Chapter 30: The heart ached

A book of debt


“I want to stay in Korea, where Mdm Kim is, where Yoora is, and where my house is.” Dongwoon spoke up. I froze as I heard my name, is it the truth?

His father was taken aback by his words.

“I know the snow storm years ago stopped you from coming back. But, you shouldn’t have left your only son in Korea alone. Do you know hard is that for a kid? Mum is already dead, yet you never defend for yourself once, not even once. Neither did you try to talk to me. Do you know how lonely I was?”

Dongwoon spilled his heart out; his words stabbed his father’s heart bit by bit.

“I’m sorry, son. You looked so much like your mother that I…I couldn’t bear to face you.” Chairman confessed with tears in his eyes.

“I tried to convince myself you still do care for me when you came back to celebrate my birthday, buying presents. But, you prove me wrong once and again, trying to force me into doing something I hate.”

“I’m sorry,” Chairman cried, seeing the truth lay in front of him.

“I am old enough to make my own decision, don’t force me anymore.” Dongwoon’s voice became gentler. His heart faltered looking at his father’s tears fall.

Chairman nodded speechlessly as he buried his face in his hands, hiding his crying face.

“Thank you,”

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vereex #1
Chapter 35: Jdmsnxisnxkndkcndkdd oh my gosh .. This story had a nice plot and the ending was so sweet ;;
YhoTaengoo #2
Gosh.. I love the gentleness, sweetness, yet a little rude but it feels so real XD I love it~

Hey! I posted the after story!^^ hope you guys enjoy it!
GUESS WHAT! I'm GOING DO A SHORT STORY FOR A SEQUEL.REALLY SHORT ONE.SO.Please anticipate it!!!!^^ TY for all you guys!!!!!!^^
@RIE0516 Thanks for reading!GMAWO~
@anahottest Hey~yes they did!^^ TY for supporting yeah?!^^
@likeab2uty TY for reading! I'm sorry it ended!I'm sad too!
@shiningbeasts Really?!1.5h? That's awesome!!!!!TY so much!hehe.really TY for the awesome comment
@yuki-kpoplover TY for subbing & reading till the end!!^^
@caramel_22 T.T CRYING right now.
@woowoon8o8 NOOO TOOO!! THANK YOU for loving this story yeah? & all your lovely comments^^
@5201314 TY for reading it!!^^ always welcome new readers.<3
@angela718_sdw yeah~ TY FOR SUPPORTING!^^
angela718_sdw #6
the ending is so sweet! T^T
Just found this story now! :3
Sounds good! :)
Time to read~~~
I will comment again after I'm done! :D
Noooooooo T_T it's done.... NOOOOO!!!!!
I loved the story <3 it always cheered me up when i read.
Yay!! He confessed! Love your story! ^^