Chapter 5: My dearest classmate

A book of debt


“Alright, people, settle down, I am going to start the lecture. But first, let me introduce your new classmate.” The teacher’s voice echoed in the classroom. I stood outside nervously, holding tight to my bag. How long has it been since I stopped studying?

“Park Yoora sii, please come in,” I took a deep breath and opened the door.

“This is Park Yoora-sii, please be nice, people!” The teacher said.

“Neh~” the class answered in union.

“Take a seat,” The teacher smiled to me. I bowed and glanced around the room. There is only one and only seat left.

“Alright! Alright! People, I’m starting!” The teacher once again tried to grab the attention of the class.

I sat down, knowing perfectly who my partner was. His head, tugged in his arms, sleeping. I poked him. He stirred. I tried again.

“Bwoh?” He woke up, obviously irritated. Dongwoon looked up trying to find the culprit who woke him up. I gave me a bright smile. Dongwoon pushed himself away from me and the table, causing him to fall with a thud.

The class turned at the sound. Then laughter broke out at the sight of the fallen Dongwoon. I giggled with the rest of them too.

“Dongwoon, do you have a problem?” The teacher asked. Dongwoon blushed and shook his head. He picked himself up and sat down. The whole lesson, his eyes stared at me. His intense stare were beginning to bore a hole in my head.

After the lesson, the class gathered around me, asking questions.

“Where are you from?”

“How old are you?”

“Your hair is so pretty! What conditioner you use?”

“Do you need a tour around the school?”

“Do you need someone to eat lunch together?”

I chuckled. It was long since I was surrounded by people of my age, or younger. Soon, the day ended, with a happy note.

“Yah,” Dongwoon stood at the door, as I walked out of the class. I knew it, like others, he was going to bombard me with questions. Without another word, he grabbed my wrist and took off. Along the way, I got stares and whispers from others.

We didn’t stop till we reached a quiet corner in school. I knew what he was going to ask. But, if I answer him, will he accept it?

“What are you doing in the school, in my class?” He asked furiously, his back facing me. I stood against the wall, waiting for the worst to come.

“To study of course,” I answered honestly.

“First, you asked my dad to give you a job, and shamelessly came to our house. Then, you even came to the same school, the same class. What are you trying to do?” He turned, his eyes filled with anger. I could feel the pressure, but I had nowhere to back off. The wall is my only support. He is so near I could hear his sharp breathing.

“Who are you to barge into my house and the school like that? My dad’s cute little puppy?” Dongwoon accused, as he cornered me with both his hands. But, he was taking too far…

Before I knew it, I gave him a tight slap.

“You are too much.” I stormed off.



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am hungry, RN.><

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vereex #1
Chapter 35: Jdmsnxisnxkndkcndkdd oh my gosh .. This story had a nice plot and the ending was so sweet ;;
YhoTaengoo #2
Gosh.. I love the gentleness, sweetness, yet a little rude but it feels so real XD I love it~

Hey! I posted the after story!^^ hope you guys enjoy it!
GUESS WHAT! I'm GOING DO A SHORT STORY FOR A SEQUEL.REALLY SHORT ONE.SO.Please anticipate it!!!!^^ TY for all you guys!!!!!!^^
@RIE0516 Thanks for reading!GMAWO~
@anahottest Hey~yes they did!^^ TY for supporting yeah?!^^
@likeab2uty TY for reading! I'm sorry it ended!I'm sad too!
@shiningbeasts Really?!1.5h? That's awesome!!!!!TY so much!hehe.really TY for the awesome comment
@yuki-kpoplover TY for subbing & reading till the end!!^^
@caramel_22 T.T CRYING right now.
@woowoon8o8 NOOO TOOO!! THANK YOU for loving this story yeah? & all your lovely comments^^
@5201314 TY for reading it!!^^ always welcome new readers.<3
@angela718_sdw yeah~ TY FOR SUPPORTING!^^
angela718_sdw #6
the ending is so sweet! T^T
Just found this story now! :3
Sounds good! :)
Time to read~~~
I will comment again after I'm done! :D
Noooooooo T_T it's done.... NOOOOO!!!!!
I loved the story <3 it always cheered me up when i read.
Yay!! He confessed! Love your story! ^^