The Ellen Show

Forever With You

    It has been over a year since Taeyang and Tiffany last met in America. Taeyang was not able to come back to Korea for a year because of his busy schedules. They did talk on the phone or skyped with each other. During the year, Taeyang debuted in America and he was a big hit. Everyone adored him and was really impressed on how well he can sing and dance. But people most credited him for his live performances. It's always creative and his he so much charisma. 

  His debut song was an English version of his korean solo song Wedding dress. Taeyang definitely made a big BANG in America. He was wanted everywhere. He was asked to perform on American Idol, X-factor and many other shows. He also went to many shows such as David Letterman, Conan, Jimmy Kimmel, and he is now on Ellen. 


 The Ellen Show

 "He is a Korean singer who came to the US and dazzled us with his charismatic singing and dancing, everyone please welcome, Taeyang!" Ellen introduced. 

 The crowd stood up and screamed soo loud. Taeyang came in smiling and waved his hand at the audience. He gave a hug to Ellen and made his way to the seat. The crowd kept cheering for a minute until Ellen told them to settle down. 

 "Your finally here! I love you so much! How are you?" Ellen said. 

 "Thank you for having me. I have been a big fan of you even since I was in Korea and dreamed of coming onto your show, so this is one thing I can check off of my list of things to do before I die," Taeyang said jokingly. 

 "Haha! Wow, your English is really good! How mang languages can you speak?" Ellen asked. 

 "Well I have been here for a year now, so I look to improve my English everyday. I still need to get my accent correct because my president here laughs at me when I get things wrong," Taeyang said with a laugh. "But right now I can speak Korean, Japanese, and English fairly well. Still need to work on my Japanese and English to be called fluent in those languages." 

 "I'm really impressed. Okay, when you first debuted here there was a buzz on twittersaying Sol here, Sol there. Not only that, Usher and Simon Cowell tweeted about you so I decided to check you out and, wow! You're really amazing! You perform as if you were an American!" Ellen said amazingly. 

"In Korea, everyone does pop dance music. My company in Korea loves hip hop So we took a different approach and stemmed all of our music on the basis if hip hop. And from there we experimented with different kinds of music. We love to be unique," Taeyang said. "BUt while I was training in Korea to be a singer, I developed a love for R&B and wanted my solo promotion to have an R&B taste. That is why I compose songs like wedding dress or only look at me." 

 "Speaking of your songs, they are really amazing. I really do love them! I hear you either compose or co-compose these songs. How do you write these types of songs with emotions? Did you ever go through that feeling?" Ellen asked. 

 "A lot of my songs are about love, but the thing is I never dated-"

 "YOU NEVER DATED?!" Ellen asked shocked. 

 "Haha, yes I never had a girlfriend. I was too busy training during my teens and now I am too busy as a singer," Taeyang said. 

 "Wow, that is really something. I don't believe that," Ellen said. 

 "BUt I don't regret what I am doling right now. I love what I do, and its really because of these wonderful people right here," Taeyang said as he pointed to the crowd which caused them to scream. 

 "Okay now that we have questions about you out of the way, I prepared 5 random questions for you. Interviews are usually the same questions, but I decided to ask you random questions that you most likely were never asked. Jimmy Kimmel did the same and I loved it," Ellen said. 

 "Haha, yeah okay! This would be fun," Taeyang said. The interview went like this for another 5 minutes until it was time for Taeyang to go. He said goodbye to ellen and the fans and left. He went back to the company building and recieved cheers from everyone. 

 "Sol, you did great! Good job," the president said. All the staff congratulated him. After he went to his apartment and llied down. He recieved a phone call which was from Tiffany. 

 TY: Yoboseyo?

 FY: Oppa!

TY: Hi Fany!

FY: Oppa! How are you doing? Are you eating well?

TY: Yes Fany-ah, don't worry I am fine. I miss you so much!

FY: I miss you too. When are you coming back?

TY: I wish I can tell you, but I don't know. YG hyung loves the idea for me to stay here for a while longer since the debut has been a success. But I really don't know.

FY: I really haven't seen you in over a year! Please come back!


  They continued to talk for hours on the phone until it was getting late at Taeyang's place. After they hung up, Taeyang recieved another call from his president. 

 "Sol, please come to the company building." 



 Hi guys sorry for not updating in over a month. To be honest, I was really disappointed at how only little bit of people commented, and not everyone even clicked the arrow on the title page. I was also really busy with school, but please do comment! I didn't really feel the motivation to update! But I was in a good mood today, not only that BIGBANG won artist of the year and best male group! I'm very happy for them. I will update again tomorrow night, but please do comment!

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Snakeeyes3599 #1
Chapter 29: Hello Author-nim,This story was so soo good but sadly you left it hiatus so I would like to ask for your permission to continue this story(I'm having lots of interesting ideas about this soshibang-oriented fic) .
So is it ok for me to continue this story??
Tks again and fighting ~~
Chapter 78: good luck with this fic!
thane5001 #3
Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Like simplYBe said below, you don't have to say sorry to us. Do whatever you want haha

Personally, any pairing with Taeyang is good with me so you pick! :D
TYYB1988 #4
Glad to see you back on! This story was one of the first ones I read on the site. Hmm... In terms of which Apink member to choose from, if you're aiming to somewhat base it off of reality, I would pick Chorong, Bomi or Eunji since they have more going on for them in terms of dramas, variety shows, etc...

Anyways, can't wait to see another updates, whether it's this story or a new one. And thanks for subscribing to my own story as well!
Chapter 77: No need to apologize! Do what makes you happy!

I just think it's interesting how people are getting so much more interested in APink now. I see more and more stories with YB and them. I've seen YB paired with Chorong ad Eunji so it'd be nice to see him with someone else. But of course, it's always up to you!
Chapter 77: I say, do what you think will be best in order to keep your interest in a story going. If it means moving onto a different girl group such as Apink, go for it. I did the same thing, moving on from Taeyang x SNSD ships to others, even making a couple Taeyang x Apink stories at the moment!

I will miss this story if you decide to stop updating, but that definitely won't stop me from re-reading it every once in a while!

As for the Apink member to be chosen, another writer and I have both started writing stories with Taeyang and Chorong, so seeing another writer's take on the ship would be cool. But there haven't been any Namjoo (or Bomi) stories, so that would be nice too. Overall, I think that any Apink member you choose, it should be the one that you can probably show better through imagery made by your words.

Anyways, long comment done. Good luck on starting on a new story! I will gladly sub and uproot first thing! :)
Chapter 76: Too bad you stopped updating this fic. It's really good. I hope you'll find the motivation to continue.
Chapter 3: woah~ they look super close fast and the kiss was pretty quick.
Freddy1 #9
Chapter 76: Thanks for the update! Do you like taeyangs new album? I love it !!!!
taeyangtiffany123 #10
Chapter 76: Updateeeee ! But kinda short though :( please do update soon ....
And I'm super excited about taeyangs new album tomorrow !!!! Anyone else with me ?