Chapter 28: Who’s dead?

A book of debt


“There you go,” I finished changing all the bandages on him. He wore his shirt back, unfortunately. I packed the first aid box, throwing the used bandages into the bin.

“Call me if you need anything, goodnight.” I smiled at him.

“Wait, stay,” Dongwoon held my wrist, his eyes earned for me to stay. He was in need of someone to comfort him. I didn’t protest, and tugged him to bed, sitting on the chair.

Dongwoon frowned. He patted the empty space on his side, indicating it for me. I chuckled. He was such a child.

“Sleep,” I squeezed with him on the single sized bed, my back facing him. Being so close with such a hot guy was not an easy thing.

“Sing that lullaby for me,” He requested, putting his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could now feel his body temperature, hear his heart beat and smell his scent. This was not too bad, but, it just too… close.

“Arraso, so let go of me,” I was shy.

“No way, never,” Dongwoon whispered cheekily. My face burned hearing those words.

“But, your wound will hurt,” I protested.

“You owe your whole life to me,” Dongwoon gave the best answer in the world.

“Fine,” I started humming softly.

“Thank you, goodnight,” Dongwoon mumbled and kissed my hair. I smiled. Dongwoon was like an angel sent to hell. Does angel even exist in this world? If they don’t, Dongwoon did exist.

I fall asleep with an angel beside me. I slept peacefully in his warm hug.

Morning came too quickly. I woke up, leaving the angel’s arms. He would be in need of food.

“Gosh! How long have you been there?” I turned around after preparing breakfast. Dongwoon stood quietly at the door, watching.

“Awhile,” He smirked. I pouted, embarrassed.

“Sit down and eat breakfast.” I pulled out a chair for him. Dongwoon sat down with glee.

“Dongwoon ah…” I started hoping that I could talk sense to him.

He looked up, grimaced, telling me he didn’t want to listen.

“Listen,” I reached out for his hand.

“If you want to ask me to go home, don’t bother. I will never leave Korea.”

“Have you tried to talk to your dad? Did you communicate to him that you don’t want to?”

He shook his head in silence, knowing he was losing the battle.

“How are you going to defy him when you didn’t even state your stand on things?”

“Dongwoon, what happened years ago, it’s not anyone’s fault. It was not your fault; neither was it your dad. If you want to blame, find fault in the mafia gang. They are the one who are responsible for it.”

“If he was there to protect us, then that wouldn’t happen!” He screamed in anger, standing up.


Dongwoon sat back down, defeated. Were my words getting through him?

“I know it’s hard to accept, but the fact is the fact. No one can change it. Dongwoon, trust me, if your dad had to power to go back in time, he would be the shield for you and your mum.” I held his hands, in mine.

He kept silent; his hands lay motionlessly in mine. I kneeled down, facing him directly.

“Dongwoon, look at me, can you try to communicate to your dad? For you or maybe even for me, please?”

I reached out for his perfect jawbone, his cheeks. He was staring into my eyes, in pain, not knowing how to face the truth.

“Try?” I begged. Dongwoon heaved a deep sigh and nodded his head.

“Thank you,” I his head. 


Hey guys!^^

You guys are awesome~ heh.

Is the story alright?^^

Hope guys enjoy Good Friday!!!!!!^^

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vereex #1
Chapter 35: Jdmsnxisnxkndkcndkdd oh my gosh .. This story had a nice plot and the ending was so sweet ;;
YhoTaengoo #2
Gosh.. I love the gentleness, sweetness, yet a little rude but it feels so real XD I love it~

Hey! I posted the after story!^^ hope you guys enjoy it!
GUESS WHAT! I'm GOING DO A SHORT STORY FOR A SEQUEL.REALLY SHORT ONE.SO.Please anticipate it!!!!^^ TY for all you guys!!!!!!^^
@RIE0516 Thanks for reading!GMAWO~
@anahottest Hey~yes they did!^^ TY for supporting yeah?!^^
@likeab2uty TY for reading! I'm sorry it ended!I'm sad too!
@shiningbeasts Really?!1.5h? That's awesome!!!!!TY so much!hehe.really TY for the awesome comment
@yuki-kpoplover TY for subbing & reading till the end!!^^
@caramel_22 T.T CRYING right now.
@woowoon8o8 NOOO TOOO!! THANK YOU for loving this story yeah? & all your lovely comments^^
@5201314 TY for reading it!!^^ always welcome new readers.<3
@angela718_sdw yeah~ TY FOR SUPPORTING!^^
angela718_sdw #6
the ending is so sweet! T^T
Just found this story now! :3
Sounds good! :)
Time to read~~~
I will comment again after I'm done! :D
Noooooooo T_T it's done.... NOOOOO!!!!!
I loved the story <3 it always cheered me up when i read.
Yay!! He confessed! Love your story! ^^