with a magazine on his face and the new headphone by Dr Dre covering his ears. Loud music can be heard from it. Guess he didn’t hear about Bom’s noisy voice. Bom decided to leave him alone and open her bag to search for the letter that she just received.


“Dear Bommie unni...


How are you doing? Did you get into troubles? Did you get hurt anywhere? Hope not. I miss you. We all do. When are you coming back? Tell me before hand and don’t even think of giving us any surprises! Neh, unni Dara unni and Jiyong oppa is getting marry on 12 February.


“12 February? Wasn’t that today?? Ah... Too bad I missed it!” she mumbles and continues to read.


Things changed a lot since you’ve gone unni. Seven oppa have taken over Choi Company and Min Soo ahjushi took an early retirement. TOP oppa isn’t around anymore. He left YG family about 6 months ago to travel around the world. We couldn’t even get in touch with him. Oh, and that annoying dongseng of his, Seungri has taken over the family business. Can you even believe that?? Taeyang oppa too leaves the family business. He opens a dancing studio just nearby my hospital. Kekekeke... I usually left my work to see him. Thanks to oppa that help me relieve my tension at works. But I have seen him lately. Appa knew I was slacking off and give me more neurology cases! I hate appa for it! I miss oppa so much! So, I’m going to take revenge! I already took a few days off from work. I wouldn’t let any calls from the hospital disturb me during that time! Hehehe.... I guess that’s all the news that I wanted to tell you. If you can please make it to Dara unni’s wedding. Goodbye~!


From CL..”






I missed you guys a lot too. I fold back the letter and put it back to it’s envelope. “Urm...” a husky voice groaning surprised me. It’s the guy next to me. He just moved his head a bit. He sleeps like he never slept before. I just shook my head and mind my own business.


After hours of flying, finally the plane reaches my destination. PARIS!!! As soon as the door opens, I quickly stand up and leave my seat. PARIS HERE I COME!!!!






While Bom is leaving she accidentally wakes up her sleeping neighbour. “Who the hell was that?!” he pulls down the magazine from his face. Then a flight attendant came to him. “Sir, we have arrived to our destination.” She informs him. “Ah. Right...” he finally come back to his sense and get off from the plane with his bag pack. On the bag there’s a tagged with a name on it – CHOI SEUNG HYUN!






Back in Korea where Dara’s wedding is held. Seven walks into Dara’s room after a half day of waiting for her mysterious guest. From afar, he sees Dara, CL, Minzy and another girl talking and even giggling about something. “That must be Park Han Byul!” he thinks to himself. “Seven oppa!” Minzy saw him standing by the door and waved to him. He walks closer to the girls.


“Oppa, meet my distinct cousin Han Byul unni.” Dara innocently introduce her cousin to him. Seven glared at her and then turned to Han Byul. “You??” Seven surprised. “Oh? That ‘in-a-hurry-guy’!” Han Byul points to Seven. “Oh? Mwoya? You two have met each other? How come you said you didn’t found her??” Dara asked. “How would I know she was Park Han Byul when I never saw her? It’s not like she wears a tag or something.” Seven said. “And you should at least tell me who picked me up!” Han Byul scolds Dara. “Arasso! I’m sorry for the lack of information. I wouldn’t do that next time.” Dara surrenders to her unni and oppa.


“Dara-ya, is she single?” Seven asked after Dara throws her bouquet. Guess who got it? It’s CL! “Omo... Look at that! What a coincidence!” GD smirks at Taeyang. Taeyang just signal him to shut up with a smile. “Unni is still single. Wae?” Dara smirks at Seven. “Ani... I’m just curious. That’s all.” He controls himself. “Good luck then oppa!” Dara smacked his backand leave to get her husband. Seven groans in pain after Dara slapped his back. “I’ll get you for that!” he mumbles. “Who?” Han Byul suddenly appears before him. “Huh? N-nothing!” he smiled and straightens his back.






“What do you mean there’s no more room left?” TOP looked at the receptionist with discontent. “We are really sorry sir. The place suddenly full due to the Valentine’s Day and the offer that we’re making. We are will to give back you money.” The receptionist apologizes. “But other places are also full! How am I suppose to find a place to sleep now?!” he complains.






“What did you say?!!!” a female voice disturbs my eardrums. “How can you say it’s full?! You didn’t say anything for the past few days!!” she whines. Seems like she’s having the same problems like I do. “I’m not going anywhere! I want a room and that’s final!!!” she stubbornly said. Then another person come to her after the receptionist seems couldn’t handle the situation well. Ah, girls can be so troublesome! I sighed.


“We do have a room vacancy miss. But to be fair to our other customers, you need a partner. And all of you other expenses in this hotel will be covered by us as an apologise.” She told the lady. “Really?!!” she exclaims and in just a flashes, she became cheerful. I let out a chuckle as she reminds me of Bom. “But who would be my partner?” she turned around towards me. Our eyes meet. “No way...” I mumble.


