Chapter 31: The words of confession.

A book of debt


“Good job,” I patted his back softly. We stood at the balcony, relieved. The talk with Chairman was quite a successful one.

“I could feel the burden coming off me,” Dongwoon smiled a little.

“It is, isn’t it?” I grinned back, looking at the scenery before me. He smirked.

“Well, then my mission is accomplished.”

He stayed silent; he knew this moment is going to come.

“You don’t have to leave you know,” Dongwoon said in a tone almost begging.

“I have to settle the debts.”

“I can help you with it. I won’t complain, I will try my best.”

I couldn’t hold my laughter any longer. I started laughing, tears almost came out laughing too hard. Dongwoon stared at me, unbelievingly.

“Are you seriously thought I am going to leave?” I asked.

“What is this?! You tricked me!”

“Because you are so serious, I couldn’t help it,” I giggled.

“You are so dead!” Dongwoon roared. I ran for it, still amused by his reaction. Then I heard a groan. Dongwoon!

 “Are you alright? Does your wound hurt?” I found him leaning against the wall, arms holding onto the wall.

“Come,” I helped him up and back to his room and slowly putting him down on his bed in an upright position.

“Wait here, I get you your medicine,” I turned back out. Dongwoon caught my wrist and pulled me onto his bed. I sat down with a flop. Wait, why does he has so much force?

“Got you,” Dongwoon said with a smirk on his face. I let out a snort, rolling my eyes.

“I really am going to leave,” I threatened.

“You can’t,”

“Of course I can,”

“Nope, you owe me your whole life.”

“I am going to run,”

“Try then,” Dongwoon had a tight grip on my wrist, that it’s hard.

“Fine,” I pouted. “Can I ask you something?”


“That day, with the mafia gang, what are you trying to say? You kept calling my name, but you didn’t say anything.”

Dongwoon looked at me confused.

“You didn’t hear it, honestly?”

I nodded. He sighed, hesitating.

“You really didn’t hear it?” Dongwoon asked again.

“Yeah, you lost consciousness.” I nodded, curious. “Quick, tell me what you said.”

“Never mind then, pretend you didn’t hear anything.”

Dongwoon shrugged, with a sense of disappointment.


Hey guys!^^

I'm like so happy to see people are raeding the story.hehe.

Thanks guys, for anyways making my day.^^

My mum told me that i should kidnap Dongwoon back & keep him as my boyfriend.MUAHAHAHHAH. :D

Nah, DW  belongs to himself.^^ Happy easter!

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vereex #1
Chapter 35: Jdmsnxisnxkndkcndkdd oh my gosh .. This story had a nice plot and the ending was so sweet ;;
YhoTaengoo #2
Gosh.. I love the gentleness, sweetness, yet a little rude but it feels so real XD I love it~

Hey! I posted the after story!^^ hope you guys enjoy it!
GUESS WHAT! I'm GOING DO A SHORT STORY FOR A SEQUEL.REALLY SHORT ONE.SO.Please anticipate it!!!!^^ TY for all you guys!!!!!!^^
@RIE0516 Thanks for reading!GMAWO~
@anahottest Hey~yes they did!^^ TY for supporting yeah?!^^
@likeab2uty TY for reading! I'm sorry it ended!I'm sad too!
@shiningbeasts Really?!1.5h? That's awesome!!!!!TY so much!hehe.really TY for the awesome comment
@yuki-kpoplover TY for subbing & reading till the end!!^^
@caramel_22 T.T CRYING right now.
@woowoon8o8 NOOO TOOO!! THANK YOU for loving this story yeah? & all your lovely comments^^
@5201314 TY for reading it!!^^ always welcome new readers.<3
@angela718_sdw yeah~ TY FOR SUPPORTING!^^
angela718_sdw #6
the ending is so sweet! T^T
Just found this story now! :3
Sounds good! :)
Time to read~~~
I will comment again after I'm done! :D
Noooooooo T_T it's done.... NOOOOO!!!!!
I loved the story <3 it always cheered me up when i read.
Yay!! He confessed! Love your story! ^^