Chapter 10: Work with me

A book of debt


“Alright, that’s it, class. Off you go!” The teacher dismissed the class. The class became chaotic in an instant. Dongwoon, who sat beside me, was all ready to run for his life.

“Yah, Son Dong Woon,” I grabbed his wrist, stopping him. “Don’t you dare run away.”

“Arraso, arraso, so let go of me,” Dongwoon sighed in annoyance. I beamed at him, giving a victory smile.

“Here, go to this place.” I handed him an address as we got onto the car. He took the note and nodded.

“This ajumma was my mother’s friend. She was so nice to her, and gave my mother a job. She even helped to take care of me, and sometimes pay for our meal.” I opened, reading out my mother’s writings in the book of debt.

“Why are you telling me these?”

“Hmm... I don’t really know. I just feel you need to know.” I grinned at his emotionless face. “I can’t wait to see her again.”

I, too, wondered what made me tell him everything. I wasn’t even obliged to. Aish, why am I even thinking about this kind of thing? I asked him to help because of his father, wasn’t it? Was it?

“Yah, yah,” Dongwoon called. I didn’t even realize we stopped. I snapped out of my thoughts. I gazed at my surrounding. This familiar place, my childhood place…

“Oh, we reached,” I said as I got out of the car. This was an eatery along the streets. A small shop, that sells simple homemade food.

“Annyeong haseyo!” I greeted brightly as I entered the shop. Dongwoon followed behind.

“Oh, Yoora!” Ajumma looked up from behind the counter. Dongwoon gave a 90 degree bow.

“Ajumma! I miss you so much!” I hugged her.

“How long has it been? Omo, you grown up and have become prettier!” Ajumma looked as jovial as I was. I smiled back. It’s nice to see someone I knew.

“I’m sorry about your mother,” Ajumma suddenly sighed, with tears in her eyes. “She is such a nice friend too.”

“She lived a happy life, Ajumma. So, we must also create our own sweet memories,” I patted Ajumma on her back.

“Yes, you are right, Yoora,” Ajumma wiped away her tears. “Is this your friend?”

“Annyeong haseyo, I’m Son Dong Woon.” Dongwoon bowed again.

“Ah, annyeong, thank you for helping out,” Ajumma gave him a kind smile. “Let’s start work then.”

We followed Ajumma into the kitchen. She handed us both aprons and instructed us to be waiter and waitress for the day. I was used to this kind of life, working till every muscle ached. But I wondered if Dongwoon had any problem.

Worried, I kept glancing over. Dongwoon didn’t grumble and whine, instead, he worked his best. A smile hung on his face the whole time.

“Thank you so much, Yoora.” Ajumma said, at the end of the day. “Because of you two, today’s work is so much easier for me.”

“Well, you can call us any time, Ajumma.” I smiled at her.

“That’s so kind of you. Neh~ I will call you when I miss you, alright?” Ajumma laughed. “You two worked hard, so take some kimbap and go home early.”

With kimbap in my hands, we bided goodbye to her.

“Hmm… Smell so nice,” I opened the box that contained kimbap. I looked at the kimbap to Dongwoon, who is driving now. Should I?

“aahhh…” I picked up a kimbap, wanting to feed him. He flinched.

“Aish, ppalli!” I rushed him. He opened his mouth reluctantly. I stuffed the kimbap inside.

I smirked. Looking at him now, it didn’t seem to be so terrifying.


Gosh!what's wrong with me these days.always updating the next chapter before i could with the previous one.><

Sorry guys.>< need to reflect on my own.HAHAHA.

Ty for waiting so paitently,^^

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vereex #1
Chapter 35: Jdmsnxisnxkndkcndkdd oh my gosh .. This story had a nice plot and the ending was so sweet ;;
YhoTaengoo #2
Gosh.. I love the gentleness, sweetness, yet a little rude but it feels so real XD I love it~

Hey! I posted the after story!^^ hope you guys enjoy it!
GUESS WHAT! I'm GOING DO A SHORT STORY FOR A SEQUEL.REALLY SHORT ONE.SO.Please anticipate it!!!!^^ TY for all you guys!!!!!!^^
@RIE0516 Thanks for reading!GMAWO~
@anahottest Hey~yes they did!^^ TY for supporting yeah?!^^
@likeab2uty TY for reading! I'm sorry it ended!I'm sad too!
@shiningbeasts Really?!1.5h? That's awesome!!!!!TY so much!hehe.really TY for the awesome comment
@yuki-kpoplover TY for subbing & reading till the end!!^^
@caramel_22 T.T CRYING right now.
@woowoon8o8 NOOO TOOO!! THANK YOU for loving this story yeah? & all your lovely comments^^
@5201314 TY for reading it!!^^ always welcome new readers.<3
@angela718_sdw yeah~ TY FOR SUPPORTING!^^
angela718_sdw #6
the ending is so sweet! T^T
Just found this story now! :3
Sounds good! :)
Time to read~~~
I will comment again after I'm done! :D
Noooooooo T_T it's done.... NOOOOO!!!!!
I loved the story <3 it always cheered me up when i read.
Yay!! He confessed! Love your story! ^^