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Forever With You

               Previously on chapter on "Forever with You":


 "Oppa please forgive me," Tiffany finally said. 

 "Fany-" Taeyang started to say. 

 'Oppa, I love you. Siwon means nothing to me. Please just be my boyfriend again." 

 "I don't know Fany. I love you, but that feeling I had when you ignored me was the worst. I don't want to go through that again," taeyang said. 

 "Oppa, I promise it will never happen again. Please, I don't know what I will do without you," Tiffany said. Taeyang looked at her. 

 "I missed you so much," Taeyang said. Tiffany then smiled and went to his side and hugged him. When they broke the hug they kissed. Their lips touched and they kissed passionately. They expressed their longing for each other through their kiss. After a long while they finally broke the kiss. 

 'Fany, please don't ever leave me like that again," Taeyang said. Tiffany hugged him. 

 "i won't." 

 "Promise?" Taeyang asked. 

  "I promise."


Taeyang and Tiffany were together in the street hugging each other. They both missed each other so much! Despite all the struggles and negative interference in their relationship, they finally have overcome the pain and are together again. All the misunderstandings are in the past but their is one problem. 

 "Fany, I won't be back for another year, I already signed their contract," Taeyang said. 

 "What? I won't be seeing you in Korea?" Tiffany asked. 

  "No only a few times a year if they allow me to go back," taeyang said. 

 "Why is this happening, we just cleared up all the misunderstandings!" Fany complained. 

 "Fany, there is nothing I can do. At the time I signed the contract, you wouldn't even talk to me! I really wanted to talk to you about this but at the time our relationship was going south," Taeyang explained. 

 "I'm so sorry oppa, this is all my fault," Tiffany said sad. "I'm really sorry." 

 "Fany there is nothing we can do. We're going to have to be patient now. Will you wait for me for one year?" Taeyang asked. 

 "Oppa, I love you so much. I will wait for you," Tiffany said. She then leaned in and kissed Taeyang in the lips. The kissed for a long time and finally let go. 

 "How long will you stay here, and where are you staying?" Taeyang asked. 

 "I will be here for one week, and I am staying at the Marriot Hotel downtown with Yuri," Fany replied. 

 "Okay, I have to go to work but I will visit you there after okay? Call me after 5pm here is my cell #," Taeyang informed. 

 "Okay, I will oppa," Fany said. 

 "Allright, I have to go now," Taeyang said. They kissed a final time and went their seperate ways. Taeyang went to work while Tiffany went back to the hotel waiting for 5pm to come. 


  Hotel (w/ Yuri)

"Oh Fany, your back. Did you meet Youngbae oppa?" Yuri asked. 

"Yeah," Tiffany said smiling. 

"So are you guys back together?" 

"Yes, but it seems like Youngbae oppa lost a little of my trust, but I'm fine with it. It's my fault," Tiffany said. "I'll slowly have to gain his trust back.

"Fany don't screw this up okay? You just got him back and luckil he kind of forgave you. Don't get into anymore fights!" Yuri warned. 

"I won't. I'm so happy he is back in my life now! My heart feels relieved!" Tiffany said happily. 

"Really," Yuri said. 

"But I did meet Jessica. It seems like she likes Youngbae oppa," Tiffany said. 

"Fany, I'll tell you the truth. While you were with Siwon oppa because he blackmailed you, Jessica started to develop feelings for Youngbae oppa," Yuri informed. 

"Bwoh?" Tiffany said, shocked. 

"At that time she didn't know you still loved him. She thought you were over Youngbae oppa, so knowing he is free she starting to like him." 

 "I'm going to talk to Jessica later," Tiffany said. "I really don't want our friendship to jeapardize because of love." 

"That's a good idea," Yuri said. "But don't argue to the point where you just stop talking. It will ruin not only you guys, but our whole group." 

 "I'll keep that in mind," Tiffany said. The rest of the day, they both went around L.A shopping and sightseeing. 


 Taeyang couldn't concentrate at work. His mind was only on Tiffany. He missed her so much and is glad that they are back together. But this time he is a little more cautious because he hated that feeling when Tiffany wasn't "with" him. 

 "Sol, are you okay?" The president asked. 

"I'm fine," Taeyang responded. 

 "Anyway, I really like your progress. We're starting to get your name out there in the media, you will debut in 2 months," President said. 

 "Really? Thanks so much!" Taeyang said and shook the presidents hand. He just smiled and walked away. Taeyang was so excited. HE met Jessica and they had lunch together in the building. 

  "The president said I will be debuting in 2 months," Taeyang said. 

  "That's really nice. I'm happy for you," Jessica said. It got quiet. It got awkward this morning since Jessica got told off by Tiffany. 

   "...About this morning, Sica please talk with Fany. I don't want you two to fight because of me," Taeyang said.

 "Okay, I will talk to her. I know both of you love each other so much. I care about Fany's happiness also so please take care of her well," Jessica said. 

 "Neh, don't worry about that. I will love her and take care of her," Taeyang said. 

 "If you make her sad, I will kill you," Sica said. They both laughed. After work it was finally 5 o'clock and Taeyang got out of work. Taeyang's cell soon rang. It was Tiffany and she called exactly at 5pm. 

 TY: Hi Fany!

 FY: Oppa! Your done with work?

TY: Yeah, tell me where your hotel is, I will pick you up. 

FY: (gives the address) how long until you will arrive here?

TY: I'll be there in 20 minutes. Please also be heavily disguised, I don't want you to get caught. 

FY: Okay, I will see you here in 20 minutes!