“Oppa?” she too seems shocked in seeing me. “What are you doing here? Wasn’t you suppose to be in LA?” I asked her. “I was on vacation. How on earth did you end up here?” she asked then she looked at me up and down. “Chakkanman... I think I recognize something.” She continues. “Don’t tell me you’re the one sitting next to me in the plane?!” she said astonished. “Mwo?! We did??” I looked at her in awe. “How come I didn’t realize you at all?” I scratch my head. “Duh, you’re sleeping the whole journey!” Bom laughed at me.


Talk about lucky. I keep staring at her as she laughed at me. I missed her so much. Without I even know it, I pulled her into my embrace. “I missed you, Bommie...” I whispered to her ears. “Nado...” she replied and responded to my hug.






The hotel staffs were moved in seeing the couple found each other and cheered for them. “So, you two came separately without knowing?” the hotel manager asked them. “Yes. We actually trying to fix something but I guess it’s all good now.” Bom replied. “Really?” the manager asked. “If you don’t mind, we from the hotel management really wanted you to stay here and enjoy yourself as a gift for reunion.” He continues.


“REALLY??!” the two said in chorus. The manager nods. “You’re our lucky 101 couple and you just won yourself a gold couple ring!” he told the two of them and then handed out the box ring. “Oh my god!!!” Bom eyes sparkles upon seeing the rings. “It’s beautiful!” she exclaims. “Come on, put it on her!” the manager encourage TOP. TOP took the ring out from it place and put it to Bom’s finger. “Wow! It fits! As if it was ment for me!” Bom said while looking at the ring. Now it’s Bom’s turn to sheathe the ring to TOP’s finger. “Ah~! It’s big!” TOP whines as the ring seems to be over fitting his finger.  






“UwahH~! It’s big!!” Bom shouted as she opens the door to their room. Bom starts to explore the room like a kid left in the amusement park. “It’s like a house.” TOP looks around and then sits on the couch. He’s tired from the plane riding. “Oppa, look here!” Bom calls him but he didn’t responded. Bom walks to the living room and found TOP is dozing off. “Aigoo, i-saram!” she shook her head and sits down on the floor facing TOP. She missed him too. She missed him badly but she doesn’t have courage to show it. Bom smile as she remembers how they used to be back in high school.


“Am I that handsome that you can’t take your eyes off me?” suddenly TOP asked. “Mwoya?! You’re not sleeping!!” Bom startled. “I have enough sleep in the plane remember?” TOP open his eyes and turned his body to face Bom. “You sly guy!!” Bom glared at him while pouted. “Don’t do that...” he pinches her cheeks. “Appo!” she raises her voice and pulls his hand away. TOP laughed at her as she rubs her red cheeks.


“Is it that hurt? Let me take a look...”TOP pulls away Bom’s hand and blows air to her cheeks. Then, TOP suddenly kissed her cheek. “YAH! Noe!!” Bom hits him. “Hahaha.... Sorry! I just couldn’t help myself. You’re too innocent like always.” He laughed. “Bommie-ah... You said you wanted to start back from zero, right?” TOP looked at his girl. Bom nods as she remembers exactly what she said last year. “So, what do you want to start with?” TOP asked her as he pulls her into a back hug. “Hmm....” she started to think. “Let’s start with having fun in Paris shall we??” Bom turned to her side to give a better look at TOP. “Okay.” He replied. “Since we got so many vouchers to be used.” He smirks.


The night seems to be long as the two had so many things to catch up. “Oppa, do you know Dara and Jiyong is getting marry today?” Bom asked TOP. “What???” TOP looked at Bom. “That’s it. We’re going back after we finish touring Paris!” he decided. “But, oppa. I need to take care of something back in LA. I can’t just go back in a flash like that.” She refused. “Then, we head back to LA and after that Korea!” he corrected his plans.


“Bommie-ah, do me a favour will you?”


“What is it?” Bom lean her back to him.


“Call me like you used to call me back then.” He begged.




“You already called me that.”




“Aish! Aniya!” he stomped his foot like a kid. Bom giggles.


“Arasso! Arasso Tabi-ah!” she finally calls him with the name that she used to call him when they were dating in high school. TOP hugs Bom tighter and didn’t want to let her go even when he’s asleep.


“Goodnight Tabi...I love you...” Bom said to him.


“Goodnight Bommie... I love you more!” he replied. 






















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kratepow #1
Chapter 31: i want a sequel, continuation kekeke <3
Chapter 31: what a bitter sweet story ^^.. i love this one.. lots of t.o.p bom moments and you didn't forgot to pair up taeyang and cl again hahaha.. anyways i love this story almost of yg fam is here ^^ good luck authornim may your storry be featured ^^
Popnime #3
Chapter 1: Ooohh...i know this one is gonna be an awesome story...i can tell it just by reading the description!!
cestdanimension #4
Chapter 30: Wahh.. BOMMIE yah......
Go Tabi when she comes back make sure she'll be yours... :)
Hi there! I haven't commented for sooo long. Nice updates!! I'm trying to catch up now~~
Chapter 29: Very good update. Update please!!!
SpringTempo24 #7
Chapter 28: woah a nice backstory about lee park it authornim!!
Chapter 25: please don't delete this! jaebal!!! TToTT
Chapter 25: No please don't delete the story. ;( I was enjoying it.