 Taeyang who recently just got his license here, drove to the hotel. He parked the car went to the front of the hotel. There he saw a beautful woman, even though she was disguised, he could tell it was his girlfriend. 

 'Lets go?" Taeyang asked as he held his hand out for her to hold. Tiffany smiled and took it and they walked to the car. They finally settled inside the car. 

 "Where will we go?" Tiffany asked. 

 "Let's go to my apartment. I'm still getting used to L.A and still trying to figure out where to, and where not to go," Taeyang said. They drove in a comfortable silence as Taeyang arrived into the parking lot. Taeyang and Tiffany arrived to the apartment. 

  "Wow I'm so tired," Taeyang said as he started stretching. 

 "You must be, you work really hard," Tiffany replied. 

 "Oh Fany, I was going to skype with my members today. Speak to them with me. They really missed you a lot to," Taeyang said. 

 "Chincha?" Tiffany asked surprised. 

"Yeah, we're family." 

 "Okay, I really miss them too!" Tiffany said. Taeyang opened his laptop and logged on to his skype account. They were both in the living couch. Tiffany held Taeyang's arm and rested her head on his shoulders while Taeyang was on the computer. 

  GD:Yo! Youngbae!

 TY: Jiyong-ah! IS everyone there? 

 GD turns the laptop a little to show all four BIGBANG members crowding around the laptop.

 BIGBANG: Yo!!! 

 TY: Hi guys, look who I have here. Taeyang turns the laptop and shows both him and Tiffany. 

 T.O.P: Oh Fany! You guys are together now? When did you go to L.A?

FY: Hi everyone! I really missed you guys. I'm sorry for everything I did. I really caused so much suffering to you guys and Youngbae oppa. 

GD: We're just all glad you both are back together. And that all this drama is behind us. 

FY: Thanks for accepting me back you guys. 

DS: Fany-ah, we all missed you, especially Youngbae hyung. We're all happy for the both of you. 

TOP: Just you guys, please disguise yourselves well. 

TY: Thanks guys we will do that. 

 They all talked for hours until it was late in L.A. 



 I know, it was kind of a boring chapter. I apologize for not updating. I had so much comments I intended to update mid last week, but school kept interfering. I need to get my grades up, so I had to study all this week. 

Thanks for your support guys! Please continue with all the comments, it was really great last update. But even though it was more than usual, it was only 12 people out of my 63 subscribers. Thanks for commenting to the 12. Also, I would like to reach 70 subscribers, so I will work hard so more people will love this fanfic.


Please also if you haven't, click the little arrow next to the title on the foreword page, it would mean alot! This fanfic will not end yet, I just still need to think of more ideas! Oh guys, please also vote for BIGBANG so they can win awards on MAMA. They have been soooo successful this year, but they are losing by a lot. They should be Best Male Global Group, since they are successful right now with their tour! I feel they should also recieve the best Male Group Award, I mean not to take away anything from Suju and DBSK and all them, but I really do feel this was BIGBANG'S year so let's help them out!

Thanks again guys, and sorry for not updating. I will try and update mid next week, maybe a thursday or Friday. But honestly school is killing me and not only that, I've been sad lately seeing so many other fandoms bashing on BIGBANG saying their group is better and all that. It's all biased out there which gets me mad. Anyway thanks guys and please comment and subscribe!


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Snakeeyes3599 #1
Chapter 29: Hello Author-nim,This story was so soo good but sadly you left it hiatus so I would like to ask for your permission to continue this story(I'm having lots of interesting ideas about this soshibang-oriented fic) .
So is it ok for me to continue this story??
Tks again and fighting ~~
Chapter 78: good luck with this fic!
thane5001 #3
Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Like simplYBe said below, you don't have to say sorry to us. Do whatever you want haha

Personally, any pairing with Taeyang is good with me so you pick! :D
TYYB1988 #4
Glad to see you back on! This story was one of the first ones I read on the site. Hmm... In terms of which Apink member to choose from, if you're aiming to somewhat base it off of reality, I would pick Chorong, Bomi or Eunji since they have more going on for them in terms of dramas, variety shows, etc...

Anyways, can't wait to see another updates, whether it's this story or a new one. And thanks for subscribing to my own story as well!
Chapter 77: No need to apologize! Do what makes you happy!

I just think it's interesting how people are getting so much more interested in APink now. I see more and more stories with YB and them. I've seen YB paired with Chorong ad Eunji so it'd be nice to see him with someone else. But of course, it's always up to you!
Chapter 77: I say, do what you think will be best in order to keep your interest in a story going. If it means moving onto a different girl group such as Apink, go for it. I did the same thing, moving on from Taeyang x SNSD ships to others, even making a couple Taeyang x Apink stories at the moment!

I will miss this story if you decide to stop updating, but that definitely won't stop me from re-reading it every once in a while!

As for the Apink member to be chosen, another writer and I have both started writing stories with Taeyang and Chorong, so seeing another writer's take on the ship would be cool. But there haven't been any Namjoo (or Bomi) stories, so that would be nice too. Overall, I think that any Apink member you choose, it should be the one that you can probably show better through imagery made by your words.

Anyways, long comment done. Good luck on starting on a new story! I will gladly sub and uproot first thing! :)
Chapter 76: Too bad you stopped updating this fic. It's really good. I hope you'll find the motivation to continue.
Chapter 3: woah~ they look super close fast and the kiss was pretty quick.
Freddy1 #9
Chapter 76: Thanks for the update! Do you like taeyangs new album? I love it !!!!
taeyangtiffany123 #10
Chapter 76: Updateeeee ! But kinda short though :( please do update soon ....
And I'm super excited about taeyangs new album tomorrow !!!! Anyone else with me ?